White History Month

Martin Luther
John Locke
Thomas Hobbes

Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin had a new barn built. Ben Franklin was a tall man and bumped his head in his new barn. The builder of the barn told Old Ben to lower your head, Ben said to raise the barn so I don't bump my head!

He invented the lightning rod, Bifocals and the Franklin stove, which is the type of stove that we use today... except obviously ours is space age by comparison and runs on technologies invented by Westinghouse and Edison in the war of currents, and Westinghouse prevailed.
: P
Edison was Direct Current and Tesla was Alternating Current. Direct Current is not efficient over one mile but Alternating Current is efficient over thousands of miles. Tesla died broke and Edison died a rich man but we use Tesla technology today.
Let us assign July as White History Month!

A big celebration on the 4th, then a long hot drag until the next hoiday
Martin Luther
John Locke
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Paine

Martin Luther is the father of Protestantism within Christianity that would define the Germanic peoples view and organization of Christianity as separate from the Roman catholic church, as created by those who speak romance languages and the founders and early proliferators of western civilization.

lol, I misread it about Locke..

John Locke Too, yeah.
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The government has, black, hispanic, pacific islander, women, and everything under the sun months. But no white month. July sounds good

Martin Luther
John Locke
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Paine

Martin Luther is the father of Protestantism within Christianity that would define the Germanic peoples view and organization of Christianity as separate from the Roman catholic church, as created by those who speak romance languages and the founders and early proliferators of western civilization.

Thomas Locke was a politician, nothing more, nothing less, and not much else.
Martin Luther is the beginning of individual freedom
Locke's writings inspired the American Revolution, Locke was not a politician? Locke did not hold public office. This list is painfully weak without John Locke or Martin Luther.

It is questionable if we would even be here without Locke and Luther
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Martin Luther
John Locke
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Paine

Martin Luther is the father of Protestantism within Christianity that would define the Germanic peoples view and organization of Christianity as separate from the Roman catholic church, as created by those who speak romance languages and the founders and early proliferators of western civilization.

Thomas Locke was a politician, nothing more, nothing less, and not much else.
Martin Luther is the beginning of individual freedom
Locke's writings inspired the American Revolution, Locke was not a politician? Locke did not hold public office. This list painfully weak without John Locke or Martin Luther.

It is questionable if we would even be here without Locke and Luther
I misread something that you said at first.

I Thought you said Thomas Locke at first.
Martin Luther, individualism, freedom, liberty.

Reformation: Martin Luther

Martin Luther (1483-1546) stands in history as one of those unique forces, an individual who by force of will and by his ideas changed the world fundamentally. There are several ironies incumbent on Luther's pivotal role in history: 1.) he doesn't really represent a break with the past, but rather a flash point where ideas and trends which had been taking place in Europe for several centuries suddenly blazed aflame; 2.) Luther initially saw himself as a great reformer of the Catholic church, a simple monk who thought the force of his ideas would single-handedly redirect the Leviathan of the church; in the end, however, he divided Christianity into two separate churches and that second division, Protestantism, would divide over the next four centuries into a near infinity of separate churches; 3.) finally, Luther (and all the other reformers) saw themselves as returning Christianity to its roots, they believed that they were setting the clock back; in reality, their ideas irreparably changed the world and pushed it kicking and screaming, not into some ideal past, but into the modern era.
John Locke, Life, Liberty, and Property.

What more needs to be said than that. The Greatest Nation in History has parts of Locke's writings in our founding documents.
John Locke, Life, Liberty, and Property.

What more needs to be said than that. The Greatest Nation in History has parts of Locke's writings in our founding documents.

The cradle of Civilization itself was the fertile crescent where Agriculture and houses and domesticated animals and very basic Hieroglyphic type of writing came about... but that really does speak little of the history that Humanity as a whole has.

