White House committee to reassess climate science conclusions: report

He's a professor of physics at Princeton University,
And,I repeat:

"Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology."


"His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate."
He's a professor of physics at Princeton University,
And,I repeat:

"Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology."


"His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate."
Puppies are gonna drown if we don't install a Carbon Tax.

Why do you hate puppies?

Dear Dummy. Someone with a degree in Physics is going to understand molecules like CO2 more than any other kind of Scientist.

Did you know CO2 has Zero IR Transitive Properties?

Only someone who understands physics could tell you that.

Breaking it down for Left Tards....that means CO2 reflects as much IR as it absorbs, meaning is it neutral with respect to trapping IR.

Slam Dunk, Real Scientists know CO2 Causative AGW is a hoax and actually theoretically impossible to achieve.

CO2, same as Coke Zero.
Last edited:
He's a professor of physics at Princeton University,
And,I repeat:

"Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology."


"His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate."
Puppies are gonna drown if we don't install a Carbon Tax.

Why do you hate puppies?
Don't try to change the subject, you quack.

I repeat:

Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology. His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked (and discredited) op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate.
It is Trumps duty as President to debunk all threats to the standard of living of U. S. citizens. The scam of man made climate change and it's over zealous economic penalties in the name of religion is a huge threat.
He's a professor of physics at Princeton University,
And,I repeat:

"Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology."


"His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate."
ROFL! So that's your dumbass claim? I'll take a professor of physics of a "climatologist" (witch doctor) and day of the week. There's nothing a climatologists knows that a physicist can't learn in a week. A physicist is certainly better at math than quacks like Michael Mann.

You mean to tell us that a bunch of AGW quacks attacked his op-ed pieces? Can you name one op-ed piece skeptical of the AGW hoax that they haven't attacked?
He's a professor of physics at Princeton University,
And,I repeat:

"Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology."


"His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate."
Puppies are gonna drown if we don't install a Carbon Tax.

Why do you hate puppies?
Don't try to change the subject, you quack.

I repeat:

Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology. His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked (and discredited) op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate.
Translation: The climate quacks don't like him because he tells the truth.
Climatologists are nothing but Meteorologists, with a little additional education.

Neither a Climatologist, or a Meteorologist can predict climate more than a few days out at best.

This is why they call Climatology "Junk Science" because they cannot "Test Their Theories" and they also cannot get repeatable results when they try to model them without massive amounts of data manipulation.
He's a professor of physics at Princeton University,
And,I repeat:

"Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology."


"His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate."
Puppies are gonna drown if we don't install a Carbon Tax.

Why do you hate puppies?
Don't try to change the subject, you quack.

I repeat:

Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology. His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked (and discredited) op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate.

So ARE Puppies still gonna drown & die whether this guy is in office or not?
More Americans and most Republicans now believe in climate change - CNNPolitics
About 8 in 10 Americans believe the climate is changing, causing extreme weather. Two thirds of Republicans believe the same thing. A majority of Americans (54%) consider it a "very serious" problem, according to a Monmouth University pollreleased Thursday

It's ranked 11th in this list of important issues from a 2018 Gallup poll:

  1. Healthcare 80
  2. The economy 78
  3. Immigration 78
  4. Way women are treated in U.S. society 74
  5. Gun policy 72
  6. Taxes 70
  7. Foreign affairs 68
  8. Way income and wealth are distributed in the U.S. 68
  9. The recent confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court 64
  10. U.S. trade and tariff policies 61
  11. Climate change 53
And that changes what Iposted...how? Most Americans do not consider clinate change to be a hoax.

It shows that climate change is not a priority issue for Americans. You implied it was.
Because Americans want cheap gas now and are willing to screw future Americans for it

Why would anyone want expensive gas if it isn't necessary? How are we screwing over future Americans? Morons like you don't even want them to use gas.

