White House Officials Using Personal Accounts To Do Official Work

More hypoc(R)isy from the GOP.

It's what they do.
Both sides do it, they are all hypocrites.

When they decide to run, their campaign managers ask them; "Are you willing to lie, cheat, steal and be hypocritical?"

From the article; "Cummings said would constitute a "major security breach."

Didn't seem he was too concerned about a security breach a few years back when a Democrat was doing the same thing, eh?

Politicians. . .

But YOU STILL seem concerned about THAT...but not THIS.

Odd huh?
Huh? Are you feeling all right?

I just said, let's execute them ALL.

How did you even post and not see the VERY LAST POST? #13
Let’s see if you stay consistent. Anyone wanna bet his very next post will be as one sided and partisan as always?
None of my posts are. You just see them that way.
More hypoc(R)isy from the GOP.

It's what they do.
Both sides do it, they are all hypocrites.

When they decide to run, their campaign managers ask them; "Are you willing to lie, cheat, steal and be hypocritical?"

From the article; "Cummings said would constitute a "major security breach."

Didn't seem he was too concerned about a security breach a few years back when a Democrat was doing the same thing, eh?

Politicians. . .


Hillary wasn’t using WhatsApp. She was using a secure private server, set up for a former US President.
More hypoc(R)isy from the GOP.

It's what they do.
Both sides do it, they are all hypocrites.

When they decide to run, their campaign managers ask them; "Are you willing to lie, cheat, steal and be hypocritical?"

From the article; "Cummings said would constitute a "major security breach."

Didn't seem he was too concerned about a security breach a few years back when a Democrat was doing the same thing, eh?

Politicians. . .


Both sides!
They did until they were given email addresses. Old news.

Even if you were right, which you aren't, they are still required by federal law to turn those communications over to the government.
Unless they decide it is personal business. They can just have their staff go through it all and delete what ever they don't feel like handing over apparently. . . .

Which part of "used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business" did you not understand, blind man?

They already admitted to it.
Better a personal email than a whole goddamned SERVER!!!!

My name is DEFLECTION!
So the very moment that they put the information on a private email server, use professional erasing software to wipe it before investigators can see it, then claim they had no classified information on it, and then when it turns out they did, claim they could not tell the difference between classified and un-classified information.........

When they do all that..... I will guarantee that I would chant with you to lock them up.

We're going to hold you to that

You don't need to. I didn't vote for Trump to start with, and I'll have no problem having him removed if he is engaging in something actually illegal. It won't bother me one bit.

Mike Pence for President is a motto of mine.

Pence is dirty too.
If you showed the same outrage when Hillary was using her private server in her home and members of the Obama administration did the same with private e-mail accounts by all means call out the Trump administration for this if not please spare us your hypocrisy. Same goes for those on the right who don't care now but did when it was Obama and Hillary hypocrisy is one of the few things both sides have in common.

Sorry. The law against it was created after she did it.

That matters.
Cummings: WH officials using personal accounts to do official work - CNNPolitics

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings said Thursday his committee has obtained new information that several senior White House officials have used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business, asserting that President Donald Trump's son-in-law communicated with foreign leaders through a private messaging application that appears to lack adequate safeguards.

In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to "communicate with foreign leaders" -- something he said that Kushner's attorney had confirmed in a private meeting.


He also contended that Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.


Old story.
The part on Ivanka was, last I knew, she used her personal email setting up flight plans for non-classified trips. Little different than sending high top secret documents and providing copies to husbands of employees.
More hypoc(R)isy from the GOP.

It's what they do.
Both sides do it, they are all hypocrites.

When they decide to run, their campaign managers ask them; "Are you willing to lie, cheat, steal and be hypocritical?"

From the article; "Cummings said would constitute a "major security breach."

Didn't seem he was too concerned about a security breach a few years back when a Democrat was doing the same thing, eh?

Politicians. . .


Oh the "both sides are the same argument"!

So where are your chants of "lock him up"?

So the very moment that they put the information on a private email server, use professional erasing software to wipe it before investigators can see it, then claim they had no classified information on it, and then when it turns out they did, claim they could not tell the difference between classified and un-classified information.........

When they do all that..... I will guarantee that I would chant with you to lock them up.

Here's the bottom line.....

Hillary only avoided a prison sentence, because the investigators said she could not tell the difference between classified and un-classified information. You can read it yourself. That's why the investigation ended.

That means that either Hillary is a bold faced liar who knew full well that there was classified information on her private email server, which is exactly why she had it professionally wiped... or she is one of the most incompetent politicians to walk this Earth. The women has been in the highest levels of government for literally decades, and NOW she says she can't tell the difference between classified and non-classified information?

How utterly incompetent would you have to be, after decades to not know the difference?

So she is either the most incompetent politician in the history of this country.... or she is a bold faced criminal liar, that should be in prison.

You pick which one you think fits her, because either one disqualifies her being in office.

As for Trump.... again... you show me he did everything Hillary did, and I'll support his removal. Until then you are just a dog barking at your own hypocrisy.

