White Nationalist and Racist are now empowered to hate

What a giant load. His transition is proceeding ahead of schedule. All this whining about the transition is smoke and mirrors based on complete ignorance.

Guess you haven't been paying attention. Not a surprise.
Yes I have. I've seen nothing but endless whining by the DNC press about it, and it's all bullshit. They whimpered like a bunch of spoiled children because Trump went to a family dinner without them.

Haha you crack me up... I talk about how Trump can barely set up a simple meeting with the PM of Japan, and what do you do? You blame it on the media and a Trump family dinner. and YOU call anti-Trump folks snowflakes and other names? That is fucking hilarious! You complain more on this board than anyone. Republican or Democrat.

I'm not sure what meeting you're referring to or even what difficulties he supposedly encountered. It's all a big faux scandal, of course. Virtually everything turds like you whine about is fake.

The meeting that is all over the news? For someone that says they keep up with the news and world events, you sure don't know much.
Sur 'ismoe is not even American born. Of course he does not know much, but he sure loves to whimper.
Since his not a Republican conservative, but really a demolite progressive, we will see if he pisses of the Senate. Pence would love to be President.

You leftists really live in your little hopeful world, don't you?

Trumps not going anywhere, he will be pushed right through by the electors, and he's not dying. So just get used to President Trump for at least the next four years.
He will last four years unless he is impeached or dies in office.

So who's going to impeach him, other Republicans?

Yup, the GOP does not want the deficit busting Trump as president. Pence would be their choice, smiling and nodding as the internment camps are set up.

Most of you RW lunatics are looking forward to a nation divided by race and religion. So, "Make America Great Again" meant "Make America Hate Again." So far....so good!

Comrade Trump and his little buddy Pence are doing a great job!
Guess you haven't been paying attention. Not a surprise.
Yes I have. I've seen nothing but endless whining by the DNC press about it, and it's all bullshit. They whimpered like a bunch of spoiled children because Trump went to a family dinner without them.

Haha you crack me up... I talk about how Trump can barely set up a simple meeting with the PM of Japan, and what do you do? You blame it on the media and a Trump family dinner. and YOU call anti-Trump folks snowflakes and other names? That is fucking hilarious! You complain more on this board than anyone. Republican or Democrat.

I'm not sure what meeting you're referring to or even what difficulties he supposedly encountered. It's all a big faux scandal, of course. Virtually everything turds like you whine about is fake.

The meeting that is all over the news? For someone that says they keep up with the news and world events, you sure don't know much.

Post a link to it.

A day before US President-elect Donald Trump was set to meet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japanese officials say Trump's team has not provided any information when or where in New York the meeting will take place.

"There has been a lot of confusion," one Japanese official said. The officials also said they did not to know who to contact regarding the meeting. Abe is currently on his way to the Asia-Pacific summit in Peru.

Trump's meeting with Japan PM Abe shrouded in confusion
Yes I have. I've seen nothing but endless whining by the DNC press about it, and it's all bullshit. They whimpered like a bunch of spoiled children because Trump went to a family dinner without them.

Haha you crack me up... I talk about how Trump can barely set up a simple meeting with the PM of Japan, and what do you do? You blame it on the media and a Trump family dinner. and YOU call anti-Trump folks snowflakes and other names? That is fucking hilarious! You complain more on this board than anyone. Republican or Democrat.

I'm not sure what meeting you're referring to or even what difficulties he supposedly encountered. It's all a big faux scandal, of course. Virtually everything turds like you whine about is fake.

The meeting that is all over the news? For someone that says they keep up with the news and world events, you sure don't know much.

Post a link to it.

A day before US President-elect Donald Trump was set to meet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japanese officials say Trump's team has not provided any information when or where in New York the meeting will take place.

"There has been a lot of confusion," one Japanese official said. The officials also said they did not to know who to contact regarding the meeting. Abe is currently on his way to the Asia-Pacific summit in Peru.

Trump's meeting with Japan PM Abe shrouded in confusion
Haha you crack me up... I talk about how Trump can barely set up a simple meeting with the PM of Japan, and what do you do? You blame it on the media and a Trump family dinner. and YOU call anti-Trump folks snowflakes and other names? That is fucking hilarious! You complain more on this board than anyone. Republican or Democrat.

I'm not sure what meeting you're referring to or even what difficulties he supposedly encountered. It's all a big faux scandal, of course. Virtually everything turds like you whine about is fake.

The meeting that is all over the news? For someone that says they keep up with the news and world events, you sure don't know much.

Post a link to it.

A day before US President-elect Donald Trump was set to meet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japanese officials say Trump's team has not provided any information when or where in New York the meeting will take place.

"There has been a lot of confusion," one Japanese official said. The officials also said they did not to know who to contact regarding the meeting. Abe is currently on his way to the Asia-Pacific summit in Peru.

Trump's meeting with Japan PM Abe shrouded in confusion
He will last four years unless he is impeached or dies in office.

