White House fixes mountain of mistakes in Biden’s NAACP speech President Joe Biden waits to speak at a dinner for the Detroit chapter of the NAACP


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
It's like following a circus elephant with a large shovel. And you know they didn't get it all.

Joe being Joe.

The White House issued 10 corrections Tuesday for President Biden’s campaign speech at an NAACP dinner, including lines where he falsely claimed to be vice president during the COVID-19 pandemic and referred to the Jan. 6 rioters as “irrectionists.”

Mr. Biden spoke Sunday night at the Detroit NAACP’s 69th annual Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner, where he sought to shore up waning support among skeptical Black voters.

In the official transcript of the speech, released after Mr. Biden’s remarks, the White House crossed out 10 words where the president made factual and pronunciation errors.

Mr. Biden started the speech by telling the crowd that when he was vice president during the “pandemic” and President Obama had dispatched him to Detroit to “help fix it.” He then talked about meeting the city’s mayor.

The corrected version of the remarks corrected “pandemic” to “recession.” During his time as vice president, Mr. Biden traveled to Detroit where he met with auto leaders and city officials impacted by the recession.

He later told the crowd that he was “humbled to receive this organization.” The corrected transcript crossed out “organization” and corrected it to say “award.”

At one point, Mr. Biden boasted that his administration is cracking down on “corporate landlords who keep rent down.” This was fixed to the opposite meaning with the correction reading that the Biden administration was cracking down on “corporate landlords to keep rent down.”

In another sentence, Mr. Biden denounced the Jan 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol, calling those who participated “irrectionists.” That was corrected to say “insurrectionists.”

Mr. Biden claimed that his expansion of the Affordable Care Act saved families “$800,000 in premiums.” He quickly corrected himself in mid-speech to “$80,000 in premiums.” However, neither number was accurate according to the corrected transcript. According to the White House correction, the number is $800.

Another fix corrected Mr. Biden inaccurately quoting former President Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee. Mr. Biden quoted his predecessor as saying there would be “bloodshed.”

That was corrected to “bloodbath.” In March, Mr. Trump warned of a “bloodbath” economically if Mr. Biden wins a second term.



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