It was the birth place of neither eastern, nor western civilization, it doesn't take into account anything that we have today, except for agriculture and the majority of the domesticated animals that we keep as pets and use as livestock today.
Ancient Homo Sapien Europe :

The Stone Ages of Europe - Category:Stone Age Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neolithic Europe - Neolithic Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bronze Age Europe - Bronze Age Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron Age Europe - Iron Age Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Middle Ages Europe :

The Middle Ages - Middle Ages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Age of Sail - Age of Sail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Great Revolutions that made our Thinking and Lifestyle :

The Renaissance - Renaissance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Age of Enlightenment - Age of Enlightenment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Industrial Revolution - Industrial Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Space Race - Space Race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some of the many Great Wars that would define Europe and the Western World :

The Germanic Wars - Germanic Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Viking Expansion - Viking expansion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Napoleonic Wars - Napoleonic Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Greco-Turkish War - Greco-Turkish War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Byzantine - Ottoman Wars - Byzantine–Ottoman Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Hundred Years War - Hundred Years' War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The French Revolution - French Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The American Revolutionary War - American Revolutionary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
World War 1 - World War I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
World War 2 - World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Cold War - Cold War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Inventions and Discoveries :

Roman Inventions and Discoveries - Roman technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ancient Greek Inventions and Discoveries - Ancient Greek technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Italian Inventions and Discoveries - List of Italian inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
British Inventions and Discoveries - List of British innovations and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
German Inventions and Discoveries - List of German inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
French Inventions and Discoveries - List of French inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spanish (European Spaniard) inventions and Discoveries - List of Spanish inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Swiss Inventions and Discoveries - List of Swiss inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Norwegian Inventions and Discoveries - Category:Norwegian inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Swedish Inventions and Discoveries - List of Swedish inventors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Danish Inventions and Discoveries - Category:Danish inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dutch Inventions and Discoveries - List of Dutch inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Belgian Inventions and Discoveries - Category:Belgian inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

American Inventions and Discoveries - Category:American inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Language Development :

Latin European Languages - Romance languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gernanic Languages : Germanic languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historical Figures :

Charles Darwin - Charles Darwin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Issac Newton - Isaac Newton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jane Goodall - Jane Goodall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abraham Lincoln - Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Princess Diana - Diana, Princess of Wales - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Queen Elizabeth - Elizabeth II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Admiral Lord Nelson - Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Washington - George Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Albert Einstein - Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Franklin Roosevelt - Franklin D. Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Theodore Roosevelt - Theodore Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Adam Smith - Adam Smith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
William Osler - William Osler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hippocrates - Hippocrates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ben Franklin - Benjamin Franklin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I'm proud to have that list, as a list of things, movements and people that went into shaping the societies that have made me and made my Psyche and my knowledge base to work with in my personal life.

And I refuse to apologize for my benefit of it.

Al Sharpton will tell you that all those dudes on your list stole whatever they had or done or achieved, from blacks.
Ancient Homo Sapien Europe :

The Stone Ages of Europe - Category:Stone Age Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neolithic Europe - Neolithic Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bronze Age Europe - Bronze Age Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron Age Europe - Iron Age Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Middle Ages Europe :

The Middle Ages - Middle Ages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Age of Sail - Age of Sail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Great Revolutions that made our Thinking and Lifestyle :

The Renaissance - Renaissance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Age of Enlightenment - Age of Enlightenment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Industrial Revolution - Industrial Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Space Race - Space Race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some of the many Great Wars that would define Europe and the Western World :

The Germanic Wars - Germanic Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Viking Expansion - Viking expansion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Napoleonic Wars - Napoleonic Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Greco-Turkish War - Greco-Turkish War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Byzantine - Ottoman Wars - Byzantine–Ottoman Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Hundred Years War - Hundred Years' War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The French Revolution - French Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The American Revolutionary War - American Revolutionary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
World War 1 - World War I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
World War 2 - World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Cold War - Cold War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Inventions and Discoveries :

Roman Inventions and Discoveries - Roman technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ancient Greek Inventions and Discoveries - Ancient Greek technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Italian Inventions and Discoveries - List of Italian inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
British Inventions and Discoveries - List of British innovations and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
German Inventions and Discoveries - List of German inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
French Inventions and Discoveries - List of French inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spanish (European Spaniard) inventions and Discoveries - List of Spanish inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Swiss Inventions and Discoveries - List of Swiss inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Norwegian Inventions and Discoveries - Category:Norwegian inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Swedish Inventions and Discoveries - List of Swedish inventors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Danish Inventions and Discoveries - Category:Danish inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dutch Inventions and Discoveries - List of Dutch inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Belgian Inventions and Discoveries - Category:Belgian inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

American Inventions and Discoveries - Category:American inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Language Development :

