White House will go after AIPAC next — Newsweek

On the upside this kind of behavior might deprive democrats of Jewish money and Jewish votes. Which is a very good thing.

Oh yes the Jew money is going to Reps this time since they will promise to fight Iran for Israel. The war hawks, but I don't think the Gop is going to get in. Most Jews vote for Dems as they don't want Christian values and morals to interfere in their daily lifes.
AIPAC should be designated as a foreign enemy organization.

And all of it's members be listed as terrorist state supporters. ..... :cool:
Rosie shows what Israel Firsters REALLY think about Americans..
Another important report in Newsweek says that Netanyahu alienated a crucial constituency he needed to block an Iran deal: black Congresspeople. They disliked his upstaging of Obama, most of them boycotted his speech, and they saw his racebaiting on election day:

According to aides, the South Carolina Democrat [James Clyburn] bluntly told [Israeli legislator Yuli] Edelstein he regarded the prime minister’s upcoming speech as an “affront to America’s first black president.”…

But for black Democrats like Clyburn, it was Netanyahu’s coded election-day warning that Israel’s Arab citizens were headed to the polls “in droves” to vote him out of office that pushed them from anger to outrage. Netanyahu later apologized for his remark, but his contrition appeared to have no effect on Clyburn and company. “The Congressional Black Caucus is gone,” a Democratic congressional aide told Newsweek, referring to its support for Israel under Netanyahu.

As negotiators from the U.S., Iran and five major powers close in on a framework nuclear accord in Geneva to meet an end-of-March deadline, Netanyahu’s loss of black support on Capitol Hill probably means he’s lost his gamble to create a way for Congress to pass a bill that would block an agreement. “Bibi,” a congressional aide said, using Netanyahu’s nickname, “ensured there will be no veto-proof majority in the House.”

- See more at: White House will leak stories hurtful to AIPAC -- Newsweek says


The idea that black Democrats were ever in Israel's corner is utterly absurd. They're all anti-Semites like you.
Many blacks in American still remember that Israel was the only country which sold apartheid South Africa trade goods and weapons during the world wide boycott. ..... :cool:
White House will leak stories hurtful to AIPAC -- Newsweek says

One former U.S. intelligence operative with long, firsthand familiarity with Israeli operations called the revelation “appalling but not surprising,” especially under Netanyahu…

“The fact that there is such manipulation of our institutions by a so-called ally must be exposed, and the ‘useful idiots’ in [the U.S.] government who toe the Likud line will someday be looked back upon as men and women who sacrificed the U.S. national interest for a foreign ideology—Likud right-wing Zionism,” the operative said, on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter.

“We know publicly that the administration is seething,” he added, “but I can assure you that behind closed doors the gloves are coming off. Bibi is in the administration’s crosshairs. If this is what is being allowed to leak publicly, you can bet that, behind the scenes, folks both in the White House and the foreign policy-intel community [are prepared to] act on that anger.”

This is not the end of it, he predicted. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which critics say has morphed from a powerful “pro-Israel” lobby to a powerful pro-Likud lobby over the years, will be Obama officials’ next target.

“I’m betting there are going to be some willing leakers now about stories such as AIPAC’s operations against Congress,” the former operative said.

- See more at: White House will leak stories hurtful to AIPAC -- Newsweek says

Oh HELL YES! Read that bolded....LOVE IT! Israel Firster scum take heed.

The timing looks to suspicious because it may appear that this anti Israel sentiment comes right after the big speech by the Israeli prime minister. Even I think this is just political retaliation. The strange thing is is that it is not just the Obama administration but a wide network of Obama supporters. The obedience factor is strong with them.... Must obey the black master
Many blacks in American still remember that Israel was the only country which sold apartheid South Africa trade goods and weapons during the world wide boycott. ..... :cool:

Must get Israel...must support Obama....must hate Jews...must exterminate....must do what master tells me...must abandon free will...must obey...must compute....
Rosie shows what Israel Firsters REALLY think about Americans..

how's that ODOROUS? It was Penelope who claimed that they "kissup" and "suckup" and can be easily bought off with a bit of money--------it was not me. What point are you trying to make-----you AGREE with Penelope that kissing up and sucking up are AMERICAN VALUES?
The personal animosity that our Muslim President has toward Jews should not be allowed to take this country into an Iranian abyss. Because of Obama, and his Sec. of State, the Middle East isn't about to be thrown into war. The war is now. It's being fought now. Countries are being over run. And America is supporting Obama's choice for victory, Iran.
If there ever was a wrong side of history, we have achieved it.

