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White Nationalist plot Election Day show of force.

Black racial supremacy groups can literally shut down a business because it is foreign owned and get no media attention. People like the simpleton that wrote the OP aren't aware of it. What would the reaction be if those white nationalists did this?

You're making some pretty big assumptions here. I'm not cool with this kind of thing happening and I would stand up against it. I believe strongly in freedom for all regardless of creed or race.

Oh, I'm sure you're outraged. Race relations have deteriorated under this president. There are literally countless videos of black youth savagely attacking elderly white people. There is an epidemic of interracial violence occurring, and people like you want to talk about white nationalism? What a joke!

Here's the difference, these racists are on YOUR side. They are voting for your candidate. They are a result of decades of voting Democrat.
Anti-White? Nope. But I am anti-Racist, and in that I am truly color blind.

As for race and heritage? Yeah sure. Go look at your family tree sometime. Every damn last one of us here in the states are mutts through and through. Let's say your family has been here 100 years. Assuming a generation every 25 years that means you're carrying DNA from at least 16 different folks unless you're inbreed. Keep going back and that number grows exponentially. I guarantee that your DNA, just like mine, has picked up everything over time. So race is a joke. Purity is a joke. And folks that go on and on about that are jokes.

As for Heritage? You want to preserve it? Live it. You want folks to hate your heritage and piss all over it? Legislate it. Trying to force your views of how life should be lead down someone else's throat isn't strength. It's cowardness. If your heritage is so wonderful and superior, live it and folks will come to respect it and live like you do. If you feel the need to force it on others it isn't heritage, it's an excuse for violence. And those should be stomped out with a vengence.
Anti Racist is Code word for Anti White. Nice try though.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White
In Africa, there are no “anti-racists” telling Africans they have no right to patrol their borders and kick out illegal immigrants.

The Liberian constitution states that only Black people can be citizens. Why aren’t “anti-racist” groups screaming at Liberia? Why is this not front page news? Because no one cares that there is a country only for Black people.

In Asia, there are no “anti-racists” telling Asians that mixed race people are genetically superior to separate races, and the whole world should all mix together (but only in Asia).

Many Asian countries, like Japan, have strong economies, low birth-rates, colonial histories, and almost no immigrants or refugees. So which countries are “anti-racists” trying to open to immigrants and refugees? Eastern Europe, of course! It’s full of White people.

This agenda is ONLY forced on White countries. The people who scream “diversity” and “progress” say that they are “anti-racist”.

But, according to their actions, the only countries in need of “diversity”, “progress”, and “anti-racism” are White; whether rich or poor, high birth-rate or low birth-rate, colonial history or no colonial history.

Some coincidence, huh?

That’s why anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

As the other poster pointed out you're most likely not purebred and are mixed with other races... I am sure if someone did Genealogy and DNA test they would discover traces of Native American which then make you a mutt!

I doubt you can trace your family tree past the 1800's and are some common blood individual that spews his white pride nonsense while not knowing you would have been gassed by the Germans for your Roma bloodline!
Actually my mothers side has been traced back to the 1200's and my fathers side back to mid 1800's and that was in Poland/Germany. So yep. Pure European here :)

If true you are still not pure anything...

Well pure asshole but so am I!

Also if you are German\Polish well if I were you I would check where your father family came from because a lot of Yiddish speaking Pols and Krauts in that region!
Been there done that. Zero **** blood in me :)
Again, bullshit.
Mississippi church burned, vandalized with 'Vote Trump'

Trump's basket of deplorables are already out in force.

Black church firebombed and 'vote Trump' painted on side of church.

Well if recent history is any indication it is another hoax. There have been many confirmed black church burning hoaxes across the country. Race hoaxes have become common place. But let's jump to conclusions and believe it this time.
Mississippi church burned, vandalized with 'Vote Trump'

Trump's basket of deplorables are already out in force.

Black church firebombed and 'vote Trump' painted on side of church.

Well if recent history is any indication it is another hoax. There have been many confirmed black church burning hoaxes across the country. Race hoaxes have become common place. But let's jump to conclusions and believe it this time.

The story is from Reuters and the FBI is investigating.

You are free to live in your own delusions but they don't play out here in reality. Sorry Gilligan.
Anti Racist is Code word for Anti White. Nice try though.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White
In Africa, there are no “anti-racists” telling Africans they have no right to patrol their borders and kick out illegal immigrants.

