Zone1 White Americans and black Americans- something we can all agree on?

Do you feel that your skin color allows you power over other people?

  • No

    Votes: 10 100.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I don't think the ordinary soldier thought he was fighting to end slavery.
True, but not applicable to my ancestors and many others. Mine were devote Christians and abolitionists from East Tennessee, which was predominantly in support of the Union.

One of my ancestors died and is buried north of Atlanta. He likely fought in Sherman’s army. He died at the age of 19.
Being white gives me advantages over others, but not power. I grew up in a city that was 95 percent white. There were few interactions with minorities, if at all, by most. In my grade school, K-6, there was one black girl, and one Japanese boy (who became my best friend). In high school there were two black girls (sisters) in a population of 300. There was one Hispanic boy. There were several Italians, but they weren't considered 'minorities'. Blacks had their own neighborhood and schools. They seldom came 'downtown' for movies or other events but kept to themselves for the most part, so we knew little about them.

So, the presence of "others" was not significant in my life, either then or now. Any competition for anything was between me and other white kids.

I respect free speech and different viewpoints and I enjoy having conversations. Which is why I ask Why do you respond with a conversation here but not in the last post where the resort is making things up about other posters. ? And you did that in the other thread I think about comparing the United States to Islamic countries.

no need to make things up about other posters. Like you can’t just call people racist or write a post that suggest they are. On the other hand any poster here that supports Black Lives Matter is a racist. Any poster who believes that somebody is born privileged based on their skin color ….is a racist by their own words. Those are the people with problems and we need to help them.

There are tons of schools across America where there are 250 black kids and maybe three white kids. And vice versa can be said as well.

In the 1950s, my grandfather had a black boss and he was a white man working at a steel mill. There’s tons and tons of examples of interactions between different races in America in the 20th century we were probably the most liberal and diverse country in the world in all of history perhaps.

You might think that being white gives you an advantage . one doesn’t have any advantage over anyone based on color . One might have a disadvantage if they are physically disabled like so many black men and white men are. And that’s it right there my friend. That’s my argument to you. I think it’s a very strong argument. The only people privileged in America are rich wealthy black men and white men.

But the white man or black man, who is dying of cancer, the black man or white man who is poor no, it’s all the same boat. Equality prevails

My views in this post are based upon the Christian religion andcommon sense
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I respect free speech and different viewpoints and I enjoy having conversations. Which is why I ask Why do you respond with a conversation here but not in the last post where the resort is making things up about other posters. ? And you did that in the other thread I think about comparing the United States to Islamic countries.

no need to make things up about other posters. Like you can’t just call people racist or write a post that suggest they are. On the other hand any poster here that supports Black Lives Matter is a racist. Any poster who believes that somebody is born privileged based on their skin color ….is a racist by their own words. Those are the people with problems and we need to help them.

There are tons of schools across America where there are 250 black kids and maybe three white kids. And vice versa can be said as well.

In the 1950s, my grandfather had a black boss and he was a white man working at a steel mill. There’s tons and tons of examples of interactions between different races in America in the 20th century we were probably the most liberal and diverse country in the world in all of history perhaps.

You might think that being white gives you an advantage . one doesn’t have any advantage over anyone based on color . One might have a disadvantage if they are physically disabled like so many black men and white men are. And that’s it right there my friend. That’s my argument to you. I think it’s a very strong argument. The only people privileged in America are rich wealthy black men and white men.

But the white man or black man, who is dying of cancer, the black man or white man who is poor no, it’s all the same boat. Equality prevails

My views in this post are based upon the Christian religion andcommon sense
I respect free speech and different viewpoints and I enjoy having conversations. Which is why I ask Why do you respond with a conversation here but not in the last post where the resort is making things up about other posters. ? And you did that in the other thread I think about comparing the United States to Islamic countries.
Remind me, what thread was that?
There are tons of schools across America where there are 250 black kids and maybe three white kids. And vice versa can be said as well.
I can't speak to that as that isn't my experience.
You might think that being white gives you an advantage . one doesn’t have any advantage over anyone based on color .
I only ever competed against other white guys (for jobs, girls, and sports).
My views in this post are based upon the Christian religion and common sense.
I have an overarching biblical view of just about everything.
True, but not applicable to my ancestors and many others. Mine were devote Christians and abolitionists from East Tennessee, which was predominantly in support of the Union.

One of my ancestors died and is buried north of Atlanta. He likely fought in Sherman’s army. He died at the age of 19.
I had three relatives, all brothers, including my great-great grandfather, that fought in the Union army. I saw a 'tin-type' photo of all three when they met together on furlough in Nashville. It's thought that one of them was captured and died at Andersonville prison, but I can't confirm this.
Interesting that you believe that the black man would inflict violence instead of discussing the comment.
There have been many posts by blacks on these threads say “you wouldn’t say that to my face”. Or “ try saying that to a black man and see what happens”.

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