White Girl Almost Gets Away with Home Invasion by Blaming Blackie

Hello? Is this just an eco chamber of like minded clones? Let me say this: You don't have to fear a crime wave of white girls. No drug smuggler Brittany Spears look alike, no knock out game staged by Miley Cyrus groupies. SO SORRY to bore you with that. I am sure ya'a ll knew that already. So, what IS the point of this thread? OK, black men are perhaps THE biggest single threat to American society. No Duh. Surprise, surprise. Let's don't play this BS game anymore.

I think ignorant bigots are.

You think, that's a start. Positively. Great.
Keep on doing it, sis. I love how freely people accuse others of bigotry or racism. PROVE it, in a court of law. With lawyers and facts. Really, no brainless allegations, proof. Can you folks do that? Please, think about that.
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Hello? Is this just an eco chamber of like minded clones? Let me say this: You don't have to fear a crime wave of white girls. No drug smuggler Brittany Spears look alike, no knock out game staged by Miley Cyrus groupies. SO SORRY to bore you with that. I am sure ya'a ll knew that already. So, what IS the point of this thread? OK, black men are perhaps THE biggest single threat to American society. No Duh. Surprise, surprise. Let's don't play this BS game anymore. Racist my bippy, that is a fact, sweetheart.

I'm pretty sure that the forum is about race relatioms and the OP is an example of prejudic.

How you get from a white chick that makes up a kie about being robbed by black men to black men are the biggest singl threat is beyond me.
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Hello? Is this just an eco chamber of like minded clones? Let me say this: You don't have to fear a crime wave of white girls. No drug smuggler Brittany Spears look alike, no knock out game staged by Miley Cyrus groupies. SO SORRY to bore you with that. I am sure ya'a ll knew that already. So, what IS the point of this thread? OK, black men are perhaps THE biggest single threat to American society. No Duh. Surprise, surprise. Let's don't play this BS game anymore. Racist my bippy, that is a fact, sweetheart.

I'm pretty sure that the forum is about race relatioms and the OP is an example of prejudic.

How you get from a white chick that makes up a kie about being robbed by black men to black men are the biggest singl threat is beyond me.
Again, you nailed the point of the thread.
This thread reminds me of the OJ verdict, if he had been white, given all the facts, he would have been found guilty and perhaps given the death penalty. A single incident frozen in time. The race issue clouds the facts, and THAT is disturbing. But that is what the law allows now. Racism my sweet bippy.
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Bah, anyone can lie and blame another race to throw off the cops. Regretfully, whites do it more because they think they can get away with it. I wonder how many blacks are in jail because white criminals blamed a black guy.

Again, another racist who totally ignores white crime.

Black people don't rob all the time. Its the white people who paint them in a bad light.

Statistically you would be wrong, Blacks commit a proportionally larger share of crime then any other group.

I looked it up. For 2012, the arrest stats are

Whites: 6,502,919 black: 2,640,067

Hmmm. And you said what?
No Cookies | The Courier-Mail

Set in the US town of Ferndale, in Washington, is the tale of a babysitter gone bad.

It is alleged the 17-year-old babysitter set up a fake home invasion, along with her boyfriend and another male and tried to blame it on two armed black men breaking into the home.

And she would have got away with it as well, if it wasn’t for the little girl she was babysitting speaking up.

Little Abby, who had her Wii, Xbox, iPod and Kitty Bank stolen during the home invasion, was the only one telling the truth in this case.

The four-year-old foiled the crime when she told police the suspects were white, not black and the babysitter’s story began to fall apart.

“Wednesday was the worst day in my life,” the little girl said as she started her tale.

“They told us to get out of the house (because) they wanted to steal stuff.

“I thinked about it. That was really her being bad, she’s not a good babysitter,” Abby said.

The babysitter was promptly arrested and along with her accomplices faces robbery, burglary and perjury charges.

So this white girl steals all the kids toys and savings...then tries to blame it on black wielding gunman.

I wonder...will the typical racists condemn this? Doubt it (thats why they are racist).

The trouble is, when whites lie about shit like this, other whites believe them. Too quick to assume the culprits must be black, when the white bastards know that if they blame the black man, people will assume they are being truthful.
What do you know? You're not from around here.
Hello? Is this just an eco chamber of like minded clones? Let me say this: You don't have to fear a crime wave of white girls. No drug smuggler Brittany Spears look alike

Forget the meds today, you racist idiot? Half or more of the meth pushed, produced, or "smuggled" in this country is probably done so by "Brittany Spears look alikes," you brain dead old fool.
Got anything to back that up or are you just shooting off your mouth again, racist?
Black people don't rob all the time. Its the white people who paint them in a bad light.

Statistically you would be wrong, Blacks commit a proportionally larger share of crime then any other group.

I looked it up. For 2012, the arrest stats are

Whites: 6,502,919 black: 2,640,067

Hmmm. And you said what?
That means blacks commit 29% of them and they are only 13% of the population. And you said what?
Hmmm...as expected. No teapers condemning this. And you folks really believe teapers aren't full of hate and rage! If the white girls story was true, it would be certain that the racist teapers would be spewing their hatred and blaming black folk of racism and all of the ills of the world.

