White House committee to reassess climate science conclusions: report

Promotions for generals are chosen by the President and then approved by Congress, moron.

And generals make up .069% of the military...and you said it was the whole military.

Oh, and the POTUS only nominates those that are already Brigadier Generals for their next rank, so that cuts it down even more who the POTUS has control over.

The generals make the decisions about everyone else, moron.

No they do not you dumb fuck.

Why do people that have never served think they know a damn thing about how the military works?
Of course they do. They make the decisions about the people below them, and those people make the decisions about the people below them Everyone takes their cues from the people at the top. If you want to get ahead in the military, you sure as hell don't buck the top brass. Under Obama, it was career suicide to be a climate skeptic.

Once again, you speak of things you have no fucking clue about. You are just parroting the party talking points.

The General has no input on promotions for any enlisted person till you get to the rank of SgtMaj and even that is limited. The only way a General can impact an enlisted person's promotion is if the enlisted person worked for the General and the General put in a letter of reference to the promotion broad.

I worked on the 1st MAW G3 staff, used to brief the Command General every 30 days on the status of his units prior to submitted the SORTS report. He still had zero impact on my promotion.
You're utterly naive if you don't imagine generals don't have an impact on promotions. I can't imagine any claim more stupid than that.
Global Warming, Like Universal Healthcare, Like Income Inequality, Like Free Education, and Guaranteed Income, are all nothing but Trojan Horses waiting outside of America's gates for useful idiots to bring a Socialist State in to America.
I was not wrong about you, I was speaking in general terms when talking to you, but you choose to be a snowflake and take it all personally.
i quote:

No they were not. That is just a partisan talking point. You should know better.
"you should know better".

that is not general terms. you were wrong. when i am i admit it. i guess you can't do the same but instead revert to the liberal side and just insult people instead.
Good link. Thanks

An enduring popular myth suggests that in the 1970s the climate science community was predicting “global cooling” and an “imminent” ice age, an observation frequently used by those who would undermine what climate scientists say today about the prospect of global warming. A review of the literature suggests that, on the contrary, greenhouse warming even then dominated scientists' thinking as being one of the most important forces shaping Earth's climate on human time scales. More importantly than showing the falsehood of the myth, this review describes how scientists of the time built the foundation on which the cohesive enterprise of modern climate science now rests

someone left the idiot door open.

It is your door buddy!
yep. thought it was locked. he snuck in. :)

this one is on me.
Cockroaches always find a way to get in.
Well, I have and I can tell you this: People claiming that the science is settled are FULL OF SHIT. I can also tell you that it is the only field of alleged hard science where the scientific method has been ass raped and thrown in the trash.

I agree that anyone that says it is settled is full of shit. Ironically, I have never read a single paper making that claim, it is always the media and the politicians.

All climate scientists seem to be looking for only one conclusion and only one source, without considering alternatives.

That has not been my experience. I have seen past data on solar activity, volcanic activity and more compared and contrasted.

On top of that, every proposed solution thus far has been aimed at making wholesale communist changes to all governments.


This is true, but then again most "solutions" are from politicians and not scientist. I do not agree with any of the proposed solutions, in fact I think there is no fixing it. The only solution is to mitigate the effect of the changes.
And generals make up .069% of the military...and you said it was the whole military.

Oh, and the POTUS only nominates those that are already Brigadier Generals for their next rank, so that cuts it down even more who the POTUS has control over.

The generals make the decisions about everyone else, moron.

No they do not you dumb fuck.

Why do people that have never served think they know a damn thing about how the military works?
Of course they do. They make the decisions about the people below them, and those people make the decisions about the people below them Everyone takes their cues from the people at the top. If you want to get ahead in the military, you sure as hell don't buck the top brass. Under Obama, it was career suicide to be a climate skeptic.

Once again, you speak of things you have no fucking clue about. You are just parroting the party talking points.

The General has no input on promotions for any enlisted person till you get to the rank of SgtMaj and even that is limited. The only way a General can impact an enlisted person's promotion is if the enlisted person worked for the General and the General put in a letter of reference to the promotion broad.

I worked on the 1st MAW G3 staff, used to brief the Command General every 30 days on the status of his units prior to submitted the SORTS report. He still had zero impact on my promotion.
You're utterly naive if you don't imagine generals don't have an impact on promotions. I can't imagine any claim more stupid than that.