For those who would love nothing more than Iran laying waste Israel and it's inhabitants, you forget something:

First comes Saturday, then comes Sunday.
First the Jews, then the Americans.

Iran+China+Russia are coming to America. Bank on it.
Last edited:
Rosie shows what Israel Firsters REALLY think about Americans..

What on earth makes you think that you can't love America and still support our allies? Obama is supporting his team with our money, with our power. He is using us to support a country that wants us dead. How about some patriotic common sense for a change.
Iran isn't a terrorist country, they are the terrorist country. Hitler with a bomb is what were are nurturing in Iran.
Another important report in Newsweek says that Netanyahu alienated a crucial constituency he needed to block an Iran deal: black Congresspeople. They disliked his upstaging of Obama, most of them boycotted his speech, and they saw his racebaiting on election day:

According to aides, the South Carolina Democrat [James Clyburn] bluntly told [Israeli legislator Yuli] Edelstein he regarded the prime minister’s upcoming speech as an “affront to America’s first black president.”…

But for black Democrats like Clyburn, it was Netanyahu’s coded election-day warning that Israel’s Arab citizens were headed to the polls “in droves” to vote him out of office that pushed them from anger to outrage. Netanyahu later apologized for his remark, but his contrition appeared to have no effect on Clyburn and company. “The Congressional Black Caucus is gone,” a Democratic congressional aide told Newsweek, referring to its support for Israel under Netanyahu.

As negotiators from the U.S., Iran and five major powers close in on a framework nuclear accord in Geneva to meet an end-of-March deadline, Netanyahu’s loss of black support on Capitol Hill probably means he’s lost his gamble to create a way for Congress to pass a bill that would block an agreement. “Bibi,” a congressional aide said, using Netanyahu’s nickname, “ensured there will be no veto-proof majority in the House.”

- See more at: White House will leak stories hurtful to AIPAC -- Newsweek says


The idea that black Democrats were ever in Israel's corner is utterly absurd. They're all anti-Semites like you.
That's right because its not possible for us to be PRO AMERICAN unlike you traitorous bastards who are ANTI American and are PRO Israel.
Many blacks in American still remember that Israel was the only country which sold apartheid South Africa trade goods and weapons during the world wide boycott. ..... :cool:

2 apartheid states trading what a shocker.
On the upside this kind of behavior might deprive democrats of Jewish money and Jewish votes. Which is a very good thing.

Oh yes the Jew money is going to Reps this time since they will promise to fight Iran for Israel. The war hawks, but I don't think the Gop is going to get in. Most Jews vote for Dems as they don't want Christian values and morals to interfere in their daily lifes.

where will the Penelope whore suck-up money be going?
Another important report in Newsweek says that Netanyahu alienated a crucial constituency he needed to block an Iran deal: black Congresspeople. They disliked his upstaging of Obama, most of them boycotted his speech, and they saw his racebaiting on election day:

According to aides, the South Carolina Democrat [James Clyburn] bluntly told [Israeli legislator Yuli] Edelstein he regarded the prime minister’s upcoming speech as an “affront to America’s first black president.”…

But for black Democrats like Clyburn, it was Netanyahu’s coded election-day warning that Israel’s Arab citizens were headed to the polls “in droves” to vote him out of office that pushed them from anger to outrage. Netanyahu later apologized for his remark, but his contrition appeared to have no effect on Clyburn and company. “The Congressional Black Caucus is gone,” a Democratic congressional aide told Newsweek, referring to its support for Israel under Netanyahu.

As negotiators from the U.S., Iran and five major powers close in on a framework nuclear accord in Geneva to meet an end-of-March deadline, Netanyahu’s loss of black support on Capitol Hill probably means he’s lost his gamble to create a way for Congress to pass a bill that would block an agreement. “Bibi,” a congressional aide said, using Netanyahu’s nickname, “ensured there will be no veto-proof majority in the House.”

