White House committee to reassess climate science conclusions: report

now if that's what i did, great. except all i said was the media has been all over the map on global warming / climate change / freezing. i never said i based my views on that YOU DID.

and then you tear into me for what YOU said i said, totally bypassing what i have said several times now.

have fun, i'm out.

If people were not getting their science form these sources, it would not matter what they published. So, while you may not be, far too many people are.

I was not tearing into you....quit being such a snowflake.
The kind of people most likely to get their "science" from the media are the ones who believe the AGW hocus-pocus.

But you are a person who get their science from the media and you do not believe, so that shoots your comment out of the water.
Total horseshit. moron. Skeptics are the kind or people least likely to get their understanding of AGW from the media.

You are living proof that is not true.
If people were not getting their science form these sources, it would not matter what they published. So, while you may not be, far too many people are.

I was not tearing into you....quit being such a snowflake.
The kind of people most likely to get their "science" from the media are the ones who believe the AGW hocus-pocus.

But you are a person who get their science from the media and you do not believe, so that shoots your comment out of the water.
Total horseshit. moron. Skeptics are the kind or people least likely to get their understanding of AGW from the media.

You are living proof that is not true.

you are a denier and you get all your science from the media and politicians.
More Americans and most Republicans now believe in climate change - CNNPolitics
About 8 in 10 Americans believe the climate is changing, causing extreme weather. Two thirds of Republicans believe the same thing. A majority of Americans (54%) consider it a "very serious" problem, according to a Monmouth University pollreleased Thursday

It's ranked 11th in this list of important issues from a 2018 Gallup poll:

  1. Healthcare 80
  2. The economy 78
  3. Immigration 78
  4. Way women are treated in U.S. society 74
  5. Gun policy 72
  6. Taxes 70
  7. Foreign affairs 68
  8. Way income and wealth are distributed in the U.S. 68
  9. The recent confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court 64
  10. U.S. trade and tariff policies 61
  11. Climate change 53
And that changes what Iposted...how? Most Americans do not consider clinate change to be a hoax.

It shows that climate change is not a priority issue for Americans. You implied it was.
The kind of people most likely to get their "science" from the media are the ones who believe the AGW hocus-pocus.

But you are a person who get their science from the media and you do not believe, so that shoots your comment out of the water.
Total horseshit. moron. Skeptics are the kind or people least likely to get their understanding of AGW from the media.

You are living proof that is not true.

you are a denier and you get all your science from the media and politicians.
Wrong, shit for brains. You have absolutely no evidence for that claim. If anyone gets their information from media and politicians, it's the true believers of the cult - numskulls like you, for instance. You believe exactly what all the media morons and dumbshit politicians believe.
If people were not getting their science form these sources, it would not matter what they published. So, while you may not be, far too many people are.

I was not tearing into you....quit being such a snowflake.
The kind of people most likely to get their "science" from the media are the ones who believe the AGW hocus-pocus.

But you are a person who get their science from the media and you do not believe, so that shoots your comment out of the water.
maybe. except a few minutes ago so was i. even though i wasn't.

still being butt hurt I see...
not at all. you were wrong with me so you could well be wrong here with him.

still being wrong or are you actually reading what someone is saying vs. hearing key words and taking your standard approach?
GG pretends he's a libertarian, but he almost always comes off as a USMB snowflake.
You don't believe the President of the United States has control over which generals are promoted in the military?

Talk about fucking stupid.

Nope, I do not. And since only one of us actually served, only one of us would have any idea how promotions work in the military.

In the Marines, the first 2 promotions are automatic if you do not get into trouble....how does the POTUS control that?

The next two promotions are based upon a cutting score that is determined by your PFT score, TIS, TIG, rifle range score....how does the POTUS control that?

The rest of the promotions are based upon a randomly chosen board of your peers that meet once a year and looks over the paperwork for all qualified Marines of that grade and chose the best ones as they can determine...how does the POTUS control that?

Explain how the POTUS controls that process for each individual Marine.
Promotions for generals are chosen by the President and then approved by Congress, moron.

And generals make up .069% of the military...and you said it was the whole military.

Oh, and the POTUS only nominates those that are already Brigadier Generals for their next rank, so that cuts it down even more who the POTUS has control over.

The generals make the decisions about everyone else, moron.

