White House approves military to use lethal force at southern border

WASHINGTON — The White House has authorized active-duty military troops stationed along the southwest border to use lethal force, if necessary, a significant escalation of the support role they had been tasked with that may run afoul of a 140-year-old law that generally bars the military from operating within U.S. boundaries.

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly signed a memo late Tuesday expanding the mission of the 5,800 troops to include protecting Customs and Border Protection agents. That represents a sharp change in the orders given to troops currently deployed in California, Arizona and Texas, who had been lining the border with concertina wire and providing only logistical support to CBP personnel.

Defense Secretary James Mattis confirmed the new guidelines to reporters on Wednesday but downplayed the level of interaction his troops will have with migrants. He said most troops aren’t carrying weapons and that the military would stay away from civilian law enforcement roles such as arrests, which are forbidden under in the Posse Comitatus Act.

The law prohibits the federal government from using the armed forces in a domestic police role, except in situations specifically authorized by the Constitution or Congress.

Mattis emphasized that he would use his expanded authorities only in response to a specific, detailed request from Secretary of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, and that none has yet been made.

"I now have the authority to do more," Mattis told reporters. "Now we'll see what she asks me."

White House approves military to use lethal force at southern border

Hopefully the activists who have been leading the caravan will not be stupid and reckless enough to make this necessary.

Honestly, I’m thinking they will be encouraging the illegals to throw rocks. The organizers of this thing would love to have news reels of US troops shooting them.

So... who wants to leave the scene in a body bag?

Just kidding... there won't be a body to speak for itself.
How is the war going?

Which war? The war against women? The war against big Pharma? The war against pollution? The war against big tobacco? The war against the NRA? The war against evil rich white guys? The war against big corporations? The war against...........................
How is the war going?

Which war? The war against women? The war against big Pharma? The war against pollution? The war against big tobacco? The war against the NRA? The war against evil rich white guys? The war against big corporations? The war against...........................
You have a point, media labels too many things as a war. Govt too, war on drugs, war on crime, etc.
Our welfare clause is general.

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

We have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

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