White House Officials Using Personal Accounts To Do Official Work

Cummings: WH officials using personal accounts to do official work - CNNPolitics

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings said Thursday his committee has obtained new information that several senior White House officials have used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business, asserting that President Donald Trump's son-in-law communicated with foreign leaders through a private messaging application that appears to lack adequate safeguards.

In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to "communicate with foreign leaders" -- something he said that Kushner's attorney had confirmed in a private meeting.


He also contended that Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.


Did Kushner set up a private Whatsapp server and then use it to send unsecured classified info?
I guess you need it made simple for you, too, tard.

If Trump's kids did not turn over their official communications to the government, they are in violation of the law.

All caught up now?

Read the topic AND THE LINK I provided for you in the OP before you make a public ass of yourself again.
How specially retarded do you have to be to use a personal email account for official government business after your daddy made so much noise about Hillary doing that same thing!?

Crooked Ivanka is a very special retard indeed.


The GAF was not just a personal email but personal server and then the bleaching and lastly the blackberry smashing. All 12. If it were just an email no one would care. Why are you so on this? For a logical person and usually your posts are logical, you’re being very illogical now.

Classic goalpost moving.

"Did Ivanka use her personal account on a Tuesday at 7 pm on a full moon in a month with six letters? No? Then this is different!"


Let me explain it very simply for you retard: Federal law requires those communications over personal accounts be turned over to the government. If Trump's kids didn't do that, then they are lawbreakers.

All caught up now, dumbass?


Retard? I give you one mulligan. Do it again and I'll retort in kind. I agree it was an error but not as egregious as that of HRC, who had numerous errors and then tried to cover it up.
You have ZERO evidence of a cover up.

After someone turns over records from their personal server, would you want that server NOT wiped, dumbass? Or would you want it just lying around with the data still on it?

Once again, I'll make it simple for you: If Trump's kiddies didn't turn over their records, they are in violation of the law.

Guess who wrote that law?

There goes your mulligan. Well moron. You do realize that to bleach a server it takes some serious actions, you don't just press delete 2x. My naked eye tells me it was a cover-up. Do I have proof? No. But honestly IDC. I know politicians are dishonest and the voters agreed with me as HRC lost to someone who was not even a politician.

I am an Independent. I vote how I see fit. I am not a sheep beholden to one party. You are a primitive fool who suffers from TDS and had to resort to ad hominems. If I had your life, I'd be depressed.
Cummings: WH officials using personal accounts to do official work - CNNPolitics

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings said Thursday his committee has obtained new information that several senior White House officials have used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business, asserting that President Donald Trump's son-in-law communicated with foreign leaders through a private messaging application that appears to lack adequate safeguards.

In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to "communicate with foreign leaders" -- something he said that Kushner's attorney had confirmed in a private meeting.


He also contended that Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.


Did Kushner set up a private Whatsapp server and then use it to send unsecured classified info?
I guess you need it made simple for you, too, tard.

If Trump's kids did not turn over their official communications to the government, they are in violation of the law.

All caught up now?

Read the topic AND THE LINK I provided for you in the OP before you make a public ass of yourself again.

What a maroon. I'll file your "outrage" under Prog Hypocrisy given how you are perfectly copacetic with hiLIARy violating the Espionage Act.
Cummings: WH officials using personal accounts to do official work - CNNPolitics

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings said Thursday his committee has obtained new information that several senior White House officials have used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business, asserting that President Donald Trump's son-in-law communicated with foreign leaders through a private messaging application that appears to lack adequate safeguards.

In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to "communicate with foreign leaders" -- something he said that Kushner's attorney had confirmed in a private meeting.


He also contended that Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.


Did Kushner set up a private Whatsapp server and then use it to send unsecured classified info?
I guess you need it made simple for you, too, tard.

If Trump's kids did not turn over their official communications to the government, they are in violation of the law.

All caught up now?

Read the topic AND THE LINK I provided for you in the OP before you make a public ass of yourself again.

What a maroon. I'll file your "outrage" under Prog Hypocrisy given how you are perfectly copacetic with hiLIARy violating the Espionage Act.

I don't think G5000 excused Hillary's use of private email, and I certainly didn't it. Beyond that your attempt to distinguish also fails ... badly.
Cummings: WH officials using personal accounts to do official work - CNNPolitics

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings said Thursday his committee has obtained new information that several senior White House officials have used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business, asserting that President Donald Trump's son-in-law communicated with foreign leaders through a private messaging application that appears to lack adequate safeguards.

