White, Anti-Gay Republican Wins Local Election Pretending To Be Black!

White Republican Wins Local Election Pretending To Be Black! | News One

Shameless lying monkeytard. This is how Republicans do it, well some of them apparently.

Shamelss post. Everyone knew the guy. Everyone should know the imcumbant that is both a democrat and black. So the choice at the very least was between a democrat who is black and a Republican who, if we are to presume as the left presume, that blacks thought was black.

No, I think blacks are smarter then the liberal left gives them credit. They voted the democrat out and the republican in. The liberal left can't stand that scenario so they have to invent one where blacks are stupid and duped. I don't buy it at all.

Perhaps they wanted a change, were not happy with the incumbent. However, the Republican candidate was happy enough to pretend to be black, essentially lying about that. What else did he lie about as far as what promises he made to voters? They voted for someone who was willing to do and say anything to get elected, to lie about his race, to most likely lie about everything. We don't know they voted for what the real policies he is behind are, not from this article. We don't know what else he lied about. I think he believed he was fooling the voters and saw them as dumb and gullible. I doubt he has any respect for them at all. He should not be allowed to retain the office.
White Republican Wins Local Election Pretending To Be Black! | News One

Shameless lying monkeytard. This is how Republicans do it, well some of them apparently.

Shamelss post. Everyone knew the guy. Everyone should know the imcumbant that is both a democrat and black. So the choice at the very least was between a democrat who is black and a Republican who, if we are to presume as the left presume, that blacks thought was black.

No, I think blacks are smarter then the liberal left gives them credit. They voted the democrat out and the republican in. The liberal left can't stand that scenario so they have to invent one where blacks are stupid and duped. I don't buy it at all.

Perhaps they wanted a change, were not happy with the incumbent. However, the Republican candidate was happy enough to pretend to be black, essentially lying about that. What else did he lie about as far as what promises he made to voters? They voted for someone who was willing to do and say anything to get elected, to lie about his race, to most likely lie about everything. We don't know they voted for what the real policies he is behind are, not from this article. We don't know what else he lied about. I think he believed he was fooling the voters and saw them as dumb and gullible. I doubt he has any respect for them at all. He should not be allowed to retain the office.

In this age of instant news how does one lie about what they look like? All one needs do is look at the man and they can see he is as snowflake as they come. His campaign material never said he was black although implied. Regardless of his race he still is a Republican that won over a democrat. I am sure that the district is predominately democrat that is why the democrats have to invent a story line that blacks are too stupid to know a white guy from a black guy I don't buy it at all. He played the system as has been set up by mostly liberals, I think that pretty damn cleaver. Was it the difference in him winning? I don't think so.
It is solely up to the voter to do their homework and find out who they are voting for.
This is the perfect example of Low Information Voters.
Shamelss post. Everyone knew the guy. Everyone should know the imcumbant that is both a democrat and black. So the choice at the very least was between a democrat who is black and a Republican who, if we are to presume as the left presume, that blacks thought was black.

No, I think blacks are smarter then the liberal left gives them credit. They voted the democrat out and the republican in. The liberal left can't stand that scenario so they have to invent one where blacks are stupid and duped. I don't buy it at all.

Perhaps they wanted a change, were not happy with the incumbent. However, the Republican candidate was happy enough to pretend to be black, essentially lying about that. What else did he lie about as far as what promises he made to voters? They voted for someone who was willing to do and say anything to get elected, to lie about his race, to most likely lie about everything. We don't know they voted for what the real policies he is behind are, not from this article. We don't know what else he lied about. I think he believed he was fooling the voters and saw them as dumb and gullible. I doubt he has any respect for them at all. He should not be allowed to retain the office.

In this age of instant news how does one lie about what they look like? All one needs do is look at the man and they can see he is as snowflake as they come. His campaign material never said he was black although implied. Regardless of his race he still is a Republican that won over a democrat. I am sure that the district is predominately democrat that is why the democrats have to invent a story line that blacks are too stupid to know a white guy from a black guy I don't buy it at all. He played the system as has been set up by mostly liberals, I think that pretty damn cleaver. Was it the difference in him winning? I don't think so.

