White Nationalist plot Election Day show of force.

Expect some sort of Democrat-manufactured 'White Supremacist/KKK' False Flag event before the Election. It'll be framed as being 'all Trump's fault.' And don't laugh either, the Democratic Party could very well be the most corrupt institution on earth. It is capable of anything. Just check out Wikileaks if you don't believe me.
There is no proof that this was done by a Trump supporter.

The left is well known to fake such things.
I doubt it. Trump requesting that his supporters monitor the polls has been taken to heart by white supremacists who say they'll be at the polls in Miss, doing what white supremacy have always done at the polls. With the number of Trump endorsements from groups such as the American Nazi Party, KKK, Daily Storm Trooper, and Vanguard News Network and others, Trump supporters seem the more likely culprit than Clinton supporters in Greenville which is 70% black.
You mean like when the Clinton supporters didn't attack all those Republican headquarters?

Clinton supporters will do everything and anything to get Hillary elected. Trump supporters have nothing to gain from firebombing a black church.
Nobody has anything to gain by fire bombing a church. This will have little or no impact on the election. Almost a third of the voters have already voted and almost all the rest have made of their minds. Most voters are paying no attention to the daily bombshell news announcements put out by each side. I think at this point it's all about spending campaign funds.

Hillary has lots to gain if she can blame it on Trump. What does that tell you?
92% of voters have made up their minds with nearly 30% having already voted. The remaining 8% aren't listening. At this point in time, Clinton has more to lose than gain by going off message with new accusations directed at Trump. The pictures of the burning church with Vote Trump written on the walls make a strong statement without Clinton saying a word.
How does that prove that Hillary doesn't have anything to gain by staging an racist incident that appears to be perpetrated by a Trump supporter? Her "message" is that Trump is a racist, so how would her accusing him of being a racist be off message? That's all she's been doing since before she won the nomination.
92% of voters have made up their minds with nearly 30% having already voted. The remaining 8% aren't listening. At this point in time, Clinton has more to lose than gain by going off message with new accusations directed at Trump. The pictures of the burning church with Vote Trump written on the walls make a strong statement without Clinton saying a word.
There are 3% still undecided that intend to vote and 9% voting third party that are still willing to change their minds.

The mere fact that the polls are swinging to Trump should be proof enough to any reasonable person.

Oh, wait.....

I think you're grabbing at straws. Very few voters once committed change at the last minute. Most people I know who have made up their mind are ignoring politician news. One of the local TV stations in my area has said they will only give political news once a day.

3% undecided is not enough. It would all have to go to Trump in just the right states. Of the 8 polls reported by RCP, Trump is ahead in only one poll, tied with Clinton in 2, and losing to Clinton in 5. However, when you look at the battleground states, it looks even worse for Trump.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
I doubt it. Trump requesting that his supporters monitor the polls has been taken to heart by white supremacists who say they'll be at the polls in Miss, doing what white supremacy have always done at the polls. With the number of Trump endorsements from groups such as the American Nazi Party, KKK, Daily Storm Trooper, and Vanguard News Network and others, Trump supporters seem the more likely culprit than Clinton supporters in Greenville which is 70% black.
You mean like when the Clinton supporters didn't attack all those Republican headquarters?

Clinton supporters will do everything and anything to get Hillary elected. Trump supporters have nothing to gain from firebombing a black church.
Nobody has anything to gain by fire bombing a church. This will have little or no impact on the election. Almost a third of the voters have already voted and almost all the rest have made of their minds. Most voters are paying no attention to the daily bombshell news announcements put out by each side. I think at this point it's all about spending campaign funds.

Hillary has lots to gain if she can blame it on Trump. What does that tell you?
92% of voters have made up their minds with nearly 30% having already voted. The remaining 8% aren't listening. At this point in time, Clinton has more to lose than gain by going off message with new accusations directed at Trump. The pictures of the burning church with Vote Trump written on the walls make a strong statement without Clinton saying a word.
How does that prove that Hillary doesn't have anything to gain by staging an racist incident that appears to be perpetrated by a Trump supporter? Her "message" is that Trump is a racist, so how would her accusing him of being a racist be off message? That's all she's been doing since before she won the nomination.
Clinton has plenty of evidence of Trump's unfitness for office that has come right out his mouth. Why should she take such risks at this point in the election by orchestrating the burning of a black church with no proof that Trump supporters did it? That makes no sense.
3% undecided is not enough. It would all have to go to Trump in just the right states. Of the 8 polls reported by RCP, Trump is ahead in only one poll, tied with Clinton in 2, and losing to Clinton in 5. However, when you look at the battleground states, it looks even worse for Trump.
You mean 3% plus 9% who are not certain about voting 3rd party also for a total of 12%.

