White House is Erecting a Concrete Wall. Has Also Turned Off Live Webcam. What is going on?

Yes if walls don't work then don't build them. Doesn't matter if 2000 miles or 50ft. Apples to apples.
Actually, it does matter.

No matter how hard you try to say it isn't, you are making an apples to oranges fallacy.
Another lie from one of the resident ignorant putzes. Trump had no choice once the Secret Service said go to the bunker moron. Then again you rioters were threatening death and destruction, then carried it out.

Trump said he went to "inspect" the bunker during a riot.

"I was there for a tiny, short little period of time, more for an inspection."

Trump said he went to "inspect" the bunker during a riot.

"I was there for a tiny, short little period of time, more for an inspection."

Complete deflection and avoiding of the actual point noted.

Actually, it does matter.

No matter how hard you try to say it isn't, you are making an apples to oranges fallacy.
I showed it worked. Actual video proof. Also, I wonder why so many countries have them. Israel, Korea, China (I hear this one is great...bad pun intended), and many more. Here is a list of all the countries that seem to think walls do work.

The White House is erecting a concrete barrier wall....


White House Live Webcam has been turned off....

These types of security barriers are sometimes erected when heads of state are planning to come to the White House. However, there doesn’t appear to be any information about an anticipated delegation or foreign dignitary.

Additionally, according to one researcher on social media {LINK}, all of the publicly available CCTV video-streams have been disabled as this work is taking place.

The perimeter fence appears to be approximately 10′ high and is made from reinforced concrete k-rails.

One "conspiracy theory" I heard was that it is related to upcoming civil unrest that will result from DC's vaccine passport emergency order issued by Mayor Muriel Bowser. I don't find that to be very convincing.

Any ideas what is going on? Creative guesses welcome, especially funny ones.

Vaccine passports and other like kind illegal crap just got spanked by USSC. Those barriers are likely to protect the WH from repercussions of when Biden ignores the SC and moves ahead with more illegal mandate style declarations
I showed it worked. Actual video proof. Also, I wonder why so many countries have them. Israel, Korea, China (I hear this one is great...bad pun intended), and many more. Here is a list of all the countries that seem to think walls do work.

View attachment 587576
They’re obviously not as smart as that demofk loser
Worried about the reaction when Kamala takes over?
Thinking about this possibility seriously....

Could it be that the Dems are now so worried about the outcome of the forthcoming midterm elections, that they are realizing that Biden is the biggest detriment to the Party's survival and they are going to have Biden step down?

The timing seems about right. If they are going to do this before the elections, delaying has multiple downsides for the Dems - more damage done by Biden, and voter discontent from the bate and switch.

Is this the web site you were trying to hide? "We Love trump?"

so the walls are not being put up?
That was my guess. They're afraid of us for some reason.

Was it something I said? :dunno:
It’s something he said. He just got finished telling Hal the country they are racist treasoners for not supporting his full take over of elections.

One may think this is in preparation for the massive losses they expect this year.
It’s something he said. He just got finished telling Hal the country they are racist treasoners for not supporting his full take over of elections.

One may think this is in preparation for the massive losses they expect this year.

I heard his speech the other day. He came across as angry and unhinged. You know damned well that between this administration's paranoia and the fact that they're sweating bullets, they're going to be doing some extremely stupid and dangerous things between now and the elections in November. I wouldn't put it past them to use their DOJ to carry out some false flag operations of some sort, in order to further cement their power.
I heard his speech the other day. He came across as angry and unhinged. You know damned well that between this administration's paranoia and the fact that they're sweating bullets, they're going to be doing some extremely stupid and dangerous things between now and the elections in November. I wouldn't put it past them to use their DOJ to carry out some false flag operations of some sort, in order to further cement their power.

25th amendment now, or let the sewage flow.
I wouldn't put it past them to use their DOJ to carry out some false flag operations of some sort, in order to further cement their power.

I wouldn't either, but they don't need a wall for that, do they? My guess, they're going to say they have intel on a right-wing group that is planning an assault on the WH. Hence, they need a wall to save the president and our democracy. They could deny access to that intel for national security reasons, and we'd never know it was all a hoax. I know, it's fucking crazy but let's remember we're talking about democrats here.
Is Camel Whoreiss outside these walls? Let’s face it her only shot at becoming president is if this geriatric fuck dies. She’ll never win an election. His greatest danger is her. And of course he could keel over any minute.

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