Whistleblower Protection Act Does Not Apply to Ukraine Phone Call

Have you bothered to read the complaint?
Which claims contained in that document has Trump contested?

Fuck the complaint. It’s second hand hearsay.
Not credible at all. Second hand hearsay.
Not credible at all. Second hand hearsay.
Read the complaint, Clown


"Over the past four months, more than half a dozen U.S. of?cials have informed me of
various facts related to this effort. The information provided herein was relayed to me in
the course of of?cial interagency business. It is routine for U.S. officials with
responsibility for a particular regional or functional portfolio to share such information
with one another in order to inform policymaking and analysis."
Spying on a sitting president! Wow
Spying on a sitting president! Wow
Are you under the impression such "spying" is unprecedented or illegal?
Fuck the complaint. It’s second hand hearsay.
Not credible at all. Second hand hearsay.
Not credible at all. Second hand hearsay.
Read the complaint, Clown


"Over the past four months, more than half a dozen U.S. of?cials have informed me of
various facts related to this effort. The information provided herein was relayed to me in
the course of of?cial interagency business. It is routine for U.S. officials with
responsibility for a particular regional or functional portfolio to share such information
with one another in order to inform policymaking and analysis."
Spying on a sitting president! Wow
Spying on a sitting president! Wow
Are you under the impression such "spying" is unprecedented or illegal?
It is unprecedented as is the vitriolic hatred of Trump by the left when their hero Hillary was crushed in 2016.
You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw
You are allowed to report information you have heard
IG performed an investigation and found it credible
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago. Now second hand hearsay is allowable and under new guidelines the IG never had a choice.
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago.
Who are "they"?
Got any names?
Some Trump appointees perhaps??
Not credible at all. Second hand hearsay.
Not credible at all. Second hand hearsay.
Read the complaint, Clown


"Over the past four months, more than half a dozen U.S. of?cials have informed me of
various facts related to this effort. The information provided herein was relayed to me in
the course of of?cial interagency business. It is routine for U.S. officials with
responsibility for a particular regional or functional portfolio to share such information
with one another in order to inform policymaking and analysis."
Spying on a sitting president! Wow
Spying on a sitting president! Wow
Are you under the impression such "spying" is unprecedented or illegal?
It is unprecedented as is the vitriolic hatred of Trump by the left when their hero Hillary was crushed in 2016.
It is unprecedented as is the vitriolic hatred of Trump by the left when their hero Hillary was crushed in 2016.
How "crushed" was Hillary when she won the popular vote by 3 million ballots? Wouldn't you shed a few tears if a life-long, lying POS con man used 77,000 low information trolls in three states to become POTUS at your expense?
You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw
You are allowed to report information you have heard
IG performed an investigation and found it credible
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago. Now second hand hearsay is allowable and under new guidelines the IG never had a choice.
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago.
Who are "they"?
Got any names?
Some Trump appointees perhaps??
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed
It is unprecedented as is the vitriolic hatred of Trump by the left when their hero Hillary was crushed in 2016.


This has absolutely nothing to do with Clinton. She matters no more than Wendell Wilkie
Not credible at all. Second hand hearsay.
Not credible at all. Second hand hearsay.
Read the complaint, Clown


"Over the past four months, more than half a dozen U.S. of?cials have informed me of
various facts related to this effort. The information provided herein was relayed to me in
the course of of?cial interagency business. It is routine for U.S. officials with
responsibility for a particular regional or functional portfolio to share such information
with one another in order to inform policymaking and analysis."
Spying on a sitting president! Wow
Spying on a sitting president! Wow
Are you under the impression such "spying" is unprecedented or illegal?
It is unprecedented as is the vitriolic hatred of Trump by the left when their hero Hillary was crushed in 2016.
It is unprecedented as is the vitriolic hatred of Trump by the left when their hero Hillary was crushed in 2016.
How "crushed" was Hillary when she won the popular vote by 3 million ballots? Wouldn't you shed a few tears if a life-long, lying POS con man used 77,000 low information trolls in three states to become POTUS at your expense?
Nope. I wouldn’t cry about it. I would support the Constitution, admit defeat and move on.
It is unprecedented as is the vitriolic hatred of Trump by the left when their hero Hillary was crushed in 2016.


This has absolutely nothing to do with Clinton. She matters no more than Wendell Wilkie
It matters when her fellow Democrats on Capitol Hill and in the liberal press are trying to overthrow the government and overturn a free, fair, democratic, constitutional election. Deep State threat continues.
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed
They need some sort of protection or the whistleblower will be found dead of twenty five self inflicted gunshot wounds.
Why does this piece of shit need protection. He is the scum of the earth.
Spied on a sitting president

So you don't think they were citizens
You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw
You are allowed to report information you have heard
IG performed an investigation and found it credible
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago. Now second hand hearsay is allowable and under new guidelines the IG never had a choice.
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago.
Who are "they"?
Got any names?
Some Trump appointees perhaps??
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

Just because you found someone else who is spreading fake news, please answer my questions from the townhall article you posted.

