White man shoots innocent black teen....

iAlso, if Zimmerman was such a scary, crazy dude..why hasn't anyone come forward to say that about him? Not a single neighbor has said anything negative about him to the press. That tells me he wasn't considered some sort of loon.
Lot's of people have come out and said he was.

What you just wrote tells me you haven't read much about it.

You were asked for sources to support what you said.
iAlso, if Zimmerman was such a scary, crazy dude..why hasn't anyone come forward to say that about him? Not a single neighbor has said anything negative about him to the press. That tells me he wasn't considered some sort of loon.
Lot's of people have come out and said he was.

What you just wrote tells me you haven't read much about it.

You were asked for sources to support what you said.

Several articles have been linked in this thread and others. Someone as up-to-date as yourself surely is aware of them by now.
We are both assuming if that's your argument. He was told he didn't need to follow Martin and acknowledged it by saying OK. If he didn't know the police were on the way you might have a point. But he knew they were in route and he did have an ambition to be a police officer and would do just about anything to look good to them.

If Zimmerman did not follow Martin after being told not to, then how do you explain where the shooting took place? Map the addresses given in the police report --- where Zimmerman was when he called and where he said he'd meet the officers, and then look at where the officer found Zimmerman and Martin.

The mailboxes and clubhouse (address given in both the call and report) where Zimmerman was supposed to be is not where they were found. I think Zimmerman was trying to look "good" to the cops, but by keeping up with Martin so he didn't get away before they showed up.
Lot's of people have come out and said he was.

What you just wrote tells me you haven't read much about it.

You were asked for sources to support what you said.

Several articles have been linked in this thread and others. Someone as up-to-date as yourself surely is aware of them by now.

No, because you're lying. His neighbors have not said anything like that. Let alone "lots" of neighbors.
If they have, quote and links please.

Link it please.

Try reading your own quoted source.
In addition, there are others who feared Zimmerman...a google search about his rottweiler would add some...others talked about how he would walk around the neighborhood being an asshole.

This latest one (below) goes back some years ago, so it's trivial....but
We know he had a Felony with Violence arrest...domestic fighting that involved the law...the man appears to have anger issues.

Report: Zimmerman described as "Jekyll and Hyde"

(CBS News) - An anonymous former co-worker of George Zimmerman, the man who shot and killed unarmed teen Trayvon Martin five weeks ago, told a newspaper that Zimmerman "loved being in charge ... loved the power" and could become violent.

The New York Daily News reported Friday that Zimmerman was fired in 2005 from his job as a party security guard for being too aggressive, quoting a former co-worker as saying that "usually he was just a cool guy. ... But it was like Jekyll and Hyde. When the dude snapped, he snapped."
Report: Zimmerman described as "Jekyll and Hyde" - CBS News

He snapped. Those *******s weren't going to get away this time. MO.
iAlso, if Zimmerman was such a scary, crazy dude..why hasn't anyone come forward to say that about him? Not a single neighbor has said anything negative about him to the press. That tells me he wasn't considered some sort of loon.
Lot's of people have come out and said he was.

What you just wrote tells me you haven't read much about it.

You were asked for sources to support what you said.
Here's something I'll provide: Fuck you.
Neighbors. Not an anonymous ex co-worker from years back.

Also, regarding the dog...the COPS told the people in the neighborhood to get dogs. So he did.
You were asked for sources to support what you said.

Several articles have been linked in this thread and others. Someone as up-to-date as yourself surely is aware of them by now.

No, because you're lying. His neighbors have not said anything like that. Let alone "lots" of neighbors.
If they have, quote and links please.

Since when is this limited to neighbors only?

Zimmerman was convicted of a misdemeanor on the police officer assault case. The ex-girlfriend had a restraining order and the domestic assault was dropped. All found IN YOUR OWN LINKED SOURCE.
Several articles have been linked in this thread and others. Someone as up-to-date as yourself surely is aware of them by now.

No, because you're lying. His neighbors have not said anything like that. Let alone "lots" of neighbors.
If they have, quote and links please.

Since when is this limited to neighbors only?

