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White Liberal Homosexual agenda, not what black people need.

Well sir, if you say you work as a medical professional, you should know about the health risks of Homosexual sex. I sure you did not read the article by Dr. Driggs that I was telling you about. Because you know the scientific data does show that homosexual sex is unsafe and unsanitary.Homosexual men have a higher frequency of sexual partners,and sexually transmitted diseases. and they do not practice safe sex with each other.
I have in fact read your opinion piece, but tend to take my medical knowledge from peer reviewed publications from reputable scientific journals. I am well aware of the health risks of sexual intercourse of ANY variety, as well as the health risks associated with drinking, smoking, sedentary lifestyles, and overeating. WE DO NOT MAKE LAWS AGAINST THEM. You, on the other hand, continue to exhibit your pure ignorance on the topic, stating such ridiculous beliefs of anal sex being more unsanitary because of "fatal bacteria". Once again I will inform you that the STDs that gay men are at risk for are the EXACT SAME STDs that everyone else is at risk for, and that practicing safe sex is an easy solution to reduce such risks.

Nevertheless you still provide ZERO reason why you or anyone else should be concerned about what other people do in their own bedrooms. Why don't you do yourself a favor and stop thinking about gay sex so much.

In some countries sir people like you and those Homosexuals that you are bleeding out your homo sympathetic heart to, would be mutilated and then incinerated. You disgust me.Stop supporting fecal matter sex.! You are sick in your logic.
Yes, and those countries are not this one. They are countries that strip citizens of personal freedoms. If you're so interested in someone ruling over how you think and what you do in your own bedroom, I recommend you head out to the middle east and join some radical Islamic organization.

In conclusion, you remain an uneducated and ignorant bigot who continues to believe the sexual actions of two consenting adults should be monitored and outlawed as you personally see fit, despite those actions not affecting you in any way, shape, or form.

Gay men may come in contact with some crap in their lives, but nothing compares to malignant filth like you.
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Well sir, if you say you work as a medical professional, you should know about the health risks of Homosexual sex. I sure you did not read the article by Dr. Driggs that I was telling you about. Because you know the scientific data does show that homosexual sex is unsafe and unsanitary.Homosexual men have a higher frequency of sexual partners,and sexually transmitted diseases. and they do not practice safe sex with each other.
I have in fact read your opinion piece, but tend to take my medical knowledge from peer reviewed publications from reputable scientific journals. I am well aware of the health risks of sexual intercourse of ANY variety, as well as the health risks associated with drinking, smoking, sedentary lifestyles, and overeating. WE DO NOT MAKE LAWS AGAINST THEM. You, on the other hand, continue to exhibit your pure ignorance on the topic, stating such ridiculous beliefs of anal sex being more unsanitary because of "fatal bacteria". Once again I will inform you that the STDs that gay men are at risk for are the EXACT SAME STDs that everyone else is at risk for, and that practicing safe sex is an easy solution to reduce such risks.

Nevertheless you still provide ZERO reason why you or anyone else should be concerned about what other people do in their own bedrooms. Why don't you do yourself a favor and stop thinking about gay sex so much.

In some countries sir people like you and those Homosexuals that you are bleeding out your homo sympathetic heart to, would be mutilated and then incinerated. You disgust me.Stop supporting fecal matter sex.! You are sick in your logic.
Yes, and those countries are not this one. They are countries that strip citizens of personal freedoms. If you're so interested in someone ruling over how you think and what you do in your own bedroom, I recommend you head out to the middle east and join some radical Islamic organization.

In conclusion, you remain an uneducated and ignorant bigot who continues to believe the sexual actions of two consenting adults should be monitored and outlawed as you personally see fit, despite those actions not affecting you in any way, shape, or form.

Gay men may come in contact with some crap in their lives, but nothing compares to malignant filth like you.

