White Racism did Not End When Slavery ended

Unarmed white people can be JUST as dangerous if they've been pumping iron in the pen and celebrate with some PCP.

ONCE AGAIN - It depends on the circumstance.

An unarmed white person pumping iron in the pen on PCP can be dangerous if he wants to inflict harm on another smaller weaker unarmed person who is untrained in any unarmed combat.

The real question is, would most people blame a cop if he shoots faced with that kind of threat

ONCE AGAIN - It depends on the circumstance.

What matters in a given encounter is what those killed by cops were actually doing when they were shot.

If those persons shot are indeed attacking the officer or another party in a way that threatens death or serious bodily harm, most would agree that shooting them can be justified.

Here's the thing. Cops make 10 million arrests a year.


Only in 1000 cases a year, do they need to use lethal force.


The number of police arrests will ALWAYS greatly exceed the number of civies killed by the police. But do you set the bar that low for the police ? That you think they deserve a round of applause because most of their interactions with ppl don't end up in them blowing them away ?

The Ku Klux Klan only lynched and hanged a small percentage of black people they interacted with. So there was no problem with the Klan ?

And it's funny I bet you would not have made the same argument after 9-11 ? After all Al-Queda have killed only a miniscule number of Americans but that didn't stop Bush going war against them

And that's the issue isn't just about death. The issue you have white supremacists in law enforcement from top to toe

Michael A. Wood Jr was a white retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. Also the police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs themselves. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

Of those, you might have, what 10 that are questionable.

And who get's to decide what is questionable ? Because had this not been filmed on social media it would not have been seen as questionable

Killing is unarmed blk ppl is never questionable. It's pretty much always justified.

Yes, improve training and raise professional standards so that we don't have those 10.

Don't straw man. Don't just make up random numbers to suit your argument

The police have perfect training in knowing how de-escalate situations when they are white

I'm in the PUNISHMENT game. Because that how they roll with us. It's all about punishment with blk ppl. All about laws, fines, bans, prison with black people.

I'm actually trying to be reasonable, but frankly, dealing with you and your buddy IM, makes it kind of pointless.


Do you think the shooting (killing) of Terrence Crutcher by Officer Betty Shelby, was justifiable ?

Do you think the shooting (killing) of Philando Castille by Officer Jeronimo Yanez, was justifiable ?

Do you think the shooting (killing) of Daniel Shaver by Officer Philip Brailsford, was justifiable ?
Black poverty is because many black males have criminal records and many black women are single mothers without educations. With those voluntary actions, black poverty will always be higher than white poverty. I'm living proof that no matter how poor you are born, you can claw your way out of poverty. The advantages that I had, no one gave me. I earned them in the military serving with a lot of black troops that were and are my brothers. None of them would stop to piss on you if you were on fire. They used to call people who talked and behaved like you shiftless, worthless N.......... They worked hard and proved every day that black Americans were just as good as anyone. There wasn't one of them that I wouldn't trust at my back or with my life. I wouldn't trust you a tenth of the distance I could throw you, you'd slip a knife in my back rather than support me against a common enemy. That's because you view whites as your ultimate enemy. I'm sure that's why you never served in the military, you don't really view this as your country, you view it as the country of people who look like me and to you that's enough reason not to put your "valuable" skin at risk defending it. The members of the Tuskeegee Airmen, the 92nd Infantry Division and the 784th Tank Battalion would all be ashamed of you,
Are you aware that my grandfather was a Tuskegee Airman? His oldest daughter, my mother is still living and I don't think she would appreciate you using her dad's legacy to denigrate one of her daughter's friends, another black man.

And this ----> "They used to call people who talked and behaved like you shiftless, worthless N.........."
There is no "They", that's just you and the rest of the racists on this site, who then turn around and attempt to claim "I'm not a racist".

There has never been any consequences for the lies you all continue to tell because white racists have always been the final arbiter of what constitutes the truth and what constitutes an offense.

I'm here to tell you, this shit ends today.

