White Girl Almost Gets Away with Home Invasion by Blaming Blackie

Hardly. Meth is smuggled across the border by drug mules who are hispanic.

Wow, I guess you missed the link. LOL...I know, white people can't commit crimes...only dark people.

You are funny.

Again you put words in my mouth. It's pretty obvious that whites commit crimes and no one can deny that fact.
You keep trying to dictate what white people think to prop up your argument.
Not going to work.
I'll say it again....I DONT CARE WHAT COLOR YOU ARE, if you commit crimes you should pay the price.

Learn to communicate better and I wouldn't have to assume what you are saying. Your idea that meth is smuggled solely by Mexicans is nonsense. Unkatore even provided a link. Meth is a huge issue for trailer trash whites.
I looked it up. For 2012, the arrest stats are

Whites: 6,502,919 black: 2,640,067

Hmmm. And you said what?

Thanks for confirming....
Blacks make up 13% of the population. Half of which are males who are more likely then females to commit criminal acts. So we'll say seven percent of the black population.
Compare percentage of population,not the number of arrest. I think you know this and are just being disingenuous,if not you're a complete moron.

And this excuses white crime how?

This will be the third time you have put words in my mouth,when my post have consistently said that ALL criminals regardless of color should pay the price of committing crimes.
You started this thread on the false premise that white people think white criminals shouldn't be held responsible for their crimes.
Thats just not true and you know this.
Wow...that says it all! What do you think is a suitable sentence for home inavasion, kidnapping, theft, obstruction of justice? At least 10 years...what do you think...more? These people should be locked up forever.

Nonetheless, I assume that - given your reputation - you wouldn't want a white person to serve such a harsh sentence.

Locked up forever? Because they're white?
Okay,as long as you'd feel the same if they were black.

Yep...unlike you, I believe a criminal is a criminal no matter what the race. They stole from a child in which the babysitter was entrusted. They took the kids piggy bank...then tried to blame it on blacks. If they were black and tried to blame it on whites...it would be equally disgusting.

Dude you're a complete idiot and a troll. This is the fourth time you have put words in my mouth.
I have said repeatedly I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHAT COLOR YOU ARE a criminal is a criminal.
Wow, I guess you missed the link. LOL...I know, white people can't commit crimes...only dark people.

You are funny.

Again you put words in my mouth. It's pretty obvious that whites commit crimes and no one can deny that fact.
You keep trying to dictate what white people think to prop up your argument.
Not going to work.
I'll say it again....I DONT CARE WHAT COLOR YOU ARE, if you commit crimes you should pay the price.

Learn to communicate better and I wouldn't have to assume what you are saying. Your idea that meth is smuggled solely by Mexicans is nonsense. Unkatore even provided a link. Meth is a huge issue for trailer trash whites.

And the fifth time you've put words in my mouth.
Sure there are whites who make meth. But the large loads are brought into the US via mexico where they can make the stuff by the ton and not get caught because the cops are bought and paid for.

This whole thread is bullshit. You thought we'd defend the white girl based on her skin color. It didnt happen. Sorry to disappoint you.
Again you put words in my mouth. It's pretty obvious that whites commit crimes and no one can deny that fact.
You keep trying to dictate what white people think to prop up your argument.
Not going to work.
I'll say it again....I DONT CARE WHAT COLOR YOU ARE, if you commit crimes you should pay the price.

Learn to communicate better and I wouldn't have to assume what you are saying. Your idea that meth is smuggled solely by Mexicans is nonsense. Unkatore even provided a link. Meth is a huge issue for trailer trash whites.

And the fifth time you've put words in my mouth.
Sure there are whites who make meth. But the large loads are brought into the US via mexico where they can make the stuff by the ton and not get caught because the cops are bought and paid for.

This whole thread is bullshit. You thought we'd defend the white girl based on her skin color. It didnt happen. Sorry to disappoint you.

You put those words in your own mouth...and you don't know what you are talking about with the meth.
Learn to communicate better and I wouldn't have to assume what you are saying. Your idea that meth is smuggled solely by Mexicans is nonsense. Unkatore even provided a link. Meth is a huge issue for trailer trash whites.

And the fifth time you've put words in my mouth.
Sure there are whites who make meth. But the large loads are brought into the US via mexico where they can make the stuff by the ton and not get caught because the cops are bought and paid for.

This whole thread is bullshit. You thought we'd defend the white girl based on her skin color. It didnt happen. Sorry to disappoint you.

You put those words in your own mouth...and you don't know what you are talking about with the meth.

Bullshit. Show me photos and or articles that show massive quantities like these coming out of some hicks trailer. You cant because they cant get away with it because of the smell and the restrictions put on the chemicals needed to make such large quantities.


Mexican 'Ice' Replaces Home-Cooked Meth in U.S. : NPR

Here's just a few examples. Do a search and you'll find that mexico supplies the vast majority of meth to the US.
Depends on what you consider a "slap on the wrist".