Wow first I heard of this. I need to check out the story yet, but what does this mean then?
so people need not worry about home invasion, ? Im sure that the people in the San Jose area where this is prevelent will be lelieved to know its just a rash of white girls. what a relief.

BTW if the story checks out, who wouldnt think what the girl did was wrong? get back to you on that
Oh brother
don't you have a chip on shoulder

Chip on my shoulder...really?

Like I said, if the story were about a black criminal...you and your ilk would be attacking blacks for all the ills of the world. But when a trailer trash teaper type steals from a kid and tries to blame it on blacks...I have a chip on my shoulder.

You are pathetic.

You started this thread by basically demanding a certain reaction from people and when you didnt immediately get what you wanted, you immediately posted what you had already planned to. i guess you could call that a chip on shoulder.

Whatever, the story is a great story. I watched the video. it had a happy ending as far as im concerned. the duche bags went to jail and the little girl is a hero.
Oh, did anyone compliment the police for doing good police work? at least they didnt rough up the first two black guys they saw walking down the street.
Statistically you would be wrong, Blacks commit a proportionally larger share of crime then any other group.

I looked it up. For 2012, the arrest stats are

Whites: 6,502,919 black: 2,640,067

Hmmm. And you said what?
That means blacks commit 29% of them and they are only 13% of the population. And you said what?

And that justifies white crime? Pathetic thought process borne of hate and nothing more.
If they get convicted and serve time for a home invasion, kidnapping, and every other law they broke...sure I will.

If they just get a slap on the wrist, will you admit that is fucked up?

Depends on what you consider a "slap on the wrist".

Wow...that says it all! What do you think is a suitable sentence for home inavasion, kidnapping, theft, obstruction of justice? At least 10 years...what do you think...more? These people should be locked up forever.

Nonetheless, I assume that - given your reputation - you wouldn't want a white person to serve such a harsh sentence.
LOL, Fox News just aired this story.
I love how freely people accuse others of bigotry or racism. PROVE it, in a court of law. With lawyers and facts. Really, no brainless allegations, proof. Can you folks do that? Please, think about that.

That post belongs in the Stupid Comment Hall of Fame. Mere dotage doesn't explain what a remarkable moron you are.
Hello? Is this just an eco chamber of like minded clones? Let me say this: You don't have to fear a crime wave of white girls. No drug smuggler Brittany Spears look alike

Forget the meds today, you racist idiot? Half or more of the meth pushed, produced, or "smuggled" in this country is probably done so by "Brittany Spears look alikes," you brain dead old fool.
Got anything to back that up or are you just shooting off your mouth again, racist?

"In contrast to the general regional trend toward reliance on outside suppliers, clandestine methamphetamine production continues in Arkansas, south Alabama, and sections of Tennessee. Manufacturers in these areas tend to be rural, low-income whites. In Alabama, white supremacists are active in methamphetamine production, while in Tennessee some third generation bootleggers have taken to methamphetamine production as their grandfathers took to moonshining and their fathers took to the marijuana trade."

DEA - Publications - Methamphetamine Situation - Production and Trafficking
Forget the meds today, you racist idiot? Half or more of the meth pushed, produced, or "smuggled" in this country is probably done so by "Brittany Spears look alikes," you brain dead old fool.
Got anything to back that up or are you just shooting off your mouth again, racist?

"In contrast to the general regional trend toward reliance on outside suppliers, clandestine methamphetamine production continues in Arkansas, south Alabama, and sections of Tennessee. Manufacturers in these areas tend to be rural, low-income whites. In Alabama, white supremacists are active in methamphetamine production, while in Tennessee some third generation bootleggers have taken to methamphetamine production as their grandfathers took to moonshining and their fathers took to the marijuana trade."

DEA - Publications - Methamphetamine Situation - Production and Trafficking

How can that be...only dark people commit crimes! Look at the proportions...there is no way any white person can ever be involved in drugs...golly gee.

(SJ won't post in this thread again)
Just to note on the meth thing...when I lived in KY, there were a lot of meth manufacturers, users and dealers. If they got caught...just a slap on the wrist. Just another way to pad the stats that the racists are so proud of.
No Cookies | The Courier-Mail

Set in the US town of Ferndale, in Washington, is the tale of a babysitter gone bad.

It is alleged the 17-year-old babysitter set up a fake home invasion, along with her boyfriend and another male and tried to blame it on two armed black men breaking into the home.

And she would have got away with it as well, if it wasn’t for the little girl she was babysitting speaking up.

Little Abby, who had her Wii, Xbox, iPod and Kitty Bank stolen during the home invasion, was the only one telling the truth in this case.

The four-year-old foiled the crime when she told police the suspects were white, not black and the babysitter’s story began to fall apart.

“Wednesday was the worst day in my life,” the little girl said as she started her tale.

“They told us to get out of the house (because) they wanted to steal stuff.

“I thinked about it. That was really her being bad, she’s not a good babysitter,” Abby said.

The babysitter was promptly arrested and along with her accomplices faces robbery, burglary and perjury charges.

So this white girl steals all the kids toys and savings...then tries to blame it on black wielding gunman.

I wonder...will the typical racists condemn this? Doubt it (thats why they are racist).

Holy shit you're stupid!! The bitch and her buddies deserve everything they got coming. And what the hell is a black wielding gunman....sounds racist to me.

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