The Tuskegee Airmen were not fighting for your right to continue down the racist path upon which this country was founded, they were fighting to prevent the spread of hatred and racial discrimination perpetuated by Hitler and the Nazis, even though they faced both in their own country.

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If you think that theses gentlemen would side with you against the black members of this site then you're sadly mistaken but that's not surprising because you have a preconceived stereotyped idea of who black people are rather than dealing with us as individuals and discovering who each of us are. If that requires too much effort on your part nobody is going to lose any sleep over it but those lies and defamation that you all continue to engage in, that's something entirely different.


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You have never been white, and thus have not suffered the effects of Affirmative Action discrimination against you. This is by far the largest racial discrimination in America, America's worst race problem, and you have never experienced it, except as a beneficiary, for which you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
You're NOT WHITE! You psycho!
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How did he get his “conservative estimate”?
You know, I get tired of old white segregation babies. This is one of the most definitive studies done on this. It was a 10 year study of police traffic stops. That's how he got his estimate.
I don’t say it. The people who dig their heels in when it comes to using state issued IDs for voting point to Blacks not having them or have the hardest time getting them. Yet they do nothing to support or get Blacks IDs which is needed for so many other things.
I really don't give a damn because all the blacks I have met have drivers licenses and the fact is that voter fraud does not exist and ANY level to impact elections. This has been proven so state ID's aren't necessary.
How many cops have been killed by an unarmed citizen in the last year ? ZERO.

How many times a year does a police officer get beaten to death ? ZERO.

How many officers in the field are killed each year by violence ? 0.5 per state.

Why do you lie. Here, let me help you out. Last year, 633 officers died in the line of duty.

454 of those were due to Covid. But even taking thos outyou had

64 who were killed by gunfire.
31 who were struck by vehicles
4 who were stabbed to death.
6 who were killed in assaults - which means someone who didn't use a gun or a knife.

Yes, an unarmed person CAN be dangerous.

There are over 900,000 sworn law enforcement officers and less than one officer per state meets a violent demise, only 100 officers are killed in the line of duty each year (and of that 100 most of those deaths are by vehicles)

So tell me where is this life n death danger? Fk outta here. Most cops spend there days eating doughnuts n playin tetris

Okay, by that logic. 10 million dirtbags are arrested each year. Only 1000 die, usually because they were stupid enough to pull a knife or a gun. Maybe a handful are cases where a cop went over the line and used more violence than was called for.

We saw in the school shooting in Texas Uvalde a few weeks bk then when there is REAL DANGER from a real killer. The cops wimp out like Bitches n we’re to scared to go in.

So get out my face with all that brave cop talk

See you have to get that cowardly gene out ur system

Not really defending what those cops did... but hindsight is 20/20. You know know if he's holding hostages, you don't know if he has a bomb. You don't know if he has accomplices.
Jordan Woods did a 10-year study of police stops, and it is considered one of the most in-depth studies on this issue. The findings were published in 2019 and are available at the Michigan Law Review repository website. Here are his words:

The findings speak for themselves. The actual threat level to police appears to be less than the authority to kill police are given.

Stop making excuses Joe.

So how many people are killed during traffic stops? The police do 40 MILLION traffic stops a year. Yet 600 people have been killed during traffic stops by police since 2017. That's 120 a year. So if you want to claim that 1 cop being injured in 7000 stops is no big deal, thien conversely, 1 person being killed by the police (usually because they did something stupid) out of 333,333 stops isn't a big deal, either.

Exactly. They let children get killed because they were scared. They shoot unarmed blacks because they are scared. White racists try finding excuses and make false claims about black violence because they want to see police kill people of color.

And this is where you are going off the crazy end. Any given year, 233 blacks are killed by police. IN any given year, 5000 blacks are killed by other blacks.

Seems like if cops really wanted you all dead, they could just leave you to your own devices. Oh, wait, that's exactly what they ARE doing now. They aren't responding quickly, because honestly, who wants to go to jail after the next Fentanyl Martyr commits suicide by Cop.
Do you think the shooting (killing) of Terrence Crutcher by Officer Betty Shelby, was justifiable ?

