White House committee to reassess climate science conclusions: report

Only cult members believe that's a disqualifier.
No,that's pretty much a disqualifier in every field of science.

And ,as I pointed out, you're a little fraud anyway. If expertise mattered to you, you would side with the overwhelming consensus and shut the fuck up.
Only cult members believe that's a disqualifier.
No,that's pretty much a disqualifier in every field of science. Don't believe me? Go ahead and go to a horticulturalist and ask them to treat that rash on your ass.

And ,as I pointed out, you're a little fraud anyway. If expertise mattered to you, you would side with the overwhelming consensus and shut the fuck up.
Those two fields are hardly related, shit for brains. However, if you are a doctor, you can easily transfer your skills to a field like biology.
It's the epitome of the arrogance of the regressives to think they can control nature. I've said that since al the whore came out with his BS.


No scientist is claiming we can control nature, that just shows your ignorance of the science. When you get your science from Al Gore, you get what you deserve...ignorance.

Pleas note where I said anything about scientist, regressives aren't scientist, they're power hungry frauds.


Who cares what they think? lets focus on the science and not the Kabuki theater

You better care, they are trying to alter the life of every person in the country. If they get back in full power, it won't be pretty.

Horticulture is related to physics

Wrong, as usual: Horticulture and Agricultural Physics and Soil Science Building - Wikipedia

There are two points you are not going to squirm out of:

mr. Happer the fraud does not have the education, the experience, or the credentials to evaluate any of the science from the fields of climatology, geology, meteorology, chemiatry, biology, astronomy, and oceanography (just to ne a few) that are taken into account in these climate reports.

And the other fact is that you're a little fraud anyway, because, if you actually cared about expertise, you would just go with the overwhelming consensus and shut the fuck up.
Horticulture is related to physics

Wrong, as usual: Horticulture and Agricultural Physics and Soil Science Building - Wikipedia

There are two points you are not going to squirm out of:

mr. Happer the fraud does not have the education, the experience, or the credentials to evaluate any of the science from the fields of climatology, geology, meteorology, chemiatry, biology, astronomy, and oceanography (just to ne a few) that are taken into account in these climate reports.

And the other fact is that you're a little fraud anyway, because, if you actually cared about expertise, you would just go with the overwhelming consensus and shut the fuck up.
He's as qualified in those fields as the AGW cult quacks. None of them have received the equivalent of a PHD in any of those fields. What he doesn't know, he can educate himself on in a matter of weeks. So-called "climate science" is just not that demanding of a field. As Michael Mann showed, it doesn't require a strong background in mathematics, and physics certainly does.

Only cult members who don't understand the basics of science believe we should accept the pronunciations of quacks or the so-called "consensus."

You can't make your case on the merits, so you appeal to authority. That alone is sufficient evidence to show that you realize these guys are quacks.
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He's as qualified in those fields as the AGW cult quacks.
No he isn't. That's a fucking idiotic thing to say, and you are embarrassing yourself. Bripat, you are always willing to triple- and quadruple-down on fucking stupid.

Go ahead and just keep talking. You sound like a moron and I don't think there is anything I can say or do to embarrass or discredit you more than you are doing all by yourself.
He's as qualified in those fields as the AGW cult quacks.
No he isn't. That's a fucking idiotic thing to say, and you are embarrassing yourself. Bripat, you are always willing to triple- and quadruple-down on fucking stupid.

Go ahead and just keep talking. You sound like a moron and I don't think there is anything I can say or do to embarrass or discredit you more than you are doing all by yourself.
Hardly. So-called "climate scientists" have an amateur's knowledge in all the fields you mention. I probably know more about these subjects than some of them.

Triggering snow flake idiots is not the equivalent of "stupid."
So-called "climate scientists" have an amateur's knowledge in all the fields you mention.
Save for climatology. You know -- the science of which you gleefully cite when you say fucking retarded shit like, "the climate has always changed", "there was a little ice age", "dinosaurs did fine with high co2", as if the global scientific community is laboring under the ignorance of these discoveries.

.And the scientific consensus does not rely only on published research from climatology. It is also informed by biology, meteorology, oceanography, ecology, and chemistry, to name only a few. So what you are saying is fucking retarded anyway,and you sound very stupid. Everyone can tell you are in a desperate tantrum, vomiting the fist, rabid thoughts that fizzle onto your colon.
So-called "climate scientists" have an amateur's knowledge in all the fields you mention.
Save for climatology. You know -- the science of which you gleefully cite when you say fucking retarded shit like, "the climate has always changed", "there was a little ice age", "dinosaurs did fine with high co2", as if the global scientific community is laboring under the ignorance of these discoveries.

.And the scientific consensus does not rely only on published research from climatology. It is also informed by biology, meteorology, oceanography, ecology, and chemistry, to name only a few. So what you are saying is fucking retarded anyway,and you sound very stupid. Everyone can tell you are in a desperate tantrum, vomiting the fist, rabid thoughts that fizzle onto your colon.
So-called "climatology" is nothing more than the physics of the atmosphere. A physicist is well qualified to evaluate the claims of climatologists. He's even better qualified that most so-called "climatologists."
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I have my doubts about global warming. That being said GW has had no affect on policy anyway.
Why do people who believe in GW bother some so much? I don't really believe in it but it doesn't bother me. It has no affect on me or my family. Like most all political stuff it really doesn't matter.
I have my doubts about global warming. That being said GW has had no affect on policy anyway.
It's actually had quite a big effect. We've spent hundreds of billions of dollars on so-called "green energy." Global warming is used to justify the Ethanol mandate.
Why do people who believe in GW bother some so much? I don't really believe in it but it doesn't bother me. It has no affect on me or my family. Like most all political stuff it really doesn't matter.
Perhaps it's because leftwing morons are trying to tax us to the tune of trillions of dollars for this idiocy.

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