What you say may be true, but you do not address the most salient point in my post. He went out of his way to suggest he was not a white man. To try to fool the voters. To essentially lie, outrageously, about his race. That suggests to me that he probably lied about a lot of things so he would get votes from people that otherwise probably wouldn't have voted for him. I doubt his Republican platform was in true alignment with conservative Republican values. I'd be very doubtful about that because he purposely tried to fool people about his race to get elected: it follows he would probably purposely fool them about his real policies and plans. He would make promises he didn't intend to keep, for example.
Calling me a troll eh? This politician was dishonest and purposely LIED and dealt in deceit, which is the mantra of the Tea Party apparently, it is what it is. For all you monkeys talking about dealing with poiliticians on the content of character and not skin colour if this man wanted to be truly judged like that he should not have lied about his race in the first place, period.

Are you sure you're not talking about Obama ?
White Republican Wins Local Election Pretending To Be Black! | News One

Shameless lying monkeytard. This is how Republicans do it, well some of them apparently.

He should be denied the election and the other candidate should prevail. This is one person, one Republican, one Tea Party member: does not mean they are all like that.

You cannot deny someone an election. Your only recourse is to remove him from office via the allowed method at that level of government.
Perhaps they wanted a change, were not happy with the incumbent. However, the Republican candidate was happy enough to pretend to be black, essentially lying about that. What else did he lie about as far as what promises he made to voters? They voted for someone who was willing to do and say anything to get elected, to lie about his race, to most likely lie about everything. We don't know they voted for what the real policies he is behind are, not from this article. We don't know what else he lied about. I think he believed he was fooling the voters and saw them as dumb and gullible. I doubt he has any respect for them at all. He should not be allowed to retain the office.

In this age of instant news how does one lie about what they look like? All one needs do is look at the man and they can see he is as snowflake as they come. His campaign material never said he was black although implied. Regardless of his race he still is a Republican that won over a democrat. I am sure that the district is predominately democrat that is why the democrats have to invent a story line that blacks are too stupid to know a white guy from a black guy I don't buy it at all. He played the system as has been set up by mostly liberals, I think that pretty damn cleaver. Was it the difference in him winning? I don't think so.

What you say may be true, but you do not address the most salient point in my post. He went out of his way to suggest he was not a white man. To try to fool the voters. To essentially lie, outrageously, about his race. That suggests to me that he probably lied about a lot of things so he would get votes from people that otherwise probably wouldn't have voted for him. I doubt his Republican platform was in true alignment with conservative Republican values. I'd be very doubtful about that because he purposely tried to fool people about his race to get elected: it follows he would probably purposely fool them about his real policies and plans. He would make promises he didn't intend to keep, for example.

Sort of like being able to keep your plan if you like your plan?
Perhaps they wanted a change, were not happy with the incumbent. However, the Republican candidate was happy enough to pretend to be black, essentially lying about that. What else did he lie about as far as what promises he made to voters? They voted for someone who was willing to do and say anything to get elected, to lie about his race, to most likely lie about everything. We don't know they voted for what the real policies he is behind are, not from this article. We don't know what else he lied about. I think he believed he was fooling the voters and saw them as dumb and gullible. I doubt he has any respect for them at all. He should not be allowed to retain the office.

In this age of instant news how does one lie about what they look like? All one needs do is look at the man and they can see he is as snowflake as they come. His campaign material never said he was black although implied. Regardless of his race he still is a Republican that won over a democrat. I am sure that the district is predominately democrat that is why the democrats have to invent a story line that blacks are too stupid to know a white guy from a black guy I don't buy it at all. He played the system as has been set up by mostly liberals, I think that pretty damn cleaver. Was it the difference in him winning? I don't think so.

What you say may be true, but you do not address the most salient point in my post. He went out of his way to suggest he was not a white man. To try to fool the voters. To essentially lie, outrageously, about his race. That suggests to me that he probably lied about a lot of things so he would get votes from people that otherwise probably wouldn't have voted for him. I doubt his Republican platform was in true alignment with conservative Republican values. I'd be very doubtful about that because he purposely tried to fool people about his race to get elected: it follows he would probably purposely fool them about his real policies and plans. He would make promises he didn't intend to keep, for example.

Actually from listening to him he was mocking a system in which he didn't think he had a chance of winning. As for the lying part I don't think he really lied he let people make a decision on their own and as I said the decision was between Republican and Democrat. No where have I heard that he implied he was a Democrat or said he was black.

