White man shoots innocent black teen....

Most people are either fight OR flight bigreb. The runs first, then fights? Martin had a head start and is 150lbs and is a football player. Zimmerman catches him? One minute he's superhuman and teh next he's getting beat up? Not saying you're wrong, just that its really inconsistent for me.

You are assuming wrongly again Zimmerman never caught him according to the 911 video Trayvon got away.

Guessing you meant audio.

Martin most certainly did not get away. He's dead 150 feet from Zimmerman's truck. I thought you said Trayvon lost Zimmerman and Zimmerman returns to his truck. Somehow he finds Trayvon and they both end up behind the building.

He got away but came back hows that?
I'm the confused guy here right? I mean we sort of established I'm leery of Zimmerman's account. Please help with the timeline.

Zimmerman observes Martin acting suspicously and pursues while calling 911.
Zimmerman heads back to his truck and is still on the phone with 911.
What happens next?
I'm the confused guy here right? I mean we sort of established I'm leery of Zimmerman's account. Please help with the timeline.

Zimmerman observes Martin acting suspicously and pursues while calling 911.
Zimmerman heads back to his truck and is still on the phone with 911.
What happens next?

Zimmerman calls 911 and tells them he lives in an area that had a rash of break ins and that he saw a person who he did not know walking in the area, and that person was acting strange. The he told the dispatcher the person was looking at him and he thought he was on something. Zimmerman then said the black male was walking his way. It was shortly after that Trayvon ran and Zimmerman went after him. The dispatcher ask Zimmerman if he was following Zimmerman said yes the dispatcher said he did not need to do that, Zimmerman responds OK Zimmerman huffing and puffing said he got away and thats when he said that he would like to meet with the police when they arrive.
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Dick Tuck said:
KissMy said:
You have mental problems if you think "Fucking Punks" is "Fucking Coons"

You are letting a political talking head brainwash you into thinking "Fucking Coons" :cuckoo: Zimmerman said "Fucking Punks" clear as day.


Listen to that you tube you sent me, you lying piece of garbage..
You are the lying piece of garbage & you are a racist. Your racism & the media have your thinking so bias that you can't even believe your own ears, I have listened to this over & over with & without headphones at various volume & tone levels. I can't hear anything but "fucking punks" You have absolutely no ability to TFYQUA. You are not able to think freely.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGuctYqCDvo"]FUCKING PUNKS!!![/ame]
The Grand Jury will convene and will hear all available evidence and will decide if there is sufficient evidence to charge Zimmerman with any crime. That will not be determined by any of us quoting inexpert opinion from biased news stories and/or other message boards.

Early in this thread I posted a news piece characterizing Zimmerman as a white Hispanic. That early on set this up as a race baiting story to give face time to apparently all the race baiters in the country. I would like to think all of us would be focusing on THAT instead of trying either Martin or Zimmerman in the amateur court of public opinion.

Tonight I was causally listening to Mark Levine program running in the background on the radio here. I haven't heard most of what he has said as I was busy with other things, but I did happen to hear him reading from the Chicago Triibune today. There were at least a half dozen stories reporting gun related incidents in Chicago during the last 24 hours. At least some of those involved injury or death to innocent people including one child. Gunmen in hoodies were mentioned but no mention of race. No indication of President Obama expressing sorrow or regret that anybody looked like what an Obama son would look like. No Al Sharrpton or Jesse Jackson stirring up the mobs to rage and protest. No New Black Panthers putting out contracts to bring anybody to "justice".

If nothing else, that alone should encourage all of us to step back and look clearly at what is happening here and choosing not to aid and abet it.
Dick Tuck said:
KissMy said:
You have mental problems if you think "Fucking Punks" is "Fucking Coons"

You are letting a political talking head brainwash you into thinking "Fucking Coons" :cuckoo: Zimmerman said "Fucking Punks" clear as day.