To my view, this post needs a quote rather than a thanks. :clap2:
52ndStreet is no moron or idiot, he is a black male who is knows that the white liberal democratic agenda, is not an agenda black people need to blindly follow or accept.
Not all Republicans dislike blacks or minorities. This is false democratic propoganda aimed at keeping blacks away from the Republican party.

Blacks need to separate from the White liberal democratic agenda, because it includes ideals and issues
that are not based on black family values, ie; homosexual marriage, and homosexual ideology.
We must let white liberals know that we don't want them, or their perverse agenda.!!

Many right wingers actually want to personally take care of blacks. They call such care, "Slavery".
I do not desire to live in Iran, but I may move to an African country, were homosexuality is illegal. I am already from a country were homosexuality is illegal, Jamaica. And it is not that I think anal intercourse is unsafe, medical studies have proven it to be very unsafe, and it destroys the immune system of men who engage in anal sex.There is something called "fecal bacteria, and pathogens" that live in the human anal canal.!It is in fact a part of the body for the disposal of human excrement.
What you're referring to is a virus, which can be transferred during vaginal sex as well. Anal sex itself does not destroy the immune system. Barriers such as condoms prevent the spread of such viruses for both vaginal and anal intercourse, thus the term "safe sex".

52ndStreet said:
And the American Psychiatric Association, once had homosexuality on their list of mental illnesses, until the homosexual lobby must have paid them off, to have homosexuality removed from the list.
Well, no. The "homosexual lobby" didn't pay off a group of rich doctors. It was removed because homosexuality was found to not be a psychiatric illness. The "list of mental illnesses" you mentioned is called the DSM, and it is open to change from time to time. In fact, a new version is coming out shortly. Homosexuality is still not recognized as a mental illness in any developed country. Where did you say you were from again?

Anal sex does destroy the immune system of men who engage in it. Also the the tissue
of the human rectum was not designed as an entrance, there have been reports of homosexuals with torn anal canal, and rectel muscle control problems. Inability to
control their rectal muscle , because of to munch anal intercourse.

Lucky for us so many women like anal sex. They must be made of "rubber".
the left HATES many people, you partisan hack douchebag. and there's no way soldiers voted 6 to 1 for obama you lying sack of shit.

I'm sorry, they gave money to the Obama campaign at the rate of 6 to 1.

According to an analysis of campaign contributions by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, Democrat Barack Obama has received nearly six times as much money from troops deployed overseas at the time of their contributions than has Republican John McCain,

Troops Deployed Abroad Give 6:1 to Obama - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets


Look at those soldiers. Black, brown, white. The Republican Party is 90% white. Do you guys really think you represent the military? Remember when McCain wanted to cut benefits to keep soldiers in the military? When Rumsfeld told the families of soldiers who were being kept past their return date, "Too bad"?

Those soldiers know what Republicans have said about their "Commander in Chief". They know Republicans let Bin Laden go. They know Republicans threw their lives away in Iraq. Just because the Republican base is a bunch of fools, don't make the mistake the military is. Because it's not. And they won't forget what you have done to their Commander in Chief. No one will. Believe it.

Oh, by the way. That picture is from Obama celebrating Veterans Day with real live soldiers. Republicans said he didn't celebrate Veterans Day. Talk about "lying sack of shit".

So you are okay that Opie dope wants to give the military (who voted him into office) a 1.4% raise? How liberal of you.

That's probably all the Republicans would let them have. You know. The "filibuster" party.

Remember, it was McCain who said if you give soldiers benefits, they will want to get out of the military.

