White Girl Almost Gets Away with Home Invasion by Blaming Blackie

So what have we learned today from this thread?

1. It's not racist to blame black people for crimes they didn't commit because they commit the most crimes.

2. It's totally okay for a white person to do this.


3. How dare you make a thread about this and say white people should call out other white people for doing this and thinking that a white person should be personally responsible for what every white person does. However, black people should be held to a higher standard and call out every crime and take personal responsibility for every black person.

Did I get it right?

Fuck off you liberal puke. I've done nothing but say every person regardless of color should be held responsible for their actions.

More disingenuous shit from another lib piece of crap....color me surprised.
That means blacks commit 29% of them and they are only 13% of the population. And you said what?

And that justifies white crime? Pathetic thought process borne of hate and nothing more.
Show me where I said that.

This guy is a joke,he consistently puts words in your mouth to strengthen his position.
Hey nutz!! Take your racist bullshit somewhere else!!
She robbed a toddler of her piggy bank and toys.
Aha! It has been established. robbery equals beating up of a toddles mother .in front of the toddler.

Can you imagine what how that toddler felt? His brave but pathetic attempts to protect his mother has little effect on you, probably because it's racial. I felt sorry for the kid. How can you watch that shit and try to justify or mitigate it because white people commit crimes against blacks? In this case a simple robbery?

Do you really want to get into that?

:lol: It was a fight. The white girl lost. She isn't in the hospital...she isn't going to die. And hell, it looked to me as if the toddler was trying to kick his mother. But, methinks all you are deflecting away from the topic at hand. Is this how you are going to justify white crime...through a mutual fight between two co-workers? Hell, what kind of mother puts her child in that situation?

And here you are defending the criminal actions of the black chick. What a surprise.
I changed my mind. I hope the baby sitter gets of with a warning.
Just to piss you off.
And that justifies white crime? Pathetic thought process borne of hate and nothing more.
Show me where I said that.

This guy is a joke,he consistently puts words in your mouth to strengthen his position.
Hey nutz!! Take your racist bullshit somewhere else!!

You are just mad because you want to put something else in his mouth.

I don't think SJ swings that way...do you SJ?
Aha! It has been established. robbery equals beating up of a toddles mother .in front of the toddler.

Can you imagine what how that toddler felt? His brave but pathetic attempts to protect his mother has little effect on you, probably because it's racial. I felt sorry for the kid. How can you watch that shit and try to justify or mitigate it because white people commit crimes against blacks? In this case a simple robbery?

Do you really want to get into that?

:lol: It was a fight. The white girl lost. She isn't in the hospital...she isn't going to die. And hell, it looked to me as if the toddler was trying to kick his mother. But, methinks all you are deflecting away from the topic at hand. Is this how you are going to justify white crime...through a mutual fight between two co-workers? Hell, what kind of mother puts her child in that situation?

And here you are defending the criminal actions of the black chick. What a surprise.
I changed my mind. I hope the baby sitter gets of with a warning.
Just to piss you off.

I am sure she will...but it won't piss me off. It will just prove my point.

As for the black chick, where did I defend her? Now you are trying to put something in my mouth and I don't seing like that. Try Howie.
You are saying you are not a racist?
I wasn't saying that, but if you're asking if I'm a racist, the answer is no.

I guess I am confusing you with the other car guy...go figure. I guess all white people sound alike.

You sure you aren't racist?

You are the classic ******. And before you scream racism? There are some white people who are just like you...*******.

You're nothing but black trash.
I wasn't saying that, but if you're asking if I'm a racist, the answer is no.

I guess I am confusing you with the other car guy...go figure. I guess all white people sound alike.

You sure you aren't racist?

You are the classic ******. And before you scream racism? There are some white people who are just like you...*******.

You're nothing but black trash.