Zimmerman was convicted of a misdemeanor on the police officer assault case. The ex-girlfriend had a restraining order and the domestic assault was dropped. All found IN YOUR OWN LINKED SOURCE.

Well I said none of his neighbors said he was a nut..and you said lots of people had come forward...I assumed we were talking about the same thing.

I guess you don't want to address the fact that his neighbors aren't talking shit about him...in fact, quite the opposite...
Tearing down people's character seems to be your only true ability koshergrl. So sad for you.
it's weird that you say that because that's one of the first things I thought when Zimmerman said the kid was staring him down, then coming towards him. He was in his car then, and I thought 'carjacking'.

And when Zimmerman got out and came towards him Martin ran...and to me, Zimmerman sounded scared.

Now this is just supposition on my part, it doesn't prove anything, I'm not a dolt like the people who say anything's been 'proven' based on the blurry video or any of the other silliness they imagine. But it's still possible.

And the picture I get of the neighborhood is a neighborhood under siege. I thought it was weird that nobody who heard the screaming would help the guy...and I think it's pretty obvious that everybody who lives there is terrified.

Not necessarily scared but perhaps prudently cautious. If you are alone when you witness a fight on the street or what appears to be somebody getting beat up, do you try to break it up yourself? Or do you call 9/11? And when you call, how accurate would you be in describing exactly who attacked who?

If you are alone and are going someplace and see a questionable looking person, who doesn't look like he belongs there, alone in the parking, lot do you park and walk past him or do you drive on? Or perhaps when you get closer and see that it is just a kid, would you make a different decision?

There was once a time it was safe for anybody to stop to assist a stranded motorist or pick up a hitchhiker. These days, as a woman alone, unless I have profiled the person and am 100% certain that he or she is okay, I don't stop but rather notify somebody that the person is out there.

I am still thinking about this 'stand your ground' law as to whether I like it or not. But I do know that I get very tired of being afraid of people, with good reason, and get tired of the thug or crook or robber or burglar or whomever getting the first benefit of the doubt when somebody, police officer or private citizen, defends himself/herself or his/her property.
Although some neighbors say that Zimmerman's efforts prevented crimes, others, particularly blacks, complained about his tactics. Teontae Aime, a 17-year-old neighbor, said that Zimmerman "would circle the block and circle it; it was weird. . . If he had spotted me, he’d probably ask me if I lived here. He was known for being really strict.” Another black resident said that he stopped walking in the neighborhood because he fit the "stereotype" of individuals that Zimmerman deemed suspicious.

DISSENTING JUSTICE: George Zimmerman, Killer of Trayvon Martin: The Man Who Would Be Cop

Shooter of Trayvon Martin a habitual caller to cops - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com

I've read more. Just too damn hard at this point to sludge through the 10,000 articles out there now.

Link it please.

Try reading your own quoted source.
In addition, there are others who feared Zimmerman...a google search about his rottweiler would add some...others talked about how he would walk around the neighborhood being an asshole.

This latest one (below) goes back some years ago, so it's trivial....but
We know he had a Felony with Violence arrest...domestic fighting that involved the law...the man appears to have anger issues.

Report: Zimmerman described as "Jekyll and Hyde"

(CBS News) - An anonymous former co-worker of George Zimmerman, the man who shot and killed unarmed teen Trayvon Martin five weeks ago, told a newspaper that Zimmerman "loved being in charge ... loved the power" and could become violent.

The New York Daily News reported Friday that Zimmerman was fired in 2005 from his job as a party security guard for being too aggressive, quoting a former co-worker as saying that "usually he was just a cool guy. ... But it was like Jekyll and Hyde. When the dude snapped, he snapped."
Report: Zimmerman described as "Jekyll and Hyde" - CBS News

He snapped. Those *******s weren't going to get away this time. MO.

An anonymous former co-worker? Hell some of the people I have worked with would say I was an asshole, at least those I had to put in their place or who was on a power trip themselves. I run jobs I have had people stab me in the back and those people I have had to put in their place (BOSS EMPLOYEE PLACE). So a FORMER co work saying something bad isn't a shock.

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