Do you think the shooting (killing) of Philando Castille by Officer Jeronimo Yanez, was justifiable ?

Do you think the shooting (killing) of Daniel Shaver by Officer Philip Brailsford, was justifiable ?

Crutcher - No. He was unarmed, his vehicle was locked, so the argument he was reaching for a weapon was bullshit.

Castille - absolutely no. He was cooperating with police. He had a legal gun and carry permit, and the cops shot him anyway. His wife and child were in the car with him and he wasn't a threat. This is the kind of case the NRA should be screaming about, but they don't. They apparently think the Second Amendment only applies to white people.

Shaver- this ones a bit more difficult to call, because he WAS drunk and waving a gun out the window of his hotel. Still, I would say the cop overreacted.
I really don't give a damn because all the blacks I have met have drivers licenses and the fact is that voter fraud does not exist and ANY level to impact elections. This has been proven so state ID's aren't necessary.
That’s not what Democrats are saying regarding state issued ids and Blacks, argue that with them.
You don't know if he has accomplices.

Since Columbine, they have provided police with LEO with military grade armaments, superior protective armors, 25 years of evolved tactics training, improved/narrowed access to schools and despite all that ? In the Texas - Uvalde school shooting - You're all "You don't know if he has accomplices"


They had a SWAT Team that they called.

The SWAT team also "stood down and waited for back-up." and like you were


All that heavy armor cosplay and tax dollars and as soon as disaster strikes they sh*t the bed.

Firefighters run into a burning buildings to save people knowing they could die. Military personnel get deployed to war zones knowing they could die.

And you're scared saying "You don't know if he has accomplices"


Let this had been more of a “urban” school. I guarantee we could of rounded up a better crew itching to do what needed to be done and get their hands on a lunatic who’s killing kids inside a neighborhood school. 40 minutes to an hour and the whole neighborhood would have pulled up by then.

but hindsight is 20/20. You know know if he's holding hostages, you don't know if he has a bomb.

Yeah in your world it's more important for the police to tase and handcuff the parents so they couldn’t save their own kids. These goof troop mfers had more smoke for the parents trying to enter the school for their children.

Give their guns to the GODDAMM mothers.

Cowards. They're the most scared punk asses ever. Why take this job if you act like a fkin puss ? A bunch of bullies who wimp out when confronted with real danger and bootlickers (like you) that hero worship them.

Not really defending what those cops did...

So your not defending the cops but then you defend them

These useless hoes (like you) copping pleas as to why they wouldn’t enter a school. Black people have been telling you the police is full of cowards. We told you. Every single officer should lose their job and any pension they have coming. They are a disgrace to the uniform.

You’ll never truly know if your "the man" on the range, or in a shoot house, or standing in front of the mirror admiring your image in you tacti-cool outfit and gear. You only know when someone is seriously trying to kill you, and has both means and motive.

Part of the job that requires courage. It takes NO COURAGE to shoot an unarmed person

Unfortunately the law seems to side with them. They are under no obligation whatsoever to risk their lives to protect others that are not already incarcerated. Chances are they will get paid administrative leave and then get to go about their normal duties like nothing ever happened

Why do you lie. Here, let me help you out. Last year, 633 officers died in the line of duty.

454 of those were due to Covid. But even taking thos outyou had

64 who were killed by gunfire.
31 who were struck by vehicles
4 who were stabbed to death.
6 who were killed in assaults - which means someone who didn't use a gun or a knife.

Yes, an unarmed person CAN be dangerous.
So we agree.

What I said was

"How many cops have been killed by an unarmed citizen in the last year ? ZERO"

"How many times a year does a police officer get beaten to death ? ZERO"

"How many officers in the field are killed each year by violence ? 0.5 per state."

And "stats" back that up.