Latin European Languages - Romance languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gernanic Languages : Germanic languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historical Figures :

Charles Darwin - Charles Darwin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Issac Newton - Isaac Newton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jane Goodall - Jane Goodall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abraham Lincoln - Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Princess Diana - Diana, Princess of Wales - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Queen Elizabeth - Elizabeth II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Admiral Lord Nelson - Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Washington - George Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Albert Einstein - Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Franklin Roosevelt - Franklin D. Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Theodore Roosevelt - Theodore Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Adam Smith - Adam Smith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
William Osler - William Osler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hippocrates - Hippocrates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ben Franklin - Benjamin Franklin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I'm proud to have that list, as a list of things, movements and people that went into shaping the societies that have made me and made my Psyche and my knowledge base to work with in my personal life.

And I refuse to apologize for my benefit of it.

Al Sharpton will tell you that all those dudes on your list stole whatever they had or done or achieved, from blacks.

I'm worried about what Al Sharpton has to say, like I'm worried about a prediction, and a very poorly conceived one at that... that the earth's geologic story is only half way through.. and that the earth will live for ONLY another 4.5 billion years..

which even if it is true... you know what the consequences of that are to me right ?

In other words, I don't care what Al Sharpton has to say.
He has as much credibility as Donald Trump has on foreign policy and diplomacy, Military politics, tactics and needs.
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Ancient Homo Sapien Europe :

The Stone Ages of Europe - Category:Stone Age Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neolithic Europe - Neolithic Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bronze Age Europe - Bronze Age Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron Age Europe - Iron Age Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Middle Ages Europe :

The Middle Ages - Middle Ages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Age of Sail - Age of Sail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Great Revolutions that made our Thinking and Lifestyle :

The Renaissance - Renaissance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Age of Enlightenment - Age of Enlightenment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Industrial Revolution - Industrial Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Space Race - Space Race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some of the many Great Wars that would define Europe and the Western World :

The Germanic Wars - Germanic Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Viking Expansion - Viking expansion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Napoleonic Wars - Napoleonic Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Greco-Turkish War - Greco-Turkish War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Byzantine - Ottoman Wars - Byzantine–Ottoman Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Hundred Years War - Hundred Years' War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The French Revolution - French Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The American Revolutionary War - American Revolutionary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
World War 1 - World War I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
World War 2 - World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Cold War - Cold War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Inventions and Discoveries :

Roman Inventions and Discoveries - Roman technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ancient Greek Inventions and Discoveries - Ancient Greek technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Italian Inventions and Discoveries - List of Italian inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
British Inventions and Discoveries - List of British innovations and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
German Inventions and Discoveries - List of German inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
French Inventions and Discoveries - List of French inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spanish (European Spaniard) inventions and Discoveries - List of Spanish inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Swiss Inventions and Discoveries - List of Swiss inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Norwegian Inventions and Discoveries - Category:Norwegian inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Swedish Inventions and Discoveries - List of Swedish inventors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Danish Inventions and Discoveries - Category:Danish inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dutch Inventions and Discoveries - List of Dutch inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Belgian Inventions and Discoveries - Category:Belgian inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

American Inventions and Discoveries - Category:American inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Language Development :

Latin European Languages - Romance languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gernanic Languages : Germanic languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historical Figures :

Charles Darwin - Charles Darwin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Issac Newton - Isaac Newton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jane Goodall - Jane Goodall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abraham Lincoln - Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Princess Diana - Diana, Princess of Wales - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Queen Elizabeth - Elizabeth II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Admiral Lord Nelson - Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Washington - George Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Albert Einstein - Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Franklin Roosevelt - Franklin D. Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Theodore Roosevelt - Theodore Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Adam Smith - Adam Smith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
William Osler - William Osler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hippocrates - Hippocrates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ben Franklin - Benjamin Franklin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I'm proud to have that list, as a list of things, movements and people that went into shaping the societies that have made me and made my Psyche and my knowledge base to work with in my personal life.

And I refuse to apologize for my benefit of it.

