White-hating racists get Stormfront booted off the internet ! FIRST AMENMENT IS DEAD

Network Solutions, LLC dumped Stormfront and they did so because Stormfront violated their terms of service. Nazi's and skinheads and other assorted alt-right wing nuts have every right to start their own webhosting businesses and then even those hate groups can be back online.

First off the alt-right isn't a neo-nazi movement. It's a pro-white identity movement. Secondly my post was in reference to the broader issue of internet suppression of freedom of speech and expression. You ignored everything I posted and repeated the same argument that's been posted a million times. I'm not talking about Stormfront's host. I'm talking about google.
Network Solutions should simply claim that hosting Stromfront violates their deeply held religious beliefs.
I find Stormfront and Neo-Nazi's abhorrent. But I will defend their right to free speech.

This is a huge mistake.
It's not a mistake. It's globalism/communism. it's absolutely 100 percent intentional. They mean to end free speech.

People are so stupid I think they deserve what's coming.
^^^ yet another rightard who doesn't comprehend that free speech is only a protection from government censorship.

As I've pointed out a million times, google is immensely powerful. You can't do business in today's internet based economy without it. Them being given free reign to not only control the flow of information but impose economic and social sanctions on Americans for expressing opinions is extremely dangerous. It's like the phone companies cutting off your line because they overheard a politically incorrect conversation you had.
Hopefully they'll be reined in. It's a monopoly issue, we dealt with the same shit with AT&T decades ago.
Hopefully they'll be reined in. It's a monopoly issue, we dealt with the same shit with AT&T decades ago.

That's what I've been hoping for but it seems there's nobody in a position of authority with the balls to confront the issue. Too afraid of being labeled a nazi sympathizer or whatever to stick up for freedom of speech. The silence is deafening and it only emboldens the extremists on the left to ramp up their intimidation tactics.
You simply don't get the part about FREEDOM OF RELIGION, do you?

I'm sure, however, if public policy were changed to force YOU to do something you didn't want to do, you'd become less of a smart ass and more of a constitutionalist.

OMG! They forced a baker to bake a cake! How dare they?
If all they wanted was a cake they could've bought the damn cake.
They wanted two men on the cake. That's different.

Why would two lesbians want 2 men on their cake?

And no, it is not different. The only difference would be sticking 2 plastic figures on top of the cake. It does not make them "involved" in the wedding.

Its funny. So many of the hardcore rightwingers swear that gun manufacturers are not involved or responsible for the murders committed with guns. Car manufacturers are not involved or responsible for DUIs or drunk driving deaths. Alcohol manufacturers are not responsible for what drunks do.

But if you bake a cake for a gay couple you are single-handedly creating gay marriage. You may as well be performing the ceremony.
if you put two of the same sex on a cake you are promoting gay marriage. If your against that you shouldn't be forced to do it.
So if you're against blacks, you contend a baker should have the right to discriminate against blacks if they want a wedding topper with a black bride and groom?
We are either a free country or we are not.
It's called freedom of association.
That's what I've been hoping for but it seems there's nobody in a position of authority with the balls to confront the issue. Too afraid of being labeled a nazi sympathizer or whatever to stick up for freedom of speech. The silence is deafening and it only emboldens the extremists on the left to ramp up their intimidation tactics.

It's not about balls, you fool It's about bribes. All our congressmen and judges are paid huge bribes to help destroy anti-govt activists like stormfront.
Network Solutions, LLC dumped Stormfront and they did so because Stormfront violated their terms of service. Nazi's and skinheads and other assorted alt-right wing nuts have every right to start their own webhosting businesses and then even those hate groups can be back online.

And child-molesting faggots have the right to go to a bakery that approves of people like them.
No malfunction at all. They have a bakery and sell cakes. Sell the fucking cake and be done with it.

The laws on the books ban discrimination. Sad to think you believe that is wrong.

So you agree webhosters should be forced to carry stormfront?
The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, legally speaking. Then we have unalienable Rights - that are ABOVE the law.

Yes you do. But what specific right has been violated? The bakers are still free to practice their religion.

If you cannot run your business in accordance with your beliefs, then your First Amendment guarantees have been violated.

Damn. How many times are we going to cover this? What seems to be your major malfunction?

No malfunction at all. They have a bakery and sell cakes. Sell the fucking cake and be done with it.

The laws on the books ban discrimination. Sad to think you believe that is wrong.

