White Kid May be Criminally Prosecuted for Videotaping Black Classmate Eating Chicken

Making fun of Whites is the most common and popular part of most Black comedians' acts.
I disagree. Making fun of whites is pretty much a part of all comedian acts regardless of race. I have never seen it be the most popular or common. The only one I can even recall is the one Eddie Murphy did about white priviledge.
The Black comedian who most prominently, and constantly, pokes fun at Whites, sometimes maliciously, is Paul Mooney. Another who spends at least as much time ragging on Whites, though not as cynically as Mooney, is Dave Chapelle. I have never watched a routine by either of those two which was not dominated by mockery of Whites.

The one Black comedian whom I've never heard make fun of Whites is Sinbad. D.L. Hughley does it sometimes, but it's more comedic than malicious. Likewise Eddie Griffin (my favorite Black comic).

If any White comedian mocked Blacks the way most Black comedians mock Whites there would be angrily indignant protests and that comedian would be blackballed (no pun intended).
Everyone mocks whites. Not just Black comedians.
Of course, had the camera been in the other hand the PC zealots here would have been fine with it, laughing along.

The white kid is a bigoted idiot in need of serious guidance.

As much as the PC zealots would love to jail anyone who says something they don't like, this is a bit much.
Of course, had the camera been in the other hand the PC zealots here would have been fine with it, laughing along.

The white kid is a bigoted idiot in need of serious guidance.

As much as the PC zealots would love to jail anyone who says something they don't like, this is a bit much.
And what makes this so bad is what exactly?

God bless you always!!!

It was done with racist intent. When did you climb out from under your rock?
I haven't been under a rock. I was only trying to make a point. Maybe asking this question would have been a better way to put it: Is there anything that a person can't be busted for these days?

God bless you always!!!


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