In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to "communicate with foreign leaders" -- something he said that Kushner's attorney had confirmed in a private meeting.


He also contended that Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.


Did Kushner set up a private Whatsapp server and then use it to send unsecured classified info?
I guess you need it made simple for you, too, tard.

If Trump's kids did not turn over their official communications to the government, they are in violation of the law.

All caught up now?

Read the topic AND THE LINK I provided for you in the OP before you make a public ass of yourself again.

What a maroon. I'll file your "outrage" under Prog Hypocrisy given how you are perfectly copacetic with hiLIARy violating the Espionage Act.

I don't think G5000 excused Hillary's use of private email, and I certainly didn't it. Beyond that your attempt to distinguish also fails ... badly.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^
Cummings: WH officials using personal accounts to do official work - CNNPolitics

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings said Thursday his committee has obtained new information that several senior White House officials have used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business, asserting that President Donald Trump's son-in-law communicated with foreign leaders through a private messaging application that appears to lack adequate safeguards.

In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to "communicate with foreign leaders" -- something he said that Kushner's attorney had confirmed in a private meeting.


He also contended that Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.


Did Kushner set up a private Whatsapp server and then use it to send unsecured classified info?
I guess you need it made simple for you, too, tard.

If Trump's kids did not turn over their official communications to the government, they are in violation of the law.

All caught up now?

Read the topic AND THE LINK I provided for you in the OP before you make a public ass of yourself again.

What a maroon. I'll file your "outrage" under Prog Hypocrisy given how you are perfectly copacetic with hiLIARy violating the Espionage Act.

I don't think G5000 excused Hillary's use of private email, and I certainly didn't it. Beyond that your attempt to distinguish also fails ... badly.

You should have stopped at "I don't think" because he most certainly did.
Cummings: WH officials using personal accounts to do official work - CNNPolitics

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings said Thursday his committee has obtained new information that several senior White House officials have used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business, asserting that President Donald Trump's son-in-law communicated with foreign leaders through a private messaging application that appears to lack adequate safeguards.

In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to "communicate with foreign leaders" -- something he said that Kushner's attorney had confirmed in a private meeting.


He also contended that Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.


Did Kushner set up a private Whatsapp server and then use it to send unsecured classified info?
I guess you need it made simple for you, too, tard.

If Trump's kids did not turn over their official communications to the government, they are in violation of the law.

All caught up now?

Read the topic AND THE LINK I provided for you in the OP before you make a public ass of yourself again.

What a maroon. I'll file your "outrage" under Prog Hypocrisy given how you are perfectly copacetic with hiLIARy violating the Espionage Act.

I don't think G5000 excused Hillary's use of private email, and I certainly didn't it. Beyond that your attempt to distinguish also fails ... badly.

You should have stopped at "I don't think" because he most certainly did.
Nope. I didn't.

You really are dense. Willfully obtuse.
Did Kushner set up a private Whatsapp server and then use it to send unsecured classified info?
I guess you need it made simple for you, too, tard.

If Trump's kids did not turn over their official communications to the government, they are in violation of the law.

All caught up now?

Read the topic AND THE LINK I provided for you in the OP before you make a public ass of yourself again.

What a maroon. I'll file your "outrage" under Prog Hypocrisy given how you are perfectly copacetic with hiLIARy violating the Espionage Act.

I don't think G5000 excused Hillary's use of private email, and I certainly didn't it. Beyond that your attempt to distinguish also fails ... badly.

You should have stopped at "I don't think" because he most certainly did.
Nope. I didn't.

You really are dense. Willfully obtuse.

Your constant projection combined with your incredible lack of self-awareness make USMB such a special place!
What distinction is there between Jared and Hillary's misuse of personal email, and if Hillary's were disclosed, why not Jared's?
More hypoc(R)isy from the GOP.

It's what they do.
Both sides do it, they are all hypocrites.

When they decide to run, their campaign managers ask them; "Are you willing to lie, cheat, steal and be hypocritical?"

From the article; "Cummings said would constitute a "major security breach."

Didn't seem he was too concerned about a security breach a few years back when a Democrat was doing the same thing, eh?

Politicians. . .


Hillary wasn’t using WhatsApp. She was using a secure private server, set up for a former US President.

My question would start with ....WHY?