It doesn't matter that there is a law on the books. BFD. Do you understand that? BFD. We also have a Constitution and unalienable Rights. It may take the courts or extraordinary action, but does society want a civil war over the liberties of those who are not in power? It's as simple as that.

A civil war over having to sell a cake to a gay couple? LMAO! Yeah, that is brilliant. Good luck with that too. I just hope you are not operating under the misguided perception that the population will back you or that you and your ilk are the only ones with guns.

Did it dawn on you that the gay couple to be started the war?
if you put two of the same sex on a cake you are promoting gay marriage. If your against that you shouldn't be forced to do it.
So if you're against blacks, you contend a baker should have the right to discriminate against blacks if they want a wedding topper with a black bride and groom?

You know that's exactly what I mean AND if a guy walked into a business wearing a KKK t shirt, you would not serve him... of course you'd have some law built around public policy to defend you, but if you don't want to do business with someone don't do business with them.
A black baker has to bake a cake for KKK grand wizard for the same reasons a Christian has to bake a cake for a gay couple. And I don't support laws for making exceptions.

You're wrong and you know it. Good try though.
You're projecting nonsense now. What I said is what the law protects and what I support.

You don't have a damn clue as to what you're talking about. If you can't address the points I've made, we are done talking.
If you cannot run your business in accordance with your beliefs, then your First Amendment guarantees have been violated.

Damn. How many times are we going to cover this? What seems to be your major malfunction?

No malfunction at all. They have a bakery and sell cakes. Sell the fucking cake and be done with it.

The laws on the books ban discrimination. Sad to think you believe that is wrong.

It doesn't matter that there is a law on the books. BFD. Do you understand that? BFD. We also have a Constitution and unalienable Rights. It may take the courts or extraordinary action, but does society want a civil war over the liberties of those who are not in power? It's as simple as that.

I think anti-discrimination laws are a BFD. I know you WISH all the gays would go back in the closet. But that ain't happening.

And I'm not going to change the way I do business either. Are we done yet? Or do you think I still owe you something?

WTF? I have not even hinted that you owe me anything.

You follow me around like a dog in heat with the same old, worn out objections to the First Amendment and it isn't changing my mind or the bottom line.
OMG! They forced a baker to bake a cake! How dare they?
If all they wanted was a cake they could've bought the damn cake.
They wanted two men on the cake. That's different.

Why would two lesbians want 2 men on their cake?

And no, it is not different. The only difference would be sticking 2 plastic figures on top of the cake. It does not make them "involved" in the wedding.

Its funny. So many of the hardcore rightwingers swear that gun manufacturers are not involved or responsible for the murders committed with guns. Car manufacturers are not involved or responsible for DUIs or drunk driving deaths. Alcohol manufacturers are not responsible for what drunks do.

But if you bake a cake for a gay couple you are single-handedly creating gay marriage. You may as well be performing the ceremony.
if you put two of the same sex on a cake you are promoting gay marriage. If your against that you shouldn't be forced to do it.
So if you're against blacks, you contend a baker should have the right to discriminate against blacks if they want a wedding topper with a black bride and groom?
We are either a free country or we are not.
It's called freedom of association.

For a person or a business?

And, if you are looking at a strict interpretation of the US Constitution, freedom of association is not mentioned.
No malfunction at all. They have a bakery and sell cakes. Sell the fucking cake and be done with it.

The laws on the books ban discrimination. Sad to think you believe that is wrong.

So you agree webhosters should be forced to carry stormfront?

Did I say anything like that?

Of course, there is also talk of StormCunt slandering the webhosting company.
Yes you do. But what specific right has been violated? The bakers are still free to practice their religion.

If you cannot run your business in accordance with your beliefs, then your First Amendment guarantees have been violated.

Damn. How many times are we going to cover this? What seems to be your major malfunction?

No malfunction at all. They have a bakery and sell cakes. Sell the fucking cake and be done with it.

The laws on the books ban discrimination. Sad to think you believe that is wrong.

It doesn't matter that there is a law on the books. BFD. Do you understand that? BFD. We also have a Constitution and unalienable Rights. It may take the courts or extraordinary action, but does society want a civil war over the liberties of those who are not in power? It's as simple as that.

A civil war over having to sell a cake to a gay couple? LMAO! Yeah, that is brilliant. Good luck with that too. I just hope you are not operating under the misguided perception that the population will back you or that you and your ilk are the only ones with guns.