Wow...that says it all! What do you think is a suitable sentence for home inavasion, kidnapping, theft, obstruction of justice? At least 10 years...what do you think...more? These people should be locked up forever.

Nonetheless, I assume that - given your reputation - you wouldn't want a white person to serve such a harsh sentence.

good chances they wont do any time at all, maybe a month or two at most would be my guess. First of all they are minors, secondly we have a jail overcrowding problem and a lot of people get probation before they actually do time, especially if they plead guilty in court.

In a real Home Invasion there is terror involved where you usually get some one threatening you with bodily harm or worse. Or you actually get physically assaulted.
There is also forced entry and kidnapping involved.

In this case the girl was the baby sitter, so no forced entry and its not kidnapping because she had permission to be in the house by the girls parents. She told the little girl to go outside while they were stealing all the stuff.

All that considered they probably dont do time if their parents buy them a really good lawyer. The only thing is the obstruction of justice charge when she lied to the police officers. dont know what the penalty for that usually is but it probably depends on whether
the obstruction accurs in or out of court.

The kids should be charged with robbery and lying to an officer but if you want them charged with actual home invasion I think your off base because home invasion laws are
designed to be harsh specifically to protect citizens from violent crime.
So what have we learned today from this thread?

1. It's not racist to blame black people for crimes they didn't commit because they commit the most crimes.

2. It's totally okay for a white person to do this.


3. How dare you make a thread about this and say white people should call out other white people for doing this and thinking that a white person should be personally responsible for what every white person does. However, black people should be held to a higher standard and call out every crime and take personal responsibility for every black person.

Did I get it right?
So what have we learned today from this thread?

1. It's not racist to blame black people for crimes they didn't commit because they commit the most crimes.

2. It's totally okay for a white person to do this.


3. How dare you make a thread about this and say white people should call out other white people for doing this and thinking that a white person should be personally responsible for what every white person does. However, black people should be held to a higher standard and call out every crime and take personal responsibility for every black person.

Did I get it right?

You get an A+ and understand the WHOLE POINT of the thread. It is acceptable to be a white racist on this forum...but it doesn't prove the same vice versa.
Depends on what you consider a "slap on the wrist".

Wow...that says it all! What do you think is a suitable sentence for home inavasion, kidnapping, theft, obstruction of justice? At least 10 years...what do you think...more? These people should be locked up forever.

Nonetheless, I assume that - given your reputation - you wouldn't want a white person to serve such a harsh sentence.

good chances they wont do any time at all, maybe a month or two at most would be my guess. First of all they are minors, secondly we have a jail overcrowding problem and a lot of people get probation before they actually do time, especially if they plead guilty in court.

In a real Home Invasion there is terror involved where you usually get some one threatening you with bodily harm or worse. Or you actually get physically assaulted.
There is also forced entry and kidnapping involved.

In this case the girl was the baby sitter, so no forced entry and its not kidnapping because she had permission to be in the house by the girls parents. She told the little girl to go outside while they were stealing all the stuff.

All that considered they probably dont do time if their parents buy them a really good lawyer. The only thing is the obstruction of justice charge when she lied to the police officers. dont know what the penalty for that usually is but it probably depends on whether
the obstruction accurs in or out of court.

The kids should be charged with robbery and lying to an officer but if you want them charged with actual home invasion I think your off base because home invasion laws are
designed to be harsh specifically to protect citizens from violent crime.

It all depends how the prosecutor decides to pursue the case. Like I said, they are white, so they will get a slap on the wrist. It is that simple.
Wow...that says it all! What do you think is a suitable sentence for home inavasion, kidnapping, theft, obstruction of justice? At least 10 years...what do you think...more? These people should be locked up forever.

Nonetheless, I assume that - given your reputation - you wouldn't want a white person to serve such a harsh sentence.

good chances they wont do any time at all, maybe a month or two at most would be my guess. First of all they are minors, secondly we have a jail overcrowding problem and a lot of people get probation before they actually do time, especially if they plead guilty in court.

In a real Home Invasion there is terror involved where you usually get some one threatening you with bodily harm or worse. Or you actually get physically assaulted.
There is also forced entry and kidnapping involved.

In this case the girl was the baby sitter, so no forced entry and its not kidnapping because she had permission to be in the house by the girls parents. She told the little girl to go outside while they were stealing all the stuff.

All that considered they probably dont do time if their parents buy them a really good lawyer. The only thing is the obstruction of justice charge when she lied to the police officers. dont know what the penalty for that usually is but it probably depends on whether
the obstruction accurs in or out of court.

The kids should be charged with robbery and lying to an officer but if you want them charged with actual home invasion I think your off base because home invasion laws are
designed to be harsh specifically to protect citizens from violent crime.