So you are a ****** too? :lol: See, I can play the same game...If I disagree with you, you are a ******, ******. Or should I call you a wigger. How about Mexicasian. No...wetonkey? Maybe wigger ****** or perhaps ****** wigger :lol: I guess it depends what time of day it is.

If you work at Piggy Wiggly I can call you a Niggy Wiggly. How about a gay white ******...what would that be a homoniggerhonkey? How about fagnigger. Do you like to dig holes...I can call you a digger ******. How do you tan? Would you be a vanilla ****** or a crispy ******?
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Do you like winnie the pooh...you can be tigger ******.
Have you ever had chiggers...you can be wigger chigger.
are you fat...I can call you bigger ******.


I guess I am confusing you with the other car guy...go figure. I guess all white people sound alike.

You sure you aren't racist?

You are the classic ******. And before you scream racism? There are some white people who are just like you...*******.

You're nothing but black trash.

So you are a ****** too? :lol: See, I can play the same game...If I disagree with you, you are a ******, ******. Or should I call you a wigger. How about Mexicasian. No...wetonkey? Maybe wigger ****** or perhaps ****** wigger :lol: I guess it depends what time of day it is.

If you work at Piggy Wiggly I can call you a Niggy Wiggly. How about a gay white ******...what would that be a homoniggerhonkey? How about fagnigger. Do you like to dig holes...I can call you a digger ******. How do you tan? Would you be a vanilla ****** or a crispy ******?

I dont work,I retired at 46. I know thats hard to grasp for a dumbass like you,just think of it as welfare for the rest of your life that pays substantially more. Oh...and of course I had to work for it,which I know is a foreign concept to you.
Fuck you and your racist attitude. You want to start a race war you go right ahead...we're way better armed and dont hold our pistols sideways.:D
You are the classic ******. And before you scream racism? There are some white people who are just like you...*******.

You're nothing but black trash.

So you are a ****** too? :lol: See, I can play the same game...If I disagree with you, you are a ******, ******. Or should I call you a wigger. How about Mexicasian. No...wetonkey? Maybe wigger ****** or perhaps ****** wigger :lol: I guess it depends what time of day it is.

If you work at Piggy Wiggly I can call you a Niggy Wiggly. How about a gay white ******...what would that be a homoniggerhonkey? How about fagnigger. Do you like to dig holes...I can call you a digger ******. How do you tan? Would you be a vanilla ****** or a crispy ******?

I dont work,I retired at 46. I know thats hard to grasp for a dumbass like you,just think of it as welfare for the rest of your life that pays substantially more. Oh...and of course I had to work for it,which I know is a foreign concept to you.
Fuck you and your racist attitude. You want to start a race war you go right ahead...we're way better armed and dont hold our pistols sideways.:D

That would make you a western wigger?
I guess I am confusing you with the other car guy...go figure. I guess all white people sound alike.

You sure you aren't racist?
Is everything in life about race to you?

Not really...I was going to ask you the same questions. I mean, every thread in the Race Relations forum is a discussion about how evil or stupid blacks are...I usually see you lurking in those threads basking in the glory of statistics and proportions...attributing all blacks to violence and stupidity.

Of course, those threads are okay...threads like this are not.

Why is that?
"basking in the glory of statistics and proportions"? Heaven forbid anyone should look at statistics and conclude there might be a problem.
So you are a ****** too? :lol: See, I can play the same game...If I disagree with you, you are a ******, ******. Or should I call you a wigger. How about Mexicasian. No...wetonkey? Maybe wigger ****** or perhaps ****** wigger :lol: I guess it depends what time of day it is.

If you work at Piggy Wiggly I can call you a Niggy Wiggly. How about a gay white ******...what would that be a homoniggerhonkey? How about fagnigger. Do you like to dig holes...I can call you a digger ******. How do you tan? Would you be a vanilla ****** or a crispy ******?