Now that is a small slice of the electorate, but it is more than enough to decide the election.

You liberals might as well abandon the "Hillary is inevitable" horse shit as no one is buying it.
Put your head in the sand if that makes you feel better but there is a substantial portion of America that would prefer to see a Civil War than Clinton as President.
3% undecided is not enough. It would all have to go to Trump in just the right states. Of the 8 polls reported by RCP, Trump is ahead in only one poll, tied with Clinton in 2, and losing to Clinton in 5. However, when you look at the battleground states, it looks even worse for Trump.
You mean 3% plus 9% who are not certain about voting 3rd party also for a total of 12%.

Now that is a small slice of the electorate, but it is more than enough to decide the election.

You liberals might as well abandon the "Hillary is inevitable" horse shit as no one is buying it.

Flashback: Nate Silver's site called Cubs victory less likely than Trump win
3% undecided is not enough. It would all have to go to Trump in just the right states. Of the 8 polls reported by RCP, Trump is ahead in only one poll, tied with Clinton in 2, and losing to Clinton in 5. However, when you look at the battleground states, it looks even worse for Trump.
You mean 3% plus 9% who are not certain about voting 3rd party also for a total of 12%.

Now that is a small slice of the electorate, but it is more than enough to decide the election.

You liberals might as well abandon the "Hillary is inevitable" horse shit as no one is buying it.
This not worth discussing. It does all depends on the votes within the battleground states. However, looking at the 9%, at this late date, most of that vote will remain with the independents and what does change will be split between Clinton and Trump with less than a 1% change in the overall vote count between Clinton and Trump. A much better argument for a Trump win is that the polls do not accurately reflect how voters will actually vote, still a long shot but it's possible.
You liberals might as well abandon the "Hillary is inevitable" horse shit as no one is buying it.
This not worth discussing. It does all depends on the votes within the battleground states. However, looking at the 9%, at this late date, most of that vote will remain with the independents and what does change will be split between Clinton and Trump with less than a 1% change in the overall vote count between Clinton and Trump. A much better argument for a Trump win is that the polls do not accurately reflect how voters will actually vote, still a long shot but it's possible.[/QUOTE]
Well, according to the latest polls, Trump is ahead, or within the margin of error with Hillary in New Hampshire, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida, N Carolina, Iowa, Arizona, Georgia and Nevada.

The new support for Trump is coming from SOMEWHERE.
You liberals might as well abandon the "Hillary is inevitable" horse shit as no one is buying it.]This not worth discussing. It does all depends on the votes within the battleground states. However, looking at the 9%, at this late date, most of that vote will remain with the independents and what does change will be split between Clinton and Trump with less than a 1% change in the overall vote count between Clinton and Trump. A much better argument for a Trump win is that the polls do not accurately reflect how voters will actually vote, still a long shot but it's possible.
Well, according to the latest polls, Trump is ahead, or within the margin of error with Hillary in New Hampshire, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida, N Carolina, Iowa, Arizona, Georgia and Nevada.

The new support for Trump is coming from SOMEWHERE.

And Virginia....
You liberals might as well abandon the "Hillary is inevitable" horse shit as no one is buying it.
This not worth discussing. It does all depends on the votes within the battleground states. However, looking at the 9%, at this late date, most of that vote will remain with the independents and what does change will be split between Clinton and Trump with less than a 1% change in the overall vote count between Clinton and Trump. A much better argument for a Trump win is that the polls do not accurately reflect how voters will actually vote, still a long shot but it's possible.
Well, according to the latest polls, Trump is ahead, or within the margin of error with Hillary in New Hampshire, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida, N Carolina, Iowa, Arizona, Georgia and Nevada.

The new support for Trump is coming from SOMEWHERE.[/QUOTE]
Trump could win but it's still a long shot.

Clinton has a lock on 182 electoral votes and an additional 92 leaning Blue for a total of 274. So even if Clinton loses almost all the electoral votes in the tossup states she still wins.

Trump has a lock on 71 electoral votes and an additional 109 leaning Red for a total of 180. So for Trump to win, he's got to pickup almost all the tossup states or capture some states leaning Blue plus most of the tossups. Definitely possibly but not probable with a strong showing of Democrats in early voting in Colorado and Nevada, a slight lead in Florida, and very strong Latino turnout in early voting in both Arizona and Florida.

