White Nationalist Extremists Back Joe Biden

Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden Rejects Endorsement of White Nationalist Richard Spencer.


On the other we know that David Fucking Duke, former Grand Wizard of Klu Klux Fucking Klan endorsed the
5-Deferment, Draft Dodging, Russian Loving Fuck Wad 45.


Which the OP of course had no problem with.

Gou Pi Biden has no credibility; he's an admitted criminal extortionist along with being accused of rape, which according to Democrat standards means he's guilty and should be in prison now.en

Biden has rejected Spencer's endorsement.

45 has a history of Sexual Assault/Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harassment. You do not seem a have problem with that.

The of your post pure unadulterated bullshit. The rape charge you're referring to, he was NOT even at that event he was recovering surgery at home.

Stupid Shit Cons never cease to amaze
what will Trump do without him?

There are some misinformed people in the forum who believe president Trump is a white nationalist, or is somehow related to their socialism. The following should put that theory to rest, once and for all.
I plan to vote for Biden and a straight democratic ticket. It’s not based on “accelerationism” or anything like that; the liberals are clearly more competent people.
- Richard Spencer

Even the dumbassed racists can see how badly tRump has fucked up.

That's really bad for tRump, those folks are a big chunk of his base.

How many white supremacists have you been told are in America?

And you need to correct Moonglow. He thinks Spencer's lying about endorsing Biden.

LOL! Just kidding. You don't have the integrity to criticize a fellow leftist. Not a one of you does.
Reichtard Spencer also regrets voting for president Trump, and has done so for a long while now.

It must have been the "America will never be a socialist nation."
Nationalist: "a person who strongly identifies with his country and vigorously supports it's interests". You can't help being white but how did "nationalist" become such a bad word?

It's not...

It's once you combine nationalism with other words that bad things happen.

White nationalist - white isn't a nationality, these people are idiots.
National socialist - You can't polish the turd that is socialism.
Don't forget "Democratic Socialist" -- slapping a new label on the same failed bullshit.
There are some misinformed people in the forum who believe president Trump is a white nationalist, or is somehow related to their socialism. The following should put that theory to rest, once and for all.
I plan to vote for Biden and a straight democratic ticket. It’s not based on “accelerationism” or anything like that; the liberals are clearly more competent people.
- Richard Spencer

Even the dumbassed racists can see how badly tRump has fucked up.

That's really bad for tRump, those folks are a big chunk of his base.

How many white supremacists have you been told are in America?

And you need to correct Moonglow. He thinks Spencer's lying about endorsing Biden.

LOL! Just kidding. You don't have the integrity to criticize a fellow leftist. Not a one of you does.

Very few white nationalists.

Very many Americans.
There are some misinformed people in the forum who believe president Trump is a white nationalist, or is somehow related to their socialism. The following should put that theory to rest, once and for all.
I plan to vote for Biden and a straight democratic ticket. It’s not based on “accelerationism” or anything like that; the liberals are clearly more competent people.
- Richard Spencer

Even the dumbassed racists can see how badly tRump has fucked up.

That's really bad for tRump, those folks are a big chunk of his base.

How many white supremacists have you been told are in America?

And you need to correct Moonglow. He thinks Spencer's lying about endorsing Biden.

LOL! Just kidding. You don't have the integrity to criticize a fellow leftist. Not a one of you does.

Very few white nationalists.

Very many Americans.

And since leftists hate America, they hate Americans.

"White Nationalist Richard Spencer, who was one of the key figureheads of the alt-right movement, tweeted how he is "on Team Joe" on Monday, adding in a self-made campaign slogan, "Liberals are clearly more competent. 'The MAGA/Alt-Right moment is over. I made mistakes; Trump is an obvious disaster; but mainly the paradigm contained flaws that we now are able to perceive. And it needs to end," Spencer wrote. "So be patient. We'll have another day in the sun. We need to recover and return in a new form."

So this guy owes his fame to Donald Trump and this is how he repays him?? No one really knew this guy until he had that white nationalist event in 2016 where he pledged loyalty to Trump by shouting "Hail Trump!" and being greeted with Nazi salutes....we all thought he was joking and doing it to just trigger the libs.....now we see that he is racist for real, since he is voting for Biden..

If these dumb Democrat blacks don't see that voting for Biden -- is voting for a guy -- who is literally the biggest white supremacist in the history of the country -- then I am left to assume that these blacks always wanted to be slaves on the plantation and they hate all conservative Republicans for freeing them from bondage...People like Candace Owens and rising star Kim Klacik are literally the Harriet Tubmans and Frederick Douglass of our time..

"White Nationalist Richard Spencer, who was one of the key figureheads of the alt-right movement, tweeted how he is "on Team Joe" on Monday, adding in a self-made campaign slogan, "Liberals are clearly more competent. 'The MAGA/Alt-Right moment is over. I made mistakes; Trump is an obvious disaster; but mainly the paradigm contained flaws that we now are able to perceive. And it needs to end," Spencer wrote. "So be patient. We'll have another day in the sun. We need to recover and return in a new form."

So this guy owes his fame to Donald Trump and this is how he repays him?? No one really knew this guy until he had that white nationalist event in 2016 where he pledged loyalty to Trump by shouting "Hail Trump!" and being greeted with Nazi salutes....we all thought he was joking and doing it to just trigger the libs.....now we see that he is racist for real, since he is voting for Biden..

If these dumb Democrat blacks don't see that voting for Biden -- is voting for a guy -- who is literally the biggest white supremacist in the history of the country -- then I am left to assume that these blacks always wanted to be slaves on the plantation and they hate all conservative Republicans for freeing them from bondage...People like Candace Owens and rising star Kim Klacik are literally the Harriet Tubmans and Frederick Douglass of our time..
If Black Americans haven't figured Biden is a racist by now then they must be democrats. You can't cure stupid.

"White Nationalist Richard Spencer, who was one of the key figureheads of the alt-right movement, tweeted how he is "on Team Joe" on Monday, adding in a self-made campaign slogan, "Liberals are clearly more competent. 'The MAGA/Alt-Right moment is over. I made mistakes; Trump is an obvious disaster; but mainly the paradigm contained flaws that we now are able to perceive. And it needs to end," Spencer wrote. "So be patient. We'll have another day in the sun. We need to recover and return in a new form."

So this guy owes his fame to Donald Trump and this is how he repays him?? No one really knew this guy until he had that white nationalist event in 2016 where he pledged loyalty to Trump by shouting "Hail Trump!" and being greeted with Nazi salutes....we all thought he was joking and doing it to just trigger the libs.....now we see that he is racist for real, since he is voting for Biden..

If these dumb Democrat blacks don't see that voting for Biden -- is voting for a guy -- who is literally the biggest white supremacist in the history of the country -- then I am left to assume that these blacks always wanted to be slaves on the plantation and they hate all conservative Republicans for freeing them from bondage...People like Candace Owens and rising star Kim Klacik are literally the Harriet Tubmans and Frederick Douglass of our time..
If Black Americans haven't figured Biden is a racist by now then they must be democrats. You can't cure stupid.
True....its just in their genetics.......

That is why people like Candace are so amazing -- because they defy their genetics by being smart and voting for the appropriate candidate

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