White House committee to reassess climate science conclusions: report

It's about time. Watch the AGW cult go crazy attacking this:

The Trump administration is planning to create an ad hoc group of federal scientists to reassess and counter the government's conclusions on climate change, The Washington Post reported Sunday.

The National Security Council (NSC) initiative would feature scientists who challenge the seriousness of climate change and the degree to which humans are the cause of climate problems, three unidentified administration officials told the Post.

The Post reported that the plan was discussed by administration officials on Friday in the White House Situation Room.

It is considered a modified version of NSC senior director and climate denier William Happer's plan to create a panel on climate change and national security, according to the newspaper.

The NSC declined to comment to the Post.

At the Friday meeting, deputy national security adviser Charles Kupperman said President Trump was upset that the federal government last year released the National Climate Assessment, the Post reported.

The National Climate Assessment warned that climate change could have devastating effects on the economy, health and environment and that current efforts to counter climate change were insufficient.

Trump has been outspoken in doubting the effects of climate change, sometimes calling it a hoax. Following the release of last year's climate assessment, Trump said that he didn't "believe" the report's findings.

ā€œYeah, I donā€™t believe it,ā€ Trump said at the time

ā€œIā€™ve seen it, Iā€™ve read some of it, and itā€™s fine,ā€ he added.

From your link: "It is considered a modified version of NSC senior director and climate denier William Happer's plan to create a panel on climate change and national security, according to the newspaper.
And of course Trump is a denier, so there is absolutely no question, what the result of this obvious stacked report will say.
BriPat, you and your shut-in buddy Gomer from the sticks Oddball, would suck this up, because that's just the way you folks are. Goose-steppers.
All previous government reports were stacked with AGW cult members. Why are you complaining about that now?

Considering, that a very large majority do believe in climate change, based on various tests and studies that are evidence based. It's hard to find many deniers who are scientists.
Even those corporations who are paying deniers, have themselves acknowledged Global Warming.
Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago
Shell Knew Fossil Fuels Created Climate Change Risks Back in 1980s, Internal Documents Show
Holding Major Fossil Fuel Companies Accountable for Nearly 40 Years of Climate Deception and Harm
40 years ago they were saying we were headed for another ice age.

No they were not. That is just a partisan talking point. You should know better.

you always gotta be the one who sits as judge n jury on this shit.

anyway -

In 1975, Newsweek Predicted A New Ice Age. Weā€™re Still Living with theĀ Consequences.
ā€˜83% Consensusā€™?! 285 Papers From 1960s-ā€™80s Reveal Robust Global Cooling Scientific ā€˜Consensusā€™
Donā€™t Miss it! Climate Depotā€™s Factsheet on 1970s Coming ā€˜Ice Ageā€™ Claims
Inside the Beltway

and to be fair there are a lot that say "bullshit" also.

much like today.
One really has to be a special kind of stupid to think humans are causing glowarm. Its the height of arrogance.
From your link: "It is considered a modified version of NSC senior director and climate denier William Happer's plan to create a panel on climate change and national security, according to the newspaper.
And of course Trump is a denier, so there is absolutely no question, what the result of this obvious stacked report will say.
BriPat, you and your shut-in buddy Gomer from the sticks Oddball, would suck this up, because that's just the way you folks are. Goose-steppers.
All previous government reports were stacked with AGW cult members. Why are you complaining about that now?

Considering, that a very large majority do believe in climate change, based on various tests and studies that are evidence based. It's hard to find many deniers who are scientists.
Even those corporations who are paying deniers, have themselves acknowledged Global Warming.
Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago
Shell Knew Fossil Fuels Created Climate Change Risks Back in 1980s, Internal Documents Show
Holding Major Fossil Fuel Companies Accountable for Nearly 40 Years of Climate Deception and Harm
40 years ago they were saying we were headed for another ice age.

No they were not. That is just a partisan talking point. You should know better.

you always gotta be the one who sits as judge n jury on this shit.

anyway -

In 1975, Newsweek Predicted A New Ice Age. Weā€™re Still Living with the Consequences.
ā€˜83% Consensusā€™?! 285 Papers From 1960s-ā€™80s Reveal Robust Global Cooling Scientific ā€˜Consensusā€™
Donā€™t Miss it! Climate Depotā€™s Factsheet on 1970s Coming ā€˜Ice Ageā€™ Claims
Inside the Beltway

and to be fair there are a lot that say "bullshit" also.

much like today.

From your first link...All climate change deniers needed was one article to cast doubt on the science of global warming.

One really has to be a special kind of stupid to think humans are causing glowarm. Its the height of arrogance.