Again, his material showed a lot of black faces but he never made the claim of being black. I refuse to believe that a man who is known in the political circles can hide his racial makeup. Personally I don't think people pay that much attention to campaign material they receive, I don't.

As for promises made and not kept, I think you are describing most politicians.

BTW if a black candidate used mostly white people in their campaign material, in a predominately white district, would you be calling that lying?
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White Republican Wins Local Election Pretending To Be Black! | News One

Shameless lying monkeytard. This is how Republicans do it, well some of them apparently.

Are you saying that blacks only vote for other blacks?

In my opinion the liberals are showing their true colors. A Republican was selected by the predominately black community and they can't understand why so they invent the story that blacks are too stupid to know who they are voting. It is sad to see liberals act this way in this day and age.
White Republican Wins Local Election Pretending To Be Black! | News One

Shameless lying monkeytard. This is how Republicans do it, well some of them apparently.

Are you saying that blacks only vote for other blacks?

In my opinion the liberals are showing their true colors. A Republican was selected by the predominately black community and they can't understand why so they invent the story that blacks are too stupid to know who they are voting. It is sad to see liberals act this way in this day and age.

What's sad is the Republicans here being so disengenuous as to try to pretend that his man did not try to fool the voters into believing he was black and that they were not voting for a very conservative Tea Party white Republican. It's sad and shows YOUR true colors that you deny the obviousness of what he did. Why on earth would a predominately black, liberal community vote for a white, extremely conservative, Tea Party Republican unless he was deceitful in the way he presented himself to them?
Are you saying that blacks only vote for other blacks?

In my opinion the liberals are showing their true colors. A Republican was selected by the predominately black community and they can't understand why so they invent the story that blacks are too stupid to know who they are voting. It is sad to see liberals act this way in this day and age.

What's sad is the Republicans here being so disengenuous as to try to pretend that his man did not try to fool the voters into believing he was black and that they were not voting for a very conservative Tea Party white Republican. It's sad and shows YOUR true colors that you deny the obviousness of what he did. Why on earth would a predominately black, liberal community vote for a white, extremely conservative, Tea Party Republican unless he was deceitful in the way he presented himself to them?

The reason could be that they were sick of the representation that they had. No one is denying what the man implied. But he could not have implied such if both blacks and white are stuck on race. What I am saying is that EVERYONE, or mostly EVERYONE knew who was this white man. They also had to know the 26 year incumbent. They had to know the political leanings of the winner. It is the liberal left that is calling blacks stupid dupes. I say otherwise they voted for who they voted democrats will just have to accept they were rejected and quit calling blacks, by implication, stupid.
If voters are electing someone based on what they think their race it, shame on them.

The opponent was a black democrat so saying he lost on race because a snowflake implied he was black is ridicules.
White Republican Wins Local Election Pretending To Be Black! | News One

Shameless lying monkeytard. This is how Republicans do it, well some of them apparently.

Shamelss post. Everyone knew the guy. Everyone should know the imcumbant that is both a democrat and black. So the choice at the very least was between a democrat who is black and a Republican who, if we are to presume as the left presume, that blacks thought was black.

No, I think blacks are smarter then the liberal left gives them credit. They voted the democrat out and the republican in. The liberal left can't stand that scenario so they have to invent one where blacks are stupid and duped. I don't buy it at all.

Perhaps they wanted a change, were not happy with the incumbent. However, the Republican candidate was happy enough to pretend to be black, essentially lying about that. What else did he lie about as far as what promises he made to voters? They voted for someone who was willing to do and say anything to get elected, to lie about his race, to most likely lie about everything. We don't know they voted for what the real policies he is behind are, not from this article. We don't know what else he lied about. I think he believed he was fooling the voters and saw them as dumb and gullible. I doubt he has any respect for them at all. He should not be allowed to retain the office.

Show me where he lied. Show me where he said he was black. If anything he played on racist stereotypes which is what he said he was doing. He didn't think he had a snowflake chance at winning.
The "board of trustee" in a community in Texas? Where does the left come up with this stuff? Let it go lefties. The freaking Country is falling apart and you are worried about a village trustee in Texas.

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