White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America

Unlike many lefties, we don’t allow strangers to squirt their fluid into our bodies.

I’m certainly not going to start by allowing a Big Pharma multinational corporation to do so.
LOL, Big pharma is the only reason so many boomers are still around to bitch about big pharma.
Good point. If I were you I would not take a shot or a medication for anything. Smart dude!
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

I don't see a problem. You're vaccinated, I am not--I don't pose a threat to you, but you may pose a threat (as an asymptomatic carrier) to me. Yet, you want me to get vaccinated. I am trying to understand. Are you seeking validation for your sheepish actions? Do you have a need to exert control over someone else? If white republicans are the only ones not vaxxing, you should be happy because according to your thought processes, we will all die--should be taken as victory for you. Or, is it that you, somewhere in your subconscious, may think that the democrats/Chinese really do have some nefarious scheme going on and you don't want to be made out to be the only one foolish enough to not recognize a scam when it is perpetrated on you.
Gee ya try to be nice to minorities and let them get their vax first and they still bitch
Yup, I stated from the beginning I will give up my White Privilege and won’t take the vaccine until every POC in the world has had the shot.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

I will wait 4 more years for this vax. Trump should never have accelerated this vaccine. I'd rather see us locked down for yrs and yrs. I will take it in 2025
Why are you so fearful? Do you understand how the vaccine was developed.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

I will wait 4 more years for this vax. Trump should never have accelerated this vaccine. I'd rather see us locked down for yrs and yrs. I will take it in 2025
Why are you so fearful? Do you understand how the vaccine was developed.
You're getting vaccinated---why? Fear? I am not fearful--I continue to live my life freely--as I always have.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

I will wait 4 more years for this vax. Trump should never have accelerated this vaccine. I'd rather see us locked down for yrs and yrs. I will take it in 2025
Why are you so fearful? Do you understand how the vaccine was developed.
You don't deserve that GD vaccine you pile of mother fucking shit.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America? Why? The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
You expected something different from these irrational cult-worshipers at the temple of the Orange Baboon-God? They're not sane. They make poor choices.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

I don't see a problem. You're vaccinated, I am not--I don't pose a threat to you, but you may pose a threat (as an asymptomatic carrier) to me. Yet, you want me to get vaccinated. I am trying to understand. Are you seeking validation for your sheepish actions? Do you have a need to exert control over someone else? If white republicans are the only ones not vaxxing, you should be happy because according to your thought processes, we will all die--should be taken as victory for you. Or, is it that you, somewhere in your subconscious, may think that the democrats/Chinese really do have some nefarious scheme going on and you don't want to be made out to be the only one foolish enough to not recognize a scam when it is perpetrated on you.
I do not understand people who are so driven by fear.
Without 80% of the population vaccinated, the chance of the virus continuing and variating and we will never get rid of it.
That is more dangerous than anything that could happen from taking the vaccine.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Let's get that "white" in there right away. CRT says white people are oppressors how did they overlook they would oppose vaccines as well? More garbage to promote guilt and hate. The farthest thing from unity courtesy of our lying media.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

I will wait 4 more years for this vax. Trump should never have accelerated this vaccine. I'd rather see us locked down for yrs and yrs. I will take it in 2025
Why are you so fearful? Do you understand how the vaccine was developed.
You don't deserve that GD vaccine you pile of mother fucking shit.
Why don't I deserve the vaccine. Are you mad because I do not let fear drive my life?
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America? Why? The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
You expected something different from these irrational cult-worshipers at the temple of the Orange Baboon-God? They're not sane. They make poor choices.
You forget the Obama cult of which you are still a member. You know the people that had the children sing about Obama? Some children were told to pray to him. Goldfish are goldfish.
Don't wear a mask, don't get a shot, but Please stay six feet away from Every one except those who think just like you. is that amount of politeness to much to ask?
Happy to get my vaccine shots, but asshole liberals in my state say it's not my turn yet I have to wait another month. Liberals picking who lives and who dies there's a scary thought. F'ing illegals will get theirs before I get mine.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Let's get that "white" in there right away. CRT says white people are oppressors how did they overlook they would oppose vaccines as well? More garbage to promote guilt and hate. The farthest thing from unity courtesy of our lying media.
White independents and Democrats do not fear the vaccine. It is not about being white.
But being white and a Republican is another thing. White Republicans fear everything; vaccines, people who do not look like them, people from other countries, people who are not fearful, people with college education.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

I will wait 4 more years for this vax. Trump should never have accelerated this vaccine. I'd rather see us locked down for yrs and yrs. I will take it in 2025
Why are you so fearful? Do you understand how the vaccine was developed.
You don't deserve that GD vaccine you pile of mother fucking shit.
Why don't I deserve the vaccine. Are you mad because I do not let fear drive my life?
I decided since you are letting all those Covid illegal aliens in, fuck the vaccine.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Its killing you that you can't force people to take the vaccine isn't freedom hating leftist?

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