Listen to that you tube you sent me, you lying piece of garbage..
You are the lying piece of garbage & you are a racist. Your racism & the media have your thinking so bias that you can't even believe your own ears, I have listened to this over & over with & without headphones at various volume & tone levels. I can't hear anything but "fucking punks" You have absolutely no ability to TFYQUA. You are not able to think freely.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGuctYqCDvo"]FUCKING PUNKS!!![/ame]

I hope everyone listens to that youtube you put up. It shows what a dishonest piece of shit your are. "Fucking coons" is clearly audible. People might also wish to go to the original, to see how you changed the title. You're a real lowlife.
Dick Tuck said:
Listen to that you tube you sent me, you lying piece of garbage..
You are the lying piece of garbage & you are a racist. Your racism & the media have your thinking so bias that you can't even believe your own ears, I have listened to this over & over with & without headphones at various volume & tone levels. I can't hear anything but "fucking punks" You have absolutely no ability to TFYQUA. You are not able to think freely.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGuctYqCDvo"]FUCKING PUNKS!!![/ame]

I hope everyone listens to that youtube you put up. It shows what a dishonest piece of shit your are. "Fucking coons" is clearly audible. People might also wish to go to the original, to see how you changed the title. You're a real lowlife.

I don't hear it in the Youtube version I have listened to. Maybe the version you have was altered--the equivalent of photoshopped that is quite easy to do with Youtube. That would not be beyond a possibility given the obviously biased images that accompany the voices on the recording. The version posted here was prepared by somebody obviously wanting to take Zimmerman down.
The Grand Jury will convene and will hear all available evidence and will decide if there is sufficient evidence to charge Zimmerman with any crime. That will not be determined by any of us quoting inexpert opinion from biased news stories and/or other message boards.

Early in this thread I posted a news piece characterizing Zimmerman as a white Hispanic. That early on set this up as a race baiting story to give face time to apparently all the race baiters in the country. I would like to think all of us would be focusing on THAT instead of trying either Martin or Zimmerman in the amateur court of public opinion.

Tonight I was causally listening to Mark Levine program running in the background on the radio here. I haven't heard most of what he has said as I was busy with other things, but I did happen to hear him reading from the Chicago Triibune today. There were at least a half dozen stories reporting gun related incidents in Chicago during the last 24 hours. At least some of those involved injury or death to innocent people including one child. Gunmen in hoodies were mentioned but no mention of race. No indication of President Obama expressing sorrow or regret that anybody looked like what an Obama son would look like. No Al Sharrpton or Jesse Jackson stirring up the mobs to rage and protest. No New Black Panthers putting out contracts to bring anybody to "justice".

If nothing else, that alone should encourage all of us to step back and look clearly at what is happening here and choosing not to aid and abet it.

Now Foxy according to the lynch mob you know that isn't true.
You are the lying piece of garbage & you are a racist. Your racism & the media have your thinking so bias that you can't even believe your own ears, I have listened to this over & over with & without headphones at various volume & tone levels. I can't hear anything but "fucking punks" You have absolutely no ability to TFYQUA. You are not able to think freely.


I hope everyone listens to that youtube you put up. It shows what a dishonest piece of shit your are. "Fucking coons" is clearly audible. People might also wish to go to the original, to see how you changed the title. You're a real lowlife.

I don't hear it in the Youtube version I have listened to. Maybe the version you have was altered--the equivalent of photoshopped that is quite easy to do with Youtube. That would not be beyond a possibility given the obviously biased images that accompany the voices on the recording. The version posted here was prepared by somebody obviously wanting to take Zimmerman down.
I have posted a video of the 911 audio and in my opinion is the best sounding version thus far. Even in that version you can't hear what he actually said, but you can here the ding ding of key's in the ignition the slaming of a vehicle door foot steps on concert. but the fucking coon part isn't that clear.

Link it please.

Try reading your own quoted source.
In addition, there are others who feared Zimmerman...a google search about his rottweiler would add some...others talked about how he would walk around the neighborhood being an asshole.

