White House approves military to use lethal force at southern border

Wtf are you talking about? So you are saying it is tbe responsibility of the state police and border patrol to stop an invasion by themselves? Is the sole purpose of the US military to fight foreign wars and cannot defend the U.S.

And they are not really there to stop them, they are there to aid border patrol if they become overwhelmed by people and violence. The patrol will stop them. The military will not make any arrests. If our agencies are arresting somebody and it's getting out of hand, our military will be there to help.
A simple declaration can be made by Trump which would render the nutless fucks in Congress helpless and shit all over Posse Comitatus.
Should he declare an insurrection...we start killing filthy beaners on his command. I pray for this daily.

He'd have to declare martial law...good luck with that.

Instant impeachment
A simple declaration can be made by Trump which would render the nutless fucks in Congress helpless and shit all over Posse Comitatus.
Should he declare an insurrection...we start killing filthy beaners on his command. I pray for this daily.

He'd have to declare martial law...good luck with that.

Instant impeachment

The Insurrection Act...look it up.
How cool would it be to see soldiers walking through neighborhoods in Los Angeles, going door to door demanding proof of citizenship?
I dream of that shit.
WASHINGTON — The White House has authorized active-duty military troops stationed along the southwest border to use lethal force, if necessary, a significant escalation of the support role they had been tasked with that may run afoul of a 140-year-old law that generally bars the military from operating within U.S. boundaries.

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly signed a memo late Tuesday expanding the mission of the 5,800 troops to include protecting Customs and Border Protection agents. That represents a sharp change in the orders given to troops currently deployed in California, Arizona and Texas, who had been lining the border with concertina wire and providing only logistical support to CBP personnel.

Defense Secretary James Mattis confirmed the new guidelines to reporters on Wednesday but downplayed the level of interaction his troops will have with migrants. He said most troops aren’t carrying weapons and that the military would stay away from civilian law enforcement roles such as arrests, which are forbidden under in the Posse Comitatus Act.

The law prohibits the federal government from using the armed forces in a domestic police role, except in situations specifically authorized by the Constitution or Congress.

Mattis emphasized that he would use his expanded authorities only in response to a specific, detailed request from Secretary of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, and that none has yet been made.

"I now have the authority to do more," Mattis told reporters. "Now we'll see what she asks me."

White House approves military to use lethal force at southern border

Hopefully the activists who have been leading the caravan will not be stupid and reckless enough to make this necessary.

If they do that then that will spell the end of the Republican Party and Donald Trump. We will be no better than the drug cartels they are fleeing. The3 nexy Democrat should arrest Trump, Matthis and anyone else who carries out this illegal order.
Want to stop illegal aliens at the border ? Let Ma Deuce do the talking.
I haven't seen Congress pass anything allowing an exception to Posse Comitatus

And since Marshal Law has not been declared...

This is essentially fake news coming out of the friggin White House

The Posse Comitatus act was in reference to US citizens, not foreign invaders.

It is in reference to enforcing civilian law. Immigration law is definitely civilian. These are asylum seekers which is a legal process allowed by law. They are not invaders. Typical Trump garbage. Typical fascism.
^^^^^^They're not immigrants. If they were attempting to go through the LEGAL PROCESS of immigration, that would be a different story. We are dealing with invaders here, not immigrants.
I haven't seen Congress pass anything allowing an exception to Posse Comitatus

And since Marshal Law has not been declared...

This is essentially fake news coming out of the friggin White House

The Posse Comitatus act was in reference to US citizens, not foreign invaders.

It is in reference to enforcing civilian law. Immigration law is definitely civilian. These are asylum seekers which is a legal process allowed by law. They are not invaders. Typical Trump garbage. Typical fascism.

Great, get in line.
The Posse Comitatus act was in reference to US citizens, not foreign invaders.

It was in reference to using our military WITHIN our friggin borders stupid

Yes, on US citizens. But the talk now is they are going to storm our border which doesn't fall under the act. These are foreigners--not Americans. If Russia or China decided to invade the US, would the Comitatus Act stop us from protecting ourselves because they made land?

Seeking asylum is not storming our border. According to law, a asylum request must be made within US borders. You are as crazy as Trump is and you need to be locked in a lunatic asylum.
I haven't seen Congress pass anything allowing an exception to Posse Comitatus

And since Marshal Law has not been declared...

This is essentially fake news coming out of the friggin White House

The Posse Comitatus act was in reference to US citizens, not foreign invaders.

It is in reference to enforcing civilian law. Immigration law is definitely civilian. These are asylum seekers which is a legal process allowed by law. They are not invaders. Typical Trump garbage. Typical fascism.

Great, get in line.

You need to get in line. You are not a American.
WASHINGTON — The White House has authorized active-duty military troops stationed along the southwest border to use lethal force, if necessary, a significant escalation of the support role they had been tasked with that may run afoul of a 140-year-old law that generally bars the military from operating within U.S. boundaries.