The Liberian constitution states that only Black people can be citizens. Why aren’t “anti-racist” groups screaming at Liberia? Why is this not front page news? Because no one cares that there is a country only for Black people.

In Asia, there are no “anti-racists” telling Asians that mixed race people are genetically superior to separate races, and the whole world should all mix together (but only in Asia).

Many Asian countries, like Japan, have strong economies, low birth-rates, colonial histories, and almost no immigrants or refugees. So which countries are “anti-racists” trying to open to immigrants and refugees? Eastern Europe, of course! It’s full of White people.

This agenda is ONLY forced on White countries. The people who scream “diversity” and “progress” say that they are “anti-racist”.

But, according to their actions, the only countries in need of “diversity”, “progress”, and “anti-racism” are White; whether rich or poor, high birth-rate or low birth-rate, colonial history or no colonial history.

Some coincidence, huh?

That’s why anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
Nicely plagerized. You should cite your references next time. Would you like me to help you or can you work Google on your own?

The United States is an immigrant nation. Unless you are 100% Native American, you did not come from here. You came from elsewhere. As such one of principles of the United States is that of allowing immigrants to come here for a better life. That is a fundamentally anti-Racist view, and is not Anti-White.

And for the record: I reject as backward any nation that makes racial identity part of its politics. So again, I'm 100% anti-Racist and you can take your "Anti-White" bullcrap and run with that right back to a nation that's more to your liking. Because the USA is a country of equality and freedom and Racism isn't compatible with that.
Oh so you reject Israel,Japan,China? I can go on...you merely hate WHITE nations that want to stay white because you are an Anti White.
I reject as an acceptable method of governance making decisons based on race. So yeah, I have a problem with how Israel handles the Palestinan issue same as I have a problem with how Saudi Arabia handles just about anything. And unlike you, I have some familiarity with African nations and I have some real issues with how things there are run.
There is nothing wrong with nations that were founded FOR a race to keep other races out. Its how you preserve your nation. Nothing wrong with preservation.
No, there is certainly something wrong with racial discrimination. When you deny a person rights or privileges base on their race, you are ignoring their individuality. You are saying their character, their intelligence, their accomplishments are important as compared to their race. You can not believe in fairness and justice for the individual and support racism.
I don't believe in individualism. I believe in a collective. The white race is a collective and we must stand together as one or we will be destroyed. Individualism is a jewish concept and a way to divide and conquer. I would also have to view other races as civilized and evolved but other than Asians I don't.
Anti Racist is Code word for Anti White. Nice try though.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White
In Africa, there are no “anti-racists” telling Africans they have no right to patrol their borders and kick out illegal immigrants.

The Liberian constitution states that only Black people can be citizens. Why aren’t “anti-racist” groups screaming at Liberia? Why is this not front page news? Because no one cares that there is a country only for Black people.

In Asia, there are no “anti-racists” telling Asians that mixed race people are genetically superior to separate races, and the whole world should all mix together (but only in Asia).

Many Asian countries, like Japan, have strong economies, low birth-rates, colonial histories, and almost no immigrants or refugees. So which countries are “anti-racists” trying to open to immigrants and refugees? Eastern Europe, of course! It’s full of White people.

This agenda is ONLY forced on White countries. The people who scream “diversity” and “progress” say that they are “anti-racist”.

But, according to their actions, the only countries in need of “diversity”, “progress”, and “anti-racism” are White; whether rich or poor, high birth-rate or low birth-rate, colonial history or no colonial history.

Some coincidence, huh?

That’s why anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
Nicely plagerized. You should cite your references next time. Would you like me to help you or can you work Google on your own?

The United States is an immigrant nation. Unless you are 100% Native American, you did not come from here. You came from elsewhere. As such one of principles of the United States is that of allowing immigrants to come here for a better life. That is a fundamentally anti-Racist view, and is not Anti-White.

