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White Protestant Nationalists still hate Catholics

There is little friction between Protestants and Catholics in the USA today. The divide was a much bigger issue long ago.
Agree. Especially in Religion Forums most of us simply enjoy discussing differences and why we believe as we do.
I think a difference between a Christian and a Catholic is how they live their religion. I feel that Christians are very much up front with their beliefs. Catholics tend to shelf their views. Or lets say that a Christian has primarily one view ---- while a Catholic likely has a personal view and a social view. In other words, the Christian kid is likely the one who raises his hand in class and questions the validity of gay marriage during Social Studies, while a Catholic classmate mutters, "Oh, here we go again..."
15 Then he said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues. 16 These ten horns and the beast which you saw will hate the prostitute; they will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh, and burn her with fire. 17 For God has put in their hearts to fulfill His will, and to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. 18 The woman whom you saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.”
Rev 17
4 Then I heard another voice from heaven saying:

“ ‘Come out of her, my people,’
lest you partake in her sins,
and lest you receive her plagues.
5 For her sins have reached up to heaven,
and God has remembered her iniquities.
6 Render to her as she has rendered to you,
and repay her double for her deeds;
in the cup which she has mixed, mix a double portion for her.
7 To the extent that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously,
so give her torment and sorrow;
for in her heart she says,
‘I sit as a queen, and am no widow,
and will see no sorrow.’
8 Therefore her plagues will come in one day —
death and mourning and famine.
And she will be utterly burned with fire,
for strong is the Lord God who judges her.
Rev 18
New York City will be suddenly destroyed and the Vatican camp will insist NYCity was the Great Whore.
But in fact the Vatican is the Great Whore and will be destroyed later.


"If we all do so then we all will come to heaven". TV-Pastor from the USA looked frustrated - perhaps also a little angry. Closed the bible.
No idea what she said before.

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Well they did all to maintain Christianity and look where it got them, the evangelicals have changed it and not for the better and turned on the Cathodic Church.
Calling it "catholic" (universal) was clever trick. The "Bolsheviks" copied it later.

To be catholic is a common element of all Christians. Bolsheviki means something like "the people who are the mayorite". It's by the way impossible to be a Bolshevik and a Catholic, because Bolshewiki are militant atheists.

A comparing parallel between Christians and Catholics in a political example would be: All people are democrats - not only the members of the party democrats. What doesn't mean on the other side that really everyone is a democrat - whether he says so or not. Donald Trump for example was no democrat - and he was also a republican, who was not a republican.

Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, I believe in one God, the Father Almighty,
factorem cæli et terræ, visibilium omnium et invisibilium. maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible:
Et in unum Dominum, Jesum Christum, And in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
Filium Dei unigenitum, et ex Patre natum ante omnia sæcula. the only-begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages;
Deum de Deo, Lumen de Lumine, Deum verum de Deo vero, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God;
genitum non factum, consubstantialem Patri; begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father,
per quem omnia facta sunt. by whom all things were made;
Qui propter nos homines et propter nostram salutem descendit de cælis. who for us men and for our salvation descended from heaven.
Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine, et homo factus est. He was incarnate by the Holy Ghost out of the Virgin Mary, and was made man.
Crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub Pontio Pilato passus, et sepultus est, He was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; he suffered and was buried:
et resurrexit tertia die, secundum Scripturas, And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures:
et ascendit in cælum, sedet ad dexteram Patris. And ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father:
Et iterum venturus est cum gloria, iudicare vivos et mortuos, And the same shall come again, with glory, to judge the living and the dead:
cuius regni non erit finis; Of whose kingdom there shall be no end;
Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem, And (I believe) in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and life-giver,
qui ex Patre Filioque procedit. who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
Qui cum Patre et Filio simul adoratur et conglorificatur: who, with the Father and the Son, together is worshiped and glorified,
qui locutus est per prophetas. who has spoken through the prophets.
Et unam, sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam. And (I believe in) one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church,
Confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.
Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum, And I await the resurrection of the dead:
et vitam venturi sæculi. Amen. and the life of the coming age. Amen.
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In the early 20th Century, they mocked Catholics. But I think thats what I noticed that they still hate Catholics. Or maybe not Catholics but the Pope and the Catholic Church. They mock the Catholic Faith. Joe Biden is only the second Catholic President of the USA, and one was assassinated before J.F.Kennedy.
There is little friction between Protestants and Catholics in the USA today. The divide was a much bigger issue long ago.

I disagree, when you have Baptist mean and women come knocking at my door, and I say I'm Catholic and they say "your not saved". I heard protestant preachers, and they said some rude things. That is the reason I'm not Christian anymore.
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I think a difference between a Christian and a Catholic is how they live their religion. I feel that Christians are very much up front with their beliefs. Catholics tend to shelf their views. Or lets say that a Christian has primarily one view ---- while a Catholic likely has a personal view and a social view. In other words, the Christian kid is likely the one who raises his hand in class and questions the validity of gay marriage during Social Studies, while a Catholic classmate mutters, "Oh, here we go again..."