Most died due Covid according to your "stats" then gunfire, then you say 6 died in assaults well that proves my point

So 6 officers are killed by assaults each year but 150 people die every year from falling coconuts and around 350 die from Bathtubs that's how liitle of a risk unarmed people are to cops

Okay, by that logic. 10 million dirtbags are arrested each year.

Dirtbags ? What ever happened to guilty till proven innocent eh ?

Only 1000 die, usually because they were stupid enough to pull a knife or a gun.

Your straw manning again. That is your making up a scenario to suit your argument.

Maybe a handful are cases where a cop went over the line and used more violence than was called for.

Your straw manning again. That is your making up a scenario to suit your argument.
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Since Columbine, they have been provided police with LEO with military grade armaments, superior protective armors, 25 years of evolved tactics training, improved/narrowed access to schools and despite all that ? You're all "You don't know if he has accomplices"

We didn't. I mean, yeah, you can second guess them all day long.

Let this had been more of a “urban” school, i guarantee we could of rounded up a better crew itching to do what needed to be done and get their hands on a lunatic who’s killing kids inside a neighborhood school. 40 minutes to an hour and the whole neighborhood would have pulled up by then.

Uh, huh... then they would have written a rap song and painted murals of him. The criminals RUN the urban areas, and you are fine with it.

Yeah in your world it's more important for the police to tase and handcuff the parents so they couldn’t save their own kids. These Goof Troop Mfers had more smoke for the parents trying to enter the school for their children.

Standard operating procedures, you keep people out of an active shooter area.

o we agree.

What I said was

"How many cops have been killed by an unarmed citizen in the last year ? ZERO"
I SPECIFICALLY gave you a list where SIX Cops were killed LOD by unarmed CRIMINALS.

Unfortunately the law seems to side with them. They are under no obligation whatsoever to risk their lives to protect others that are not already incarcerated. Chances are they will get paid administrative leave and then get to go about their normal duties like nothing ever happened

Actually, many cops involved in a shooting incident often lose their jobs even after they've been cleared by the criminal justice system. Darren Wilson never worked as a cop again. Timothy Loehmann never worked as a cop again. Brian Encinia never worked as a cop again (and Sandra Bland ended her own useless life.)

So I can imagine that a lot of cops ARE reluctant to engage under those circumstances, if you can be found not legally at fault, and STILL lose your job. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

These useless hoes (like you) copping pleas as to why they wouldn’t enter a school. Black people have been telling you the police is full of cowards. We told you. Every single officer should lose their job and any pension they have coming. They are a disgrace to the uniform.

And they probably will, because blaming the cops is a lot easier than asking ourselves why a mentally ill man with a criminal record was able to get two military grade weapons. The politicians will scapegoat these cops because they are terrified of the NRA.

Here's the thing. Cops shoot 643 assholes with guns every year. Because we as a country have decided it should be really easy for people to get guns because the founders couldn't define a militia clearly.

Most died due Covid according to your "stats" then gunfire, then you say 6 died in assaults well that proves my point

So 6 officers are killed by assaults each year but 150 people die every year from falling coconuts and around 350 die from Bathtubs that's how liitle of a risk unarmed people are to cops

And of the 1000 people who are killed by cops each year, how many are unarmed?

Of the 1055 people killed by police in 2021, 632 had guns, 154 had knives, and only 34 were unarmed.

So the police execute 40 Million traffic stops and 10 million arrests every year. Of those, 34 are of unarmed people. Of those, most are justified because even with the lack of a weapon, they still presented a legitimate threat.

Dirtbags ? What ever happened to guilty to prove innocent eh ?

If they didn't do the thing they were arrested for, they probably did something. It's funny, every person you all have put up as a martyr, usually had an extensive criminal record.

Your straw manning again. That is your making up a scenario to suit your argument.

Then talk about actual scenarios. You have 1055 police shootings in 2021. Of those, 34 were unarmed. So give me specific cases where the scenario was unjustified.

It will be a very short list.
If White Supremacy is a thing, then how come the Asians are doing so well?