I can tell you what is more stupid than that, you pretending you know something about the military.

Many, if not most enlisted personnel might go their entire first 8 to 10 years and never come in contact with a general, let alone have one influence their promotions.

In the US military there is roughly one General level officer for every 1600 non-generals. Yet you think that the General has input in every single promotion from the lowly;y PFC to the Colonel.

I bet you think that Bill Gates has input on everyone in Microsoft promotions.

Have you ever held a real job?
It's the epitome of the arrogance of the regressives to think they can control nature. I've said that since al the whore came out with his BS.


No scientist is claiming we can control nature, that just shows your ignorance of the science. When you get your science from Al Gore, you get what you deserve...ignorance.
The generals make the decisions about everyone else, moron.

No they do not you dumb fuck.

Why do people that have never served think they know a damn thing about how the military works?
Of course they do. They make the decisions about the people below them, and those people make the decisions about the people below them Everyone takes their cues from the people at the top. If you want to get ahead in the military, you sure as hell don't buck the top brass. Under Obama, it was career suicide to be a climate skeptic.

Once again, you speak of things you have no fucking clue about. You are just parroting the party talking points.

The General has no input on promotions for any enlisted person till you get to the rank of SgtMaj and even that is limited. The only way a General can impact an enlisted person's promotion is if the enlisted person worked for the General and the General put in a letter of reference to the promotion broad.

I worked on the 1st MAW G3 staff, used to brief the Command General every 30 days on the status of his units prior to submitted the SORTS report. He still had zero impact on my promotion.
You're utterly naive if you don't imagine generals don't have an impact on promotions. I can't imagine any claim more stupid than that.

I can tell you what is more stupid than that, you pretending you know something about the military.

Many, if not most enlisted personnel might go their entire first 8 to 10 years and never come in contact with a general, let alone have one influence their promotions.

In the US military there is roughly one General level officer for every 1600 non-generals. Yet you think that the General has input in every single promotion from the lowly;y PFC to the Colonel.

I bet you think that Bill Gates has input on everyone in Microsoft promotions.

Have you ever held a real job?
bill hasn't been at MS in over a decade.
No they do not you dumb fuck.

Why do people that have never served think they know a damn thing about how the military works?
Of course they do. They make the decisions about the people below them, and those people make the decisions about the people below them Everyone takes their cues from the people at the top. If you want to get ahead in the military, you sure as hell don't buck the top brass. Under Obama, it was career suicide to be a climate skeptic.

Once again, you speak of things you have no fucking clue about. You are just parroting the party talking points.

The General has no input on promotions for any enlisted person till you get to the rank of SgtMaj and even that is limited. The only way a General can impact an enlisted person's promotion is if the enlisted person worked for the General and the General put in a letter of reference to the promotion broad.

I worked on the 1st MAW G3 staff, used to brief the Command General every 30 days on the status of his units prior to submitted the SORTS report. He still had zero impact on my promotion.
You're utterly naive if you don't imagine generals don't have an impact on promotions. I can't imagine any claim more stupid than that.

I can tell you what is more stupid than that, you pretending you know something about the military.

Many, if not most enlisted personnel might go their entire first 8 to 10 years and never come in contact with a general, let alone have one influence their promotions.

In the US military there is roughly one General level officer for every 1600 non-generals. Yet you think that the General has input in every single promotion from the lowly;y PFC to the Colonel.

I bet you think that Bill Gates has input on everyone in Microsoft promotions.

Have you ever held a real job?
bill hasn't been at MS in over a decade.

Now who is being bitchy? I think you get my point. Is this your payback from this morning?
The generals make the decisions about everyone else, moron.

No they do not you dumb fuck.

Why do people that have never served think they know a damn thing about how the military works?
Of course they do. They make the decisions about the people below them, and those people make the decisions about the people below them Everyone takes their cues from the people at the top. If you want to get ahead in the military, you sure as hell don't buck the top brass. Under Obama, it was career suicide to be a climate skeptic.

Once again, you speak of things you have no fucking clue about. You are just parroting the party talking points.