Let future generations take care of it. There should be some miracle cure by then
It's ranked 11th in this list of important issues from a 2018 Gallup poll:

  1. Healthcare 80
  2. The economy 78
  3. Immigration 78
  4. Way women are treated in U.S. society 74
  5. Gun policy 72
  6. Taxes 70
  7. Foreign affairs 68
  8. Way income and wealth are distributed in the U.S. 68
  9. The recent confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court 64
  10. U.S. trade and tariff policies 61
  11. Climate change 53
And that changes what Iposted...how? Most Americans do not consider clinate change to be a hoax.

It shows that climate change is not a priority issue for Americans. You implied it was.
Because Americans want cheap gas now and are willing to screw future Americans for it

Why would anyone want expensive gas if it isn't necessary? How are we screwing over future Americans? Morons like you don't even want them to use gas.

Let future generations take care of it. There should be some miracle cure by then
It's a hoax, so there's nothing to take care of.
I can tell you what is more stupid than that, you pretending you know something about the military.

Many, if not most enlisted personnel might go their entire first 8 to 10 years and never come in contact with a general, let alone have one influence their promotions.

In the US military there is roughly one General level officer for every 1600 non-generals. Yet you think that the General has input in every single promotion from the lowly;y PFC to the Colonel.

I bet you think that Bill Gates has input on everyone in Microsoft promotions.

Have you ever held a real job?
bill hasn't been at MS in over a decade.

Now who is being bitchy? I think you get my point. Is this your payback from this morning?
maybe. :)

but gates did oversee the entire review process to setup the parameters for the company to use in order to judge merit. from there, it got very "who you know" like any company.

There is actually very little "who you know" in the military till you get to the very high ranks, First Sergeant and above for Enlisted and Colonel and above for officers. The system was designed to avoid that as much as possible and it pretty much works
never served in the military so i can't speak to that.

but i did go through ~40 Microsoft reviews. that i can speak to.

On the enlisted side the first 5 promotions are as blind and anonymous as humanly possible. It is a good system, at least in the Corps. cannot speak fully for the other branches.
I'll take a professor of physics of a "climatologist" (witch doctor) and day of the week.
No you wouldn't, you lying little weasel. Else you would be listening to the majority of physicists, not the outlier frauds like Happer..

One more time,for good measure:

Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology.

His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate.
He's a professor of physics at Princeton University,
And,I repeat:

"Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology."


"His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate."
Puppies are gonna drown if we don't install a Carbon Tax.

Why do you hate puppies?
Don't try to change the subject, you quack.

I repeat:

Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology. His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked (and discredited) op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate.

So ARE Puppies still gonna drown & die whether this guy is in office or not?
I think you might be having a stroke. Try to focus:

Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology.

His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate."
He's a professor of physics at Princeton University,
And,I repeat:

"Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology."


"His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate."
Puppies are gonna drown if we don't install a Carbon Tax.

Why do you hate puppies?
Don't try to change the subject, you quack.

I repeat:

Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology. His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked (and discredited) op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate.

So ARE Puppies still gonna drown & die whether this guy is in office or not?
I think you might be having a stroke. Try to focus:

Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology.

His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate."
Only cult members believe that's a disqualifier. It's one of their scams. They claim only the cult priesthood is qualified to comment on the hoax. It's no surprise that all the cult members support the cult.
He's a professor of physics at Princeton University,
And,I repeat:

"Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology."


"His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate."
Puppies are gonna drown if we don't install a Carbon Tax.

Why do you hate puppies?
Don't try to change the subject, you quack.

I repeat:

Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology. His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked (and discredited) op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate.

So ARE Puppies still gonna drown & die whether this guy is in office or not?
I think you might be having a stroke. Try to focus:

Happer has no formal education in and no experience or published research in the fields of climatology, oceanography, meteorology, or geology.

His only contribution to the topic of climate has been a small handful of roundly debunked op-ed pieces. He has less than no credibility in the scientific community on the topic of climate."

And what Scientific Qualifications do you have to determine whether or not Global Warming is a Hoax?

