White-hating racist actor Christian Bale attacks "white dudes running things."

“White dudes” don’t run Hollywood, Jews do.
Hey, Ding Dong. Even if Hollywood were run by Jewish people alone, most are white, except for the Jewish Ethiopians found in the 29th Century, who supposedly were surprised that there were Jews who are "white." Please note that most people today in Ethiopia are Orthodox Christians. Where does this notion that Jewish people aren't white come from, even if a person's race would actually matter in religious circles for any important reason?
it's mathematically impossible to have TOTAL equality/diversification/etc when blacks make up only 13% out of 100% !!

Blacks are often over-represented in movies. Every cop buddy film has 50% black cop buddies. In a cast of 8, equal representation would be only 1 black. It would take 16 main characters for two of them to be black, if the characters reflected American demographics.

But, black individuals are vastly less likely to be qualified actors, in the first place. Few of them pursue acting, and those that do usually aren't very good. E.g. most black actors either speak in a ghetto style or speak stilted English.
“White dudes” don’t run Hollywood, Jews do.
Hey, Ding Dong. Even if Hollywood were run by Jewish people alone, most are white, except for the Jewish Ethiopians found in the 29th Century, who supposedly were surprised that there were Jews who are "white." Please note that most people today in Ethiopia are Orthodox Christians. Where does this notion that Jewish people aren't white come from, even if a person's race would actually matter in religious circles for any important reason?

The notion comes from Jews. They view themselves as a special race, God’s chosen ones. They see Muslim Arabs as brothers, Caucasians are just “goyim” filth. In Hollywood especially, where most Jews are liberal shitbags that hate whites.
“White dudes” don’t run Hollywood, Jews do.
Hey, Ding Dong. Even if Hollywood were run by Jewish people alone, most are white, except for the Jewish Ethiopians found in the 29th Century, who supposedly were surprised that there were Jews who are "white." Please note that most people today in Ethiopia are Orthodox Christians. Where does this notion that Jewish people aren't white come from, even if a person's race would actually matter in religious circles for any important reason?

The notion comes from Jews. They view themselves as a special race, God’s chosen ones. They see Muslim Arabs as brothers, Caucasians are just “goyim” filth. In Hollywood especially, where most Jews are liberal shitbags that hate whites.
Jews, whether in Hollywood are not, are prominently white. Where do you people get this stuff from? Jeffress? Graham? Spencer? Dobson? "The Southern Baptists? Focus on the Family"? Th "end times cults"" What a load of bullshit.
“White dudes” don’t run Hollywood, Jews do.
Hey, Ding Dong. Even if Hollywood were run by Jewish people alone, most are white, except for the Jewish Ethiopians found in the 29th Century, who supposedly were surprised that there were Jews who are "white." Please note that most people today in Ethiopia are Orthodox Christians. Where does this notion that Jewish people aren't white come from, even if a person's race would actually matter in religious circles for any important reason?

The notion comes from Jews. They view themselves as a special race, God’s chosen ones. They see Muslim Arabs as brothers, Caucasians are just “goyim” filth. In Hollywood especially, where most Jews are liberal shitbags that hate whites.
You are so full of shit that it's ridiculous. Jews are, for the most part whites from European backgrounds. Take your racist shitbag self somewhere else. You are not only a disgrace to your background, you are a disgrace to your phony "Christian" religion. Do you think that Southern Baptists are "God's chosen"?
“White dudes” don’t run Hollywood, Jews do.
Hey, Ding Dong. Even if Hollywood were run by Jewish people alone, most are white, except for the Jewish Ethiopians found in the 29th Century, who supposedly were surprised that there were Jews who are "white." Please note that most people today in Ethiopia are Orthodox Christians. Where does this notion that Jewish people aren't white come from, even if a person's race would actually matter in religious circles for any important reason?

The notion comes from Jews. They view themselves as a special race, God’s chosen ones. They see Muslim Arabs as brothers, Caucasians are just “goyim” filth. In Hollywood especially, where most Jews are liberal shitbags that hate whites.
Jews, whether in Hollywood are not, are prominently white. Where do you people get this stuff from? Jeffress? Graham? Spencer? Dobson? "The Southern Baptists? Focus on the Family"? Th "end times cults"" What a load of bullshit.

Most Jews are white, but that doesn't stop them from being racist against whites. They consider themselves better than whites. Their Antichrist religion teaches that people who aren't jews are just animals.

Christian Bale is just an idiot parroting the anti-white attitude of the Jews who run Hollywood.
“White dudes” don’t run Hollywood, Jews do.
Hey, Ding Dong. Even if Hollywood were run by Jewish people alone, most are white, except for the Jewish Ethiopians found in the 29th Century, who supposedly were surprised that there were Jews who are "white." Please note that most people today in Ethiopia are Orthodox Christians. Where does this notion that Jewish people aren't white come from, even if a person's race would actually matter in religious circles for any important reason?