That one is easy. The government email system use of which exploded at the turn of the century was wholly inadequate, and the technology was advancing so quickly that the government was hard pressed to keep up with it. Each government worker was allocated something like 25 megabytes of storage (which is nothing for any high traffic office), and servers were slower than slow as they quickly became overwhelmed. Even at my office, I didn't have office email until 1998, and up until that point we were still communicating by fax.

By 2003, I working in a firm with 800 people. We had 4 servers for 800 staff, with basically unlimited storage capacity. It took 10 minutes to log into our email, because of the 10's of thousands of emails within our access group. One lawyer in our group had 50,000 emails. It took half and hour to load the program in the morning. Imagine having woefully inadequate servers, and longer wait times than that. Plus you have to preserve and turn over all of your work, and keep your PC under 25 megabytes stored.

After 2008 things got worse. The fiscal sequestration meant there was no money to upgrade the servers, and staff just had to live with what they had. Senior Officials in a high enough position to work off a private server, did so. That includes W and Cheney. Hillary asked Colin Powell what to do about her email, and he suggested using Bill's private server. His email to her on the subject was one of the ones that were published.

She believed that because she only used her work email to communicate with other government employees, that she didn't have to retain copies of these emails because they were already ON the government servers of the recipients. While not an unreasonable assumption, it was not how she was supposed to do things. So she gave State copies of the stuff she sent to NGO's and independent contractors, but deleted stuff to her staff.

If you look at everything that happened within the context of the times, nothing about what she did looks nefarious at all. Reading the 50,000 Clinton emails that WikiLeaks published, they create a portrait of a woman who was hardworking, who took her job seriously, and showed a genuine interest leaving the world a better place than she found it. She is a genuiine policy wonk who understood what she needed to be doing, and how to do it. Traits that are both sorely lacking in this President.
Did Kushner set up a private Whatsapp server and then use it to send unsecured classified info?
I guess you need it made simple for you, too, tard.

If Trump's kids did not turn over their official communications to the government, they are in violation of the law.

All caught up now?

Read the topic AND THE LINK I provided for you in the OP before you make a public ass of yourself again.

What a maroon. I'll file your "outrage" under Prog Hypocrisy given how you are perfectly copacetic with hiLIARy violating the Espionage Act.

I don't think G5000 excused Hillary's use of private email, and I certainly didn't it. Beyond that your attempt to distinguish also fails ... badly.

You should have stopped at "I don't think" because he most certainly did.
Nope. I didn't.

You really are dense. Willfully obtuse.

You're biased and butthurt. Willfully an asshole.
Here's a newsflash, tards. It was not, and probably still is not, illegal for a government official to use a private email account, or server, to conduct government business.

Let that sink in. Allow it to penetrate past all your bullshit faux rage over Hillary's emails.

Really let that sink in.

What IS criminal is not turning over those records to the government so they can be accessed should someone make a FOIA request.

It is also criminal to use a personal email to communicate classified information.

Now, is it a good idea to use personal email/servers for non-classified official business? No. Because you have your personal shit getting mixed in with your official shit, and when it comes time to turn over the official shit, you have to sift it out, and then partisan dumb fuck hacks will try to claim you didn't sift all of it out and that you are hiding something.

And propagandists will make this claim with ZERO evidence, and the willfully stupid Rube Herd will parrot that manufactured bullshit for YEARS.

What's more, some dumb fat fuck might go on TV and publicly ask Russia to hack your emails for which he believes Russia would be mightily rewarded. But that isn't collusion! Nope!

Lastly, if you did use a personal server for official business, is it a good idea to just leave it unwiped after you turn over your records?

Nope! That would be a really incredibly stupid fucking thing to do. And yet the idiot parroting tard Rube Herd seems to think you should NOT wipe a hard drive and just leave it laying around for someone (mightily rewarded Russians?) to find and hack.
Cummings: WH officials using personal accounts to do official work - CNNPolitics

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings said Thursday his committee has obtained new information that several senior White House officials have used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business, asserting that President Donald Trump's son-in-law communicated with foreign leaders through a private messaging application that appears to lack adequate safeguards.

In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to "communicate with foreign leaders" -- something he said that Kushner's attorney had confirmed in a private meeting.


He also contended that Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.


Did Kushner set up a private Whatsapp server and then use it to send unsecured classified info?

That's not what Clinton did either. None of the emails that were marked "Classified" were ever given to or sent to anyone who should not have received them. The FBI was just concerned that had her email been hacked there someone might have gotten access to classified material, while at the same time admitting that they have no evidence whatsoever that anything like that had ever happened.