Who is the " intelligence community"?

The IC is headed by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), whose statutory leadership is exercised through the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). The other 16 members of the IC are:[9]United States Intelligence Community - Wikipedia

I have to give you trampers credit, you sure do try hard to spread false info.

so lets see it, I want to see the previous version of the whistleblower complaint? (in your link)

A previous version of the whistleblower complaint document, which the ICIG and DNI until recently provided to potential whistleblowers, declared that any complaint must contain only first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoing and that complaints that provide only hearsay, rumor, or gossip would be rejected.
You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw
Have you bothered to read the complaint?
Which claims contained in that document has Trump contested?

Fuck the complaint. It’s second hand hearsay.
Fuck the complaint. It’s second hand hearsay.
Have you bothered to read the complaint?


"In the course of my of?cial duties, I have received information from multiple U.S.

"Government of?cials that the President of the United States is using the power of his of?ce to
solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election."

Those multiple sources can be called before congress to either confirm or deny the accuracy of the complaint. Are you worried about how that will turn out for a pathological liar who's told over twelve thousand untruths since taking office?
Fuck the complaint. Did you read the transcript of phone call?
Fuck the complaint. Did you read the transcript of phone call?
Yes. I've read both.
Do you worry about any similar transcripts being released as part of the impeachment process?

White House Restricted Access to Trump Calls With Putin, MBS
You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw
You are allowed to report information you have heard
IG performed an investigation and found it credible
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago. Now second hand hearsay is allowable and under new guidelines the IG never had a choice.
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago.
Who are "they"?
Got any names?
Some Trump appointees perhaps??
Also got a date this change went into affect? A revision date on the complaint form does not say anything.
You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw
You are allowed to report information you have heard
IG performed an investigation and found it credible
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago. Now second hand hearsay is allowable and under new guidelines the IG never had a choice.
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago.
Who are "they"?
Got any names?
Some Trump appointees perhaps??
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed
You're being bamboozled.
It matters when her fellow Democrats on Capitol Hill and in the liberal press are trying to overthrow the government and overturn a free, fair, democratic, constitutional election. Deep State threat continues.
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

Is Pence part of that "conspiracy" dumfuk?

Because HE would be President if Trump were impeached
More like President Pelosi
You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw
You are allowed to report information you have heard
IG performed an investigation and found it credible
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago. Now second hand hearsay is allowable and under new guidelines the IG never had a choice.
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago.
Who are "they"?
Got any names?
Some Trump appointees perhaps??
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed
These changes were made by Trump appointees, right?
You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw
You are allowed to report information you have heard
IG performed an investigation and found it credible
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago. Now second hand hearsay is allowable and under new guidelines the IG never had a choice.
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago.
Who are "they"?
Got any names?
Some Trump appointees perhaps??
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed
These changes were made by Trump appointees, right?
How do we know? Most likely leftovers from Obama years. Everyone in government is not replaced after the change of party control after a presidential election. You realize that don’t you?
Read the complaint, Clown


"Over the past four months, more than half a dozen U.S. of?cials have informed me of
various facts related to this effort. The information provided herein was relayed to me in
the course of of?cial interagency business. It is routine for U.S. officials with
responsibility for a particular regional or functional portfolio to share such information
with one another in order to inform policymaking and analysis."
Spying on a sitting president! Wow
Spying on a sitting president! Wow
Are you under the impression such "spying" is unprecedented or illegal?
It is unprecedented as is the vitriolic hatred of Trump by the left when their hero Hillary was crushed in 2016.
It is unprecedented as is the vitriolic hatred of Trump by the left when their hero Hillary was crushed in 2016.
How "crushed" was Hillary when she won the popular vote by 3 million ballots? Wouldn't you shed a few tears if a life-long, lying POS con man used 77,000 low information trolls in three states to become POTUS at your expense?
Nope. I wouldn’t cry about it. I would support the Constitution, admit defeat and move on.
Nope. I wouldn’t cry about it. I would support the Constitution, admit defeat and move on.
Where do you find Constitutional authorization for suppressing millions of votes AND accepting aid from a foreign government in pursuit of winning an election?
You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw
You are allowed to report information you have heard
IG performed an investigation and found it credible
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago. Now second hand hearsay is allowable and under new guidelines the IG never had a choice.
They changed the criteria just a few weeks ago.
Who are "they"?
Got any names?
Some Trump appointees perhaps??
Also got a date this change went into affect? A revision date on the complaint form does not say anything.
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed
It matters when her fellow Democrats on Capitol Hill and in the liberal press are trying to overthrow the government and overturn a free, fair, democratic, constitutional election. Deep State threat continues.
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

Is Pence part of that "conspiracy" dumfuk?

Because HE would be President if Trump were impeached
That’s not what liberals care about. They just want to “get Trump” :206:

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