White man shoots innocent black teen....

Has anyone paid attention to this story lately?

The family of a Florida teen fatally shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer last month is speaking out, saying that the shooting was unprovoked —and racially motivated.

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Trayvon Martin, 17, was killed by George Zimmerman in a Sanford, Fla., gated community on the evening of Feb. 26 as he returned from a trip to a local 7-Eleven. Martin and his father were visiting family friends there. Zimmerman claimed he shot Martin in self defense, and has not been charged with a crime.
Video: Mom: Teen targeted due to of ‘color of his skin’ (on this page)
But Martin's family is pointing to 911 calls released by police on Friday that they say depict a terrified teenager who was being chased by Zimmerman. Martin was found face down, unarmed, with a bag of Skittles and an iced tea.

“(Zimmerman) was reacting to the color of his skin,’’ Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, told Matt Lauer on Monday. “He committed no crime. My son wasn’t doing anything but walking on the sidewalk, and I just don’t understand why this situation got out of control.’’

Mom: Trayvon Martin was killed because of 'the color of his skin' - TODAY People - TODAY.com

According to the person who shot the teen, he'd seen him walking through the neighborhood and thought he was acting "suspiciously". He then calls 911 to report the teen and the police asked him if he was following the kid. He replied "yes" and the police then told him to quit.

A bit later, another 911 call is made and the caller tells police that she hears someone yelling for help (the teen), and it's shortly after that when a gunshot is heard.

The teen was found face down, dead, with an ice tea and a bag of Skittles in his hand.

To date? The person who shot the teen, a man named Zimmerman is STILL walking free, and no charges have been filed.

Do you think that if a black adult had shot a white teen, that the result would have been the same?

I suspect more Republicans are on the side of the shooter than the child who was killed.

I suspect you don''t know your ass from a hole in the ground...
Florida police are under mounting pressure to arrest self-appointed neighbourhood watch volunteer who shot dead an unarmed teenager following dramatic new evidence from the victim's girlfriend.

The family of Trayvon Martin, 17, say the account from his girlfriend completely contradicts his killer's self-defence claim.

In a dramatic press conference on Tuesday, the Martin family's lawyer Benjamin Crump detailed how the unnamed girl – a minor who was so traumatised by Martin's death she was taken to hospital at his wake – was talking to him on his cell phone in the minutes leading up to his death, and heard the altercation with his killer.


Martin, 17, was shot by Hispanic volunteer watch captain George Zimmerman, who spotted the teenager while patrolling the neighbourhood on a rainy evening in February. Zimmerman, 28, claims he shot the teenager with his licensed 9mm handgun in self-defence during a confrontation.

Trayvon Martin: new evidence contradicts killer's self-defence claim, family says | World news | guardian.co.uk
I suspect more Republicans are on the side of the shooter than the child who was killed.

I'm a liberal. I'm a former Dem party member (elected). I live in a black hood. I'm not a racist.

I think most white people are morons when it comes to race. This case, what case...there is no crime, just an accident
the phone went dead .. no pun intended .. and the girl heard NO shot

Florida police are under mounting pressure to arrest self-appointed neighbourhood watch volunteer who shot dead an unarmed teenager following dramatic new evidence from the victim's girlfriend.

The family of Trayvon Martin, 17, say the account from his girlfriend completely contradicts his killer's self-defence claim.

In a dramatic press conference on Tuesday, the Martin family's lawyer Benjamin Crump detailed how the unnamed girl – a minor who was so traumatised by Martin's death she was taken to hospital at his wake – was talking to him on his cell phone in the minutes leading up to his death, and heard the altercation with his killer.


Martin, 17, was shot by Hispanic volunteer watch captain George Zimmerman, who spotted the teenager while patrolling the neighbourhood on a rainy evening in February. Zimmerman, 28, claims he shot the teenager with his licensed 9mm handgun in self-defence during a confrontation.