I dont work,I retired at 46. I know thats hard to grasp for a dumbass like you,just think of it as welfare for the rest of your life that pays substantially more. Oh...and of course I had to work for it,which I know is a foreign concept to you.
Fuck you and your racist attitude. You want to start a race war you go right ahead...we're way better armed and dont hold our pistols sideways.:D

That would make you a western wigger?

In your terms that would make me a Southern Cracker. Of course my black buddies would disagree and look at you with total contempt. But then again they aren't *******,they're just friends who happen to be black.
You do your race a disservice by stirring up shit where there isnt any.
Why do you do that? But just so you know? I won't hold your actions against them because they're good people that have none of your tendencies. And I thank God for that.
Why are you trying to label all whites by the actions of a dumb bimbo and her buddies?
I know all blacks aren't criminals and I'd never say they were. I judge people individually not by color.
Until you've shown me by actions or words you'll get treated exactly the same by me. Unfortunately your words lead me to believe you're a racist.....and that sucks.
You're doing the black community and the white community a disservice by baiting.
I dont hate you for your skin color,in fact I bet you'd have a beer with me and come away liking me.
I'm just going to write this off as internet BS and go on about my business...have a good one.
Hey Nutz
I'm stealing this from shootspeeders thread.(thanks SP)
Do you agree with the dead guys family? I dont,and it wouldnt matter if the perp was white,black,yellow or purple.
The dumb fuck got what he deserved,and his color doesnt make a damn bit of difference.
If it were me? I would have shot his dumb ass no matter what color he was and I wouldnt lose a minute of sleep over it.

How about you?

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Is everything in life about race to you?

Not really...I was going to ask you the same questions. I mean, every thread in the Race Relations forum is a discussion about how evil or stupid blacks are...I usually see you lurking in those threads basking in the glory of statistics and proportions...attributing all blacks to violence and stupidity.

Of course, those threads are okay...threads like this are not.

Why is that?
"basking in the glory of statistics and proportions"? Heaven forbid anyone should look at statistics and conclude there might be a problem.

That is the thing, no one is saying there isn't a problem. Regretfully, your infatuation with the stats is just that, an infatuation. Never have you engaged in a meaningful conversation about the issue. You simply use your stats as a weapon to attack minorities...why?
I dont work,I retired at 46. I know thats hard to grasp for a dumbass like you,just think of it as welfare for the rest of your life that pays substantially more. Oh...and of course I had to work for it,which I know is a foreign concept to you.
Fuck you and your racist attitude. You want to start a race war you go right ahead...we're way better armed and dont hold our pistols sideways.:D

That would make you a western wigger?

In your terms that would make me a Southern Cracker. Of course my black buddies would disagree and look at you with total contempt. But then again they aren't *******,they're just friends who happen to be black.
You do your race a disservice by stirring up shit where there isnt any.
Why do you do that? But just so you know? I won't hold your actions against them because they're good people that have none of your tendencies. And I thank God for that.

Quit lying, you don't have any black buddies!
Hey Nutz
I'm stealing this from shootspeeders thread.(thanks SP)
Do you agree with the dead guys family? I dont,and it wouldnt matter if the perp was white,black,yellow or purple.
The dumb fuck got what he deserved,and his color doesnt make a damn bit of difference.
If it were me? I would have shot his dumb ass no matter what color he was and I wouldnt lose a minute of sleep over it.

How about you?

Family of Man Shot While Robbing a Waffle House Calls for Stricter Gun Laws

So would I...your point?
That would make you a western wigger?

In your terms that would make me a Southern Cracker. Of course my black buddies would disagree and look at you with total contempt. But then again they aren't *******,they're just friends who happen to be black.
You do your race a disservice by stirring up shit where there isnt any.
Why do you do that? But just so you know? I won't hold your actions against them because they're good people that have none of your tendencies. And I thank God for that.

Quit lying, you don't have any black buddies!

Hmmm....funny,I just had lunch with Brennan this afternoon. He'd be surprised to know he wasn't there.

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