Did it dawn on you that the gay couple to be started the war?

Nope. Not for a second did that cross my mind. Because they didn't.
No malfunction at all. They have a bakery and sell cakes. Sell the fucking cake and be done with it.

The laws on the books ban discrimination. Sad to think you believe that is wrong.

It doesn't matter that there is a law on the books. BFD. Do you understand that? BFD. We also have a Constitution and unalienable Rights. It may take the courts or extraordinary action, but does society want a civil war over the liberties of those who are not in power? It's as simple as that.

I think anti-discrimination laws are a BFD. I know you WISH all the gays would go back in the closet. But that ain't happening.

And I'm not going to change the way I do business either. Are we done yet? Or do you think I still owe you something?

WTF? I have not even hinted that you owe me anything.

You follow me around like a dog in heat with the same old, worn out objections to the First Amendment and it isn't changing my mind or the bottom line.

I am not following you around. We are both posting on the same thread. Stop pretending otherwise.

Also, I am not objecting to the 1st Amendment. I will fight for someone's right to worship as they please. This was not about that.
No malfunction at all. They have a bakery and sell cakes. Sell the fucking cake and be done with it.

The laws on the books ban discrimination. Sad to think you believe that is wrong.

So you agree webhosters should be forced to carry stormfront?

Did I say anything like that?

Of course, there is also talk of StormCunt slandering the webhosting company.
If you can force a bakery to bake a faggot cake then you should also force a webhosting site to host a white supremacist web site. Or are you a hypocrite?
No malfunction at all. They have a bakery and sell cakes. Sell the fucking cake and be done with it.

The laws on the books ban discrimination. Sad to think you believe that is wrong.

So you agree webhosters should be forced to carry stormfront?

Did I say anything like that?

Of course, there is also talk of StormCunt slandering the webhosting company.
If you can force a bakery to bake a faggot cake then you should also force a webhosting site to host a white supremacist web site. Or are you a hypocrite?

The left will just want other laws enforced that culminate in the same kinds of discrimination they claim to abhor.

If it benefits the left it is legal; if it benefits someone on the right it is illegal. Either both the baker and the web host company should be able to tell customers no OR they should both be required to say yes.

The fact that webhosts expect people to sign an adhesion contract should tell you that they are not being honest with you. In a normal world, adhesion contracts are unenforceable, but we no longer live under the Constitution, but only by the power of mob rule.
No malfunction at all. They have a bakery and sell cakes. Sell the fucking cake and be done with it.

The laws on the books ban discrimination. Sad to think you believe that is wrong.

So you agree webhosters should be forced to carry stormfront?

Did I say anything like that?

Of course, there is also talk of StormCunt slandering the webhosting company.
If you can force a bakery to bake a faggot cake then you should also force a webhosting site to host a white supremacist web site. Or are you a hypocrite?

It depends on the terms of the contract for the webhosting. And no, that is not a dodge.
No malfunction at all. They have a bakery and sell cakes. Sell the fucking cake and be done with it.

The laws on the books ban discrimination. Sad to think you believe that is wrong.

So you agree webhosters should be forced to carry stormfront?

Did I say anything like that?

Of course, there is also talk of StormCunt slandering the webhosting company.
If you can force a bakery to bake a faggot cake then you should also force a webhosting site to host a white supremacist web site. Or are you a hypocrite?

The left will just want other laws enforced that culminate in the same kinds of discrimination they claim to abhor.

If it benefits the left it is legal; if it benefits someone on the right it is illegal. Either both the baker and the web host company should be able to tell customers no OR they should both be required to say yes.

The fact that webhosts expect people to sign an adhesion contract should tell you that they are not being honest with you. In a normal world, adhesion contracts are unenforceable, but we no longer live under the Constitution, but only by the power of mob rule.

If there is a contract for the service, that stands up as the law.
No malfunction at all. They have a bakery and sell cakes. Sell the fucking cake and be done with it.

The laws on the books ban discrimination. Sad to think you believe that is wrong.

So you agree webhosters should be forced to carry stormfront?

Did I say anything like that?

Of course, there is also talk of StormCunt slandering the webhosting company.
If you can force a bakery to bake a faggot cake then you should also force a webhosting site to host a white supremacist web site. Or are you a hypocrite?

It depends on the terms of the contract for the webhosting. And no, that is not a dodge.
So all the baker needs to do is create a contract for buying his cakes and he doesn't have to serve homo cakes?

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