White on White


Gold Member
Jun 17, 2014
Everywhere, USA
White on white crime in this country is out of control, white people are murdering each other at a staggering rate. Fully 83% of white victims are murdered by other white people. What is wrong with white people? What kind of animals are they to prey on their own all the time? Don't they have any pride in their community? These people are born violent and they can't be reformed. They are a detriment to our society and a disgrace to this great nation. Fucking savages........they should all be sent back to Europe.

White-on-white murder in America is out of control - Vox
Please tell me you are being satirical, Disco. If you aren't, then you have lost all pretense of sanity. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and not all dogs are domesticated, so I suggest you deal with it.
Worst part is the way whites burn down their neighborhoods when they get pissed.

There is a percentage of people who listen to extremists, like Sharpton, and go through life angry and have a head full of shit that causes them to riot at the drop of a hat. They were created by leftwing nuts.

Now we are hearing from the extreme left that police should leave criminals alone because they don't deserve to get hurt while committing crimes. Of course, they only mean minority criminals. They don't really believe in equality. Suddenly, committing crimes is some new 'right' where people don't expect consequences.
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Please tell me you are being satirical, Disco. If you aren't, then you have lost all pretense of sanity. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and not all dogs are domesticated, so I suggest you deal with it.

Would you care to dispute the statistic?

No. I cited it in a thread I wrote on Friday. Care for a look?

The flaw of race politics explained US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Tell me something I don't already know. It appears you were beaten to the punch, well, at least I didn't stoop to calling people 'savage Europeans.'

Please tell me you are being satirical, Disco. If you aren't, then you have lost all pretense of sanity. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and not all dogs are domesticated, so I suggest you deal with it.

Would you care to dispute the statistic?

No. I cited it in a thread I wrote on Friday. Care for a look?

The flaw of race politics explained US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Tell me something I don't already know. It appears you were beaten to the punch, well, at least I didn't stoop to calling people 'savage Europeans.'


Your post was so inspiring and so original that I've decided from now on I'm going to read all your posts before I post anything to avoid future duplication. You've obviously copy written this idea already,.....I hope this incident won't result in any lawsuits over payment of royalties.
Your post was so inspiring and so original that I've decided from now on I'm going to read all your posts before I post anything to avoid future duplication. You've obviously copy written this idea already,.....I hope this incident won't result in any lawsuits over payment of royalties.

I hope you find better jokes to tell. This thread was a bad one.
Your post was so inspiring and so original that I've decided from now on I'm going to read all your posts before I post anything to avoid future duplication. You've obviously copy written this idea already,.....I hope this incident won't result in any lawsuits over payment of royalties.

I hope you find better jokes to tell. This thread was a bad one.

I'll be sure to review all your most humorous posts before I post any jokes.
I live in a gang-infested crime ridden white country of about 10 million About three weeks ago we had a murder. Of course they were Gypsies, of which there are 200 thousand.
Worst part is the way whites burn down their neighborhoods when they get pissed.


Right. They're better at focusing their anger:


This thread is yet another example of how the PC Police victimizes American Blacks.

Cynically, purposely diverting away from the terrible black-on-black crime for which the PC Police is responsible, effectively enabling it further.



Anyone else notice that Mac has now become afflicted with a Kosh-like obsession with one term?

lol, I'm surprised that's contagious.

This thread is yet another example of how the PC Police victimizes American Blacks.

Cynically, purposely diverting away from the terrible black-on-black crime for which the PC Police is responsible, effectively enabling it further.



Anyone else notice that Mac has now become afflicted with a Kosh-like obsession with one term?

lol, I'm surprised that's contagious.

More diversion.

Right on cue.


White on white crime in this country is out of control, white people are murdering each other at a staggering rate. Fully 83% of white victims are murdered by other white people. What is wrong with white people? What kind of animals are they to prey on their own all the time? Don't they have any pride in their community? These people are born violent and they can't be reformed. They are a detriment to our society and a disgrace to this great nation. Fucking savages........they should all be sent back to Europe.

White-on-white murder in America is out of control - Vox


This thread is yet another example of how the PC Police victimizes American Blacks.

Cynically, purposely diverting away from the terrible black-on-black crime for which the PC Police is responsible, effectively enabling it further.



Maybe we should do a study on Democrats killing Democrats. I cannot guess what the answers would be ... But it might be a question worth asking absent the racial classifications.

White on white crime in this country is out of control, white people are murdering each other at a staggering rate. Fully 83% of white victims are murdered by other white people. What is wrong with white people? What kind of animals are they to prey on their own all the time? Don't they have any pride in their community? These people are born violent and they can't be reformed. They are a detriment to our society and a disgrace to this great nation. Fucking savages........they should all be sent back to Europe.

White-on-white murder in America is out of control - Vox
I never trusted those people...
White on white crime in this country is out of control, white people are murdering each other at a staggering rate. Fully 83% of white victims are murdered by other white people. What is wrong with white people? What kind of animals are they to prey on their own all the time? Don't they have any pride in their community? These people are born violent and they can't be reformed. They are a detriment to our society and a disgrace to this great nation. Fucking savages........they should all be sent back to Europe.

White-on-white murder in America is out of control - Vox

83% wow. Too bad for you its not nearly as significant at black on black violence, because white are murdering each other at a rate of 10× less than blacks are murdering each other.. Nice try, idiot.

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