Zone1 White Community Had Enough...


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
And split from the undesirables. This is freedom of association at work. While some may have their feelings hurt, these folks took action to suit their best interest.

Whoa Nelly!!!

That story immediately reminded me of what the 20% of Caucasians left in Jackson, Mississippi, were reported to be demanding.

They want to have their own police force and own court system -- apart from the cops and courts for the 80% of African Americans.

I have not heard the latest. Of course, the national media (including FOX!!!) are reluctant to cover this story.

Let's be frank but civil and kind: There are many nice African Americans, some of whom are nicer than a lot of the members of the four other major races in this strange nation. BUT the percentage of African American troublemakers is higher than in the other races. So apparently those Caucasians in Jackson -- as in that Louisiana city -- would feel more comfortable with -- yup! -- segregation.
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I wonder if white flight will further disenfranchise poor communities?

You can't blame people for wanting to have their taxes spent responsibly, though.

However, this has happened throughout the civil rights era and the result is crime ridden and crumbling inner cities. I'm not assigning blame, only stating the consequences of a loss of revenue. We've been here before.

Pareto principle, or the 80/20 rule, applies.
I've said it many times ... we're headed back to the days of the Wild West. Society is regressing instead of progressing.
I've said it many times ... we're headed back to the days of the Wild West. Society is regressing instead of progressing.
Which raises the question of whether that so called progression, was actual progress; rather than a failed experiment. Whereas that "regression" could be viewed as a sort of reset to what we naturally are...
What has the white community had enough of? The mess they created? Just how long do right wing whites get to keep living with this psychosis? Black tax dollars paid for suburbs like Buckhead to be built. And blacks were denied the chance to live there.
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Whoa Nelly!!!

That story immediately reminded me of what the 20% of Caucasians left in Jackson, Mississippi, were reported to be demanding.

They want to have their own police force and own court system -- apart from the cops and courts for the 80% of African Americans.

I have not heard the latest. Of course, the national media (including FOX!!!) are reluctant to cover this story.

Let's be frank but civil and kind: There are many nice African Americans, some of whom are nicer than a lot of the members of the four other major races in this strange nation. BUT the percentage of African American troublemakers is higher than in the other races. So apparently those Caucasians in Jackson -- as in that Louisiana city -- would feel more comfortable with -- yup! -- segregation.
I'm tired of reading your racst bullshit old man. Every single damn year whites lead the nation in crime by number and percentage and yet you talk this shit. Instead of seeing their problem we get a bunch of bullshit excuses.
And if whites are tired, imagine how tired non whites are of the bushit whites pull on people?
That’s right. Some black people are so tired that they can’t even reach their own bootstraps to pull their broke-asses up. White people have been stretching each other’s bootstraps so that they are easier to reach and pull themselves up by. In fact, white racists invented very short bootstraps to keep black people down.

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