White people are disproportionately killed by the police. How come libs. screwed up again?

I think he read "The Little Train
Ahh more goalpost moving. You initially cited how blacks are more likely to be killed by the police. I addressed that. Then you changed your argument to targeted by police and we addressed that. Now you have moved to definition and severity of crime.
Brother, you have moved that goal past so many times you're not even in the stadium.

You've not "proved" anything I said was wrong.

I've not moved the goal posts... the argument has simply evolved into factors that you are not paying attention to.

I'll ask you one more time, a simple yes or no answer will do. If someone sells drugs in their home, is it not on the same level of crime as someone sells drugs on a street corner?

No...it varies. If a person sells drugs within 1000 feet of a school or daycare, depending upon jurisdiction the penalties can be much greater. In addition, the customer which a person sells to (minor) may affect punishment.
Concurrently, if someone sells drugs from their, or someone's domicile and police raid the home that home may be subject to asset forfeiture. Additionally if a person sells drugs in their home in front of minors or to minors this may result in state seizure of the minors and a much more substantial penalty.
Answer...it depends.

Oh and you have moved the shit out of this goalpost.
Moving the Goalposts

What's next? School funding and the effects on black communities?

We aren't talking about schools and churches.

You said that the Black people deserved to be arrested because they sold drugs on the street corner and not in a house.

Why won't you answer my question? Is it because it shows you have no fucking clue what you are talking about?
They let you be a professor? Seriously?
Firstly, I never stated that anyone "deserved" anything, those are your words. Secondly, I was drawing a comparison between the two communities and their likelihood to be focused upon. Blacks commit drug offenses with more transparency e.g. on the street corner. Whites do not sling dope on street corners by and large. It's called the low hanging fruit principle.
Police, like all entities focus on the obvious problems. Whites who do deal, do it primarily with a bit more subterfuge. As I stated, more intelligently.

And you continue to make a piss poor argument.

"Hey let's arrest all the Black people that sell drugs because it is easier to do, and we'll just continue to let the White suburbanite kids sell drugs because it's too much work."


"And if we catch a white kid breaking the law, let's be more lenient with the punishment because they have a better chance of becoming contributors to society, over the Black kids who are just going to go back to selling drugs again."

And you can't see the flaw in that...
As you do...I have stated why they arrest the blacks. I have not stated that they do not arrest the whites. However, as I have previously stated multiple times, arresting people that make it harder...is harder to do. This does not mean that they are not focusing on white people. As a matter of fact, as with your police homicide argument, it appears to be misguided.
Statistic time again.

Whites represented 68.9 arrested for all crimes and 67.7 of those arrested for drug offenses.
Blacks represent 28.3 arrested for all crimes and 30.4 of those arrested for drug crimes.
These numbers as with the police homicide issue do not represent any cause for alarm as they do not represent a drastic deviation from the mean. Excel is available for download at the link provided.

Table 43


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We're supposed to believe the purpose of the NFL protests and BLM is a response to the police force mistreating black people. Specifically, blacks killed by police.

Turns out fuckers, the math doesn't support the regurgitation, because as usual, liberal narrative doesn't see past the surface. The surface shows blacks are disproportionately killed by police, per capita. However, when you look at the level of violent crimes, burglaries etc., it turns out white people are more likely to be killed by police. Which must fucking mean our police force discriminates against white people, right? I mean it's their narrative for how shit works.

So as the NFL practices up for failure, they only prove to be simple dumbed-down Americans. Because according to their logic, they "should" be taking a knee for whites.

Whites are NOT more likely to be killed by cops. Maybe you missed math class. "Likelihood" is based on percentages of the population of each race compared to the number killed. Take for example:

"Despite making up only 2% of the total US population, African American males between the ages of 15 and 34 comprised more than 15% of all deaths logged this year by an ongoing investigation into the use of deadly force by police. Their rate of police-involved deaths was five times higher than for white men of the same age."

Young black men killed by US police at highest rate in year of 1,134 deaths

Whites are NOT more likely to be killed by cops. Maybe you missed math class. "Likelihood" is based on percentages of the population of each race compared to the number killed. Ah, I get it. We're going to take into consideration per capita, but we're not going to take into consideration the WHY? What an awesome case for "likelihood" on your part. No cause, just effect.

You know what happens when trading dialogue with Loons....they steer, divert, disregard simple logic and create confusion...it's how they keep their heads parked in their asses.
It couldn't dare be as simple as black yoot having the ignorant tendency to disobey police orders, resist and be combative. Oh no...that's way too simple and makes way too much sense.