Just look at those soldiers, a true "rainbow coalition". And someone said this picture was from a blog so it must be a lie. Doesn't look "photo-shopped" to me.
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Well sir, if you say you work as a medical professional, you should know about the health risks of Homosexual sex. I sure you did not read the article by Dr. Driggs that I was telling you about. Because you know the scientific data does show that homosexual sex is unsafe and unsanitary.Homosexual men have a higher frequency of sexual partners,and sexually transmitted diseases. and they do not practice safe sex with each other.
I have in fact read your opinion piece, but tend to take my medical knowledge from peer reviewed publications from reputable scientific journals. I am well aware of the health risks of sexual intercourse of ANY variety, as well as the health risks associated with drinking, smoking, sedentary lifestyles, and overeating. WE DO NOT MAKE LAWS AGAINST THEM. You, on the other hand, continue to exhibit your pure ignorance on the topic, stating such ridiculous beliefs of anal sex being more unsanitary because of "fatal bacteria". Once again I will inform you that the STDs that gay men are at risk for are the EXACT SAME STDs that everyone else is at risk for, and that practicing safe sex is an easy solution to reduce such risks.

Nevertheless you still provide ZERO reason why you or anyone else should be concerned about what other people do in their own bedrooms. Why don't you do yourself a favor and stop thinking about gay sex so much.

In some countries sir people like you and those Homosexuals that you are bleeding out your homo sympathetic heart to, would be mutilated and then incinerated. You disgust me.Stop supporting fecal matter sex.! You are sick in your logic.
Yes, and those countries are not this one. They are countries that strip citizens of personal freedoms. If you're so interested in someone ruling over how you think and what you do in your own bedroom, I recommend you head out to the middle east and join some radical Islamic organization.

In conclusion, you remain an uneducated and ignorant bigot who continues to believe the sexual actions of two consenting adults should be monitored and outlawed as you personally see fit, despite those actions not affecting you in any way, shape, or form.

Gay men may come in contact with some crap in their lives, but nothing compares to malignant filth like you.

We must be concerned what people do in their bedrooms because, we have young impressionable children that may see two grown men walk out of a bedroom, or see them holding hands walking down the street.This sight can mentally scar a childs mind, or cause confusion, with regards to human sexuality.

And those Homo hepatitis a, and b viruses that mutate, and resist anti-biotics, do
transfer into the heterosexual community, from the homosexual community.
This is why we have to be concerned what homosexuals do amongst themselves.
Blacks in America must realize that the white liberal agenda is loaded with issues that
are not condusive to the propogation of the black family structure.
Homosexual marriage is one of these dead end issues.

The black family structure has always been based on the black male and the black female.
Here now we have white liberal Democrats trying to bundle a perversion called homosexual
marriage, and homosexual rights , with minority issues.

They are claim that people who engage in a sexual perversion must get minority status
and have civil rights. And are saying that their homosexual perversion issue, is the same as the struggle black people had during the sixties with civil rights.

This and other issues these white liberal homosexual sypathizers are combining with
Democratic liberal issues, must be scrutinized by members of the black community.
We should not be a part of a political party that wants to promote homosexuality or any other perversion.

Black people must resist being brainwashed into accepting homosexuality as "normal" or as an "alternative lifestyle"
it is not.! It is just another attempt at genocide of the black race. As homosexuals can not reproduce themselves.
Just as drugs, AIDS, Gang vilolence, were introduced into the black community, so is this scurge of homosexuality, and homosexual marriage being presented to blacks, by white America.

^^Another ignorant, hateful, bass ackwards bigot who's likely closeted himself, that's really the only way to explain such spam BS like this.^^
Blacks in America must realize that the white liberal agenda is loaded with issues that
are not condusive to the propogation of the black family structure.
Homosexual marriage is one of these dead end issues.

The black family structure has always been based on the black male and the black female.
Here now we have white liberal Democrats trying to bundle a perversion called homosexual
marriage, and homosexual rights , with minority issues.

They are claim that people who engage in a sexual perversion must get minority status
and have civil rights. And are saying that their homosexual perversion issue, is the same as the struggle black people had during the sixties with civil rights.

This and other issues these white liberal homosexual sypathizers are combining with
Democratic liberal issues, must be scrutinized by members of the black community.
We should not be a part of a political party that wants to promote homosexuality or any other perversion.

Black people must resist being brainwashed into accepting homosexuality as "normal" or as an "alternative lifestyle"
it is not.! It is just another attempt at genocide of the black race. As homosexuals can not reproduce themselves.
Just as drugs, AIDS, Gang vilolence, were introduced into the black community, so is this scurge of homosexuality, and homosexual marriage being presented to blacks, by white America.

