White American Hero, Kyle Rittenhouse, On Twitter: I am alive today because I was able to protect myself.

Fuck off yourself, racist raghead. If a frog had a glass ass it would break every time he jumps. Coward ass Zimmerman put that whole ordeal in motion because he is a coward ass POS who was profiling a black teenager who was doing nothing wrong.
You are very easily brainwashed by fake news because of your very low IQ.
The protesters went home by dark. Look who was left on the streets.

If he was the only left then he wouldn't have had any one to shoot in self defense, wouldn't have been anyone hurt for him to try and help, and no one burning or looting. Simply looking at the pictures of people looting and destroying property and him shooting in self defense shows it's dark. You just keep proving yourself wrong.
If he was the only left then he wouldn't have had any one to shoot in self defense, wouldn't have been anyone hurt for him to try and help, and no one burning or looting. Simply looking at the pictures of people looting and destroying property and him shooting in self defense shows it's dark. You just keep proving yourself wrong.

The looters, vandals, arsonists, Proud Boys, Kyle and the cops were still on the streets.
You're obviously so fucking stupid that you're very easily brainwashed by fake news. It's due to your very low IQ.
What is factually incorrect about what I’ve written? He came from out of state, procured a lethal weapon, and went out to “defend” the city. In my mind that is looking for a fight; which makes his self-defense claim totally void in my mind.
What is factually incorrect about what I’ve written? He came from out of state, procured a lethal weapon, and went out to “defend” the city. In my mind that is looking for a fight; which makes his self-defense claim totally void in my mind.

He had every right to do what he did and be where he was. He adn his group clearly expected or hoped that their presence would DETER violence.

A correct expectation, as you can see that the rioters did not attack the group.

Until the police forced one of the group, the youngest to be singled out, and vulnerable to attack by the mob, but that was not something they could reasonable foresee.
He had every right to do what he did and be where he was. He and his group clearly expected or hoped that their presence would DETER violence
How many of these individuals were badged LEOs, certified security officers, or ON THEIR OWN PRIVATE PROPERTY?


Therefore, they had no mandate or legal power to be acting as LEOs or Security Agents. They had no jurisdiction to do what they claim they were there to do (which I don’t believe was their intent).
How many of these individuals were badged LEOs, certified security officers, or ON THEIR OWN PRIVATE PROPERTY?


Therefore, they had no mandate or legal power to be acting as LEOs or Security Agents. They had no jurisdiction to do what they claim they were there to do (which I don’t believe was their intent).

Sure they did. THey had the legal "power" to carry a gun and stand there, between the mob and the property.

And it worked. The mob saw them and backed down.

That would have been the end of the story, except for the police intervening.
Odd that someone is called a hero for saving himself. Guess that term, as so many others, is now meaningless.
That’s a lie.

Rittenhouse would have been perfectly safe if he stayed in Illinois.

Instead he traveled to another state with the hope of murder black Americans.
Another state, another county, another town, just down the block, it doesn’t matter, he should’ve stayed home.

You have no idea what his intent was, you are being dishonest.
Sure they did. THey had the legal "power" to carry a gun and stand there, between the mob and the property
No they didn’t have any LEGAL power to do anything. The power of violence (which is what you’re describing) is a NATURAL power, not a LEGAL one. These little shits caused as much, if not more trouble than they might have ever stopped.

We could discuss whether the police should have reacted differently to the protesters, but the reaction of police does not deputize a minor to suddenly take on police powers. Especially since I believe these folks were told by the police to go home early in the evening.
No they didn’t have any LEGAL power to do anything. The power of violence (which is what you’re describing) is a NATURAL power, not a LEGAL one. These little shits caused as much, if not more trouble than they might have ever stopped.

We could discuss whether the police should have reacted differently to the protesters, but the reaction of police does not deputize a minor to suddenly take on police powers. Especially since I believe these folks were told by the police to go home early in the evening.

"Trouble"? They caused "trouble" by standing there?

That doesn't seem right.

Anathema. It is not NATURAL nor is it morally right, nor is it legally right, to expect that Americans, seeing barbarians attacking their neighbors, to cower in their homes and do nothing.

It is RIGHT, and it is NATURAL, and LEGAL to stand up to barbarians like that, and defend yourself and your neighbors.
It is not NATURAL nor is it morally right, nor is it legally right, to expect that Americans, seeing barbarians attacking their neighbors, to cower in their homes and do nothing.
Yes it is. I have absolutely NO mandate to protect anyone other than myself and my property. I definitely have no mandate (or right) to protect a community I’m not part of. That’s what we have police for. THEY are the ones who are enjoined to monitor public spaces, not me.
It is RIGHT, and it is NATURAL, and LEGAL to stand up to barbarians like that, and defend yourself and your neighbors
Only on your own property. Outside your own property you have no mandate or protected right to defend anyone or anything.
Yes it is. I have absolutely NO mandate to protect anyone other than myself and my property. I definitely have no mandate (or right) to protect a community I’m not part of. That’s what we have police for. THEY are the ones who are enjoined to monitor public spaces, not me.

Only on your own property. Outside your own property you have no mandate or protected right to defend anyone or anything.

I disagree. The public spaces are just as much mine, and Kyle Rittenhouses as anyone else's. The MOB doesn't get to claim it and have that claim respected.
I disagree. The public spaces are just as much mine, and Kyle Rittenhouses as anyone else's. The MOB doesn't get to claim it and have that claim respected
The public spaces are the jurisdiction of the law enforcement community. That is generally mandated by the Charter or Constitution of the city/town. In an unincorporated area or somewhere that there is no local law enforcement group, you might be able to make a case. That wasn’t so in this case.

If you don’t like the response of LEOs, complain to your local government or directly to the police agency.
The public spaces are the jurisdiction of the law enforcement community. That is generally mandated by the Charter or Constitution of the city/town. In an unincorporated area or somewhere that there is no local law enforcement group, you might be able to make a case. That wasn’t so in this case.

If you don’t like the response of LEOs, complain to your local government or directly to the police agency.

THe public spaces belong to the public, not hte MOB, nor the POlice.

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