And for the record: I reject as backward any nation that makes racial identity part of its politics. So again, I'm 100% anti-Racist and you can take your "Anti-White" bullcrap and run with that right back to a nation that's more to your liking. Because the USA is a country of equality and freedom and Racism isn't compatible with that.
Injuns came from Asia. European whites were here first. Google Solutrean Theory.Oh and go ahead and google what I posted. Doesn't make it any less true. We are NOT an immigrant nation we are a WHITE nation. Up until 1965 WHITES were allowed here because this country was intended by our founders to be for white FREE WHITE MEN and later FREE WHITE WOMEN. ONLY!. Don't like it then well go start a multicult nation somewhere this one is mine and we will take it back. One way or another. We will either control the entire country or we will make sure NO ONE does.
And folks like me will be there to stop you. Every. Single. Time.
I'm truly scared to death. You should try reading some racialist fiction. Turner Diaries,Hunter,Harold Covington's books. Hell one might look eerily similar to Trump. Its called Dark Millennium. Great books! Big difference is we may be small in numbers but VERY FEW will be willing to DIE to preserve the status quo that's fucked them over for 100 years...you think blacks or mexicans or jews are going to fight to preserve this country? LMAO hell no. Cut a deal with mexicans for the southwest coons get southeast we take over the rest until its under our control then destroy those 2 or even better have false flag attacks in each nation pointing towards each other and have them take each other out.
So your idea of a compelling case is fiction? Good to know.

And I'd be willing to bet that folks will fight, and yes die, to stand up to any growing racist movement. It's happened before and it'll happen again. And each time good folks stand up and fight it. It's what people do.

And by the way, we've got a lot of Black, Hispanic, Jewish, Muslim, etc, veterans that have fought and bled and died for this country.
Go ahead. Where do you think McVeigh got the idea for the OKC bomb? The Turner diaries! Where do you think The Order got their ideas from? The Turner diaries! The US military has shown it can't stop a Guerrilla Warfare. Been in Afghanistan for 15 years and counting and they are LOSING just like in Iraq and Vietnam. Hit and run. We know we can't win a stand and fight battle but you make it so expensive for them to continue the fight. Time will tell. All we want is a white homeland where we aren't forced to accept non white invaders on a daily basis....heed that we are good don't heed that then there will be war one day. Its a guarantee. The closer we get to the jews goal of white genocide the more terrorist attacks and attacks against the system will ramp up. The beast (the system) will strike out in a blind fury and ban things like travel and food etc without permits or some crap and the people won't help us but they will stay neutral and won't help the beast. Oh another book is Patriot Act. You fail to comprehend how easy it is to do certain things....really with whatever you find in your tool box you can do certain things. Nothing worth doing is easy so we don't expect it to be but when its LITERALLY your races survival at risk you will literally give your life to save it. Earl Turner is my hero. In the end of the turner diaries he took a small plane with a suitcase bomb into Washington,DC. Oh and don't forget with democraps turning the military into a social experiment its not sitting well with most members. We have people joining the military JUST to get the experience in arms and explosives etc. In fact there was a book written about it.
Mississippi church burned, vandalized with 'Vote Trump'

Trump's basket of deplorables are already out in force.

Black church firebombed and 'vote Trump' painted on side of church.

Well if recent history is any indication it is another hoax. There have been many confirmed black church burning hoaxes across the country. Race hoaxes have become common place. But let's jump to conclusions and believe it this time.

The story is from Reuters and the FBI is investigating.

You are free to live in your own delusions but they don't play out here in reality. Sorry Gilligan.

Obviously your understanding of the word investigation is questionable. The FBI is investigating Clinton too.

It is through 'investigations'--some of which were conducted by your beloved FBI--that these commonplace race hoaxes are discovered.
The college educated arent with you guys. Its mostly the uneducated and that should tell you something
People who major in theatre or "the arts" do not count as "educated."

Yet the college educated STILL arent with you guys. Its mostly the uneducated who cant even get into a theater program and that should tell you something even more

Bachelors degree in finance from FSU.
A master's degree in Business MBA from FAU
I have a series 7 license, along with a Life Health and Variable Annuity licence 215.

I am 47 and semi retired.

My education is just fine.

not YOUR education goofball. This isnt about YOU personally and my point still stands

What self-righteous bullshit. "We've got more college educated people, so our opinions are more valid and based on extensive sociology classes". That's what they've been saying for decades. They look their noses down at the great unwashed.

How do you guys hear so much of what was never said?

I said the college educated arent with you. He countered by telling me arts are not education. I responded by saying again the college grads are not with you. He countered with hiseducation. I responded by saying this isnt about him specifically and your response is

...You're mean because you think the opinions of the college grads are more important :confused: When you finish being perpetually offended by every response let me know.