^^Another ignorant, hateful, bass ackwards bigot who's likely closeted himself, that's really the only way to explain such spam BS like this.^^

Then how do we explain you? I thought you were "right wing". That's just how most of them think. Isn't that the group you want to belong too? If I'm wrong, I'm sorry, but I thought you two were "together".
We must be concerned what people do in their bedrooms because, we have young impressionable children that may see two grown men walk out of a bedroom
Oh? Where are young impressionable children watching two grown men coming out of a bedroom? Better yet: if a child sees two men come from someplace, what IMPRESSION do you think they get? Perhaps you are unaware that most 6 year olds don't understand the intricacies of heterosexual sex, let alone homosexual sex.

So again I can't help but ask what you're so afraid of? That children will catch the infectious gay gene? That someone may need to explain to them that emotions are not bound by gender? That they might get confused and start trying to hump farm animals?

How about this: why don't you let parents across the country deal with their own children, and you propagate your homophobic bigotry with yours. In the meantime, outlawing bedroom activities still doesn't stop two men from holding hands with each other. Or does that cause "fatal bacteria" as well?

And those Homo hepatitis a, and b viruses that mutate, and resist anti-biotics
Let me stop you right there, bigot. Hep A is not transmitted through sexual contact, and vaccination against Hep B is given at birth. Furthermore, antibiotics don't work against ANY virus because they only work against bacteria. Seeing as you've now exhibited compounded stupidity on this topic, I strongly recommend you let medical professionals worry about those pesky medical facts you seem to continue getting wrong.

Let me know if you have any other unfounded bigotry you'd like me to publicly demolish. Hopefully there are some impressionable children reading this and learn to avoid behavior such as yours.

Gay men may come in contact with some crap in their lives, but nothing compares to malignant filth like you.
We must be concerned what people do in their bedrooms because, we have young impressionable children that may see two grown men walk out of a bedroom
Oh? Where are young impressionable children watching two grown men coming out of a bedroom? Better yet: if a child sees two men come from someplace, what IMPRESSION do you think they get? Perhaps you are unaware that most 6 year olds don't understand the intricacies of heterosexual sex, let alone homosexual sex.

So again I can't help but ask what you're so afraid of? That children will catch the infectious gay gene? That someone may need to explain to them that emotions are not bound by gender? That they might get confused and start trying to hump farm animals?

How about this: why don't you let parents across the country deal with their own children, and you propagate your homophobic bigotry with yours. In the meantime, outlawing bedroom activities still doesn't stop two men from holding hands with each other. Or does that cause "fatal bacteria" as well?

And those Homo hepatitis a, and b viruses that mutate, and resist anti-biotics
Let me stop you right there, bigot. Hep A is not transmitted through sexual contact, and vaccination against Hep B is given at birth. Furthermore, antibiotics don't work against ANY virus because they only work against bacteria. Seeing as you've now exhibited compounded stupidity on this topic, I strongly recommend you let medical professionals worry about those pesky medical facts you seem to continue getting wrong.

Let me know if you have any other unfounded bigotry you'd like me to publicly demolish. Hopefully there are some impressionable children reading this and learn to avoid behavior such as yours.

Gay men may come in contact with some crap in their lives, but nothing compares to malignant filth like you.

Hep A may not be transmitted through sexual contact, but Hep B is transmitted by way of homo sex, and has mutated in the homosexual community, and there is a strain that is resistant to medication.
Let me be blunt sir, you are a supporter of a abnormal perverted lifestyle that has many
unsanitary diseases and practices. Your attempt to normalize it, or to make homosexuality seem o.k. because two adult men want to engage in homosexual acts is not accepted, and is wrong.Hemmoroids are another disease that is prevalent within the homosexual community.And can we all remember where AIDS got its start from.Yes the Homosexual community.!
Hep A may not be transmitted through sexual contact, but Hep B is transmitted by way of homo sex, and has mutated in the homosexual community, and there is a strain that is resistant to medication.
Let me be blunt sir, you are a supporter of a abnormal perverted lifestyle that has many
unsanitary diseases and practices. Your attempt to normalize it, or to make homosexuality seem o.k. because two adult men want to engage in homosexual acts is not accepted, and is wrong.
Quite masochistic. Well, if you'd like to continue making up information on topics you clearly don't understand, it is my enjoyment to continue making a mockery of you.