A little bit too upfront all the time. When I think about born again, and Christ took all of our sins I almost puke.
The major problem with the Church of Rome is its insistence on intercession for believers, even dead ones. There is no need, or even possibility, of intercession if Christ exists. There is only direct contact between believer and Savior. Otherwise, it is not belief, but substitution. When all the hoopla around saints and statues is added, well, the case gets pretty dim.
I think a difference between a Christian and a Catholic is how they live their religion. I feel that Christians are very much up front with their beliefs. Catholics tend to shelf their views. Or lets say that a Christian has primarily one view ---- while a Catholic likely has a personal view and a social view. In other words, the Christian kid is likely the one who raises his hand in class and questions the validity of gay marriage during Social Studies, while a Catholic classmate mutters, "Oh, here we go again..."

A little bit too upfront all the time. When I think about born again, and Christ took all of our sins I almost puke.
Well, see ---- perhaps you are not saved. I feel that Christ is the most important thing we have. Do you believe that or not?
I think a difference between a Christian and a Catholic is how they live their religion. I feel that Christians are very much up front with their beliefs. Catholics tend to shelf their views. Or lets say that a Christian has primarily one view ---- while a Catholic likely has a personal view and a social view. In other words, the Christian kid is likely the one who raises his hand in class and questions the validity of gay marriage during Social Studies, while a Catholic classmate mutters, "Oh, here we go again..."

A little bit too upfront all the time. When I think about born again, and Christ took all of our sins I almost puke.
Well, see ---- perhaps you are not saved. I feel that Christ is the most important thing we have. Do you believe that or not?

I was saved but I don't believe in JC anymore, unless you mean Julius Caesar.

Those stupid people knock on my door and said I wasn't saved. And that was not the only experience I had with those stupid people.
In the early 20th Century, they mocked Catholics. But I think thats what I noticed that they still hate Catholics. Or maybe not Catholics but the Pope and the Catholic Church. They mock the Catholic Faith. Joe Biden is only the second Catholic President of the USA, and one was assassinated before J.F.Kennedy.
Right wingers merely, doth protest too much.
In the early 20th Century, they mocked Catholics. But I think thats what I noticed that they still hate Catholics. Or maybe not Catholics but the Pope and the Catholic Church. They mock the Catholic Faith. Joe Biden is only the second Catholic President of the USA, and one was assassinated before J.F.Kennedy.

I don't find that to be the case at all here in America.

Catholic and Protestants get along very well, because we are in tremendous agreesment on the key issues. The RCC and KJV bibles both have Almighty God putting Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

In ages past, there were points of theological disagreement, but nowadays not so much.

Biden is disliked by Protestants not because he is Catholic but because he is a CINO- Catholic in Name Only.
In the early 20th Century, they mocked Catholics. But I think thats what I noticed that they still hate Catholics. Or maybe not Catholics but the Pope and the Catholic Church. They mock the Catholic Faith. Joe Biden is only the second Catholic President of the USA, and one was assassinated before J.F.Kennedy.

I don't find that to be the case at all here in America.

Catholic and Protestants get along very well, because we are in tremendous agreesment on the key issues. The RCC and KJV bibles both have Almighty God putting Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

In ages past, there were points of theological disagreement, but nowadays not so much.

Biden is disliked by Protestants not because he is Catholic but because he is a CINO- Catholic in Name Only.
Assuredly, "hate" is not at all the condition. American Protestants will never, however, accept a Pope, and the Roman Church can only exist with one, so....
In the early 20th Century, they mocked Catholics. But I think thats what I noticed that they still hate Catholics. Or maybe not Catholics but the Pope and the Catholic Church. They mock the Catholic Faith. Joe Biden is only the second Catholic President of the USA, and one was assassinated before J.F.Kennedy.

I don't find that to be the case at all here in America.

Catholic and Protestants get along very well, because we are in tremendous agreesment on the key issues. The RCC and KJV bibles both have Almighty God putting Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

In ages past, there were points of theological disagreement, but nowadays not so much.

Biden is disliked by Protestants not because he is Catholic but because he is a CINO- Catholic in Name Only.
Assuredly, "hate" is not at all the condition. American Protestants will never, however, accept a Pope, and the Roman Church can only exist with one, so....

No protestants, either American or un-American, will ever accept the Pope as their leader. Its not part of their religious system.

But they do recognize the Pope's right to exist.
Assuredly, "hate" is not at all the condition. American Protestants will never, however, accept a Pope, and the Roman Church can only exist with one, so....
what do you disagree with, "P"?
I think it's untrue that protestants hate Catholics. It's wrong for a Christian to hate other people, a true Christian is not going to hate people, but certain actions or lies. But it is true that many of us non-Catholic Christians have a problem with the Catholic church. To be more specific, I'm talking about the doctrines, the leadership and the corruption. Actually I don't know if if corruption is the right word, because in my view it has been problematic (to put it mildly) since the start. When the root is bad, the fruit is bad.

That's why I think the best thing to do is to get down to the very basics. Just follow Jesus, as opposed to a religious institution or religious leaders who are fallible people.

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