- See more at: White House will leak stories hurtful to AIPAC -- Newsweek says


The idea that black Democrats were ever in Israel's corner is utterly absurd. They're all anti-Semites like you.
That's right because its not possible for us to be PRO AMERICAN unlike you traitorous bastards who are ANTI American and are PRO Israel.
Many blacks in American still remember that Israel was the only country which sold apartheid South Africa trade goods and weapons during the world wide boycott. ..... :cool:

2 apartheid states trading what a shocker.
Being American means you support a friend like Israel against a bunch of lying SOBs.
Another important report in Newsweek says that Netanyahu alienated a crucial constituency he needed to block an Iran deal: black Congresspeople. They disliked his upstaging of Obama, most of them boycotted his speech, and they saw his racebaiting on election day:

According to aides, the South Carolina Democrat [James Clyburn] bluntly told [Israeli legislator Yuli] Edelstein he regarded the prime minister’s upcoming speech as an “affront to America’s first black president.”…

But for black Democrats like Clyburn, it was Netanyahu’s coded election-day warning that Israel’s Arab citizens were headed to the polls “in droves” to vote him out of office that pushed them from anger to outrage. Netanyahu later apologized for his remark, but his contrition appeared to have no effect on Clyburn and company. “The Congressional Black Caucus is gone,” a Democratic congressional aide told Newsweek, referring to its support for Israel under Netanyahu.

As negotiators from the U.S., Iran and five major powers close in on a framework nuclear accord in Geneva to meet an end-of-March deadline, Netanyahu’s loss of black support on Capitol Hill probably means he’s lost his gamble to create a way for Congress to pass a bill that would block an agreement. “Bibi,” a congressional aide said, using Netanyahu’s nickname, “ensured there will be no veto-proof majority in the House.”

- See more at: White House will leak stories hurtful to AIPAC -- Newsweek says


The idea that black Democrats were ever in Israel's corner is utterly absurd. They're all anti-Semites like you.
That's right because its not possible for us to be PRO AMERICAN unlike you traitorous bastards who are ANTI American and are PRO Israel.
Many blacks in American still remember that Israel was the only country which sold apartheid South Africa trade goods and weapons during the world wide boycott. ..... :cool:

2 apartheid states trading what a shocker.
Being American means you support a friend like Israel against a bunch of lying SOBs.
No it means you support AMERICA and the leader of AMERICA not a foreign nation.
Another important report in Newsweek says that Netanyahu alienated a crucial constituency he needed to block an Iran deal: black Congresspeople. They disliked his upstaging of Obama, most of them boycotted his speech, and they saw his racebaiting on election day:

According to aides, the South Carolina Democrat [James Clyburn] bluntly told [Israeli legislator Yuli] Edelstein he regarded the prime minister’s upcoming speech as an “affront to America’s first black president.”…

But for black Democrats like Clyburn, it was Netanyahu’s coded election-day warning that Israel’s Arab citizens were headed to the polls “in droves” to vote him out of office that pushed them from anger to outrage. Netanyahu later apologized for his remark, but his contrition appeared to have no effect on Clyburn and company. “The Congressional Black Caucus is gone,” a Democratic congressional aide told Newsweek, referring to its support for Israel under Netanyahu.

As negotiators from the U.S., Iran and five major powers close in on a framework nuclear accord in Geneva to meet an end-of-March deadline, Netanyahu’s loss of black support on Capitol Hill probably means he’s lost his gamble to create a way for Congress to pass a bill that would block an agreement. “Bibi,” a congressional aide said, using Netanyahu’s nickname, “ensured there will be no veto-proof majority in the House.”

- See more at: White House will leak stories hurtful to AIPAC -- Newsweek says


The idea that black Democrats were ever in Israel's corner is utterly absurd. They're all anti-Semites like you.
That's right because its not possible for us to be PRO AMERICAN unlike you traitorous bastards who are ANTI American and are PRO Israel.
Many blacks in American still remember that Israel was the only country which sold apartheid South Africa trade goods and weapons during the world wide boycott. ..... :cool:

2 apartheid states trading what a shocker.
Being American means you support a friend like Israel against a bunch of lying SOBs.
No it means you support AMERICA and the leader of AMERICA not a foreign nation.
I'm not some mindless zombie. If our leaders lie to us they don't deserve our support. No one man is above this nation. That's a dictator or a king. We don't have those here.

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