Isn't it strange that the people who always talk about how well Asians are doing are never Asians themselves ?

Because I think about the Asian women working twelve hours a day in sweatshops both abroad and in places like L.A. to make clothes for people like you and I wonder, how are they doing so well?

I think about the Asian families who have to put in eighty hours a week just to keep their heads above water; and I wonder, how are they doing so well?

I think about the Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi taxi drivers who endure crappy working conditions, customers who get pissy about their accents and I wonder, how are they doing so well?

To claim superior Asian culture as the reasons for achievement in the U.S. requires you to ignore the rampant poverty in their countries of origin. There is no shortage of poor Asians in the slums of Manila, Calcutta and Hong Kong.

Also whites still dehumanize Asians into "emotionless think tanks". This is why in Silicon Valley they deny Asians opportunities at leadership positions and give them jobs only as programmers.

Asians are ALLOWED and ASSISTED by the white supremacist to prosper OVER Black people and Asians KNOW THIS, that's why they don't fight racism because they don't want to be treated like black people are. So they accept their role and in many cases are just as anti black as the white supremacists. So Asians can be used as a buffer class.

Racism is all about sticking it to those blacks !!!!!


That's all Lisa558 Meathead MarathonMike protectionist mga138 think about
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I SPECIFICALLY gave you a list where SIX Cops were killed LOD by unarmed CRIMINALS.

Yup and according to you 6 officers are killed by assaults from unarmed ppl each year and that proves what ?

150 people die every year from falling coconuts and around 350 die from Bathtubs

That's how little of a risk unarmed people are to cops. That weakens your argument.

Then talk about actual scenarios. You have 1055 police shootings in 2021. Of those, 34 were unarmed. So give me specific cases where the scenario was unjustified.

Don't matter you will always justify the killing a black person. Secondly white supremacists always create stats to suit their arguments

Of the 1055 people killed by police in 2021, 632 had guns, 154 had knives, and only 34 were unarmed.

Stop trying to put words in my mouth. I'm only talking about unarmed people. I'm not talking about people who had guns and knives

So the police execute 40 Million traffic stops and 10 million arrests every year. Of those, 34 are of unarmed people. Of those, most are justified because even with the lack of a weapon, they still presented a legitimate threat.

That sentence didn't make any sense - Read it back.

If they didn't do the thing they were arrested for, they probably did something.

The law says "Innocent till proven guilty"

Are you going to argue against the constitution ?

It's funny, every person you all have put up as a martyr, usually had an extensive criminal record

OK. That's just your white supremacists mindset trying to justify why the blk person deserved to be killed
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Wow, let's dissect this bit of crazy.

Because I think about the Asian women working twelve hours a day in sweatshops both abroad and in places like L.A. to make clothes for people like you and I wonder, how are they doing so well?

Do you really? We aren't talking about abroad, guy we are talking about this country. And yeah, the first generation will be working in a sweat shop, but the second generation won't be.

I think about the Asian families who have to put in eighty hours a week just to keep their heads above water; and I wonder, how are they doing so well?

Um, because they are willing to work. I work 80 hours a week between my day job, my side business and my rental property.

I think about the Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi taxi drivers who endure crappy working conditions, customers who get pissy about their accents and I wonder, how are they doing so well?

Funny, that... those guys all paid thousands of dollars to buy taxi medalions and got replaced by white Uber and Lyft drivers.

To claim superior Asian culture as the reasons for achievement in the U.S. requires you to ignore the rampant poverty in their countries of origin. There is no shortage of poor Asians in the slums of Manila, Calcutta and Hong Kong.
And there is no shortage of poor Africans in Lagos, or Kinshasa, or Narobi, so what is your point?

Also whites still dehumanize Asians into "emotionless think tanks". This is why in Silicon Valley they deny Asians opportunities at leadership positions and give them jobs only as programmers.