The General has no input on promotions for any enlisted person till you get to the rank of SgtMaj and even that is limited. The only way a General can impact an enlisted person's promotion is if the enlisted person worked for the General and the General put in a letter of reference to the promotion broad.

I worked on the 1st MAW G3 staff, used to brief the Command General every 30 days on the status of his units prior to submitted the SORTS report. He still had zero impact on my promotion.
You're utterly naive if you don't imagine generals don't have an impact on promotions. I can't imagine any claim more stupid than that.

I can tell you what is more stupid than that, you pretending you know something about the military.

Many, if not most enlisted personnel might go their entire first 8 to 10 years and never come in contact with a general, let alone have one influence their promotions.

In the US military there is roughly one General level officer for every 1600 non-generals. Yet you think that the General has input in every single promotion from the lowly;y PFC to the Colonel.

I bet you think that Bill Gates has input on everyone in Microsoft promotions.

Have you ever held a real job?

Wrong. That's what you're saying I believe. It's not what I have posted.

Like a classic moron, you think I'm saying that generals directly butt-in to every promotion. Only a leftwing turd like you could be that stupid. As I explained, the men at the top set the goals for those below them. You don't need to have some general come to your barracks and tell you directly what he wants from you. If you don't believe that, then you believe generals are unnecessary. Anyone who claims that's how the military works is a fucking moron.
Of course they do. They make the decisions about the people below them, and those people make the decisions about the people below them Everyone takes their cues from the people at the top. If you want to get ahead in the military, you sure as hell don't buck the top brass. Under Obama, it was career suicide to be a climate skeptic.

Once again, you speak of things you have no fucking clue about. You are just parroting the party talking points.

The General has no input on promotions for any enlisted person till you get to the rank of SgtMaj and even that is limited. The only way a General can impact an enlisted person's promotion is if the enlisted person worked for the General and the General put in a letter of reference to the promotion broad.

I worked on the 1st MAW G3 staff, used to brief the Command General every 30 days on the status of his units prior to submitted the SORTS report. He still had zero impact on my promotion.
You're utterly naive if you don't imagine generals don't have an impact on promotions. I can't imagine any claim more stupid than that.

I can tell you what is more stupid than that, you pretending you know something about the military.

Many, if not most enlisted personnel might go their entire first 8 to 10 years and never come in contact with a general, let alone have one influence their promotions.

In the US military there is roughly one General level officer for every 1600 non-generals. Yet you think that the General has input in every single promotion from the lowly;y PFC to the Colonel.

I bet you think that Bill Gates has input on everyone in Microsoft promotions.

Have you ever held a real job?
bill hasn't been at MS in over a decade.

Now who is being bitchy? I think you get my point. Is this your payback from this morning?
maybe. :)

but gates did oversee the entire review process to setup the parameters for the company to use in order to judge merit. from there, it got very "who you know" like any company.
This scam of committee will be chaired by William Happer. Happer has no formal education and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology. His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate.

Trump's kind of guy!
No they do not you dumb fuck.

Why do people that have never served think they know a damn thing about how the military works?
Of course they do. They make the decisions about the people below them, and those people make the decisions about the people below them Everyone takes their cues from the people at the top. If you want to get ahead in the military, you sure as hell don't buck the top brass. Under Obama, it was career suicide to be a climate skeptic.

Once again, you speak of things you have no fucking clue about. You are just parroting the party talking points.

The General has no input on promotions for any enlisted person till you get to the rank of SgtMaj and even that is limited. The only way a General can impact an enlisted person's promotion is if the enlisted person worked for the General and the General put in a letter of reference to the promotion broad.

I worked on the 1st MAW G3 staff, used to brief the Command General every 30 days on the status of his units prior to submitted the SORTS report. He still had zero impact on my promotion.
You're utterly naive if you don't imagine generals don't have an impact on promotions. I can't imagine any claim more stupid than that.

I can tell you what is more stupid than that, you pretending you know something about the military.

Many, if not most enlisted personnel might go their entire first 8 to 10 years and never come in contact with a general, let alone have one influence their promotions.

In the US military there is roughly one General level officer for every 1600 non-generals. Yet you think that the General has input in every single promotion from the lowly;y PFC to the Colonel.

I bet you think that Bill Gates has input on everyone in Microsoft promotions.