Better yet, dont. My point stands AGAIN!
Black racial supremacy groups can literally shut down a business because it is foreign owned and get no media attention. People like the simpleton that wrote the OP aren't aware of it. What would the reaction be if those white nationalists did this?

You're making some pretty big assumptions here. I'm not cool with this kind of thing happening and I would stand up against it. I believe strongly in freedom for all regardless of creed or race.

Oh, I'm sure you're outraged. Race relations have deteriorated under this president. There are literally countless videos of black youth savagely attacking elderly white people. There is an epidemic of interracial violence occurring, and people like you want to talk about white nationalism? What a joke!

Here's the difference, these racists are on YOUR side. They are voting for your candidate. They are a result of decades of voting Democrat.

Again, I'm pretty strongly anti-Racist. I have as much of an issue with those folks as I do white supremacists.

About the crime stats:

You can find FBI crime stats for 2013 and 2014 broken down by race of attacker vs. victim. You can dig in deeper, but in those two years there's no signifgant rise. For White victims of homicide, the percentage of those committed by a black person is about 13-15%. If you're white, you're overwhelmingly killed by a white person. The reverse is true. If you're black, you were probably killed by a fellow black person.

That has a lot to do with the fact you probably know the person that kills you. Very few folks are actually killed by strangers.
jeebus never existed. you goofy religion stole its ideas and dates and celebrations from pagan religions from Egypt and Europe.
Lol, you are a deluded idiot.

Jesus did exist and no serious historian says otherwise. And most of the sources used to claim that Christianity borrowed its tenets from paganism are post Pentecost, hence they borrowed from Christianity.

Mitra, Horus all these stories are either post Pentecostal or are not up to the standard of the Gospel message, for example Horus was resurrected after some "gods" found all his body parts and reassembled him, but Jesus raised HIMSELF from the dead.

Your ignorance and misinformation you think is so real is horse shit and you would realize it if you thought about it for two seconds.

Far more strength comes from love and fellowship, not hatred and chaos.

Really, sometime you should enter into the Modern Age, barbarian.
jeebus never existed. you goofy religion stole its ideas and dates and celebrations from pagan religions from Egypt and Europe.
Lol, you are a deluded idiot.

Jesus did exist and no serious historian says otherwise. And most of the sources used to claim that Christianity borrowed its tenets from paganism are post Pentecost, hence they borrowed from Christianity.

Mitra, Horus all these stories are either post Pentecostal or are not up to the standard of the Gospel message, for example Horus was resurrected after some "gods" found all his body parts and reassembled him, but Jesus raised HIMSELF from the dead.

Your ignorance and misinformation you think is so real is horse shit and you would realize it if you thought about it for two seconds.

Far more strength comes from love and fellowship, not hatred and chaos.

Really, sometime you should enter into the Modern Age, barbarian.
Not going to argue with a xtian whacko....my facts are just that FACTS. We aren't going to argue them. Don't like them then fine....don't really care. Take your jewish religion and shove it.
Black racial supremacy groups can literally shut down a business because it is foreign owned and get no media attention. People like the simpleton that wrote the OP aren't aware of it. What would the reaction be if those white nationalists did this?

You're making some pretty big assumptions here. I'm not cool with this kind of thing happening and I would stand up against it. I believe strongly in freedom for all regardless of creed or race.

Oh, I'm sure you're outraged. Race relations have deteriorated under this president. There are literally countless videos of black youth savagely attacking elderly white people. There is an epidemic of interracial violence occurring, and people like you want to talk about white nationalism? What a joke!

Here's the difference, these racists are on YOUR side. They are voting for your candidate. They are a result of decades of voting Democrat.

Again, I'm pretty strongly anti-Racist. I have as much of an issue with those folks as I do white supremacists.

About the crime stats:

You can find FBI crime stats for 2013 and 2014 broken down by race of attacker vs. victim. You can dig in deeper, but in those two years there's no signifgant rise. For White victims of homicide, the percentage of those committed by a black person is about 13-15%. If you're white, you're overwhelmingly killed by a white person. The reverse is true. If you're black, you were probably killed by a fellow black person.

That has a lot to do with the fact you probably know the person that kills you. Very few folks are actually killed by strangers.

