White House takes on Glenn Beck

yup, really look like some big lies.....NOT:

It mentioned Beck's mistaken reference to losses Vancouver sustained hosting the Olympics. Vancouver won't host the Olympics until 2010, and Beck meant to say the Calgary Olympics. But the blog entry did not address the underlying point — that the Olympics can be an economic drain on host cities.

The blog also rebutted a suggestion by a Beck guest that Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett had participated in a controversial August phone call that attempted to recruit artists to create works that promoted President Barack Obama's policies. The White House noted that Jarrett did not participate in the call. It did not point out that one of her aides did.
yup, really look like some big lies.....NOT:

It mentioned Beck's mistaken reference to losses Vancouver sustained hosting the Olympics. Vancouver won't host the Olympics until 2010, and Beck meant to say the Calgary Olympics. But the blog entry did not address the underlying point — that the Olympics can be an economic drain on host cities.

The blog also rebutted a suggestion by a Beck guest that Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett had participated in a controversial August phone call that attempted to recruit artists to create works that promoted President Barack Obama's policies. The White House noted that Jarrett did not participate in the call. It did not point out that one of her aides did.

So you agree, Fox lies. :lol:
The president is the voice of the democrats, Dipsidoodle yahoo.

We have a leader.

Like him or not.

I thought the president was the voice of all Americans? My bad.

Good to know where the non-Dems stand . . . over there in the corner.

Do you mean you can't be the voice of more than one thing??

The bolded quote implied that Obama is the voice of the Dems . . . rather than the voice of all Americans.
It helps to read the quote in the context of the debate.

What was said prior:

Ed Schultz is the voice of the Dem Party
We have the voice of our party in the office of the most powerful office in the Free World.

Proving to you once again: Elections have consequences.

Maybe if you guys hadn't fucked up so badly...

And like I said, I thought the president of the U.S. was suppose to represent ALL Americans, rather than being the 'voice of our party'. I say this because I don't feel as if Obama represents non-Dems. Just my POV. In a rather roundabout way, I'm agreeing with you. :lol:
It helps to read the quote in the context of the debate.

What was said prior:

Ed Schultz is the voice of the Dem Party
We have the voice of our party in the office of the most powerful office in the Free World.

Proving to you once again: Elections have consequences.

Maybe if you guys hadn't fucked up so badly...

Wow. Johnny One-Note here. Avoiding my questions. And the obvious truth that Obama is not the voice of the Democratic Party.
How can the leftwing take Obama seriously?

I've wondered this.
If I were a "progressive" and voted for him based on his promises of post-racial, post-partisan progressive politics I'd be pretty steamed.
On "human rights" he has continued Pres Bush's policies. On the Iraq and Afghan war he has continued or amplified Pres Bush's policies.
On health care he has failed to take the lead, despite promises to do so.
On climate change he has failed to take the lead and lobby vigorously for legislation.
On education he has voted "present."
He has continued corporate bail outs.
He has dissociated himself from his long-time friends at ACORN.
Yup, I'd be ticked.
Of course I'm a Reagan Republican so I'm ticked anyway. Not surprised of course.
The misintepretation and sideways movements of the cons here remains worth the price of admission.

Obama is indeed the voice of his party. This country is better off than it was a year ago under Bush and the GOP.

And the American people know it. They threw out the bums and put in some good guys and gals.

That the losers are crying and whining should not surprise anyone. This particular group of Republicans have never accepted responsibility for their mistakes, so they will keep getting head slapped until they do. Let's move on.
It helps to read the quote in the context of the debate.

What was said prior:

We have the voice of our party in the office of the most powerful office in the Free World.

Proving to you once again: Elections have consequences.

Maybe if you guys hadn't fucked up so badly...

And like I said, I thought the president of the U.S. was suppose to represent ALL Americans, rather than being the 'voice of our party'. I say this because I don't feel as if Obama represents non-Dems. Just my POV. In a rather roundabout way, I'm agreeing with you. :lol:
I never felt Bush represented me, and I think quite a few other Democrats felt similar.

He was however, the head of the party he represented.

He was also president, our president. Like it or not.
Two hats. It's possible to wear both, you know.
The misintepretation and sideways movements of the cons here remains worth the price of admission.

Obama is indeed the voice of his party. This country is better off than it was a year ago under Bush and the GOP.

And the American people know it. They threw out the bums and put in some good guys and gals.

That the losers are crying and whining should not surprise anyone. This particular group of Republicans have never accepted responsibility for their mistakes, so they will keep getting head slapped until they do. Let's move on.

What Was the unemployment rate last september? Oh yeah under 6%. whats it now 9.8%

What did Obama's admin promise about unemployment "if you pass the stimulus it wont go over 8%"

yeah we are doing SOOOO much better now.

Obama inherited a 6% unemployment rate and has shed jobs every month, even with his claims that us passing the stimulus would prevent this.

Sure buddy, i wish I could be blind and happy like you.
The misintepretation and sideways movements of the cons here remains worth the price of admission.

Obama is indeed the voice of his party. This country is better off than it was a year ago under Bush and the GOP.

And the American people know it. They threw out the bums and put in some good guys and gals.

That the losers are crying and whining should not surprise anyone. This particular group of Republicans have never accepted responsibility for their mistakes, so they will keep getting head slapped until they do. Let's move on.

What Was the unemployment rate last september? Oh yeah under 6%. whats it now 9.8%

What did Obama's admin promise about unemployment "if you pass the stimulus it wont go over 8%"

yeah we are doing SOOOO much better now.

Obama inherited a 6% unemployment rate and has shed jobs every month, even with his claims that us passing the stimulus would prevent this.

Sure buddy, i wish I could be blind and happy like you.
Do you think things would have been better under McCain?
The misintepretation and sideways movements of the cons here remains worth the price of admission.

Obama is indeed the voice of his party. This country is better off than it was a year ago under Bush and the GOP.

And the American people know it. They threw out the bums and put in some good guys and gals.

That the losers are crying and whining should not surprise anyone. This particular group of Republicans have never accepted responsibility for their mistakes, so they will keep getting head slapped until they do. Let's move on.

What Was the unemployment rate last september? Oh yeah under 6%. whats it now 9.8%

What did Obama's admin promise about unemployment "if you pass the stimulus it wont go over 8%"

yeah we are doing SOOOO much better now.

Obama inherited a 6% unemployment rate and has shed jobs every month, even with his claims that us passing the stimulus would prevent this.

Sure buddy, i wish I could be blind and happy like you.
Do you think things would have been better under McCain?


nice....i wont deflect by calling out you're deflection of my point.

I'm not sure, it could have been better, the same, or worse. McCain lost by 6% of the vote so we will never know the answer to your question.

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