Have you ever held a real job?

Wrong. That's what you're saying I believe. It's not what I have posted.

Like a classic moron, you think I'm saying that generals directly butt-in to every promotion. Only a leftwing turd like you could be that stupid. As I explained, the men at the top set the goals for those below them. You don't need to have some general come to your barracks and tell you directly what he wants from you. If you don't believe that, then you believe generals are unnecessary. Anyone who claims that's how the military works is a fucking moron.

Once again, you speak of things you have no fucking clue about. You are just parroting the party talking points.

The General has no input on promotions for any enlisted person till you get to the rank of SgtMaj and even that is limited. The only way a General can impact an enlisted person's promotion is if the enlisted person worked for the General and the General put in a letter of reference to the promotion broad.

I worked on the 1st MAW G3 staff, used to brief the Command General every 30 days on the status of his units prior to submitted the SORTS report. He still had zero impact on my promotion.
You're utterly naive if you don't imagine generals don't have an impact on promotions. I can't imagine any claim more stupid than that.

I can tell you what is more stupid than that, you pretending you know something about the military.

Many, if not most enlisted personnel might go their entire first 8 to 10 years and never come in contact with a general, let alone have one influence their promotions.

In the US military there is roughly one General level officer for every 1600 non-generals. Yet you think that the General has input in every single promotion from the lowly;y PFC to the Colonel.

I bet you think that Bill Gates has input on everyone in Microsoft promotions.

Have you ever held a real job?
bill hasn't been at MS in over a decade.

Now who is being bitchy? I think you get my point. Is this your payback from this morning?
maybe. :)

but gates did oversee the entire review process to setup the parameters for the company to use in order to judge merit. from there, it got very "who you know" like any company.

There is actually very little "who you know" in the military till you get to the very high ranks, First Sergeant and above for Enlisted and Colonel and above for officers. The system was designed to avoid that as much as possible and it pretty much works
This scam of committee will be chaired by William Happer. Happer has no formal education and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology. His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate.

Trump's kind of guy!

Your first claim is a lie, so why should anyone believe anything you post?

William Happer - Wikipedia

William Happer (born July 27, 1939[1]) is an American physicist who has specialized in the study of atomic physics, optics and spectroscopy.[2] He is the Cyrus Fogg Brackett[3] Professor of Physics, Emeritus, at Princeton University,[2] and a long-term member of the JASON advisory group,[1] where he pioneered the development of adaptive optics. From 1991 to 1993, Happer served as director of the Department of Energy's Office of Science as part of the George HW Bush administration.
Of course they do. They make the decisions about the people below them, and those people make the decisions about the people below them Everyone takes their cues from the people at the top. If you want to get ahead in the military, you sure as hell don't buck the top brass. Under Obama, it was career suicide to be a climate skeptic.

Once again, you speak of things you have no fucking clue about. You are just parroting the party talking points.

The General has no input on promotions for any enlisted person till you get to the rank of SgtMaj and even that is limited. The only way a General can impact an enlisted person's promotion is if the enlisted person worked for the General and the General put in a letter of reference to the promotion broad.

I worked on the 1st MAW G3 staff, used to brief the Command General every 30 days on the status of his units prior to submitted the SORTS report. He still had zero impact on my promotion.
You're utterly naive if you don't imagine generals don't have an impact on promotions. I can't imagine any claim more stupid than that.

I can tell you what is more stupid than that, you pretending you know something about the military.

Many, if not most enlisted personnel might go their entire first 8 to 10 years and never come in contact with a general, let alone have one influence their promotions.

In the US military there is roughly one General level officer for every 1600 non-generals. Yet you think that the General has input in every single promotion from the lowly;y PFC to the Colonel.

I bet you think that Bill Gates has input on everyone in Microsoft promotions.

Have you ever held a real job?

Wrong. That's what you're saying I believe. It's not what I have posted.

Like a classic moron, you think I'm saying that generals directly butt-in to every promotion. Only a leftwing turd like you could be that stupid. As I explained, the men at the top set the goals for those below them. You don't need to have some general come to your barracks and tell you directly what he wants from you. If you don't believe that, then you believe generals are unnecessary. Anyone who claims that's how the military works is a fucking moron.