You have a problem with THOSE FOLKS as you do anyone else?

Tell us what you think how the democrats embrace THOSE FOLKS. How the media embraces THOSE FOLKS. How universities embrace THOSE FOLKS.

Tell all of us what you think about the double standards and the insidious term "reverse racism." What does that mean to you? If you reverse racism, that is NO RACISM.

How do you feel about the same ones that embrace THOSE FOLKS and make up lies about the Tea Party being the same as the KKK? You are the one that equated BLM as same as the KKK. You know, THOSE FOLKS?

How do you feel about the victimology strategy by the democrats and promulgated by the MSM along with the entertainment industry that makes THOSE PEOPLE feel like they cannot accomplish a thing without the lowering standards?

How do you feel about all of that and how well it works on our nations psyche. Or, are you one of those that believe that the reason 95% of those poor victims voted for obama had nothing to do with the color of his skin? Meaning, what reason do you give that they voted for him other than the color of skin? Accomplishments? Like?

Oooooops, is that the acceptable "reverse racism" thing?

Well, let us know how disgusted you are with the democrats and miss hot sauce in her purse.

In hillary's words......

"Is it workin?"
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Not going to argue with a xtian whacko....my facts are just that FACTS. We aren't going to argue them. Don't like them then fine....don't really care. Take your jewish religion and shove it.

Lol, you think it is a fact that Jesus never lived, which is just retarded and then accuse me of being too dull to grasp the facts?

lol, are you sure your not a Democrat?
White nationalists plot Election Day show of force

No matter who you support, this has been one of the most depressing/disgusting/disturbing parts of the 2016 election. A lot of the groups mentioned here in this article are out and out racists and are not above violence or intimidation. And this election, they've felt like they've been welcomed into the mainstream dialogue.

No matter who wins, this is going to be something we as a country have to face in the coming decades. Demographics are changing and a lot of these groups are actively scared by the fact that they're seeing their political clout disappear as African American, Hispanic, and other voter groups grow. They will probably turn violent in the long run.
White nationalists plot Election Day show of force

No matter who you support, this has been one of the most depressing/disgusting/disturbing parts of the 2016 election. A lot of the groups mentioned here in this article are out and out racists and are not above violence or intimidation. And this election, they've felt like they've been welcomed into the mainstream dialogue.

No matter who wins, this is going to be something we as a country have to face in the coming decades. Demographics are changing and a lot of these groups are actively scared by the fact that they're seeing their political clout disappear as African American, Hispanic, and other voter groups grow. They will probably turn violent in the long run.
Cultural and racial assimilation is always accompanied by violence and hatred. Look at how America has treated Blacks, Hispanic, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, the Chinese, Irish, Italians, and even native Americans. We are taught bigotry as children. With age and education most of us learn the value that other cultures bring to America. However, some will always cling to a vision of American racial and cultural purity that never really existed.
It did exist and it will again. YOUR view of America is an America with no white people. Not gonna happen. If I am the last white man left I will take a suitcase nuke and set it off :) Scorched earth.
When boat loads of northern Europeans arrived in 1620, native American where here to meet them. African slaves began arriving within a year of the pilgrims. Indentured servants from Ireland and southern European became common. Hispanics from Mexico were the first settlers in southwest. In the 19th century southern Europeans and Asians poured into the country. With the acquisition of Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii and other pacific islands American racial diversity expanded even further.

America became a mixing pot of races, religions, and cultures and has remained so. One study by Harvard geneticists revealed that as much as 12% of white people in America, depending on region have black African ancestors. Racial purity like other believes of racists is a fantasy.
Mississippi church burned, vandalized with 'Vote Trump'

Trump's basket of deplorables are already out in force.

Black church firebombed and 'vote Trump' painted on side of church.
When boat loads of northern Europeans arrived in 1620, native American where here to meet them. African slaves began arriving within a year of the pilgrims. Indentured servants from Ireland and southern European became common. Hispanics from Mexico were the first settlers in southwest. In the 19th century southern Europeans and Asians poured into the country. With the acquisition of Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii and other pacific islands American racial diversity expanded even further.