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Expect some sort of Democrat-manufactured 'White Supremacist/KKK' False Flag event before the Election. It'll be framed as being 'all Trump's fault.' And don't laugh either, the Democratic Party could very well be the most corrupt institution on earth. It is capable of anything. Just check out Wikileaks if you don't believe me.
I think Trump's hacker buddies in the Kremlin pose more of a threat to the election than a hand full of white supremacist heckling blacks and Latinos at the polls.
Expect some sort of Democrat-manufactured 'White Supremacist/KKK' False Flag event before the Election. It'll be framed as being 'all Trump's fault.' And don't laugh either, the Democratic Party could very well be the most corrupt institution on earth. It is capable of anything. Just check out Wikileaks if you don't believe me.
I think Trump's hacker buddies in the Kremlin pose more of a threat to the election than a hand full of white supremacist heckling blacks and Latinos at the polls.

Don't put anything past the Democrats. A False Flag event is a real possibility. The Democratic Party is one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. The UN is likely the only institution that surpasses it in corruption. Wikileaks has shown that.
White people are everywhere! Arghhh.......
Laugh it up, but I recall that folks got VERY up in arms about the idea of the Black Panthers at polling places in 2008. This is the same thing. Would you still be laughing if the Black Panthers and BLM were openly and actively stating they were planning to show up in the rural areas to "monitor the vote" or possibly intimidate voters?

Nothing in this article is laughable. You have folks claiming they're sneaking into schools to set up cameras. You have folks actively talking about showing up to intimidate voters. This is 1800's level crap and we'd moved past this. At least that's what we'd thought.

I wonder if the AG would prosecute a white nationalist if they showed up with a night stick and intimidated black voters. NOTHING happened to the Black Panthers that did that to intimidate white voters in 2008.
Two guys show up at one polling place & left when asked. Criminal charges were brought but dropped under the Bush Administration.
Eric Holder ordered the charges dropped after default.

Was Holder AG under Bush?

Holder's Black Panther Stonewall
Expect some sort of Democrat-manufactured 'White Supremacist/KKK' False Flag event before the Election. It'll be framed as being 'all Trump's fault.' And don't laugh either, the Democratic Party could very well be the most corrupt institution on earth. It is capable of anything. Just check out Wikileaks if you don't believe me.
I think Trump's hacker buddies in the Kremlin pose more of a threat to the election than a hand full of white supremacist heckling blacks and Latinos at the polls.

Don't put anything past the Democrats. A False Flag event is a real possibility. The Democratic Party is one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. The UN is likely the only institution that surpasses it in corruption. Wikileaks has shown that.
With the resolution of the Clinton email investigation today, Trump hopes are fading. It seems far more likely that desperate Trump supporters such as the white supremacy groups will raise their nasty head on election day. Of course, Trump allies in the Kremlin may have something cooked up. 46 states have now asked for help from Homeland Security.
Expect some sort of Democrat-manufactured 'White Supremacist/KKK' False Flag event before the Election. It'll be framed as being 'all Trump's fault.' And don't laugh either, the Democratic Party could very well be the most corrupt institution on earth. It is capable of anything. Just check out Wikileaks if you don't believe me.
I think Trump's hacker buddies in the Kremlin pose more of a threat to the election than a hand full of white supremacist heckling blacks and Latinos at the polls.

Don't put anything past the Democrats. A False Flag event is a real possibility. The Democratic Party is one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. The UN is likely the only institution that surpasses it in corruption. Wikileaks has shown that.
With the resolution of the Clinton email investigation today, Trump hopes are fading. It seems far more likely that desperate Trump supporters such as the white supremacy groups will raise their nasty head on election day. Of course, Trump allies in the Kremlin may have something cooked up. 46 states have now asked for help from Homeland Security.
What could be more desperate than trying to equate Trump with white supremacy groups or the Kremlin?
Expect some sort of Democrat-manufactured 'White Supremacist/KKK' False Flag event before the Election. It'll be framed as being 'all Trump's fault.' And don't laugh either, the Democratic Party could very well be the most corrupt institution on earth. It is capable of anything. Just check out Wikileaks if you don't believe me.
I think Trump's hacker buddies in the Kremlin pose more of a threat to the election than a hand full of white supremacist heckling blacks and Latinos at the polls.

Don't put anything past the Democrats. A False Flag event is a real possibility. The Democratic Party is one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. The UN is likely the only institution that surpasses it in corruption. Wikileaks has shown that.
With the resolution of the Clinton email investigation today, Trump hopes are fading. It seems far more likely that desperate Trump supporters such as the white supremacy groups will raise their nasty head on election day. Of course, Trump allies in the Kremlin may have something cooked up. 46 states have now asked for help from Homeland Security.
What could be more desperate than trying to equate Trump with white supremacy groups or the Kremlin?
Trying to reach out to Hispanics and Blacks that you've been attacking for a year.

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