So who's going to impeach him, other Republicans?

Yup, the GOP does not want the deficit busting Trump as president. Pence would be their choice, smiling and nodding as the internment camps are set up.

Most of you RW lunatics are looking forward to a nation divided by race and religion. So, "Make America Great Again" meant "Make America Hate Again." So far....so good!

Comrade Trump and his little buddy Pence are doing a great job!

This one's for you and Jake Starkey, the two biggest snowflakes on USMB:

Yup, the GOP does not want the deficit busting Trump as president. Pence would be their choice, smiling and nodding as the internment camps are set up.

Most of you RW lunatics are looking forward to a nation divided by race and religion. So, "Make America Great Again" meant "Make America Hate Again." So far....so good!

Comrade Trump and his little buddy Pence are doing a great job!

First of all, you can't impeach a President because he has "deficit busting" issues. They can not pass the expenditures for them in the house, but that's about it.

Secondly, who divides Americans more than Democrats? Rich vs Poor, White vs Black, Police vs Criminals, Business owner vs Employees, Gun owners vs Gun haters, Religious citizens vs Secular citizens..........

The list goes on and on, but what Democrats have always done is pick and choose what groups they want to side with and who they want to side against. Big oil, big pharma, big business, corporations, wealthy Americans, war on women.......

The divide and conquer is a Democrat strategy--not a Republican one.

You guys kill me!

He's already been overwhelmed by how hard setting up his transition team has been. He's already had problems setting up a simple meeting with the PM of Japan. He's not even been sworn in yet!

What a giant load. His transition is proceeding ahead of schedule. All this whining about the transition is smoke and mirrors based on complete ignorance.

Guess you haven't been paying attention. Not a surprise.
Yes I have. I've seen nothing but endless whining by the DNC press about it, and it's all bullshit. They whimpered like a bunch of spoiled children because Trump went to a family dinner without them.

Haha you crack me up... I talk about how Trump can barely set up a simple meeting with the PM of Japan, and what do you do? You blame it on the media and a Trump family dinner. and YOU call anti-Trump folks snowflakes and other names? That is fucking hilarious! You complain more on this board than anyone. Republican or Democrat.

You guys kill me!

He's already been overwhelmed by how hard setting up his transition team has been. He's already had problems setting up a simple meeting with the PM of Japan. He's not even been sworn in yet!

What a giant load. His transition is proceeding ahead of schedule. All this whining about the transition is smoke and mirrors based on complete ignorance.

Guess you haven't been paying attention. Not a surprise.
Yes I have. I've seen nothing but endless whining by the DNC press about it, and it's all bullshit. They whimpered like a bunch of spoiled children because Trump went to a family dinner without them.

Haha you crack me up... I talk about how Trump can barely set up a simple meeting with the PM of Japan, and what do you do? You blame it on the media and a Trump family dinner. and YOU call anti-Trump folks snowflakes and other names? That is fucking hilarious! You complain more on this board than anyone. Republican or Democrat.
-------------------------------------------------------- All I said is , feck that Japanese guy all to heck as he flies to the USA to kiss American azz in the USA Lew .
several of these hate crimes with graffiti etc... are hoaxes by the radical left to create further division to support their claims of racism
several of these hate crimes with graffiti etc... are hoaxes by the radical left to create further division to support their claims of racism

They all are. Why would any Trump supporter deface property with swastikas?

Well I put several because there very well may be racists out there, but I agree all the trump supporters I know are hard working Americans. Blue Collar, White Collar, small business owners..... we don't have time for this bullshit
Donald Trump has lowered political debate in the United States to the sewer.

So, Trump asking people to stop with the hate is lower than Clinton and Obama who have said nothing to stop the hate and riots.
Donald Trump has lowered political debate in the United States to the sewer.

You don't seem to have gotten the "memo" on this, Eloy...but it's not debate anymore. The debates are over. Hillary Clinton took those debates to the sewers and the American people didn't buy what she was selling. Donald Trump is President of the United States...get used to it!
Please do not tell people to do the impossible.

No, you can continue to cry and whine for the next four years and then another four after. I love poor losers, you are so entertaining.
Donald Trump has lowered political debate in the United States to the sewer.
------------------------------------------ Happy that YOU are dismayed but I think that you are only some foreigner on the board aren't you Eloy ??
This board is not restricted to people who live in the United States and its colonies.
------------------------------------------------ as I said , you are nothing but a foreigner Eloy !!
Donald Trump has lowered political debate in the United States to the sewer.

You don't seem to have gotten the "memo" on this, Eloy...but it's not debate anymore. The debates are over. Hillary Clinton took those debates to the sewers and the American people didn't buy what she was selling. Donald Trump is President of the United States...get used to it!
Please do not tell people to do the impossible.

No, you can continue to cry and whine for the next four years and then another four after. I love poor losers, you are so entertaining.
In the end, it is the American people who lost.

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