White Nationalist and Racist are now empowered to hate

Donald Trump has lowered political debate in the United States to the sewer.

You don't seem to have gotten the "memo" on this, Eloy...but it's not debate anymore. The debates are over. Hillary Clinton took those debates to the sewers and the American people didn't buy what she was selling. Donald Trump is President of the United States...get used to it!
Please do not tell people to do the impossible.

No, you can continue to cry and whine for the next four years and then another four after. I love poor losers, you are so entertaining.
In the end, it is the American people who lost.

You have no clue if they did or didn't. Many thought the American people would have lost if Hilary was elected. I thought if either elected we would lose.

The difference with me and you is I know it won't be changed for four years and you think you can avoid it.
WE Americans are very happy with the Trump , we got exactly what we wanted . Its you fureigners that seem nervous and dismayed , annoyed or scared Eloy .
ELOY just wants the same old same old . He hopes that things continue to be ok as he is fed daily , has a place to sleep and keep warm . He HOPES that as things deteriorate that he will be the last one to be hurt or fed to the crocodile .
butthurt 2.jpg
WE Americans are very happy with the Trump , we got exactly what we wanted . Its you fureigners that seem nervous and dismayed , annoyed or scared Eloy .
On my TV I see a lot of Americans who are crestfallen with Trump and his nominations.
WE Americans are very happy with the Trump , we got exactly what we wanted . Its you fureigners that seem nervous and dismayed , annoyed or scared Eloy .
On my TV I see a lot of Americans who are crestfallen with Trump and his nominations.
--------------------------------- GOOD that you see that but those are enemies of America and there are some enemies of America in this thread . They are not to be taken seriously Eloy !!
WE Americans are very happy with the Trump , we got exactly what we wanted . Its you fureigners that seem nervous and dismayed , annoyed or scared Eloy .
On my TV I see a lot of Americans who are crestfallen with Trump and his nominations.
--------------------------------- GOOD that you see that but those are enemies of America and there are some enemies of America in this thread . They are not to be taken seriously Eloy !!
I wish for the day when Americans who disagree with a president are not called enemies but fellow Americans.

So they are supplanting Black Lives Matters?

If Trump is so proud of it why is he telling people to stop doing it, as opposed to Hillary Clinton who hasn't told protesters to stop vandalizing property, shutting down traffic, and assaulting people?

You do also realize that several of these incidents have turned out to be hoaxes perpetrated by the anti-Trump crowd, right?

WRONG! Black Lives Matter is a peaceful protest about repression and oppression against blacks and other minorities. Trump is a covert member of the KKK. Why else would they endorse him? I'll bet his closet is full of white sheets and wooden crosses soaked in gasoline. #liberal logic
Idiot alert! Are you really this stupid or are you being paid to post this crap?

It was meant as sarcasm, hence the #liberal logic at the end of the post. Who is the idiot here?
WRONG! Black Lives Matter is a peaceful protest about repression and oppression against blacks and other minorities. Trump is a covert member of the KKK. Why else would they endorse him?

Good question. Why did the US Communist Party support Hillary?

Because she is a communist at heart. Socialism is just a step towards communism.
WE Americans are very happy with the Trump , we got exactly what we wanted . Its you fureigners that seem nervous and dismayed , annoyed or scared Eloy .
On my TV I see a lot of Americans who are crestfallen with Trump and his nominations.
--------------------------------- GOOD that you see that but those are enemies of America and there are some enemies of America in this thread . They are not to be taken seriously Eloy !!
I wish for the day when Americans who disagree with a president are not called enemies but fellow Americans.

You are treating the President elect as an enemy, why is that?

Especially when you just claimed that disagreement is not a reason to call fellow Americans enemies.
WE Americans are very happy with the Trump , we got exactly what we wanted . Its you fureigners that seem nervous and dismayed , annoyed or scared Eloy .
On my TV I see a lot of Americans who are crestfallen with Trump and his nominations.
--------------------------------- GOOD that you see that but those are enemies of America and there are some enemies of America in this thread . They are not to be taken seriously Eloy !!
I wish for the day when Americans who disagree with a president are not called enemies but fellow Americans.

You are treating the President elect as an enemy, why is that?

Especially when you just claimed that disagreement is not a reason to call fellow Americans enemies.
Although I consider the election of Donald Trump to be a disaster, I have never called him an enemy.
WE Americans are very happy with the Trump , we got exactly what we wanted . Its you fureigners that seem nervous and dismayed , annoyed or scared Eloy .
On my TV I see a lot of Americans who are crestfallen with Trump and his nominations.
--------------------------------- GOOD that you see that but those are enemies of America and there are some enemies of America in this thread . They are not to be taken seriously Eloy !!
I wish for the day when Americans who disagree with a president are not called enemies but fellow Americans.

You are treating the President elect as an enemy, why is that?

Especially when you just claimed that disagreement is not a reason to call fellow Americans enemies.
Although I consider the election of Donald Trump to be a disaster, I have never called him an enemy.

And it isn't a disaster, 60 million out of 320 million voted for Clinton, that means that 260 million either voted for Trump or didn't think it was a disaster. You are in the vast minority and nothing has happened to prove you right, you have speculation and fear. Nothing else.
What the confirmation bias fools think they have carried the argument, in fact they have lost it.

The far right wants to justify racism because they yell the far left did it. So they are no different (just as foul then) as the far left.
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