This latest one (below) goes back some years ago, so it's trivial....but
We know he had a Felony with Violence arrest...domestic fighting that involved the law...the man appears to have anger issues.

Report: Zimmerman described as "Jekyll and Hyde"

(CBS News) - An anonymous former co-worker of George Zimmerman, the man who shot and killed unarmed teen Trayvon Martin five weeks ago, told a newspaper that Zimmerman "loved being in charge ... loved the power" and could become violent.

The New York Daily News reported Friday that Zimmerman was fired in 2005 from his job as a party security guard for being too aggressive, quoting a former co-worker as saying that "usually he was just a cool guy. ... But it was like Jekyll and Hyde. When the dude snapped, he snapped."
Report: Zimmerman described as "Jekyll and Hyde" - CBS News

He snapped. Those *******s weren't going to get away this time. MO.

(George's brother in an interview): "George was out of breath. He was barely conscious. The last thing that he remembers doing is moving his head from the concrete to the grass, so that if he was banged one more time, he wouldn't be wearing diapers for the rest of his life and being spoon-fed by his brother."


Police arrived within a minute of the shooting. He recovered from that severe brain injury pretty damned fast.
We are both assuming if that's your argument. He was told he didn't need to follow Martin and acknowledged it by saying OK. If he didn't know the police were on the way you might have a point. But he knew they were in route and he did have an ambition to be a police officer and would do just about anything to look good to them.

If Zimmerman did not follow Martin after being told not to, then how do you explain where the shooting took place? Map the addresses given in the police report --- where Zimmerman was when he called and where he said he'd meet the officers, and then look at where the officer found Zimmerman and Martin.

The mailboxes and clubhouse (address given in both the call and report) where Zimmerman was supposed to be is not where they were found. I think Zimmerman was trying to look "good" to the cops, but by keeping up with Martin so he didn't get away before they showed up.

When the 911 operator said we don't need you to do that, Zimmerman had lost Marten & was headed back to his vehicle in order to drive to the mail boxes to meet the officer. Zimmerman was jumped by Martin as he approached his vehicle.

His vehicle could NOT have been where the altercation took place, unless you want to claim he was driving through the courtyard.
Police arrived within a minute of the shooting. He recovered from that severe brain injury pretty damned fast.


People who get knocked out just dont come back to conciousness.

Take Boxing or MMA. Never seen one get up and immdiately give an interview in the ring.

Those guys are out for weeks on life-support when they get knocked or chocked unconscious.
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Try reading your own quoted source.
In addition, there are others who feared Zimmerman...a google search about his rottweiler would add some...others talked about how he would walk around the neighborhood being an asshole.

This latest one (below) goes back some years ago, so it's trivial....but
We know he had a Felony with Violence arrest...domestic fighting that involved the law...the man appears to have anger issues.

Report: Zimmerman described as "Jekyll and Hyde"

(CBS News) - An anonymous former co-worker of George Zimmerman, the man who shot and killed unarmed teen Trayvon Martin five weeks ago, told a newspaper that Zimmerman "loved being in charge ... loved the power" and could become violent.

The New York Daily News reported Friday that Zimmerman was fired in 2005 from his job as a party security guard for being too aggressive, quoting a former co-worker as saying that "usually he was just a cool guy. ... But it was like Jekyll and Hyde. When the dude snapped, he snapped."
Report: Zimmerman described as "Jekyll and Hyde" - CBS News

He snapped. Those *******s weren't going to get away this time. MO.

(George's brother in an interview): "George was out of breath. He was barely conscious. The last thing that he remembers doing is moving his head from the concrete to the grass, so that if he was banged one more time, he wouldn't be wearing diapers for the rest of his life and being spoon-fed by his brother."


Police arrived within a minute of the shooting. He recovered from that severe brain injury pretty damned fast.

Yep theirs a conspiracy
Police officer 1 let's arrest him
Police officer 2 yes but first we need to get rid of some evidence.

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