No they do not you dumb fuck.

Why do people that have never served think they know a damn thing about how the military works?
Of course they do. They make the decisions about the people below them, and those people make the decisions about the people below them Everyone takes their cues from the people at the top. If you want to get ahead in the military, you sure as hell don't buck the top brass. Under Obama, it was career suicide to be a climate skeptic.
More Americans and most Republicans now believe in climate change - CNNPolitics
About 8 in 10 Americans believe the climate is changing, causing extreme weather. Two thirds of Republicans believe the same thing. A majority of Americans (54%) consider it a "very serious" problem, according to a Monmouth University pollreleased Thursday

It's ranked 11th in this list of important issues from a 2018 Gallup poll:

  1. Healthcare 80
  2. The economy 78
  3. Immigration 78
  4. Way women are treated in U.S. society 74
  5. Gun policy 72
  6. Taxes 70
  7. Foreign affairs 68
  8. Way income and wealth are distributed in the U.S. 68
  9. The recent confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court 64
  10. U.S. trade and tariff policies 61
  11. Climate change 53
And that changes what Iposted...how? Most Americans do not consider clinate change to be a hoax.

It shows that climate change is not a priority issue for Americans. You implied it was.
Because Americans want cheap gas now and are willing to screw future Americans for it
Total horseshit. moron. Skeptics are the kind or people least likely to get their understanding of AGW from the media.

They absolutely DO get their "understanding" from the media. Unfortunately it's from the right wing FRINGE media.

Where they don't get it from is actual science
The media is overwhelmingly in the AGW cult camp, so that claim is absurd on its face. It's much more difficult to be a skeptic than to be a true believer in the cult. To do the latter, all you have to do is turn on any fake news source and allow the propaganda to wash over you. Being a leftwing drone is the easiest thing in the world. All you have to do is not question what is fed to you 24 hours a day.
Last edited:
More Americans and most Republicans now believe in climate change - CNNPolitics
About 8 in 10 Americans believe the climate is changing, causing extreme weather. Two thirds of Republicans believe the same thing. A majority of Americans (54%) consider it a "very serious" problem, according to a Monmouth University pollreleased Thursday

It's ranked 11th in this list of important issues from a 2018 Gallup poll:

  1. Healthcare 80
  2. The economy 78
  3. Immigration 78
  4. Way women are treated in U.S. society 74
  5. Gun policy 72
  6. Taxes 70
  7. Foreign affairs 68
  8. Way income and wealth are distributed in the U.S. 68
  9. The recent confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court 64
  10. U.S. trade and tariff policies 61
  11. Climate change 53
And that changes what Iposted...how? Most Americans do not consider clinate change to be a hoax.

It shows that climate change is not a priority issue for Americans. You implied it was.
Because Americans want cheap gas now and are willing to screw future Americans for it

Why would anyone want expensive gas if it isn't necessary? How are we screwing over future Americans? Morons like you don't even want them to use gas.
i don't know what the fuck crawls up your ass at times, but let me know when you're done.

What gets up my ass is people that base their science on what they hear on TV news or read in news magazines or from politicians.

Do you really think those are reliable sources of information?

It makes no more sense to base your view of global warming on those sources than to base your medical decisions based on those sources.
now if that's what i did, great. except all i said was the media has been all over the map on global warming / climate change / freezing. i never said i based my views on that YOU DID.

and then you tear into me for what YOU said i said, totally bypassing what i have said several times now.

have fun, i'm out.

If people were not getting their science form these sources, it would not matter what they published. So, while you may not be, far too many people are.

I was not tearing into you....quit being such a snowflake.
The kind of people most likely to get their "science" from the media are the ones who believe the AGW hocus-pocus.
Vs those who get their science from college drop out Rush Limbaugh
You're just a vast gasbag full of stereotypes, prejudices and biases.
More Americans and most Republicans now believe in climate change - CNNPolitics
About 8 in 10 Americans believe the climate is changing, causing extreme weather. Two thirds of Republicans believe the same thing. A majority of Americans (54%) consider it a "very serious" problem, according to a Monmouth University pollreleased Thursday

It's ranked 11th in this list of important issues from a 2018 Gallup poll:

  1. Healthcare 80
  2. The economy 78
  3. Immigration 78
  4. Way women are treated in U.S. society 74
  5. Gun policy 72
  6. Taxes 70
  7. Foreign affairs 68
  8. Way income and wealth are distributed in the U.S. 68
  9. The recent confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court 64
  10. U.S. trade and tariff policies 61
  11. Climate change 53
And that changes what Iposted...how? Most Americans do not consider clinate change to be a hoax.
I just demonstrated that they don't believe it to be an important issue. What they believe is a lot more complex than what your poll claims to show. Many believe it exists, but it isn't caused by humans. Others believe that humans are only responsible for a small part of it.