Funny thing. The VP for Supply chain where I once worked. Chinese guy. Another lady I know, Filipina, started out as a temp when I knew her 15 years ago, today she's a supply chain manager.

Asians are ALLOWED and ASSISTED by the white supremacist to prosper OVER Black people and Asians KNOW THIS, that's why they don't fight racism because they don't want to be treated like black people are. So they accept their role and in many cases are just as anti black as the white supremacists. So Asians can be used as a buffer class.

Racism is all about sticking it to those blacks !!!!!

And this is where you fall into that trap. No one is "allowed" to prosper. The person most responsible for your prosperity is YOU.

For instance, I was denied a full time position for an affirmative action hire once. Did I get mad and stew over it for years? Nope. Just got out there and found a better job.
Yup and according to you 6 officers are killed by assaults from unarmed ppl each year and that proves what ?
That an unarmed person CAN be a threat!

So in 2021- 34 unarmed people were considered enough of a threat to require lethal force and 6 cops died because they didn't take an unarmed person seriously enough as a threat. Both are REALLY small numbers, but they happen.

Don't matter you will always justify the killing a black person. Secondly white supremacists always create stats to suit their arguments
Yeah, those scary stats that document facts. Not as valid as your feelings.

Stop trying to put words in my mouth. I'm only talking about unarmed people. I'm not talking about people who had guns and knives
Okay, we are talking about a whopping 34 people. Did any of them have coconuts?

The law says "Innocent till proven guilty"

Are you going to argue against the constitution ?
Things are true or untrue without a court ruling.

For instance, I know OJ Simpson murdered his wife. That a bunch of idiots gave him a pass doesn't make him innocent.

OK. That's just your white supremacists mindset trying to justify why the blk person deserved to be killed

Or I don't engage in your binary thinking.
George Floyd didn't deserve to be choked for 9 minutes.
He was also a person who robbed people, beat people, used drugs, tried to pass a fake $20.00 bill and fought against the police who were trying to take him into custody.

You can hold both of these things as true without a contradiction.
Actually, many cops involved in a shooting incident often lose their jobs even after they've been cleared by the criminal justice system. Darren Wilson never worked as a cop again. Timothy Loehmann never worked as a cop again. Brian Encinia never worked as a cop again (and Sandra Bland ended her own useless life.)

Darren Wilson got just under half a mill in donations. He doesn't have to work again. He didn't lose his job. He resigned. And he wasn't indicted (Not charged) So he won't spend a day in Jail. So be glad your white supremacists brother is doing very fine.

But look (Timothy Loehmann or Brian Encinia) you will always justify why a black person was killed. That's how white supremacists get a little buzz out of knowing the police are sticking it to those blacks !!!!

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Or I don't engage in your binary thinking. George Floyd didn't deserve to be choked for 9 minutes. He was also a person who robbed people, beat people, used drugs, tried to pass a fake $20.00 bill and fought against the police who were trying to take him into custody.

OK. Let's say you are correct about Floyd. Let's run with it.

So unless one has a relatively spotless record, one should not expect safety or even the luxury of another breath ? So the Constitutional right of due process does not apply to those with criminal histories ? So once one has done something defined as criminal, they forever forfeit any right to humane treatment by law enforcement ? One’s past will always be one’s present ? There is no redemption ? No second chance ?

If that's what you think then why even have trials ? By your logic, we should simply check to see if people arrested have a record already, and if so, pronounce them guilty on the spot and put a bullet in their heads, thereby saving the state the expense of incarceration. The outcome would be the same. No ?

Of course, you only hold out such impossible standards for black people

Wage theft costs American workers three times more each year than all street robberies and burglaries combined. Should police blow away a white boss who has been stealing his employees’ overtime or violating wage laws in a union state ?
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White racists always have excuses.
You're not even WHITE so what are YOU crying about?
I am half white. And Affirmative Action doesn't just discriminate against whites. When AA wrecked my budding career, it discriminated against 3 Hispanics (including me), 2 Asians, and 7 women. The only ones who got assistanthips were blacks.
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