No, it is the height of arrogance to think we can do what the fuck ever we want to the planet without any consequences.
All previous government reports were stacked with AGW cult members. Why are you complaining about that now?

Considering, that a very large majority do believe in climate change, based on various tests and studies that are evidence based. It's hard to find many deniers who are scientists.
Even those corporations who are paying deniers, have themselves acknowledged Global Warming.
Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago
Shell Knew Fossil Fuels Created Climate Change Risks Back in 1980s, Internal Documents Show
Holding Major Fossil Fuel Companies Accountable for Nearly 40 Years of Climate Deception and Harm
40 years ago they were saying we were headed for another ice age.

No they were not. That is just a partisan talking point. You should know better.

you always gotta be the one who sits as judge n jury on this shit.

anyway -

In 1975, Newsweek Predicted A New Ice Age. Weā€™re Still Living with the Consequences.
ā€˜83% Consensusā€™?! 285 Papers From 1960s-ā€™80s Reveal Robust Global Cooling Scientific ā€˜Consensusā€™
Donā€™t Miss it! Climate Depotā€™s Factsheet on 1970s Coming ā€˜Ice Ageā€™ Claims
Inside the Beltway

and to be fair there are a lot that say "bullshit" also.

much like today.

From your first link...All climate change deniers needed was one article to cast doubt on the science of global warming.
great. except my point is the media keeps changing their mind and i've seen it all different ways in my lifetime. i never said what i saw in the media, for or against, was how *I* personally felt.

yes, the climate is changing. has been since day 1 of existence. the need to blame mankind is our problem, not the planets.
One really has to be a special kind of stupid to think humans are causing glowarm. Its the height of arrogance.

No, it is the height of arrogance to think we can do what the fuck ever we want to the planet without any consequences.

What do you propose as we reach 10 billion in population? You're stating the obvious on consequences. We're not causing glowarm.
Considering, that a very large majority do believe in climate change, based on various tests and studies that are evidence based. It's hard to find many deniers who are scientists.
Even those corporations who are paying deniers, have themselves acknowledged Global Warming.
Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago
Shell Knew Fossil Fuels Created Climate Change Risks Back in 1980s, Internal Documents Show
Holding Major Fossil Fuel Companies Accountable for Nearly 40 Years of Climate Deception and Harm
40 years ago they were saying we were headed for another ice age.

No they were not. That is just a partisan talking point. You should know better.

you always gotta be the one who sits as judge n jury on this shit.

anyway -

In 1975, Newsweek Predicted A New Ice Age. Weā€™re Still Living with the Consequences.
ā€˜83% Consensusā€™?! 285 Papers From 1960s-ā€™80s Reveal Robust Global Cooling Scientific ā€˜Consensusā€™
Donā€™t Miss it! Climate Depotā€™s Factsheet on 1970s Coming ā€˜Ice Ageā€™ Claims
Inside the Beltway

and to be fair there are a lot that say "bullshit" also.

much like today.

From your first link...All climate change deniers needed was one article to cast doubt on the science of global warming.
great. except my point is the media keeps changing their mind and i've seen it all different ways in my lifetime. i never said what i saw in the media, for or against, was how *I* personally felt.

yes, the climate is changing. has been since day 1 of existence. the need to blame mankind is our problem, not the planets.

And this highlights the problem of getting your science from the media. Do you turn to the media for medical advise?
40 years ago they were saying we were headed for another ice age.

No they were not. That is just a partisan talking point. You should know better.

you always gotta be the one who sits as judge n jury on this shit.

anyway -

In 1975, Newsweek Predicted A New Ice Age. Weā€™re Still Living with the Consequences.
ā€˜83% Consensusā€™?! 285 Papers From 1960s-ā€™80s Reveal Robust Global Cooling Scientific ā€˜Consensusā€™
Donā€™t Miss it! Climate Depotā€™s Factsheet on 1970s Coming ā€˜Ice Ageā€™ Claims
Inside the Beltway

and to be fair there are a lot that say "bullshit" also.

much like today.

From your first link...All climate change deniers needed was one article to cast doubt on the science of global warming.
great. except my point is the media keeps changing their mind and i've seen it all different ways in my lifetime. i never said what i saw in the media, for or against, was how *I* personally felt.

yes, the climate is changing. has been since day 1 of existence. the need to blame mankind is our problem, not the planets.

And this highlights the problem of getting your science from the media. Do you turn to the media for medical advise?
i don't know what the fuck crawls up your ass at times, but let me know when you're done.

From your first link...All climate change deniers needed was one article to cast doubt on the science of global warming.
great. except my point is the media keeps changing their mind and i've seen it all different ways in my lifetime. i never said what i saw in the media, for or against, was how *I* personally felt.

yes, the climate is changing. has been since day 1 of existence. the need to blame mankind is our problem, not the planets.