The bottom line is that if you expect Americans to accept a drastic change in their standard of living for the AGW con, you're barking up the wrong tree.
But you are a person who get their science from the media and you do not believe, so that shoots your comment out of the water.
Total horseshit. moron. Skeptics are the kind or people least likely to get their understanding of AGW from the media.

You are living proof that is not true.

you are a denier and you get all your science from the media and politicians.
Wrong, shit for brains. You have absolutely no evidence for that claim. If anyone gets their information from media and politicians, it's the true believers of the cult - numskulls like you, for instance. You believe exactly what all the media morons and dumbshit politicians believe.

The evidence is that you do nothing but parrot party/FoxNews talking points.

You know that you have never read a single scientific article on the topic. you have never downloaded the data sets and did an analysis of the data
You can tell it’s a bullshit ruse whenever someone says, “The science is settled”

That’s utter bullshit. Anyone who has ever studied the scientific method should tell you that all theories and conclusions WELCOME tests and new data.

Is the earth flat? Was that science settled?
It's about time. Watch the AGW cult go crazy attacking this:

The Trump administration is planning to create an ad hoc group of federal scientists to reassess and counter the government's conclusions on climate change, The Washington Post reported Sunday.

The National Security Council (NSC) initiative would feature scientists who challenge the seriousness of climate change and the degree to which humans are the cause of climate problems, three unidentified administration officials told the Post.

The Post reported that the plan was discussed by administration officials on Friday in the White House Situation Room.

It is considered a modified version of NSC senior director and climate denier William Happer's plan to create a panel on climate change and national security, according to the newspaper.

The NSC declined to comment to the Post.

At the Friday meeting, deputy national security adviser Charles Kupperman said President Trump was upset that the federal government last year released the National Climate Assessment, the Post reported.

The National Climate Assessment warned that climate change could have devastating effects on the economy, health and environment and that current efforts to counter climate change were insufficient.

Trump has been outspoken in doubting the effects of climate change, sometimes calling it a hoax. Following the release of last year's climate assessment, Trump said that he didn't "believe" the report's findings.

“Yeah, I don’t believe it,” Trump said at the time

“I’ve seen it, I’ve read some of it, and it’s fine,” he added.

From your link: "It is considered a modified version of NSC senior director and climate denier William Happer's plan to create a panel on climate change and national security, according to the newspaper.
And of course Trump is a denier, so there is absolutely no question, what the result of this obvious stacked report will say.
BriPat, you and your shut-in buddy Gomer from the sticks Oddball, would suck this up, because that's just the way you folks are. Goose-steppers.
All previous government reports were stacked with AGW cult members. Why are you complaining about that now?
They were stacked with scientists. Real ones. You denial cultists have trouble with that.
They're con artists. These so-called "scientists" have disgraced themselves over and over.
The evidence is that you do nothing but parrot party/FoxNews talking points.

You know that you have never read a single scientific article on the topic. you have never downloaded the data sets and did an analysis of the data
Well, I have and I can tell you this: People claiming that the science is settled are FULL OF SHIT. I can also tell you that it is the only field of alleged hard science where the scientific method has been ass raped and thrown in the trash.

All climate scientists seem to be looking for only one conclusion and only one source, without considering alternatives.

On top of that, every proposed solution thus far has been aimed at making wholesale communist changes to all governments.

Nope, I do not. And since only one of us actually served, only one of us would have any idea how promotions work in the military.

In the Marines, the first 2 promotions are automatic if you do not get into trouble....how does the POTUS control that?

The next two promotions are based upon a cutting score that is determined by your PFT score, TIS, TIG, rifle range score....how does the POTUS control that?