MBS has bragged to the foreign press that Jared provided MBS with an "enemies list" that Kuchner obtained from the CIA.

Joaquin Castro calls for investigation into whether Jared Kushner shared intelligence that led to Khashoggi killing

THIS is why the CIA didn't want Kuchner to have a security clearance.

Saudi Crown Prince Boasted That Jared Kushner Was “In His Pocket”

Joaquin Castro calls for investigation into whether Jared Kushner shared intelligence that led to Khashoggi killing
Here's a newsflash, tards. It was not, and probably still is not, illegal for a government official to use a private email account, or server, to conduct government business.

Let that sink in. Allow it to penetrate past all your bullshit faux rage over Hillary's emails.

Really let that sink in.

What IS criminal is not turning over those records to the government so they can be accessed should someone make a FOIA request.

It is also criminal to use a personal email to communicate classified information.

Now, is it a good idea to use personal email/servers for non-classified official business? No. Because you have your personal shit getting mixed in with your official shit, and when it comes time to turn over the official shit, you have to sift it out, and then partisan dumb fuck hacks will try to claim you didn't sift all of it out and that you are hiding something.

And propagandists will make this claim with ZERO evidence, and the willfully stupid Rube Herd will parrot that manufactured bullshit for YEARS.

What's more, some dumb fat fuck might go on TV and publicly ask Russia to hack your emails for which he believes Russia would be mightily rewarded. But that isn't collusion! Nope!

Lastly, if you did use a personal server for official business, is it a good idea to just leave it unwiped after you turn over your records?

Nope! That would be a really incredibly stupid fucking thing to do. And yet the idiot parroting tard Rube Herd seems to think you should NOT wipe a hard drive and just leave it laying around for someone (mightily rewarded Russians?) to find and hack.

Wow you're an idiot savant minus the savant. The timeline matters. She deleted them after getting a congressional subpoena. You're a waste of space biased fool.

Feb. 1, 2013: Clinton serves her last day as secretary of state.

July 23, 2014: The State Department reaches an agreement with the Benghazi committee about producing records for its investigation into the 2012 attack on a U.S. embassy in the Libyan city.

Oct. 28, 2014: The State Department sends an official letter to Clinton’s staff requesting "emails related to their government work." Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, and aide Cheryl Mills oversaw the review of Clinton’s email archives to produce work-related documents to the department.

Dec. 5, 2014: Clinton’s team provides 55,000 pages of emails, or about 30,000 individual emails, to the State Department. Mills tells an employee at Platte River Networks, which managed the server, that Clinton does not need to retain any emails older than 60 days.

March 2, 2015: The New York Times breaks the story that Clinton used a personal email account while secretary of state.

March 4, 2015: The Benghazi committee issues a subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over all emails from her private server related to the incident in Libya.

Between March 25-31, 2015: The Platte River Networks employee has what he calls an "oh s---" moment, realizing he did not delete Clinton’s email archive, per Mills’ December 2014 request. The employee deletes the email archive using a software called BleachBit.

March 27, 2015: Clinton’s lawyers send a letter to the Benghazi committee saying that the State Department already has the relevant emails, as they were included in the Dec. 5, 2014, turnover.

The congressional subpoena came on March 4, 2015, and an employee deleted the emails sometime after March 25, 2015, three weeks later.
It was wrong for Hillary to use private email to solicit money for her Foundation, and that included from ME despots. And I'm glad the House and FBI illuminated what she did. She disqualified herself from office, imo.

I'm just wondering what is different from what she did and what the Trump family did. That's it. Just that.
More hypoc(R)isy from the GOP.

It's what they do.
Both sides do it, they are all hypocrites.

When they decide to run, their campaign managers ask them; "Are you willing to lie, cheat, steal and be hypocritical?"

From the article; "Cummings said would constitute a "major security breach."

Didn't seem he was too concerned about a security breach a few years back when a Democrat was doing the same thing, eh?

Politicians. . .


Hillary wasn’t using WhatsApp. She was using a secure private server, set up for a former US President.

My question would start with ....WHY?

That one is easy. The government email system use of which exploded at the turn of the century was wholly inadequate, and the technology was advancing so quickly that the government was hard pressed to keep up with it. Each government worker was allocated something like 25 megabytes of storage (which is nothing for any high traffic office), and servers were slower than slow as they quickly became overwhelmed. Even at my office, I didn't have office email until 1998, and up until that point we were still communicating by fax.