HepB is transmitted through bodily fluid exchange, be it homosexual or heterosexual sex. The vaccination that protects people against hepatitis B is given AT BIRTH and has been around for 30 years. The virus is no more resistant to medication today, as 95% of hepatitis B resolves spontaneously, and the same 5% goes on to become chronic and is treated with the same medications with the same efficacy.

Let me be blunt with you, filth. You are a supporter of an abnormal bigoted lifestyle that has many ridiculous ideas and practices. You attempt to normalize your stupidity and hatred to make it seem o.k., but when dumb hicks such as yourself want to state false medical ideas to promote their own prejudiced agenda, it is not accepted, and it is wrong.

You are the type on the front line burning black people a century ago, and stoning "witches" prior to that. You may not like gay people, but they aren't a detriment to society like you are. They don't halt progress and education like you do. They don't spread lies and hatred for evil purposes as you do.

Gay men may come in contact with some crap in their lives, but nothing compares to malignant filth like you.
White Liberal Homosexual agenda, not what black people need.

Of course, white wing conservatives know exactly what black people need. It's why we fought them. Thank Gawd they lost.
White Liberal Homosexual agenda, not what black people need.

Of course, white wing conservatives know exactly what black people need. It's why we fought them. Thank Gawd they lost.
^^^ and here is a white liberal
Hep A may not be transmitted through sexual contact, but Hep B is transmitted by way of homo sex, and has mutated in the homosexual community, and there is a strain that is resistant to medication.
Let me be blunt sir, you are a supporter of a abnormal perverted lifestyle that has many
unsanitary diseases and practices. Your attempt to normalize it, or to make homosexuality seem o.k. because two adult men want to engage in homosexual acts is not accepted, and is wrong.
Quite masochistic. Well, if you'd like to continue making up information on topics you clearly don't understand, it is my enjoyment to continue making a mockery of you.

HepB is transmitted through bodily fluid exchange, be it homosexual or heterosexual sex. The vaccination that protects people against hepatitis B is given AT BIRTH and has been around for 30 years. The virus is no more resistant to medication today, as 95% of hepatitis B resolves spontaneously, and the same 5% goes on to become chronic and is treated with the same medications with the same efficacy.

Let me be blunt with you, filth. You are a supporter of an abnormal bigoted lifestyle that has many ridiculous ideas and practices. You attempt to normalize your stupidity and hatred to make it seem o.k., but when dumb hicks such as yourself want to state false medical ideas to promote their own prejudiced agenda, it is not accepted, and it is wrong.

You are the type on the front line burning black people a century ago, and stoning "witches" prior to that. You may not like gay people, but they aren't a detriment to society like you are. They don't halt progress and education like you do. They don't spread lies and hatred for evil purposes as you do.

Gay men may come in contact with some crap in their lives, but nothing compares to malignant filth like you.

Well sir , here we go again. I may not be a medical professional as you are, but I do remember reading once that homosexual men do contract a strain of hepatitis B, that is
found only in homosexual men that don not use condoms. This is strain is also
resistant to medication. So , your attempt to discredit this information ,because it is coming from some one who is not a medical professioanl is illogical.
Let me be very blunt again, homosexual sex is unsanitary, and imoral.
You should stop trying to make it seem as a natural human alterantive.It is not.
Well sir , here we go again. I may not be a medical professional as you are, but I do remember reading once that homosexual men do contract a strain of hepatitis B, that is found only in homosexual men
You read wrong. There's a reason you are completely incapable of finding that article: it doesn't exist. Stupidity is inconvenient like that.