That's because those assumptions are either false and/or they fail to take into consideration the quite justifiable fear that blacks have of being killed or wrongly shot by police.

For example: The black caretaker who was on the ground with his hands on the air begging cops not to shoot the profoundly autistic man he was caring for, who was playing with a toy truck in the middle of the road. The cop who shot the caretaker said it was an accident. He was aiming at the "retard".

Or the black guy who was shot and killed with his hands in the air after telling officers he had a gun in the car and a carry permit. Or the guy who was shot in the back while running away?

Even when blacks don't resist they still end up dead. No wonder their encounters with police end badly so often. Frightened people do stupid things. And blacks have good reason to be frightened of police.

WOW...that's so weird...you have excuses made up for low grade humans. Liberals never do that....oh wait.
We're supposed to believe the purpose of the NFL protests and BLM is a response to the police force mistreating black people. Specifically, blacks killed by police.

Turns out fuckers, the math doesn't support the regurgitation, because as usual, liberal narrative doesn't see past the surface. The surface shows blacks are disproportionately killed by police, per capita. However, when you look at the level of violent crimes, burglaries etc., it turns out white people are more likely to be killed by police. Which must fucking mean our police force discriminates against white people, right? I mean it's their narrative for how shit works.

So as the NFL practices up for failure, they only prove to be simple dumbed-down Americans. Because according to their logic, they "should" be taking a knee for whites.

Whites are NOT more likely to be killed by cops. Maybe you missed math class. "Likelihood" is based on percentages of the population of each race compared to the number killed. Take for example:

"Despite making up only 2% of the total US population, African American males between the ages of 15 and 34 comprised more than 15% of all deaths logged this year by an ongoing investigation into the use of deadly force by police. Their rate of police-involved deaths was five times higher than for white men of the same age."

Young black men killed by US police at highest rate in year of 1,134 deaths

Whites are NOT more likely to be killed by cops. Maybe you missed math class. "Likelihood" is based on percentages of the population of each race compared to the number killed. Ah, I get it. We're going to take into consideration per capita, but we're not going to take into consideration the WHY? What an awesome case for "likelihood" on your part. No cause, just effect.

You know what happens when trading dialogue with Loons....they steer, divert, disregard simple logic and create confusion...it's how they keep their heads parked in their asses.
It couldn't dare be as simple as black yoot having the ignorant tendency to disobey police orders, resist and be combative. Oh no...that's way too simple and makes way too much sense.

That's because those assumptions are either false and/or they fail to take into consideration the quite justifiable fear that blacks have of being killed or wrongly shot by police.

For example: The black caretaker who was on the ground with his hands on the air begging cops not to shoot the profoundly autistic man he was caring for, who was playing with a toy truck in the middle of the road. The cop who shot the caretaker said it was an accident. He was aiming at the "retard".

Or the black guy who was shot and killed with his hands in the air after telling officers he had a gun in the car and a carry permit. Or the guy who was shot in the back while running away?

Even when blacks don't resist they still end up dead. No wonder their encounters with police end badly so often. Frightened people do stupid things. And blacks have good reason to be frightened of police.

WOW...that's so weird...you have excuses made up for low grade humans. Liberals never do that....oh wait.

Blacks in other countries aren't "low grade humans". But blacks in countries like South Africa and the United States, where they have been systemically treated as second-class citizens kept apart from white people through segregation or apartheid and had their civil rights violated by the courts the police and the justice system do display a higher rates of crime and criminality than blacks in countries where blacks are equal and law and in fact.

American blacks are over policed. Where a white kid might be pulled over for speeding and let go with a warning the black will more likely be charged When charged with a crime they are more likely to be sent to jail for that crime if convicted. Blacks are stopped so frequently while driving that the reason for being pulled over is referred to as " driving while black".

Black kids are more frequently suspended or expelled from school while white kids are let off with warnings for similar infractions.

When you treat people as criminals they generally live down to your expectations.
Whites are NOT more likely to be killed by cops. Maybe you missed math class. "Likelihood" is based on percentages of the population of each race compared to the number killed. Take for example:

"Despite making up only 2% of the total US population, African American males between the ages of 15 and 34 comprised more than 15% of all deaths logged this year by an ongoing investigation into the use of deadly force by police. Their rate of police-involved deaths was five times higher than for white men of the same age."

Young black men killed by US police at highest rate in year of 1,134 deaths

Whites are NOT more likely to be killed by cops. Maybe you missed math class. "Likelihood" is based on percentages of the population of each race compared to the number killed. Ah, I get it. We're going to take into consideration per capita, but we're not going to take into consideration the WHY? What an awesome case for "likelihood" on your part. No cause, just effect.