And this highlights the problem of getting your science from the media. Do you turn to the media for medical advise?
i don't know what the fuck crawls up your ass at times, but let me know when you're done.

What gets up my ass is people that base their science on what they hear on TV news or read in news magazines or from politicians.

Do you really think those are reliable sources of information?

It makes no more sense to base your view of global warming on those sources than to base your medical decisions on those sources.

From your first link...All climate change deniers needed was one article to cast doubt on the science of global warming.
great. except my point is the media keeps changing their mind and i've seen it all different ways in my lifetime. i never said what i saw in the media, for or against, was how *I* personally felt.

yes, the climate is changing. has been since day 1 of existence. the need to blame mankind is our problem, not the planets.

And this highlights the problem of getting your science from the media. Do you turn to the media for medical advise?
i don't know what the fuck crawls up your ass at times, but let me know when you're done.

What gets up my ass is people that base their science on what they hear on TV news or read in news magazines or from politicians.

Do you really think those are reliable sources of information?

It makes no more sense to base your view of global warming on those sources than to base your medical decisions based on those sources.
now if that's what i did, great. except all i said was the media has been all over the map on global warming / climate change / freezing. i never said i based my views on that YOU DID.

and then you tear into me for what YOU said i said, totally bypassing what i have said several times now.

have fun, i'm out.
From your first link...All climate change deniers needed was one article to cast doubt on the science of global warming.
great. except my point is the media keeps changing their mind and i've seen it all different ways in my lifetime. i never said what i saw in the media, for or against, was how *I* personally felt.

yes, the climate is changing. has been since day 1 of existence. the need to blame mankind is our problem, not the planets.

And this highlights the problem of getting your science from the media. Do you turn to the media for medical advise?
i don't know what the fuck crawls up your ass at times, but let me know when you're done.

What gets up my ass is people that base their science on what they hear on TV news or read in news magazines or from politicians.

Do you really think those are reliable sources of information?

It makes no more sense to base your view of global warming on those sources than to base your medical decisions based on those sources.
now if that's what i did, great. except all i said was the media has been all over the map on global warming / climate change / freezing. i never said i based my views on that YOU DID.

and then you tear into me for what YOU said i said, totally bypassing what i have said several times now.

have fun, i'm out.

If people were not getting their science form these sources, it would not matter what they published. So, while you may not be, far too many people are.

I was not tearing into you....quit being such a snowflake.
great. except my point is the media keeps changing their mind and i've seen it all different ways in my lifetime. i never said what i saw in the media, for or against, was how *I* personally felt.

yes, the climate is changing. has been since day 1 of existence. the need to blame mankind is our problem, not the planets.

And this highlights the problem of getting your science from the media. Do you turn to the media for medical advise?
i don't know what the fuck crawls up your ass at times, but let me know when you're done.

What gets up my ass is people that base their science on what they hear on TV news or read in news magazines or from politicians.

Do you really think those are reliable sources of information?

It makes no more sense to base your view of global warming on those sources than to base your medical decisions based on those sources.
now if that's what i did, great. except all i said was the media has been all over the map on global warming / climate change / freezing. i never said i based my views on that YOU DID.

and then you tear into me for what YOU said i said, totally bypassing what i have said several times now.

have fun, i'm out.

If people were not getting their science form these sources, it would not matter what they published. So, while you may not be, far too many people are.

then go bitch at them and stop projecting this on me so you can bitch at all.
But that is not what is happening. The group is not being put together of open-minded people to look objectively at the data, they are people with the answer already decided that are going to write a report to support it.
You mean exactly like what happened with the previous report?

Most likely. Thanks again for showing that Trump is no different at all from Obama.
Then what are you whining about? Did you whine when the previous report came out? Of course you didn't.

You sheep kept telling me Trump was different, that he was a change for the better.

Why do you lie so much?
Ask Paul Ryan and others that are RINOS.
Paul Ryan is as conservative as they come
With regard to National Policy, there is only one relevant inquiry, and Leftists are unwilling to address it:

What can feasibly be done in the United States that will have any measurable effect on the future climate, given what we know is happening in the rest of the world?

The honest answer: Nothing.

Even if we do EVERYTHING that any rational human could countenance, the impact on global temperatures a hundred years out - based on our puny efforts - will be nothing more than a rounding error.

And if we merely take reasonable steps to optimize our usage of CO2-generating fuels, and continue to explore methods of capturing or otherwise reducing greenhouse gases (without inflicting undue pain on ourselves) that will be good enough.

Any other conclusion by this group (assuming it really happens) will be bogus.
You don't believe the President of the United States has control over which generals are promoted in the military?

