White House approves military to use lethal force at southern border

We have been telling them they won’t be allowed to enter the US.
Which, of course, is stupid, since we could not possibly know the results or contents of their applications for asylum. That is just stupid people squawking about the scary brown people they were told to fear.

They can still apply for asylum, it's just they have to do it outside our borders and we're not going to let them in to run away for five years never to return for their hearing like most all of the others.
And the Trump/Trumpbot Paranoia continues.

Thank goodness Trump is gone in 2020 (barring a war) and that most Trumpbots are uneducated, relatively powerless, hicks from the sticks (mostly older, 'white' males). When their leader is gone, their power goes with him.

They will go back to being voices in the wilderness that few others give a shit about...except the white supremacists, of course.
And the Trump/Trumpbot Paranoia continues.

Thank goodness Trump is gone in 2020 and that most Trumpbots are old.

Both will be gone relatively soon...and forgotten.

Looked back on by the rest of us with eye rolls and laughing at their expense....except for the white supremacists. They will miss them all TERRIBLY.

Dunno about 2020, but both being gone relatively soon is true. Then you fricken loons will have to fend for yourselves....good luck with that.
No. Jobs are the reason these people are coming here.

No, not jobs--to get into this country anyway they can using any means they can including our laws and Democrats to work against us.

Again, total fear. Sort of sad, but a lot of fun to watch.!!!!:10:

Yeah, us liberals are against state-sanctioned kidnapping for no other purpose than to serve as a deterrent. We still have over 10,000 kids in our custody according to reports. Another black eye for our nation courtesy of the blob.
That's what you consider a black eye? Our government giving these kids temporary homes, feeding them, providing them with clean clothing, and providing medical care when needed?

If that's kidnapping, I'm sure most of them can't wait until the next time they're kidnapped.

What it boils down to is do you want to stop these invaders or do you not? We on the right do, how about you on the left? Because if you say you do, I'd love to hook you up to a polygraph machine to watch it go off the scales.

I'm sure most kidnap victims feel the same way...hey my attacker feeds me so this is like a vacation!!!

We can't have open borders. But we can treat human beings like human beings. What it boils down to is that people like you, Trump supporters, are all about causing pain and craving violence. You enjoy this because it causes pain and the threat of violence is something you crave.

Again, that is a narrow and not surprisingly dumb view of what is going on. Now, thanks to the blob, All it is now going to take is some asshole on the Mexican side of the border to hurl a rock and they will get what they want; gruesome pictures of American troops shooting people. And we become a lesser nation in the process.

Not sure who came up with it but the old saying among revolutionaries/protesters/terrorists is that the authorities showing up is not a bad thing; it adds another seat to the negotiation table. Violence forces them to sit in it; one way or the other. As the song goes, "that history book on the shelf...is always repeating itself".

If these varmints attack our security forces, I wouldn't blame them for doing whatever it takes to defend themselves including using deadly force. Of course you on the left would welcome such an attack. You never liked our security forces in the first place.
Whatever loser. Trump fans crave violence. Which is why it follows them around. Everywhere.
WASHINGTON — The White House has authorized active-duty military troops stationed along the southwest border to use lethal force, if necessary, a significant escalation of the support role they had been tasked with that may run afoul of a 140-year-old law that generally bars the military from operating within U.S. boundaries.

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly signed a memo late Tuesday expanding the mission of the 5,800 troops to include protecting Customs and Border Protection agents. That represents a sharp change in the orders given to troops currently deployed in California, Arizona and Texas, who had been lining the border with concertina wire and providing only logistical support to CBP personnel.

Defense Secretary James Mattis confirmed the new guidelines to reporters on Wednesday but downplayed the level of interaction his troops will have with migrants. He said most troops aren’t carrying weapons and that the military would stay away from civilian law enforcement roles such as arrests, which are forbidden under in the Posse Comitatus Act.

The law prohibits the federal government from using the armed forces in a domestic police role, except in situations specifically authorized by the Constitution or Congress.

Mattis emphasized that he would use his expanded authorities only in response to a specific, detailed request from Secretary of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, and that none has yet been made.

"I now have the authority to do more," Mattis told reporters. "Now we'll see what she asks me."

White House approves military to use lethal force at southern border

Hopefully the activists who have been leading the caravan will not be stupid and reckless enough to make this necessary.

Honestly, I’m thinking they will be encouraging the illegals to throw rocks. The organizers of this thing would love to have news reels of US troops shooting them.
Are these morons really moronic enough to throw rocks at the US military?
The Posse Comitatus act was in reference to US citizens, not foreign invaders.