Your post is bullshit. What Jared and DJT are doing is using public open WIFI to message foreign governments. This is a MAJOR SECURITY BREACH.

Hillary’s emails were between her and other people in government and as for classified information it was the timing of meetings not state secrets.


Trump uses a unsecure cell phone which is monitored by the Chinese and the Russians, to call his “friends”. Jared is sending message to FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS via WhatsApp.

This is amateur hour at the loony bin.
Now I know why Jared doesn't deserve a security clearance.
Cummings: WH officials using personal accounts to do official work - CNNPolitics

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings said Thursday his committee has obtained new information that several senior White House officials have used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business, asserting that President Donald Trump's son-in-law communicated with foreign leaders through a private messaging application that appears to lack adequate safeguards.

In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to "communicate with foreign leaders" -- something he said that Kushner's attorney had confirmed in a private meeting.


He also contended that Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.


Old story.
The part on Ivanka was, last I knew, she used her personal email setting up flight plans for non-classified trips. Little different than sending high top secret documents and providing copies to husbands of employees.

Hillary didn’t send “high level top secret documents” via email and she didn’t use email to communicate with foreign governments. She used email to communicate with other government workers.

There were fewer than 100 “classified” (not “Top Secret”) documents on the server and all were classified “after the fact”. Things like the time and place of meetings.

Last but not least, ANY government communication outside of government secured methods, has been illegal since after Clinton left office.

Last but not least, all of official Washington KNEW Clinton used a private email server as SS, just like the Condi Rice and Colin Powell and nothing was said or done about by Republicans at the time. Not a murmur.

After she left office, they passed a law against it. And then, when Clinton ran for President, they suddenly “discovered” this horrible thing she did and made a big stink about it, because making false accusations against the Clinton is the only thing Republicans can do to counter their hard work and high levels of competence.

Now you genuinely have criminals in the White House and Republicans are telling their voters that the press and the voters are just trying to do to Trump what they did to Clinton.

No, they’re trying to stop the criminals from selling out your country to your enemies.
Cummings: WH officials using personal accounts to do official work - CNNPolitics

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings said Thursday his committee has obtained new information that several senior White House officials have used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business, asserting that President Donald Trump's son-in-law communicated with foreign leaders through a private messaging application that appears to lack adequate safeguards.

In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to "communicate with foreign leaders" -- something he said that Kushner's attorney had confirmed in a private meeting.


He also contended that Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.


Old story.
The part on Ivanka was, last I knew, she used her personal email setting up flight plans for non-classified trips. Little different than sending high top secret documents and providing copies to husbands of employees.

Hillary didn’t send “high level top secret documents” via email and she didn’t use email to communicate with foreign governments. She used email to communicate with other government workers.

There were fewer than 100 “classified” (not “Top Secret”) documents on the server and all were classified “after the fact”. Things like the time and place of meetings.

Last but not least, ANY government communication outside of government secured methods, has been illegal since after Clinton left office.

Last but not least, all of official Washington KNEW Clinton used a private email server as SS, just like the Condi Rice and Colin Powell and nothing was said or done about by Republicans at the time. Not a murmur.

After she left office, they passed a law against it. And then, when Clinton ran for President, they suddenly “discovered” this horrible thing she did and made a big stink about it, because making false accusations against the Clinton is the only thing Republicans can do to counter their hard work and high levels of competence.

Now you genuinely have criminals in the White House and Republicans are telling their voters that the press and the voters are just trying to do to Trump what they did to Clinton.

No, they’re trying to stop the criminals from selling out your country to your enemies.

Man, that is one of the most one-sided, excuse laden post I have seen in a long time.
I am not excusing what is happening now, and I most certainly will not attempt to excuse away Hillary's blatant misuse of private servers/private phones/private iPads/private laptops... did you know that Hillary's teams LITERALLY used hammers to smash blackberry phones upon learning they might be confiscated?
Did you know that?
As well as, you also know, used extraordinary methods to wipe email servers before handing them over. So NO - we don't know what all she did because she deliberately obstructed the investigation by erasing evidence before handing it over.
Man, the partisan excuses for her will never end.
Cummings: WH officials using personal accounts to do official work - CNNPolitics

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings said Thursday his committee has obtained new information that several senior White House officials have used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business, asserting that President Donald Trump's son-in-law communicated with foreign leaders through a private messaging application that appears to lack adequate safeguards.

In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to "communicate with foreign leaders" -- something he said that Kushner's attorney had confirmed in a private meeting.


He also contended that Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.


Totally legal. You're still bitter though and fluffing on O.
Cummings: WH officials using personal accounts to do official work - CNNPolitics

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings said Thursday his committee has obtained new information that several senior White House officials have used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business, asserting that President Donald Trump's son-in-law communicated with foreign leaders through a private messaging application that appears to lack adequate safeguards.

In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to "communicate with foreign leaders" -- something he said that Kushner's attorney had confirmed in a private meeting.


He also contended that Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.

Not exactly unexpected. Hypocrisy is one of the hallmarks of this joke of an administration.

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