You're the one who tried to move the goal posts, shit for brains.
This scam of committee will be chaired by William Happer. Happer has no formal education and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology. His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate.

Trump's kind of guy!

Your first claim is a lie, so why should anyone believe anything you post?

William Happer - Wikipedia

William Happer (born July 27, 1939[1]) is an American physicist who has specialized in the study of atomic physics, optics and spectroscopy.[2] He is the Cyrus Fogg Brackett[3] Professor of Physics, Emeritus, at Princeton University,[2] and a long-term member of the JASON advisory group,[1] where he pioneered the development of adaptive optics. From 1991 to 1993, Happer served as director of the Department of Energy's Office of Science as part of the George HW Bush administration.
Sorry weenie...spot on. I repeat:

"Happer has no formal education and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology. "
New Green Deal may as well be The New Red Invasion.

We fought, bled and died for freedom and to defeat Democratic Socialism, Fascism and Communism.

Now Leftists in this country want to put us under the yoke of radical green socialism.

Global Warming, like White Privilege, like Political Correctness, like Wealth Redistribution, like Income Inequality, like Identity Politics, Guarantee Income, like Free Education, are all nothing but wolves disguised in sheep's clothing.

The Trojan Horse is at the gates. Mao, Stalin and Hitler are inside, and The Left wants to open the gates and bring them in. And they are willing to completely bankrupt the country to do it.
You're utterly naive if you don't imagine generals don't have an impact on promotions. I can't imagine any claim more stupid than that.

I can tell you what is more stupid than that, you pretending you know something about the military.

Many, if not most enlisted personnel might go their entire first 8 to 10 years and never come in contact with a general, let alone have one influence their promotions.

In the US military there is roughly one General level officer for every 1600 non-generals. Yet you think that the General has input in every single promotion from the lowly;y PFC to the Colonel.

I bet you think that Bill Gates has input on everyone in Microsoft promotions.

Have you ever held a real job?
bill hasn't been at MS in over a decade.

Now who is being bitchy? I think you get my point. Is this your payback from this morning?
maybe. :)

but gates did oversee the entire review process to setup the parameters for the company to use in order to judge merit. from there, it got very "who you know" like any company.

There is actually very little "who you know" in the military till you get to the very high ranks, First Sergeant and above for Enlisted and Colonel and above for officers. The system was designed to avoid that as much as possible and it pretty much works
never served in the military so i can't speak to that.

but i did go through ~40 Microsoft reviews. that i can speak to.
This scam of committee will be chaired by William Happer. Happer has no formal education and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology. His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate.

Trump's kind of guy!

Your first claim is a lie, so why should anyone believe anything you post?

William Happer - Wikipedia

William Happer (born July 27, 1939[1]) is an American physicist who has specialized in the study of atomic physics, optics and spectroscopy.[2] He is the Cyrus Fogg Brackett[3] Professor of Physics, Emeritus, at Princeton University,[2] and a long-term member of the JASON advisory group,[1] where he pioneered the development of adaptive optics. From 1991 to 1993, Happer served as director of the Department of Energy's Office of Science as part of the George HW Bush administration.
Sorry weenie...spot on. I repeat:

"Happer has no formal education and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology. "
He's a professor of physics at Princeton University, dumbass:

He studied physics at the University of North Carolina, graduating in 1960. He earned his doctorate at Princeton University in 1964.[2]

That's a formal education, dumbass.

Here's one of the main reason a lot of people scoff at the AGW abracadabra: the cult members lie about it all the time. You can't believe a thing they say.
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This scam of committee will be chaired by William Happer. Happer has no formal education and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology. His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate.

Trump's kind of guy!
Those are real sciences, based on empirical evidence.

Global Warming is a Theoretical Pseudo Science that is entirely based in unmeasurable and unquantifiable data, and is overly reliant on overly simplified simulations, and computer models that can only work when certain data is omitted, and none of which have ever been proven to be accurate.

I have some Ocean Front Property in Arizona. Theoretically I am 100% correct. It's settled science then, because it is possible given certain situations and events that may happen or not in the future, I then do have Ocean Front Property NOW. I assert that it is true, therefore it must be true based on my calculations, and my extrapolations of the limited data I have now.
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