It was in reference to using our military WITHIN our friggin borders stupid

Yes, on US citizens. But the talk now is they are going to storm our border which doesn't fall under the act. These are foreigners--not Americans. If Russia or China decided to invade the US, would the Comitatus Act stop us from protecting ourselves because they made land?

Seeking asylum is not storming our border. According to law, a asylum request must be made within US borders. You are as crazy as Trump is and you need to be locked in a lunatic asylum.

So they apply for asylum, the application is reviewed, and they are allowed in for the process or turned away because like most applications, they are bullshit.

Asylum is to escape aggressive governments from physical harm, discrimination or religious persecutions. Once they stepped foot into Mexico, that made their asylum application void because entering Mexico accomplished the protections from their governments they were looking for.

Asylum doesn't mean you get to come to the US because it's a better place than Mexico. Asylum is not the same as applying for a work permit, VISA or citizenship. Asylum is simply an escape from your home country for safety.
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I'm sure most kidnap victims feel the same way...hey my attacker feeds me so this is like a vacation!!!

We can't have open borders. But we can treat human beings like human beings. What it boils down to is that people like you, Trump supporters, are all about causing pain and craving violence. You enjoy this because it causes pain and the threat of violence is something you crave.

No, we are doing this to stop more people from coming here and doing the same. It's like I said earlier, if you want to stop stray cats from hanging around your property, you don't put out a big bowl of milk on your patio every night.
And the Trump/Trumpbot Paranoia continues.

Thank goodness Trump is gone in 2020 (barring a war) and that most Trumpbots are uneducated, relatively powerless, hicks from the sticks (mostly older, 'white' males). When their leader is gone, their power goes with him.

They will go back to being voices in the wilderness that few others give a shit about...except the white supremacists, of course.

Yeah, that's what I've heard..........for about the last 30 years or so now.
Jobs aren’t why all these people from all over the world are coming here.
They are comiing here because people all over the world believe they have a right to come here. We have been so lax in border enforcement that the world believes they are entitled to everything our forefathers fought for. Fuck them, let them go home and fight to make their own countries a paradise like we are.
2 months 14 days.....

Not ONE Leftist has been able to answer the question with a sensible reasonable answer .....

Simple question.....
How is it that open borders is a good thing for the average American citizen, considering it's one of the best ways violent criminals can enter the country and that resources are limited to begin with?
Trump has now sunk to issuing illegal orders to the military, which they will ignore. How long will congress tolerate a president who wipes his ass with the Constitution and the laws of this country?
Jobs aren’t why all these people from all over the world are coming here.
They are comiing here because people all over the world believe they have a right to come here. We have been so lax in border enforcement that the world believes they are entitled to everything our forefathers fought for. Fuck them, let them go home and fight to make their own countries a paradise like we are.

I doubt you know many illegal aliens; hence you have zero idea why they come here. In the macro, it's to make a better life; the same reason the Pilgrims came here and landed in Plymouth.
Trump has now sunk to issuing illegal orders to the military, which they will ignore. How long will congress tolerate a president who wipes his ass with the Constitution and the laws of this country?

Not sure. Why don't you ask the congress people who served under Obama?
Mattis Says He Has Extra Authority to Use Military on Border


How the hell are they going to protect Customs and Border Protection personnel, with lethal force if necessary, if they’re not carrying weapons?

So, big deal. Chief of Staff Kelley sends him a letter on behalf of the president.

Mattis was adamant that the military will remain within its legal limits.

"We are not doing law enforcement," he told reporters at the Pentagon. "We do not have arrest authority." He noted that National Guard troops under state control are also involved at the border, and he said the governors of those states could give them arrest authority. He said there are about 2,100 National Guard troops involved.

Mattis said that as of Wednesday there were 5,764 active-duty troops performing support missions along the border in Texas, Arizona and California. The number changes frequently. Just a day earlier, the Pentagon said in a report to Congress that there about 5,900 troop involved; at other times the Pentagon has put the number at 5,800.

More of this @ Mattis Says He Has Extra Authority to Use Military on Border

Trump better take this seriously. If these illegals swarm the crossing like they did in Mexico, and the troops stand there like fucking clowns,

he will look like a loser.
We have been telling them they won’t be allowed to enter the US.
Which, of course, is stupid, since we could not possibly know the results or contents of their applications for asylum. That is just stupid people squawking about the scary brown people they were told to fear.

This is not what "asylum" is for.

It's been abused and broken by lefties. Time to shut it down.

Seal the border and reduce immigration to a trickle for the next 50 years.
let's end our crime, drug, and terror wars to stop creating refugees.

This isn't about US, this is something wrong with them.

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