Trayvon Martin: new evidence contradicts killer's self-defence claim, family says | World news | guardian.co.uk
I suspect more Republicans are on the side of the shooter than the child who was killed.

I'm a liberal. I'm a former Dem party member (elected). I live in a black hood. I'm not a racist.

I think most white people are morons when it comes to race. This case, what case...there is no crime, just an accident

Stop babbling, it's your turn to get the Malt Liquor. Stop stalling already. :D

by all reports the Hispanic man Zimmerman is not a racist or afraid of black teens.


Of course not, he was just a hater. I think that is what he will be charged with, hate crime.

By some reports he called 911 about open windows & garage doors; not playing with a full deck might cross some peoples' minds.

living in a crime filled hood, I'd love the guy for a neighbor. So would most normal people.
I suspect more Republicans are on the side of the shooter than the child who was killed.

I'm a liberal. I'm a former Dem party member (elected). I live in a black hood. I'm not a racist.

I think most white people are morons when it comes to race. This case, what case...there is no crime, just an accident

Stop babbling, it's your turn to get the Malt Liquor. Stop stalling already. :D

hiccup .. buuuurp ... I think I smell poop and my legs fell asleep .. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, mommie!
I suspect more Republicans are on the side of the shooter than the child who was killed.

I'm a liberal. I'm a former Dem party member (elected). I live in a black hood. I'm not a racist.

I think most white people are morons when it comes to race. This case, what case...there is no crime, just an accident

One of my dad's favorite sayings was, "Accidents don't happen. They're caused."

Hard to think of a situation where it fits better. This was not JUST an accident.
Of course not, he was just a hater. I think that is what he will be charged with, hate crime.

By some reports he called 911 about open windows & garage doors; not playing with a full deck might cross some peoples' minds.

living in a crime filled hood, I'd love the guy for a neighbor. So would most normal people.

Thus, I'm glad not to be "normal"; unless thinking about Neil Young constantly is a SIGN of something.....................................................................
They played the tape of the boy screaming for help and for his life. Then the gunshot. The child was armed with "iced tea and Skittles". But he was black.

As for the shooter being "Hispanic", that's unclear. He may have referred to himself as "white".
They played the tape of the boy screaming for help and for his life. Then the gunshot. The child was armed with "iced tea and Skittles". But he was black.

As for the shooter being "Hispanic", that's unclear. He may have referred to himself as "white".

rdean, be thankful FDLE will attempt an actual INVESTIGATION.
They played the tape of the boy screaming for help and for his life. Then the gunshot. The child was armed with "iced tea and Skittles". But he was black.

As for the shooter being "Hispanic", that's unclear. He may have referred to himself as "white".

did you hear the same tape as everyone else? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

there was very little on that tape. if the kid started to fight and a gun was pulled, it's only a bad situation gone worse.

why did the kid try to run? what was he afraid of? the man who shot wasn't all that violent or ever accused of being a racist? lost of questions, for busybodies like you to make a case.

no crime, no charges. self defense. fuck Sharpton : Tawana Brawley
I suspect more Republicans are on the side of the shooter than the child who was killed.

I'm a liberal. I'm a former Dem party member (elected). I live in a black hood. I'm not a racist.

I think most white people are morons when it comes to race. This case, what case...there is no crime, just an accident

I'm a conservative libertarian... for 'bout a dozen years, I lived in an urban lower-income neighborhood where I was one of the few white faces to be seen... got along fine with the folks there... good upstanding people... we watched out for one another, and had no patience with outside troublemakers, black or white, who occasionally would pass through the neighborhood...

I nowadays sometimes go back to visit a few of the folks that still live in the old neighborhood from back then... we don't much like to talk about the way things are nowadays between black folks and white folks...

I miss the old neighborhood...
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I suspect more Republicans are on the side of the shooter than the child who was killed.

I'm a liberal. I'm a former Dem party member (elected). I live in a black hood. I'm not a racist.