The rest of the promotions are based upon a randomly chosen board of your peers that meet once a year and looks over the paperwork for all qualified Marines of that grade and chose the best ones as they can determine...how does the POTUS control that?

Explain how the POTUS controls that process for each individual Marine.
Promotions for generals are chosen by the President and then approved by Congress, moron.

And generals make up .069% of the military...and you said it was the whole military.

Oh, and the POTUS only nominates those that are already Brigadier Generals for their next rank, so that cuts it down even more who the POTUS has control over.

The generals make the decisions about everyone else, moron.

No they do not you dumb fuck.

Why do people that have never served think they know a damn thing about how the military works?
Of course they do. They make the decisions about the people below them, and those people make the decisions about the people below them Everyone takes their cues from the people at the top. If you want to get ahead in the military, you sure as hell don't buck the top brass. Under Obama, it was career suicide to be a climate skeptic.

Once again, you speak of things you have no fucking clue about. You are just parroting the party talking points.

The General has no input on promotions for any enlisted person till you get to the rank of SgtMaj and even that is limited. The only way a General can impact an enlisted person's promotion is if the enlisted person worked for the General and the General put in a letter of reference to the promotion broad.

I worked on the 1st MAW G3 staff, used to brief the Command General every 30 days on the status of his units prior to submitted the SORTS report. He still had zero impact on my promotion.
It's about time. Watch the AGW cult go crazy attacking this:

The Trump administration is planning to create an ad hoc group of federal scientists to reassess and counter the government's conclusions on climate change, The Washington Post reported Sunday.

The National Security Council (NSC) initiative would feature scientists who challenge the seriousness of climate change and the degree to which humans are the cause of climate problems, three unidentified administration officials told the Post.

The Post reported that the plan was discussed by administration officials on Friday in the White House Situation Room.

It is considered a modified version of NSC senior director and climate denier William Happer's plan to create a panel on climate change and national security, according to the newspaper.

The NSC declined to comment to the Post.

At the Friday meeting, deputy national security adviser Charles Kupperman said President Trump was upset that the federal government last year released the National Climate Assessment, the Post reported.

The National Climate Assessment warned that climate change could have devastating effects on the economy, health and environment and that current efforts to counter climate change were insufficient.

Trump has been outspoken in doubting the effects of climate change, sometimes calling it a hoax. Following the release of last year's climate assessment, Trump said that he didn't "believe" the report's findings.

“Yeah, I don’t believe it,” Trump said at the time

“I’ve seen it, I’ve read some of it, and it’s fine,” he added.

From your link: "It is considered a modified version of NSC senior director and climate denier William Happer's plan to create a panel on climate change and national security, according to the newspaper.
And of course Trump is a denier, so there is absolutely no question, what the result of this obvious stacked report will say.
BriPat, you and your shut-in buddy Gomer from the sticks Oddball, would suck this up, because that's just the way you folks are. Goose-steppers.

I'll take a climate denier over a reality denier anytime

Of course you would. If Trump all of a sudden Trump reversed his position on climate change, every single Trumpster, would also do a 180 on their stand of climate change.
Anyway, it doesn't matter much. Being 62% Americans don't think Trump is honest, they won't pay much attention. But with Trump's base? It's what Trump said, is the conclusive conclusion. :happy-1:

It's the epitome of the arrogance of the regressives to think they can control nature. I've said that since al the whore came out with his BS.

I wouldn't say it's out of the question that we can control nature, but I think it would take a lot more energy than we have available to us at this point.
Total horseshit. moron. Skeptics are the kind or people least likely to get their understanding of AGW from the media.

You are living proof that is not true.

you are a denier and you get all your science from the media and politicians.
Wrong, shit for brains. You have absolutely no evidence for that claim. If anyone gets their information from media and politicians, it's the true believers of the cult - numskulls like you, for instance. You believe exactly what all the media morons and dumbshit politicians believe.

The evidence is that you do nothing but parrot party/FoxNews talking points.

You know that you have never read a single scientific article on the topic. you have never downloaded the data sets and did an analysis of the data
FOX news hasn't demonstrated any overt skepticism of the AWG cult, so your claim is false on its surface.

I've been a skeptic of the AGW con for over 20 years. The claim that viewing FOX news is responsible is too stupid for words to describe. I knew it was a con the minute all the leftwingers started preaching doom.

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