America became a mixing pot of races, religions, and cultures and has remained so. One study by Harvard geneticists revealed that as much as 12% of white people in America, depending on region have black African ancestors. Racial purity like other believes of racists is a fantasy.
Most of those Irish "indentured servants" were actually slaves as indentured servitude was voluntary while Cromwell and King James I forcbily bound and sold into slavery in the Caribean and US colonies hundreds of thousands of Irish people, many just kids.
White nationalists plot Election Day show of force

No matter who you support, this has been one of the most depressing/disgusting/disturbing parts of the 2016 election. A lot of the groups mentioned here in this article are out and out racists and are not above violence or intimidation. And this election, they've felt like they've been welcomed into the mainstream dialogue.

No matter who wins, this is going to be something we as a country have to face in the coming decades. Demographics are changing and a lot of these groups are actively scared by the fact that they're seeing their political clout disappear as African American, Hispanic, and other voter groups grow. They will probably turn violent in the long run.
White nationalists plot Election Day show of force

No matter who you support, this has been one of the most depressing/disgusting/disturbing parts of the 2016 election. A lot of the groups mentioned here in this article are out and out racists and are not above violence or intimidation. And this election, they've felt like they've been welcomed into the mainstream dialogue.

No matter who wins, this is going to be something we as a country have to face in the coming decades. Demographics are changing and a lot of these groups are actively scared by the fact that they're seeing their political clout disappear as African American, Hispanic, and other voter groups grow. They will probably turn violent in the long run.
Cultural and racial assimilation is always accompanied by violence and hatred. Look at how America has treated Blacks, Hispanic, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, the Chinese, Irish, Italians, and even native Americans. We are taught bigotry as children. With age and education most of us learn the value that other cultures bring to America. However, some will always cling to a vision of American racial and cultural purity that never really existed.
It did exist and it will again. YOUR view of America is an America with no white people. Not gonna happen. If I am the last white man left I will take a suitcase nuke and set it off :) Scorched earth.
When boat loads of northern Europeans arrived in 1620, native American where here to meet them. African slaves began arriving within a year of the pilgrims. Indentured servants from Ireland and southern European became common. Hispanics from Mexico were the first settlers in southwest. In the 19th century southern Europeans and Asians poured into the country. With the acquisition of Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii and other pacific islands American racial diversity expanded even further.

America became a mixing pot of races, religions, and cultures and has remained so. One study by Harvard geneticists revealed that as much as 12% of white people in America, depending on region have black African ancestors. Racial purity like other believes of racists is a fantasy.
Whites were here first and were slaughtered by the asiatic indians who came from Asia to begin with. Google Solutrean Theory. America's FOUNDING FATHERS passed laws the naturalization act of 1790 that said who was to be a citizen. I said earlier. Either allow us to flourish in peace or we will take it. Simple as that.
Black racial supremacy groups can literally shut down a business because it is foreign owned and get no media attention. People like the simpleton that wrote the OP aren't aware of it. What would the reaction be if those white nationalists did this?

You're making some pretty big assumptions here. I'm not cool with this kind of thing happening and I would stand up against it. I believe strongly in freedom for all regardless of creed or race.

Oh, I'm sure you're outraged. Race relations have deteriorated under this president. There are literally countless videos of black youth savagely attacking elderly white people. There is an epidemic of interracial violence occurring, and people like you want to talk about white nationalism? What a joke!

Here's the difference, these racists are on YOUR side. They are voting for your candidate. They are a result of decades of voting Democrat.

Again, I'm pretty strongly anti-Racist. I have as much of an issue with those folks as I do white supremacists.

About the crime stats:

You can find FBI crime stats for 2013 and 2014 broken down by race of attacker vs. victim. You can dig in deeper, but in those two years there's no signifgant rise. For White victims of homicide, the percentage of those committed by a black person is about 13-15%. If you're white, you're overwhelmingly killed by a white person. The reverse is true. If you're black, you were probably killed by a fellow black person.

That has a lot to do with the fact you probably know the person that kills you. Very few folks are actually killed by strangers.

You say you are "anti-racist" and that you have a problem with "those folks" "too", but in reality you support the status quo, which allows anti-white racism to flourish. There is nothing being done by the government to stop anti-white racism.

Your FBI statistics tell a much different story with a little context and perspective. 13-15% of the total black homicides is much much higher than the tiny and shrinking number of black victims of white homicides; especially when you consider that it is inner city blacks(not suburban blacks) committing the murders, and inner city blacks don't typically see white people too often.

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