I think most white people are morons when it comes to race. This case, what case...there is no crime, just an accident

I'm a conservative libertarian... for 'bout a dozen years, I lived in an urban lower-income neighborhood where I was one of the few white faces to be seen... got along fine with the folks there... good upstanding people... we watched out for one another, and had no patience with outside troublemakers, black or white, who occasionally would pass through the neighborhood...

I nowadays sometimes go back to visit a few of the folks that still live in the old neighborhood from back then... we don't much like to talk about the way things are nowadays between black folks and white folks...

I miss the old neighborhood...

I was asked by a neighbor if I ever used the term '******' and I replied, I did, but tried never to use the term against another person. I am not viewed as a racist by most all minorities I know. I'll take that over the view of some white middle class nitwit on an anonymous internet message board.

In life, I try not to belittle other people...but in virtual reality...:badgrin:
Look, people, instead of screaming charges and counter charges, and making wild and mostly unsubstantiated allegations, let's ask some questions that have not been answered,or on which there are contradictory accounts. Then let's see what if any , factual answers exist to any of these.

(1) At the beginning of the initial 911 call, Zimmerman is apparently in his vehicle. At precisely what point did Zimmerman exit the vehicle, and why?

(2) Did Martin confront Zimmerman, or did Zimmerman confront Martin ?

(3) Witness testimony indicates there was a physical altercation between Martin and Zimmerman. Which one initiated use of physical force, and why?

(4) Whose voice is heard screaming for help on the 911 tape?

(5) Zimmerman was carrying a handgun. Was it concealed?

(6) If the gun was carried concealed, at what point did Zimmerman either inform Martin that he was armed, or first draw the gun?

(7) Martin fell face down after he was shot. Was he shot from the front, or the back?

(8) Two witnesses state they saw Zimmerman on the ground before the shot was fired. There are three ways he could have reasonably got there (a) he tripped and fell (b) Martin nocked or wrestled him to the ground, or (c) Zimmerman tackled or tried to tackle Martin. Which is most consistent with the witness accounts and the physical evidence?

(9) What were/are the actual height and weight of each of the two subjects?

(10) Zimmerman is described by a witness as having blood on his face and the back of his head. What were Zimmerman's actual apparent injuries?

(11) Presumably, an autopsy was performed on Martin. Did Martin have any other injuries besides a gunshot wound (such as bruises and/or abrasions on his knuckles or elsewhere)? Were there any other relevant autopsy findings?

(12) What physical evidence, if any, was collected at the scene? If none, why not?

(13) Did Zimmerman have alcohol on his breath, or appear impaired in any way? If so, was a field sobriety test and or a breath test administered? If not, why?

(14) Is Zimmerman's account of the events as given to officers consistent with the 911 tapes (in their entirety), the statements of the witnesses, and the physical evidence at the scene? In what respects , if any is it inconsistent with any of these?

Note that all these questions should be answered by even a basic on-scene police investigation, interviews with witnesses, basic forensics, and autopsy findings on the victim. They are basic to determining the veracity (or lack thereof), of Zimmerman's account of the incident, and to a preliminary determination as to whether Martin's death was most likely a case of self-defense, or a wrongful homicide. Yet virtually none of these answers, required in even a basic death investigation, have been disclosed by either the Seminole County Sheriff, or the Sanford Police Department. Why not?

As I see it, those are the most basic and impartial questions. Many of the answers should be contained in the initial incident report(s) of the responding officer(s). Are they? If not, why not?
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They played the tape of the boy screaming for help and for his life. Then the gunshot. The child was armed with "iced tea and Skittles". But he was black.

As for the shooter being "Hispanic", that's unclear. He may have referred to himself as "white".

did you hear the same tape as everyone else? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

there was very little on that tape. if the kid started to fight and a gun was pulled, it's only a bad situation gone worse.

why did the kid try to run? what was he afraid of? the man who shot wasn't all that violent or ever accused of being a racist? lost of questions, for busybodies like you to make a case.

no crime, no charges. self defense. fuck Sharpton : Tawana Brawley

Zimmerman was once arrested for attacking a cop.