Ancient Homo Sapien Europe :

The Stone Ages of Europe - Category:Stone Age Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neolithic Europe - Neolithic Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bronze Age Europe - Bronze Age Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron Age Europe - Iron Age Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Middle Ages Europe :

The Middle Ages - Middle Ages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Age of Sail - Age of Sail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Great Revolutions that made our Thinking and Lifestyle :

The Renaissance - Renaissance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Age of Enlightenment - Age of Enlightenment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Industrial Revolution - Industrial Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Space Race - Space Race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some of the many Great Wars that would define Europe and the Western World :

The Germanic Wars - Germanic Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Viking Expansion - Viking expansion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Napoleonic Wars - Napoleonic Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Greco-Turkish War - Greco-Turkish War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Byzantine - Ottoman Wars - Byzantine–Ottoman Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Hundred Years War - Hundred Years' War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The French Revolution - French Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The American Revolutionary War - American Revolutionary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
World War 1 - World War I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
World War 2 - World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Cold War - Cold War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Inventions and Discoveries :

Roman Inventions and Discoveries - Roman technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ancient Greek Inventions and Discoveries - Ancient Greek technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Italian Inventions and Discoveries - List of Italian inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
British Inventions and Discoveries - List of British innovations and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
German Inventions and Discoveries - List of German inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
French Inventions and Discoveries - List of French inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spanish (European Spaniard) inventions and Discoveries - List of Spanish inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Swiss Inventions and Discoveries - List of Swiss inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Norwegian Inventions and Discoveries - Category:Norwegian inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Swedish Inventions and Discoveries - List of Swedish inventors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Danish Inventions and Discoveries - Category:Danish inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dutch Inventions and Discoveries - List of Dutch inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Belgian Inventions and Discoveries - Category:Belgian inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

American Inventions and Discoveries - Category:American inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Language Development :

Latin European Languages - Romance languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gernanic Languages : Germanic languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historical Figures :

Charles Darwin - Charles Darwin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Issac Newton - Isaac Newton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jane Goodall - Jane Goodall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abraham Lincoln - Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Princess Diana - Diana, Princess of Wales - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Queen Elizabeth - Elizabeth II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Admiral Lord Nelson - Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Washington - George Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Albert Einstein - Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Franklin Roosevelt - Franklin D. Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Theodore Roosevelt - Theodore Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Adam Smith - Adam Smith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
William Osler - William Osler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hippocrates - Hippocrates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ben Franklin - Benjamin Franklin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I'm proud to have that list, as a list of things, movements and people that went into shaping the societies that have made me and made my Psyche and my knowledge base to work with in my personal life.

And I refuse to apologize for my benefit of it.

Al Sharpton will tell you that all those dudes on your list stole whatever they had or done or achieved, from blacks.

I'm worried about what Al Sharpton has to say, like I'm worried about a prediction, and a very poorly conceived one at that... that the earth's geologic story is only half way through.. and that the earth will live for ONLY another 4.5 billion years..

which even if it is true... you know what the consequences of that are to me right ?

In other words, I don't care what Al Sharpton has to say.
He has as much credibility as Donald Trump has on Military politics, tactics and needs.

Which means that you agree with me. I mentioned Al Sharpton, because he is the embodiment of the vicious, ignorant, stupid, sanctimonious, racist and bloviating blacks who hate everybody who is not like them.
How about Semitic month...

Jesus wasn't Aryan but Semitic....

That is problem with the list above.... It is not Aryan list...

That is why the list above is a load of crap... It doesn't identify one race but all half white, Arab....

Are we saying there was no stone age in Africa or Middle East...

China was far more advanced early on than the west...

So this whole thread is a joke which I presume was constructed as an ati Blacks, Hispanic, Asian.... thread rather than being positive...
which I presume was constructed as an ati Blacks, Hispanic, Asian.... thread rather than being positive...

And even if it is or was... its about time we spoke up for ourselves.
what the fuck did you think ?

I was going to sit by and quietly be told what kind of a piece of shit I am all the time and throw nothing back ?
Fuck that.
You can forget that.
How about Semitic month...

Jesus wasn't Aryan but Semitic....

That is problem with the list above.... It is not Aryan list...

That is why the list above is a load of crap... It doesn't identify one race but all half white, Arab....

Are we saying there was no stone age in Africa or Middle East...

China was far more advanced early on than the west...

So this whole thread is a joke which I presume was constructed as an ati Blacks, Hispanic, Asian.... thread rather than being positive...

And no, Africa, the middle east and Asia has had nothing like the history that we have in terms of progress and development on their own, on their own merits.
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