White Girl Almost Gets Away with Home Invasion by Blaming Blackie

No Cookies | The Courier-Mail

Set in the US town of Ferndale, in Washington, is the tale of a babysitter gone bad.

It is alleged the 17-year-old babysitter set up a fake home invasion, along with her boyfriend and another male and tried to blame it on two armed black men breaking into the home.

And she would have got away with it as well, if it wasn’t for the little girl she was babysitting speaking up.

Little Abby, who had her Wii, Xbox, iPod and Kitty Bank stolen during the home invasion, was the only one telling the truth in this case.

The four-year-old foiled the crime when she told police the suspects were white, not black and the babysitter’s story began to fall apart.

“Wednesday was the worst day in my life,” the little girl said as she started her tale.

“They told us to get out of the house (because) they wanted to steal stuff.

“I thinked about it. That was really her being bad, she’s not a good babysitter,” Abby said.

The babysitter was promptly arrested and along with her accomplices faces robbery, burglary and perjury charges.

So this white girl steals all the kids toys and savings...then tries to blame it on black wielding gunman.

I wonder...will the typical racists condemn this? Doubt it (thats why they are racist).

Holy shit you're stupid!! The bitch and her buddies deserve everything they got coming. And what the hell is a black wielding gunman....sounds racist to me.
At least you condemned these white criminals instead of trying to justify it by blaming black people. You are moving in the right direction!
Look 2 posts above your post and see where he claimed I am a tea party member. Further explain how waiting about 30 minutes to declare no one responded is proof of anything. Then explain why with MILLIONS of crimes committed each year we must make a statement about this one in particular or be racist?

Yeah, she did say "you and your ilk"
If he is not a teaper...he isn't a teaper. No big deal. I wouldn't want to identify with those assholes either!

Yet you your self are an asshole for suggesting someone would try and make excuses for the white girl ...just because she's white.
Which is exactly what dems do when protecting obammy. No matter what he does you'll protect him.
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As you and your ilk search the internet for examples of black crime...I could do the same with white crime...with ease.

It is sort of disgusting that you believe that white crime is moral but black crime is not. Typical teaper!

More proof YOU are a racist with your ignorant statements.

How so? Because I dare to point out that the resident racists on this forum constantly post race baiting stories about black crime.

Because your ilk claims that white crime is more moral than black crime.

Please explain.

Crime by definition is never moral you idiot. But the fact remains,blacks commit more crimes per capita. But that in noway makes crimes committed by white people moral by any stretch. And the fact that you would try and say otherwise makes you a complete dolt.
Yeah, she did say "you and your ilk"
If he is not a teaper...he isn't a teaper. No big deal. I wouldn't want to identify with those assholes either!

Yet you you're self are an asshole for suggesting someone would try and make excuses for the white girl ...just because she's white.
Which is exactly what dems do when protecting obammy. No matter what he does you'll protect him.

Have you read this thread?
More proof YOU are a racist with your ignorant statements.

How so? Because I dare to point out that the resident racists on this forum constantly post race baiting stories about black crime.

Because your ilk claims that white crime is more moral than black crime.

Please explain.

Crime by definition is never moral you idiot. But the fact remains,blacks commit more crimes per capita. But that in noway makes crimes committed by white people moral by any stretch. And the fact that you would try and say otherwise makes you a complete dolt.

I didn't say it...it was you clanfolk who made that claim.
My bet...the white girl and her accomplices serve no time and end up with no criminal record. That should help with your race stats!
If they get charged, will you apologize for being a trolling race baiter?

If they get convicted and serve time for a home invasion, kidnapping, and every other law they broke...sure I will.

If they just get a slap on the wrist, will you admit that is fucked up?

Thats the difference between people like you and right thinking Americans. We fully expect them to serve time and want them to.
We dont care what color they are.
If they get charged, will you apologize for being a trolling race baiter?

If they get convicted and serve time for a home invasion, kidnapping, and every other law they broke...sure I will.

If they just get a slap on the wrist, will you admit that is fucked up?

Thats the difference between people like you and right thinking Americans. We fully expect them to serve time and want them to.
We dont care what color they are.

So you will protest when they get probation?
If black people weren't robbing all the time, maybe this wouldn't be a reasonable excuse. As it stands now, its a very believable scenario. Sorry, but there are a lot of draw backs to having an absurdly high crime rate in your community. If I were you, I would work hard at reversing the bad reputation you guys have earned over the past few decades.
Bah, anyone can lie and blame another race to throw off the cops. Regretfully, whites do it more because they think they can get away with it. I wonder how many blacks are in jail because white criminals blamed a black guy.

Again, another racist who totally ignores white crime.

Black people don't rob all the time. Its the white people who paint them in a bad light.

First of all you dont live here so how the hell would you know?
Educate yourself....the internet is great for that kind of stuff.
Bah, anyone can lie and blame another race to throw off the cops. Regretfully, whites do it more because they think they can get away with it. I wonder how many blacks are in jail because white criminals blamed a black guy.

Again, another racist who totally ignores white crime.

Black people don't rob all the time. Its the white people who paint them in a bad light.

First of all you dont live here so how the hell would you know?
Educate yourself....the internet is great for that kind of stuff.