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly signed a memo late Tuesday expanding the mission of the 5,800 troops to include protecting Customs and Border Protection agents. That represents a sharp change in the orders given to troops currently deployed in California, Arizona and Texas, who had been lining the border with concertina wire and providing only logistical support to CBP personnel.

Defense Secretary James Mattis confirmed the new guidelines to reporters on Wednesday but downplayed the level of interaction his troops will have with migrants. He said most troops aren’t carrying weapons and that the military would stay away from civilian law enforcement roles such as arrests, which are forbidden under in the Posse Comitatus Act.

The law prohibits the federal government from using the armed forces in a domestic police role, except in situations specifically authorized by the Constitution or Congress.

Mattis emphasized that he would use his expanded authorities only in response to a specific, detailed request from Secretary of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, and that none has yet been made.

"I now have the authority to do more," Mattis told reporters. "Now we'll see what she asks me."

White House approves military to use lethal force at southern border

Hopefully the activists who have been leading the caravan will not be stupid and reckless enough to make this necessary.
Of course, the military will ignore president babyman and his insane orders.
A simple declaration can be made by Trump which would render the nutless fucks in Congress helpless and shit all over Posse Comitatus.
Should he declare an insurrection...we start killing filthy beaners on his command. I pray for this daily.

He'd have to declare martial law...good luck with that.

Instant impeachment

The Insurrection Act...look it up.
How cool would it be to see soldiers walking through neighborhoods in Los Angeles, going door to door demanding proof of citizenship?
I dream of that shit.

Armed patriots will rise up against fascism.
Wtf are you talking about? So you are saying it is tbe responsibility of the state police and border patrol to stop an invasion by themselves? Is the sole purpose of the US military to fight foreign wars and cannot defend the U.S.

And they are not really there to stop them, they are there to aid border patrol if they become overwhelmed by people and violence. The patrol will stop them. The military will not make any arrests. If our agencies are arresting somebody and it's getting out of hand, our military will be there to help.
The essence of these new rules are that the military will not be required to stand by and watch as our border patrol agents are beaten and killed. The perpetrator will be detained and taken to the BP for arrest.
^^^^^^They're not immigrants. If they were attempting to go through the LEGAL PROCESS of immigration, that would be a different story. We are dealing with invaders here, not immigrants.

"To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status."

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

We are dealing with asylum laws not immigration.
I haven't seen Congress pass anything allowing an exception to Posse Comitatus

And since Marshal Law has not been declared...

This is essentially fake news coming out of the friggin White House

The Posse Comitatus act was in reference to US citizens, not foreign invaders.

It is in reference to enforcing civilian law. Immigration law is definitely civilian. These are asylum seekers which is a legal process allowed by law. They are not invaders. Typical Trump garbage. Typical fascism.

Haha...there you go making a fool of yourself again, pretending the 2% represents the majority.
Look, in the real world only 2% of applicants from the southern shithole are granted asylum...this makes 98 in 100 piece of shit liars just trying to fuck good Americans over. Save your bleeding heart bullshit for all your wetback buddies there Gustavo.
“Do Many People Gain Asylum from Mexico?
Despite its close proximity, only about 300-800 people from Mexico are granted asylum in the U.S. each year. According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 667 Mexican nationals who submitted an affirmative U.S. asylum application were granted asylee status in 2015. That number is higher than the norm. For example, only 202 affirmative Mexican asylum cases were approved in 2013.

For grants of asylum in removal proceedings, only 203 out of nearly 9,000 applications in 2015 were eventually approved by immigration judges. That is a grant rate of only 2.3% for Mexican asylum claims.”
Wtf are you talking about? So you are saying it is tbe responsibility of the state police and border patrol to stop an invasion by themselves? Is the sole purpose of the US military to fight foreign wars and cannot defend the U.S.

And they are not really there to stop them, they are there to aid border patrol if they become overwhelmed by people and violence. The patrol will stop them. The military will not make any arrests. If our agencies are arresting somebody and it's getting out of hand, our military will be there to help.
The essence of these new rules are that the military will not be required to stand by and watch as our border patrol agents are beaten and killed. The perpetrator will be detained and taken to the BP for arrest.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective.
I haven't seen Congress pass anything allowing an exception to Posse Comitatus

And since Marshal Law has not been declared...

This is essentially fake news coming out of the friggin White House

The Posse Comitatus act was in reference to US citizens, not foreign invaders.

It is in reference to enforcing civilian law. Immigration law is definitely civilian. These are asylum seekers which is a legal process allowed by law. They are not invaders. Typical Trump garbage. Typical fascism.