The notion comes from Jews. They view themselves as a special race, God’s chosen ones. They see Muslim Arabs as brothers, Caucasians are just “goyim” filth. In Hollywood especially, where most Jews are liberal shitbags that hate whites.
Jews, whether in Hollywood are not, are prominently white. Where do you people get this stuff from? Jeffress? Graham? Spencer? Dobson? "The Southern Baptists? Focus on the Family"? Th "end times cults"" What a load of bullshit.

Most Jews are white, but that doesn't stop them from being racist against whites. They consider themselves better than whites. Their Antichrist religion teaches that people who aren't jews are just animals.

Christian Bale is just an idiot parroting the anti-white attitude of the Jews who run Hollywood.
Jews aren't anti-white, you moron. They are white for the most part. Who runs the openly racist and sexist Southern Baptists? Crap-pots who think that the shit in their heads runs the Christian religion? Garbage rednecks like jeffress, graham, "focus on the family," dobson,,hagee, bachmann? Oh, paleezzee.
“White dudes” don’t run Hollywood, Jews do.
Hey, Ding Dong. Even if Hollywood were run by Jewish people alone, most are white, except for the Jewish Ethiopians found in the 29th Century, who supposedly were surprised that there were Jews who are "white." Please note that most people today in Ethiopia are Orthodox Christians. Where does this notion that Jewish people aren't white come from, even if a person's race would actually matter in religious circles for any important reason?

The notion comes from Jews. They view themselves as a special race, God’s chosen ones. They see Muslim Arabs as brothers, Caucasians are just “goyim” filth. In Hollywood especially, where most Jews are liberal shitbags that hate whites.
You are so full of shit that it's ridiculous. Jews are, for the most part whites from European backgrounds. Take your racist shitbag self somewhere else. You are not only a disgrace to your background, you are a disgrace to your phony "Christian" religion. Do you think that Southern Baptists are "God's chosen"?
Not sure what you're talking about, but the Jews have always been known as God's chosen people. Here are some Bible verses to back up their claim:

22 Bible verses about Jews As God's Chosen People
In my 30 plus years of working on transmissions, I can count on both hands how many blacks I saw doing it. And none competently.

Blacks can't learn technical skills. They make good entertainers and that's it. They sing and dance and play sports. They put on shows for white people.
Racism is ugly wherever it comes from...I do understand how we all generalize based on what we see and experience ourselves....

But with this said, a good decent person judges individuals based on their character,
not the color of their skin.

But with this said, a good decent person judges individuals based on their character,
not the color of their skin.

Only idiots do that. Fact is 90% of blacks are stupid and criminal and full of white-hating racism. If you're white, you should just automatically stay away from them.
Jews aren't anti-white, you moron. They are white for the most part. Who runs the openly racist and sexist Southern Baptists? Crap-pots who think that the shit in their heads runs the Christian religion? Garbage rednecks like jeffress, graham, "focus on the family," dobson,,hagee, bachmann? Oh, paleezzee.

Why do you hate Southern Baptists and Christians so much? Are you a God Damned Jew who is expressing your hatred of whites and Christians by insipidity accusing Southern Baptists of being openly racist and sexist? Do you understand what the word "openly" means? If the Southern Baptists are racist, there's nothing open about it.
Maybe the actor doesn't realize that it's easy to google up his net worth. Bale is worth around 80 million because he kisses the ass of white H'wood moguls.
Jews aren't anti-white, you moron. They are white for the most part. Who runs the openly racist and sexist Southern Baptists? Crap-pots who think that the shit in their heads runs the Christian religion? Garbage rednecks like jeffress, graham, "focus on the family," dobson,,hagee, bachmann? Oh, paleezzee.

Why do you hate Southern Baptists and Christians so much? Are you a God Damned Jew who is expressing your hatred of whites and Christians by insipidity accusing Southern Baptists of being openly racist and sexist? Do you understand what the word "openly" means? If the Southern Baptists are racist, there's nothing open about it.
Southern Baptists have a history of acting in an openly racist and sexist manner, as well as being arrogant and aggressive. I do not actually think that they follow any of Jesus' teachings. They are a deeply racist and misogynistic cult led by bullshit artists and among the stupidest people on the planet. I remember people like jerry falwell and richard land, not to mention graham and jeffress, and the complete idiocy and disrespect of these men, who laughably claim that they represent the Supreme Being.
I am white. Always have been, but I don't see why you are interjecting race into this. Race and religion have no bearing on each other. If you conflate the fact of being "white" and the Christian religion, you show a total lack of faith and moral values.
I don't hate all Christians, just the phony right-wing ones who try to prostitute and destroy the spirituality, dignity, sanctity, and majesty of the Christian faith while prancing around with their noses in the air. I have nothing against Episcopalians, Lutherans, Baptists of the non-Southern-Baptist variety, Quakers, Methodists, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Orthodox, etc.
I don't know why you have such an animosity toward people of the Jewish faith. They are good, solid, moral, empathetic, and faithful people. But no, I am not a "God Damned Jew," even though I share many of their ethical and moral beliefs and will gladly stand next to them.

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