So you are saying black people rob all of the time? What about those 2 black friends you have...do they rob all the time too?
Hello? Is this just an eco chamber of like minded clones? Let me say this: You don't have to fear a crime wave of white girls. No drug smuggler Brittany Spears look alike

Forget the meds today, you racist idiot? Half or more of the meth pushed, produced, or "smuggled" in this country is probably done so by "Brittany Spears look alikes," you brain dead old fool.

Hardly. Meth is smuggled across the border by drug mules who are hispanic.
Hello? Is this just an eco chamber of like minded clones? Let me say this: You don't have to fear a crime wave of white girls. No drug smuggler Brittany Spears look alike

Forget the meds today, you racist idiot? Half or more of the meth pushed, produced, or "smuggled" in this country is probably done so by "Brittany Spears look alikes," you brain dead old fool.

Hardly. Meth is smuggled across the border by drug mules who are hispanic.

Wow, I guess you missed the link. LOL...I know, white people can't commit crimes...only dark people.

You are funny.
Black people don't rob all the time. Its the white people who paint them in a bad light.

Statistically you would be wrong, Blacks commit a proportionally larger share of crime then any other group.

I looked it up. For 2012, the arrest stats are

Whites: 6,502,919 black: 2,640,067

Hmmm. And you said what?

Thanks for confirming....
Blacks make up 13% of the population. Half of which are males who are more likely then females to commit criminal acts. So we'll say seven percent of the black population.
Compare percentage of population,not the number of arrest. I think you know this and are just being disingenuous,if not you're a complete moron.
Statistically you would be wrong, Blacks commit a proportionally larger share of crime then any other group.

I looked it up. For 2012, the arrest stats are

Whites: 6,502,919 black: 2,640,067

Hmmm. And you said what?

Thanks for confirming....
Blacks make up 13% of the population. Half of which are males who are more likely then females to commit criminal acts. So we'll say seven percent of the black population.
Compare percentage of population,not the number of arrest. I think you know this and are just being disingenuous,if not you're a complete moron.

And this excuses white crime how?
Depends on what you consider a "slap on the wrist".

Wow...that says it all! What do you think is a suitable sentence for home inavasion, kidnapping, theft, obstruction of justice? At least 10 years...what do you think...more? These people should be locked up forever.

Nonetheless, I assume that - given your reputation - you wouldn't want a white person to serve such a harsh sentence.

Locked up forever? Because they're white?
Okay,as long as you'd feel the same if they were black.
No Cookies | The Courier-Mail

So this white girl steals all the kids toys and savings...then tries to blame it on black wielding gunman.

I wonder...will the typical racists condemn this? Doubt it (thats why they are racist).

Holy shit you're stupid!! The bitch and her buddies deserve everything they got coming. And what the hell is a black wielding gunman....sounds racist to me.
At least you condemned these white criminals instead of trying to justify it by blaming black people. You are moving in the right direction!

I dont give a fuck what color you are!! You commit a crime you go to jail.
And fuck you and the "moving in the right direction" bullshit! Anyone with a lick of moral certitude believes this. The fact that you think white people believe otherwise is telling...
Depends on what you consider a "slap on the wrist".

Wow...that says it all! What do you think is a suitable sentence for home inavasion, kidnapping, theft, obstruction of justice? At least 10 years...what do you think...more? These people should be locked up forever.

Nonetheless, I assume that - given your reputation - you wouldn't want a white person to serve such a harsh sentence.

Locked up forever? Because they're white?
Okay,as long as you'd feel the same if they were black.

Yep...unlike you, I believe a criminal is a criminal no matter what the race. They stole from a child in which the babysitter was entrusted. They took the kids piggy bank...then tried to blame it on blacks. If they were black and tried to blame it on whites...it would be equally disgusting.
If they get convicted and serve time for a home invasion, kidnapping, and every other law they broke...sure I will.

If they just get a slap on the wrist, will you admit that is fucked up?

Thats the difference between people like you and right thinking Americans. We fully expect them to serve time and want them to.
We dont care what color they are.

So you will protest when they get probation?

Have I not been clear enough? Of course I'd be pissed,they deserve jail time and a criminal record. Regardless of the color of their skin.
Not sure I can make that any clearer.
Black people don't rob all the time. Its the white people who paint them in a bad light.

First of all you dont live here so how the hell would you know?
Educate yourself....the internet is great for that kind of stuff.

So you are saying black people rob all of the time? What about those 2 black friends you have...do they rob all the time too?

Show me where I said black people rob all the time. You cant,because I didnt.
Do blacks commit more crime based on percentages? Yes they do. And you cant argue that. I wish it weren't true because it shines a bad light on the good people in the African American community which is totally unfair to them.
Forget the meds today, you racist idiot? Half or more of the meth pushed, produced, or "smuggled" in this country is probably done so by "Brittany Spears look alikes," you brain dead old fool.

Hardly. Meth is smuggled across the border by drug mules who are hispanic.

Wow, I guess you missed the link. LOL...I know, white people can't commit crimes...only dark people.

You are funny.

Again you put words in my mouth. It's pretty obvious that whites commit crimes and no one can deny that fact.
You keep trying to dictate what white people think to prop up your argument.
Not going to work.
I'll say it again....I DONT CARE WHAT COLOR YOU ARE, if you commit crimes you should pay the price.

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