Talk about fucking stupid.

Nope, I do not. And since only one of us actually served, only one of us would have any idea how promotions work in the military.

In the Marines, the first 2 promotions are automatic if you do not get into trouble....how does the POTUS control that?

The next two promotions are based upon a cutting score that is determined by your PFT score, TIS, TIG, rifle range score....how does the POTUS control that?

The rest of the promotions are based upon a randomly chosen board of your peers that meet once a year and looks over the paperwork for all qualified Marines of that grade and chose the best ones as they can determine...how does the POTUS control that?

Explain how the POTUS controls that process for each individual Marine.
General Officers are approved by Congress
Heres what the left doesnt get.....

Banners are ghey yet the left are blindly beholden to them. Sure the public cares about climate change! But so what? Polls show they have for almost 20 years now!

But they couldnt possibly be less interested in climate change action which matters waaaaaaaaaaay more than the "consensus" banner the left takes bows in front of.

And we know that because for 20 years, congress doesnt give a shit about climate change.....because nobody is calling s0ns!


You, Too, Are in Denial of Climate Change

....thus, the President gets to put skeptics on his panel! I'm still laughing!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
You don't believe the President of the United States has control over which generals are promoted in the military?

Talk about fucking stupid.

Nope, I do not. And since only one of us actually served, only one of us would have any idea how promotions work in the military.

In the Marines, the first 2 promotions are automatic if you do not get into trouble....how does the POTUS control that?

The next two promotions are based upon a cutting score that is determined by your PFT score, TIS, TIG, rifle range score....how does the POTUS control that?

The rest of the promotions are based upon a randomly chosen board of your peers that meet once a year and looks over the paperwork for all qualified Marines of that grade and chose the best ones as they can determine...how does the POTUS control that?

Explain how the POTUS controls that process for each individual Marine.
General Officers are approved by Congress

So roughly .069% of the military...
You don't believe the President of the United States has control over which generals are promoted in the military?

Talk about fucking stupid.

Nope, I do not. And since only one of us actually served, only one of us would have any idea how promotions work in the military.

In the Marines, the first 2 promotions are automatic if you do not get into trouble....how does the POTUS control that?

The next two promotions are based upon a cutting score that is determined by your PFT score, TIS, TIG, rifle range score....how does the POTUS control that?

The rest of the promotions are based upon a randomly chosen board of your peers that meet once a year and looks over the paperwork for all qualified Marines of that grade and chose the best ones as they can determine...how does the POTUS control that?

Explain how the POTUS controls that process for each individual Marine.
Promotions for generals are chosen by the President and then approved by Congress, moron.
You don't believe the President of the United States has control over which generals are promoted in the military?

Talk about fucking stupid.

Nope, I do not. And since only one of us actually served, only one of us would have any idea how promotions work in the military.

In the Marines, the first 2 promotions are automatic if you do not get into trouble....how does the POTUS control that?

The next two promotions are based upon a cutting score that is determined by your PFT score, TIS, TIG, rifle range score....how does the POTUS control that?

The rest of the promotions are based upon a randomly chosen board of your peers that meet once a year and looks over the paperwork for all qualified Marines of that grade and chose the best ones as they can determine...how does the POTUS control that?

Explain how the POTUS controls that process for each individual Marine.
Promotions for generals are chosen by the President and then approved by Congress, moron.

And generals make up .069% of the military...and you said it was the whole military.

Oh, and the POTUS only nominates those that are already Brigadier Generals for their next rank, so that cuts it down even more who the POTUS has control over.
great. except my point is the media keeps changing their mind and i've seen it all different ways in my lifetime. i never said what i saw in the media, for or against, was how *I* personally felt.

yes, the climate is changing. has been since day 1 of existence. the need to blame mankind is our problem, not the planets.

And this highlights the problem of getting your science from the media. Do you turn to the media for medical advise?
i don't know what the fuck crawls up your ass at times, but let me know when you're done.

What gets up my ass is people that base their science on what they hear on TV news or read in news magazines or from politicians.

Do you really think those are reliable sources of information?

It makes no more sense to base your view of global warming on those sources than to base your medical decisions based on those sources.
now if that's what i did, great. except all i said was the media has been all over the map on global warming / climate change / freezing. i never said i based my views on that YOU DID.

and then you tear into me for what YOU said i said, totally bypassing what i have said several times now.

have fun, i'm out.

If people were not getting their science form these sources, it would not matter what they published. So, while you may not be, far too many people are.

I was not tearing into you....quit being such a snowflake.
The kind of people most likely to get their "science" from the media are the ones who believe the AGW hocus-pocus.

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