By 2003, I working in a firm with 800 people. We had 4 servers for 800 staff, with basically unlimited storage capacity. It took 10 minutes to log into our email, because of the 10's of thousands of emails within our access group. One lawyer in our group had 50,000 emails. It took half and hour to load the program in the morning. Imagine having woefully inadequate servers, and longer wait times than that. Plus you have to preserve and turn over all of your work, and keep your PC under 25 megabytes stored.

After 2008 things got worse. The fiscal sequestration meant there was no money to upgrade the servers, and staff just had to live with what they had. Senior Officials in a high enough position to work off a private server, did so. That includes W and Cheney. Hillary asked Colin Powell what to do about her email, and he suggested using Bill's private server. His email to her on the subject was one of the ones that were published.

She believed that because she only used her work email to communicate with other government employees, that she didn't have to retain copies of these emails because they were already ON the government servers of the recipients. While not an unreasonable assumption, it was not how she was supposed to do things. So she gave State copies of the stuff she sent to NGO's and independent contractors, but deleted stuff to her staff.

If you look at everything that happened within the context of the times, nothing about what she did looks nefarious at all. Reading the 50,000 Clinton emails that WikiLeaks published, they create a portrait of a woman who was hardworking, who took her job seriously, and showed a genuine interest leaving the world a better place than she found it. She is a genuiine policy wonk who understood what she needed to be doing, and how to do it. Traits that are both sorely lacking in this President.
Cummings: WH officials using personal accounts to do official work - CNNPolitics

House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings said Thursday his committee has obtained new information that several senior White House officials have used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business, asserting that President Donald Trump's son-in-law communicated with foreign leaders through a private messaging application that appears to lack adequate safeguards.

In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to "communicate with foreign leaders" -- something he said that Kushner's attorney had confirmed in a private meeting.


He also contended that Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.

Precedent has been set on this kind of thing. Hillary ran a private email server from her house and conducted business including top secret documents. Obama was caught lying when he said he knew nothing about it when they found he had used his personal address to email her personal address. She also deleted a ton of stuff that she was supposed to turn over. Sure, pursue this and peel the scab off of Hillary and Obama's transgression. I don't believe there is any statute of limitations that would protect them and they could be caught up in your investigation and indictments. But as I said, precedent has already been set, so no harm no foul. See what happens when you make bad decisions in favor of your side.
A tad slow on the uptake this morning? No, but it has already been determined by the FBI and DOJ to be a no harm, no foul when Hillary and Obama did it. The question is why bother investigating or holding someone accountable NOW when the precedent has already bee set that it is nothing?
More hypoc(R)isy from the GOP.

It's what they do.
Both sides do it, they are all hypocrites.

When they decide to run, their campaign managers ask them; "Are you willing to lie, cheat, steal and be hypocritical?"

From the article; "Cummings said would constitute a "major security breach."

Didn't seem he was too concerned about a security breach a few years back when a Democrat was doing the same thing, eh?

Politicians. . .


Hillary wasn’t using WhatsApp. She was using a secure private server, set up for a former US President.

My question would start with ....WHY?

That one is easy. The government email system use of which exploded at the turn of the century was wholly inadequate, and the technology was advancing so quickly that the government was hard pressed to keep up with it. Each government worker was allocated something like 25 megabytes of storage (which is nothing for any high traffic office), and servers were slower than slow as they quickly became overwhelmed. Even at my office, I didn't have office email until 1998, and up until that point we were still communicating by fax.

By 2003, I working in a firm with 800 people. We had 4 servers for 800 staff, with basically unlimited storage capacity. It took 10 minutes to log into our email, because of the 10's of thousands of emails within our access group. One lawyer in our group had 50,000 emails. It took half and hour to load the program in the morning. Imagine having woefully inadequate servers, and longer wait times than that. Plus you have to preserve and turn over all of your work, and keep your PC under 25 megabytes stored.

After 2008 things got worse. The fiscal sequestration meant there was no money to upgrade the servers, and staff just had to live with what they had. Senior Officials in a high enough position to work off a private server, did so. That includes W and Cheney. Hillary asked Colin Powell what to do about her email, and he suggested using Bill's private server. His email to her on the subject was one of the ones that were published.