Can you even name the last Era when The Last Great Ice Age Ended?

I'll be waiting for your answer. I am sure you will have to Google it.

I hold two Science Degrees, and I can tell you Man Made Global Warming is a Hoax. The Earth has been gradually losing ICE cover for 10,000 years.

The Earth goes through phases where it cools off and ICE accumulates, then it gradually warms up. This has nothing to do at all with man at all.

The question about The Era when The Last Great Ice Age Ended is a trick one. We are still in an ICE Age....the very same one we have been in for the last 10,000 years.

Now I have a serious question for you. Can you tell me if I should get a puppy or not? I don't want to have one if we are all going to die in 12 years like your whack job leadership keeps telling everyone.

So.... should I get a puppy?

Are you even qualified to answer a question like that?

Or is it just not worth it because we are all gonna die, unless America Doubles it's Government Spending, Taxes the Hell out of Everyone and we Bankrupt The Country, and make war on Cow Farts, Airplanes, and Cars?
It's about time. Watch the AGW cult go crazy attacking this:

The Trump administration is planning to create an ad hoc group of federal scientists to reassess and counter the government's conclusions on climate change, The Washington Post reported Sunday.

The National Security Council (NSC) initiative would feature scientists who challenge the seriousness of climate change and the degree to which humans are the cause of climate problems, three unidentified administration officials told the Post.

The Post reported that the plan was discussed by administration officials on Friday in the White House Situation Room.

It is considered a modified version of NSC senior director and climate denier William Happer's plan to create a panel on climate change and national security, according to the newspaper.

The NSC declined to comment to the Post.

At the Friday meeting, deputy national security adviser Charles Kupperman said President Trump was upset that the federal government last year released the National Climate Assessment, the Post reported.

The National Climate Assessment warned that climate change could have devastating effects on the economy, health and environment and that current efforts to counter climate change were insufficient.

Trump has been outspoken in doubting the effects of climate change, sometimes calling it a hoax. Following the release of last year's climate assessment, Trump said that he didn't "believe" the report's findings.

“Yeah, I don’t believe it,” Trump said at the time

“I’ve seen it, I’ve read some of it, and it’s fine,” he added.

From your link: "It is considered a modified version of NSC senior director and climate denier William Happer's plan to create a panel on climate change and national security, according to the newspaper.
And of course Trump is a denier, so there is absolutely no question, what the result of this obvious stacked report will say.
BriPat, you and your shut-in buddy Gomer from the sticks Oddball, would suck this up, because that's just the way you folks are. Goose-steppers.

I'll take a climate denier over a reality denier anytime

Of course you would. If Trump all of a sudden Trump reversed his position on climate change, every single Trumpster, would also do a 180 on their stand of climate change.
Anyway, it doesn't matter much. Being 62% Americans don't think Trump is honest, they won't pay much attention. But with Trump's base? It's what Trump said, is the conclusive conclusion. :happy-1:

It's the epitome of the arrogance of the regressives to think they can control nature. I've said that since al the whore came out with his BS.

I wouldn't say it's out of the question that we can control nature, but I think it would take a lot more energy than we have available to us at this point.

Maybe in very isolated areas, the trajectory of the whole world, not a chance. Way too many variables involved.

It's the epitome of the arrogance of the regressives to think they can control nature. I've said that since al the whore came out with his BS.


No scientist is claiming we can control nature, that just shows your ignorance of the science. When you get your science from Al Gore, you get what you deserve...ignorance.

Pleas note where I said anything about scientist, regressives aren't scientist, they're power hungry frauds.

It's the epitome of the arrogance of the regressives to think they can control nature. I've said that since al the whore came out with his BS.


No scientist is claiming we can control nature, that just shows your ignorance of the science. When you get your science from Al Gore, you get what you deserve...ignorance.

Pleas note where I said anything about scientist, regressives aren't scientist, they're power hungry frauds.


Who cares what they think? lets focus on the science and not the Kabuki theater

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