It all depends how the prosecutor decides to pursue the case. Like I said, they are white, so they will get a slap on the wrist. It is that simple.

I agree, i think their sentence will be light, I believe statistically blacks are sentenced more harshly for the same crime as whites. I do think that that may not be all racial bias, some of it may be ability to get a good lawyer and even attitude in court in some cases. and there is the matter of.. do these kids have any prior offenses? that is a factor as well.
good chances they wont do any time at all, maybe a month or two at most would be my guess. First of all they are minors, secondly we have a jail overcrowding problem and a lot of people get probation before they actually do time, especially if they plead guilty in court.

In a real Home Invasion there is terror involved where you usually get some one threatening you with bodily harm or worse. Or you actually get physically assaulted.
There is also forced entry and kidnapping involved.

In this case the girl was the baby sitter, so no forced entry and its not kidnapping because she had permission to be in the house by the girls parents. She told the little girl to go outside while they were stealing all the stuff.

All that considered they probably dont do time if their parents buy them a really good lawyer. The only thing is the obstruction of justice charge when she lied to the police officers. dont know what the penalty for that usually is but it probably depends on whether
the obstruction accurs in or out of court.

The kids should be charged with robbery and lying to an officer but if you want them charged with actual home invasion I think your off base because home invasion laws are
designed to be harsh specifically to protect citizens from violent crime.

It all depends how the prosecutor decides to pursue the case. Like I said, they are white, so they will get a slap on the wrist. It is that simple.

I agree, i think their sentence will be light, I believe statistically blacks are sentenced more harshly for the same crime as whites. I do think that that may not be all racial bias, some of it may be ability to get a good lawyer and even attitude in court in some cases. and there is the matter of.. do these kids have any prior offenses? that is a factor as well.

Don't know about prior offenses, but considering they had such an elaborate plan...I am sure they are criminals through and through. Probably meth or heroine addicts to boot.
Depends on what you consider a "slap on the wrist".

Wow...that says it all! What do you think is a suitable sentence for home inavasion, kidnapping, theft, obstruction of justice? At least 10 years...what do you think...more? These people should be locked up forever.

Nonetheless, I assume that - given your reputation - you wouldn't want a white person to serve such a harsh sentence.
Life in prison for stealing a piggy bank? Wow...that says it all! This is such a desperate thread. :lol:
Forget the meds today, you racist idiot? Half or more of the meth pushed, produced, or "smuggled" in this country is probably done so by "Brittany Spears look alikes," you brain dead old fool.
Got anything to back that up or are you just shooting off your mouth again, racist?

"In contrast to the general regional trend toward reliance on outside suppliers, clandestine methamphetamine production continues in Arkansas, south Alabama, and sections of Tennessee. Manufacturers in these areas tend to be rural, low-income whites. In Alabama, white supremacists are active in methamphetamine production, while in Tennessee some third generation bootleggers have taken to methamphetamine production as their grandfathers took to moonshining and their fathers took to the marijuana trade."

DEA - Publications - Methamphetamine Situation - Production and Trafficking
And the smugglers coming across the Mexican border look like Brittany Spears? Care to adjust your argument or are you sticking with that ridiculous claim?
Got anything to back that up or are you just shooting off your mouth again, racist?

"In contrast to the general regional trend toward reliance on outside suppliers, clandestine methamphetamine production continues in Arkansas, south Alabama, and sections of Tennessee. Manufacturers in these areas tend to be rural, low-income whites. In Alabama, white supremacists are active in methamphetamine production, while in Tennessee some third generation bootleggers have taken to methamphetamine production as their grandfathers took to moonshining and their fathers took to the marijuana trade."

DEA - Publications - Methamphetamine Situation - Production and Trafficking

How can that be...only dark people commit crimes! Look at the proportions...there is no way any white person can ever be involved in drugs...golly gee.

(SJ won't post in this thread again)
Say what?
Just to note on the meth thing...when I lived in KY, there were a lot of meth manufacturers, users and dealers. If they got caught...just a slap on the wrist. Just another way to pad the stats that the racists are so proud of.
You'll need to provide some proof of this since your word isn't worth a shit.
And that justifies white crime? Pathetic thought process borne of hate and nothing more.
Show me where I said that.

If that is not your belief, why bring up black crime? (I doubt you will answer)
I brought up black on white crime to help you understand what racial crime is, and making a false statement to cover your ass isn't a racial crime. Get it?
Hmmm...as expected. No teapers condemning this. And you folks really believe teapers aren't full of hate and rage! If the white girls story was true, it would be certain that the racist teapers would be spewing their hatred and blaming black folk of racism and all of the ills of the world.
Did she beat the hell out of her in front of her toddler?

Both links suck, but suckiness has levels it seems. Sorry, it does not justify or mitigate what that thug did on another thread, transparently your intent. I regret the dumbing down of my fellow countrymen.

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