You know what happens when trading dialogue with Loons....they steer, divert, disregard simple logic and create confusion...it's how they keep their heads parked in their asses.
It couldn't dare be as simple as black yoot having the ignorant tendency to disobey police orders, resist and be combative. Oh no...that's way too simple and makes way too much sense.

That's because those assumptions are either false and/or they fail to take into consideration the quite justifiable fear that blacks have of being killed or wrongly shot by police.

For example: The black caretaker who was on the ground with his hands on the air begging cops not to shoot the profoundly autistic man he was caring for, who was playing with a toy truck in the middle of the road. The cop who shot the caretaker said it was an accident. He was aiming at the "retard".

Or the black guy who was shot and killed with his hands in the air after telling officers he had a gun in the car and a carry permit. Or the guy who was shot in the back while running away?

Even when blacks don't resist they still end up dead. No wonder their encounters with police end badly so often. Frightened people do stupid things. And blacks have good reason to be frightened of police.

WOW...that's so weird...you have excuses made up for low grade humans. Liberals never do that....oh wait.

Blacks in other countries aren't "low grade humans". But blacks in countries like South Africa and the United States, where they have been systemically treated as second-class citizens kept apart from white people through segregation or apartheid and had their civil rights violated by the courts the police and the justice system do display a higher rates of crime and criminality than blacks in countries where blacks are equal and law and in fact.

American blacks are over policed. Where a white kid might be pulled over for speeding and let go with a warning the black will more likely be charged When charged with a crime they are more likely to be sent to jail for that crime if convicted. Blacks are stopped so frequently while driving that the reason for being pulled over is referred to as " driving while black".

Black kids are more frequently suspended or expelled from school while white kids are let off with warnings for similar infractions.

When you treat people as criminals they generally live down to your expectations.

Okay. pull ALL police from black neighborhoods let them police themselves.
We're supposed to believe the purpose of the NFL protests and BLM is a response to the police force mistreating black people. Specifically, blacks killed by police.

Turns out fuckers, the math doesn't support the regurgitation, because as usual, liberal narrative doesn't see past the surface. The surface shows blacks are disproportionately killed by police, per capita. However, when you look at the level of violent crimes, burglaries etc., it turns out white people are more likely to be killed by police. Which must fucking mean our police force discriminates against white people, right? I mean it's their narrative for how shit works.

So as the NFL practices up for failure, they only prove to be simple dumbed-down Americans. Because according to their logic, they "should" be taking a knee for whites.


Start watching at the 34:07

We're supposed to believe the purpose of the NFL protests and BLM is a response to the police force mistreating black people. Specifically, blacks killed by police.

Turns out fuckers, the math doesn't support the regurgitation, because as usual, liberal narrative doesn't see past the surface. The surface shows blacks are disproportionately killed by police, per capita. However, when you look at the level of violent crimes, burglaries etc., it turns out white people are more likely to be killed by police. Which must fucking mean our police force discriminates against white people, right? I mean it's their narrative for how shit works.

So as the NFL practices up for failure, they only prove to be simple dumbed-down Americans. Because according to their logic, they "should" be taking a knee for whites.


Start watching at the 34:07


Great example for someone hung-up on narrative as an emotional response, if not an excuse, versus an intelligent person and truth seeker. I wonder if she's lying to us or herself? I'm sure someone has pointed out to her that she's wrong, and why.
We're supposed to believe the purpose of the NFL protests and BLM is a response to the police force mistreating black people. Specifically, blacks killed by police.

Turns out fuckers, the math doesn't support the regurgitation, because as usual, liberal narrative doesn't see past the surface. The surface shows blacks are disproportionately killed by police, per capita. However, when you look at the level of violent crimes, burglaries etc., it turns out white people are more likely to be killed by police. Which must fucking mean our police force discriminates against white people, right? I mean it's their narrative for how shit works.

So as the NFL practices up for failure, they only prove to be simple dumbed-down Americans. Because according to their logic, they "should" be taking a knee for whites.


Start watching at the 34:07


Great example for someone hung-up on narrative as an emotional response, if not an excuse, versus an intelligent person and truth seeker. I wonder if she's lying to us or herself? I'm sure someone has pointed out to her that she's wrong, and why.

Yep, I'm sure she's bought the prevailing narrative hook line and sinker. She just refuses to accept the truth no matter how reliable the source.


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