Haha...there you go making a fool of yourself again, pretending the 2% represents the majority.
Look, in the real world only 2% of applicants from the southern shithole are granted asylum...this makes 98 in 100 piece of shit liars just trying to fuck good Americans over. Save your bleeding heart bullshit for all your wetback buddies there Gustavo.
“Do Many People Gain Asylum from Mexico?
Despite its close proximity, only about 300-800 people from Mexico are granted asylum in the U.S. each year. According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 667 Mexican nationals who submitted an affirmative U.S. asylum application were granted asylee status in 2015. That number is higher than the norm. For example, only 202 affirmative Mexican asylum cases were approved in 2013.

For grants of asylum in removal proceedings, only 203 out of nearly 9,000 applications in 2015 were eventually approved by immigration judges. That is a grant rate of only 2.3% for Mexican asylum claims.”
We have a Statue of Liberty.
I haven't seen Congress pass anything allowing an exception to Posse Comitatus

And since Marshal Law has not been declared...

This is essentially fake news coming out of the friggin White House

The Posse Comitatus act was in reference to US citizens, not foreign invaders.

It is in reference to enforcing civilian law. Immigration law is definitely civilian. These are asylum seekers which is a legal process allowed by law. They are not invaders. Typical Trump garbage. Typical fascism.

Haha...there you go making a fool of yourself again, pretending the 2% represents the majority.
Look, in the real world only 2% of applicants from the southern shithole are granted asylum...this makes 98 in 100 piece of shit liars just trying to fuck good Americans over. Save your bleeding heart bullshit for all your wetback buddies there Gustavo.
“Do Many People Gain Asylum from Mexico?
Despite its close proximity, only about 300-800 people from Mexico are granted asylum in the U.S. each year. According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 667 Mexican nationals who submitted an affirmative U.S. asylum application were granted asylee status in 2015. That number is higher than the norm. For example, only 202 affirmative Mexican asylum cases were approved in 2013.

For grants of asylum in removal proceedings, only 203 out of nearly 9,000 applications in 2015 were eventually approved by immigration judges. That is a grant rate of only 2.3% for Mexican asylum claims.”
We have a Statue of Liberty.

True and our founders gave her very explicit instructions to greet WHITE EUROPEANS...not wetbacks.
I haven't seen Congress pass anything allowing an exception to Posse Comitatus

And since Marshal Law has not been declared...

This is essentially fake news coming out of the friggin White House

The Posse Comitatus act was in reference to US citizens, not foreign invaders.

It is in reference to enforcing civilian law. Immigration law is definitely civilian. These are asylum seekers which is a legal process allowed by law. They are not invaders. Typical Trump garbage. Typical fascism.

Haha...there you go making a fool of yourself again, pretending the 2% represents the majority.
Look, in the real world only 2% of applicants from the southern shithole are granted asylum...this makes 98 in 100 piece of shit liars just trying to fuck good Americans over. Save your bleeding heart bullshit for all your wetback buddies there Gustavo.
“Do Many People Gain Asylum from Mexico?
Despite its close proximity, only about 300-800 people from Mexico are granted asylum in the U.S. each year. According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 667 Mexican nationals who submitted an affirmative U.S. asylum application were granted asylee status in 2015. That number is higher than the norm. For example, only 202 affirmative Mexican asylum cases were approved in 2013.

For grants of asylum in removal proceedings, only 203 out of nearly 9,000 applications in 2015 were eventually approved by immigration judges. That is a grant rate of only 2.3% for Mexican asylum claims.”
We have a Statue of Liberty.

True and our founders gave her very explicit instructions to greet WHITE EUROPEANS...not wetbacks.
lol. our federal Constitution is both gender and race neutral, from Inception.

old worlders simply had all the money.
The Posse Comitatus act was in reference to US citizens, not foreign invaders.

It is in reference to enforcing civilian law. Immigration law is definitely civilian. These are asylum seekers which is a legal process allowed by law. They are not invaders. Typical Trump garbage. Typical fascism.

Haha...there you go making a fool of yourself again, pretending the 2% represents the majority.
Look, in the real world only 2% of applicants from the southern shithole are granted asylum...this makes 98 in 100 piece of shit liars just trying to fuck good Americans over. Save your bleeding heart bullshit for all your wetback buddies there Gustavo.
“Do Many People Gain Asylum from Mexico?
Despite its close proximity, only about 300-800 people from Mexico are granted asylum in the U.S. each year. According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 667 Mexican nationals who submitted an affirmative U.S. asylum application were granted asylee status in 2015. That number is higher than the norm. For example, only 202 affirmative Mexican asylum cases were approved in 2013.

For grants of asylum in removal proceedings, only 203 out of nearly 9,000 applications in 2015 were eventually approved by immigration judges. That is a grant rate of only 2.3% for Mexican asylum claims.”
We have a Statue of Liberty.

True and our founders gave her very explicit instructions to greet WHITE EUROPEANS...not wetbacks.
lol. our federal Constitution is both gender and race neutral, from Inception.

old worlders simply had all the money.

What part of this is “race neutral”?


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