She believed that because she only used her work email to communicate with other government employees, that she didn't have to retain copies of these emails because they were already ON the government servers of the recipients. While not an unreasonable assumption, it was not how she was supposed to do things. So she gave State copies of the stuff she sent to NGO's and independent contractors, but deleted stuff to her staff.

If you look at everything that happened within the context of the times, nothing about what she did looks nefarious at all. Reading the 50,000 Clinton emails that WikiLeaks published, they create a portrait of a woman who was hardworking, who took her job seriously, and showed a genuine interest leaving the world a better place than she found it. She is a genuiine policy wonk who understood what she needed to be doing, and how to do it. Traits that are both sorely lacking in this President.
Not that. I'm begging here. In retrospect Hillary was the less bad choice. By now we'd have President Kaine, and he'd be a one termer. LOL
Here's a newsflash, tards. It was not, and probably still is not, illegal for a government official to use a private email account, or server, to conduct government business.

Let that sink in. Allow it to penetrate past all your bullshit faux rage over Hillary's emails.

Really let that sink in.

What IS criminal is not turning over those records to the government so they can be accessed should someone make a FOIA request.

It is also criminal to use a personal email to communicate classified information.

Now, is it a good idea to use personal email/servers for non-classified official business? No. Because you have your personal shit getting mixed in with your official shit, and when it comes time to turn over the official shit, you have to sift it out, and then partisan dumb fuck hacks will try to claim you didn't sift all of it out and that you are hiding something.

And propagandists will make this claim with ZERO evidence, and the willfully stupid Rube Herd will parrot that manufactured bullshit for YEARS.

What's more, some dumb fat fuck might go on TV and publicly ask Russia to hack your emails for which he believes Russia would be mightily rewarded. But that isn't collusion! Nope!

Lastly, if you did use a personal server for official business, is it a good idea to just leave it unwiped after you turn over your records?

Nope! That would be a really incredibly stupid fucking thing to do. And yet the idiot parroting tard Rube Herd seems to think you should NOT wipe a hard drive and just leave it laying around for someone (mightily rewarded Russians?) to find and hack.

Wow you're an idiot savant minus the savant. The timeline matters. She deleted them after getting a congressional subpoena. You're a waste of space biased fool.

Feb. 1, 2013: Clinton serves her last day as secretary of state.

July 23, 2014: The State Department reaches an agreement with the Benghazi committee about producing records for its investigation into the 2012 attack on a U.S. embassy in the Libyan city.

Oct. 28, 2014: The State Department sends an official letter to Clinton’s staff requesting "emails related to their government work." Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, and aide Cheryl Mills oversaw the review of Clinton’s email archives to produce work-related documents to the department.

Dec. 5, 2014: Clinton’s team provides 55,000 pages of emails, or about 30,000 individual emails, to the State Department. Mills tells an employee at Platte River Networks, which managed the server, that Clinton does not need to retain any emails older than 60 days.

March 2, 2015: The New York Times breaks the story that Clinton used a personal email account while secretary of state.

March 4, 2015: The Benghazi committee issues a subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over all emails from her private server related to the incident in Libya.

Between March 25-31, 2015: The Platte River Networks employee has what he calls an "oh s---" moment, realizing he did not delete Clinton’s email archive, per Mills’ December 2014 request. The employee deletes the email archive using a software called BleachBit.

March 27, 2015: Clinton’s lawyers send a letter to the Benghazi committee saying that the State Department already has the relevant emails, as they were included in the Dec. 5, 2014, turnover.

The congressional subpoena came on March 4, 2015, and an employee deleted the emails sometime after March 25, 2015, three weeks later.
March 27, 2015: Clinton’s lawyers send a letter to the Benghazi committee saying that the State Department already has the relevant emails, as they were included in the Dec. 5, 2014, turnover.

Which part of that do you not understand?
Unless they decide it is personal business. They can just have their staff go through it all and delete what ever they don't feel like handing over apparently. . . .

Which part of "used personal email and messaging accounts to conduct government business" did you not understand, blind man?

They already admitted to it.
Better a personal email than a whole goddamned SERVER!!!!

Translation everyone gave HRC a pass and now we want others not to have a pass. Stupid. These arguments are stupid.
Translation: As long as Trump officials did not use their personal accounts on a Tuesday, after 7 pm, on a full moon, in a month with six letters, THEN THIS IS DIFFERENT!
Quit digging. You're in a hole so deep already that you can't get out. Maybe you can find a tweet to be offended over and post about that instead.

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