Not violent?

Why did the kid try to run? You can't be this stupid....oh, wait.
Look, people, instead of screaming charges and counter charges, and making wild and mostly unsubstantiated allegations, let's ask some questions that have not been answered,or on which there are contradictory accounts. Then let's see what if any , factual answers exist to any of these.

(1) At the beginning of the initial 911 call, Zimmerman is apparently in his vehicle. At precisely what point did Zimmerman exit the vehicle, and why?

(2) Did Martin confront Zimmerman, or did Zimmerman confront Martin ?

(3) Witness testimony indicates there was a physical altercation between Martin and Zimmerman. Which one initiated use of physical force, and why?

(4) Whose voice is heard screaming for help on the 911 tape?

(5) Zimmerman was carrying a handgun. Was it concealed?

(6) If the gun was carried concealed, at what point did Zimmerman either inform Martin that he was armed, or first draw the gun?

(7) Martin fell face down after he was shot. Was he shot from the front, or the back?

(8) Two witnesses state they saw Zimmerman on the ground before the shot was fired. There are three ways he could have reasonably got there (a) he tripped and fell (b) Martin nocked or wrestled him to the ground, or (c) Zimmerman tackled or tried to tackle Martin. Which is most consistent with the witness accounts and the physical evidence?

(9) What were/are the actual height and weight of each of the two subjects?

(10) Zimmerman is described by a witness as having blood on his face and the back of his head? What were Zimmerman's actual apparent injuries?

(11) Presumably, and autopsy was performed on Martin. Did Martin have any other injuries besides a gunshot wound (such as bruises and/or abrasions on his knuckles or elsewhere)?

(12) What physical evidence, if any, was collected at the scene? If none, why not?

(13) Did Zimmerman have alcohol on his breath, or appear impaired in any way? If so, was a field sobriety test and or a breath test administered? If not, why?

(14) Is Zimmerman's account of the events as given to officers consistent with the 911 tapes (in their entirety), the statements of the witnesses, and the physical evidence at the scene? In what respects , if any is it inconsistent with any of these?

Note that all these questions should be answered by even a basic on-scene police investigation, interviews with witnesses, basic forensics, and autopsy findings on the victim. They are basic to determining the veracity (or lack thereof), of Zimmerman's account of the incident, and to a preliminary determination as to whether Martin's death was most likely a case of self-defense, or a wrongful homicide. Yet virtually none of these answers, required in even a basic death investigation, have been disclosed by either the Seminole County Sheriff, or the Sanford Police Department. Why not?

As I see it, those are the most basic and impartial questions. Many of the answers should be contained in the initial incident report(s) of the responding officer(s). Are they? If not, why not?

The Seminole county Sheriff's Department did not do a COMPLETE investigation; FDLE has the resources to do so. Thus, it should get done; DOJ & FBI may make it take longer. A lot of toes steppin' on each other.
They played the tape of the boy screaming for help and for his life. Then the gunshot. The child was armed with "iced tea and Skittles". But he was black.

As for the shooter being "Hispanic", that's unclear. He may have referred to himself as "white".

did you hear the same tape as everyone else? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

there was very little on that tape. if the kid started to fight and a gun was pulled, it's only a bad situation gone worse.

why did the kid try to run? what was he afraid of? the man who shot wasn't all that violent or ever accused of being a racist? lost of questions, for busybodies like you to make a case.

no crime, no charges. self defense. fuck Sharpton : Tawana Brawley

He didn't run at first, his girlfriend told him to run but he said no, he was just walking faster. If you had a creep like that stalking you, your first instinct might be to run though.

One bad thing to come out of all this is the neighborhood watch programs will be under scrutiny. Just because some skittish hot dog had to play gun slinger.

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