Let me be very blunt again, homosexual sex is unsanitary, and imoral.
Let me be very blung again: bigotry is immoral. Your actions are malicious, filled with hatred, and propagate completely false information. For someone so concerned about morality, you have yet to show such decency here.

Gay men may come in contact with some crap in their lives, but nothing compares to malignant filth like you.
Well sir , here we go again. I may not be a medical professional as you are, but I do remember reading once that homosexual men do contract a strain of hepatitis B, that is found only in homosexual men
You read wrong. There's a reason you are completely incapable of finding that article: it doesn't exist. Stupidity is inconvenient like that.

Let me be very blunt again, homosexual sex is unsanitary, and imoral.
Let me be very blung again: bigotry is immoral. Your actions are malicious, filled with hatred, and propagate completely false information. For someone so concerned about morality, you have yet to show such decency here.

Gay men may come in contact with some crap in their lives, but nothing compares to malignant filth like you.

Sir , there was a time when Homosexuals and their supporters were castrated ,multilated
and incinerated. Those times may return one day.
Well sir , here we go again. I may not be a medical professional as you are, but I do remember reading once that homosexual men do contract a strain of hepatitis B, that is found only in homosexual men
You read wrong. There's a reason you are completely incapable of finding that article: it doesn't exist. Stupidity is inconvenient like that.

Let me be very blunt again, homosexual sex is unsanitary, and imoral.
Let me be very blung again: bigotry is immoral. Your actions are malicious, filled with hatred, and propagate completely false information. For someone so concerned about morality, you have yet to show such decency here.

Gay men may come in contact with some crap in their lives, but nothing compares to malignant filth like you.

Sir , there was a time when Homosexuals and their supporters were castrated ,multilated
and incinerated. Those times may return one day.

So 52nd, you think we should just go ahead and castrate, mutilate, and incinerate, homosexuals and their supporters today? Come now Mr. big black macho man, since you know it all and are such a f*cking bigot, racist, piss of donkey sh*t yourself, why don't you just tell us how you see everything in your own narrow mind. Tell us how you really feel. Do you think you're the next Dr. King or something. Seems like you know everything society needs to do, and only on your own terms. I really and wholeheartedly believe the truth is that you're so insecure with yourself and your own life that you can't think of other things to do other than hate everyone except for the all knowing and wholesome BLACK MAN.
Sir , there was a time when Homosexuals and their supporters were castrated ,multilated and incinerated. Those times may return one day.

You picking up bad habits from the CRACKER MAN there 52nd? Was a time when that was done to blacks.
I doubt anyone knows what Black people need. I will assume that this post is about Black America and move on that premise.

I know that I don't know what such a largely diverse group of people need, so I will just let them along with their support groups define what is best for them within the American frameworks.

Here's what I know personally. America's rich and highly capable Blacks are moving. I've never seen so much energy, time and funds spent by rich Black America since I began watching the fascinating exercise in humanity that is America. A new generation moves into governing and this generation is not so braised by Jim Crow as the previous generation. A new and more energetic generation who do not feel as bounded as the previous generation. One which is looking to raise from the ground up, since they now see themselves as the top down.

I sure wish I could either live for another sixty years, or know what becomes of this proof of diversity and exercise in humanity that is known as America.

The media and Oprah. I doubt if many know the true amount of time, effort and money that she has put into raising the bar to familial responsibility.

Whilst Bill Cosby was ranting at "them."

She was organizing.

A clear fail for his method and a vast win for hers.

Yes, I think I will leave Black America to the Black Americans. They seem to have learned rather quickly.

Props to them. Props to America, even in times of economic trials, you are one people. In times of war, you all will rise up. This comes from one who has three generations in North America and whose people have historical eyes.

Now any attempt to tie other platforms to the Black America platform seems rather foolish. It's far too complex on its own. Really.


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