White supremacists acting as agents provocateurs (again)

As an old and active organizer of demonstrations against the Vietnam War, a “Security Marshall“ at quite a few of them, a participant in picket lines and strikes and many other protests over the years, a photographer at protests that sometimes ended in violence with cops, I can testify that provocateurs are ALWAYS a threat. They can be simple criminal elements or FBI or local cop “Confidential Informers.” They come in all shapes and sizes and races. Some groups are thoroughly infiltrated by them, even in leadership positions. Most BLM movement protests are not organized (like union picket lineS), are fully open to the public, and are integrated. REAL hardcore “race war” advocates — not like the big mouths here on USMB who just talk up civil war — easily infiltrate these integrated protests, and when the night falls and most peaceful protests go home, they remain along with simple criminal element. This is absolutely to be expected. Like the simple looters, these are basically criminal elements, but ALSO white race war advocates as well. Only naive fools still doubt their existence.

thanks Tom-----I can understand why they hanged you. Of course----the politically ambitious are

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?

The story doesn't make sense. I've never seen a hells angel carrying an umbrella. This is the hells angels , not the pajama boys

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?
Why are WHITE ANTIFAG Protesters attacking and assaulting Black, Hispanic and Asian Law Enforcement Officers and sending them to the hospital and permanently blinding them and injuring them? Why has BLM murdered countless police officers and then get the full support of The Democrat Party to continue doing it, and also is being given credibility by Major League Sports?

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?
Why are WHITE ANTIFAG Protesters attacking and assaulting Black, Hispanic and Asian Law Enforcement Officers and sending them to the hospital and permanently blinding them and injuring them? Why has BLM murdered countless police officers and then get the full support of The Democrat Party to continue doing it, and also is being given credibility by Major League Sports?
Not only major sports leagues but BLM is given $billions by US corporations?? WTF??
White nazis trying to delegitimize protest from folk with a legitimate beef.
When did the US come to this ?
Stop lying. There were no "nazis" There was ONE fucking ex-con out of thousands of rioters. Your OP title uses "plural" when there was only one ex-con. FAKE NEWS.
Trying to blame "white supremacists" when there were none.
When did the news become mostly fake? During Obama's term.
As an old and active organizer of demonstrations against the Vietnam War, a “Security Marshall“ at quite a few of them, a participant in picket lines and strikes and many other protests over the years, a photographer at protests that sometimes ended in violence with cops, I can testify that provocateurs are ALWAYS a threat. They can be simple criminal elements or FBI or local cop “Confidential Informers.” They come in all shapes and sizes and races. Some groups are thoroughly infiltrated by them, even in leadership positions. Most BLM movement protests are not organized (like union picket lineS), are fully open to the public, and are integrated. REAL hardcore “race war” advocates — not like the big mouths here on USMB who just talk up civil war — easily infiltrate these integrated protests, and when the night falls and most peaceful protests go home, they remain along with simple criminal element. This is absolutely to be expected. Like the simple looters, these are basically criminal elements, but ALSO white race war advocates as well. Only naive fools still doubt their existence.

thanks Tom-----I can understand why they hanged you. Of course----the politically ambitious are
White nazis trying to delegitimize protest from folk with a legitimate beef.
When did the US come to this ?

come to what ? right around the corner from my little residence-----which I have not left for MONTHS---
dead bodies hit the gutter just last nite------and angry,
sobbing, black mothers are screaming. "THIS HAS TO END" What do you think "this" is? Right around the corner in the opposite direction----a
person with a gun reached into a police squad car
and blew the brains out of a cop. (color the cop
"white") Go back 30 years-----I spent several years involved with the diagnosis of "DEATH" in a local hospital-------one after the other----young black male----bullet in the head---brain dead ----bullet from the gun of another young black male. Over here---young black males KILL, lots
Just imagine a new norm in America....thanks to people like the OP where Charles Manson and Sharon Tate are a daily occurrence.
That's what I see in our future if we allow the Democrats to get their way.
Just imagine a new norm in America....thanks to people like the OP where Charles Manson and Sharon Tate are a daily occurrence.
That's what I see in our future if we allow the Democrats to get their way

Of course that's what you see in OUR future because you're a damaged and dangerously incompetent adult with the reasoning ability of a child.

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?

The story doesn't make sense. I've never seen a hells angel carrying an umbrella. This is the hells angels , not the pajama boys
As a general rule of thumb, motorcycle riding and carrying an umbrella never ends well. And the people who can't understand why, tend to earn thier Darwin award nomination faster than people who make toast in the bathtub.
I dated an RN who went to work in an urban hospital. She saw "GSW" on most of the charts. She wasn't familiar with that illness abbreviation, so she asked, and was told it was short for "GunShot Wound". Looks like cities haven't changed much.
I dated an RN who went to work in an urban hospital. She saw "GSW" on most of the charts. She wasn't familiar with that illness abbreviation, so she asked, and was told it was short for "GunShot Wound". Looks like cities haven't changed much.
They've stayed pretty much the same since about 1964

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?
Why are WHITE ANTIFAG Protesters attacking and assaulting Black, Hispanic and Asian Law Enforcement Officers and sending them to the hospital and permanently blinding them and injuring them? Why has BLM murdered countless police officers and then get the full support of The Democrat Party to continue doing it, and also is being given credibility by Major League Sports?
Not only major sports leagues but BLM is given $billions by US corporations?? WTF??
Not only major sports leagues but BLM is given $billions by US corporations?? WTF??
They obviously see something that your incompetence doesn't let you see. It must be so confounding to live in a world you can't understand.

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?
Why are WHITE ANTIFAG Protesters attacking and assaulting Black, Hispanic and Asian Law Enforcement Officers and sending them to the hospital and permanently blinding them and injuring them? Why has BLM murdered countless police officers and then get the full support of The Democrat Party to continue doing it, and also is being given credibility by Major League Sports?
Not only major sports leagues but BLM is given $billions by US corporations?? WTF??
Not only major sports leagues but BLM is given $billions by US corporations?? WTF??
They obviously see something that your incompetence doesn't let you see. It must be so confounding to live in a world you can't understand.
Contributing to support urban rioters means that those boards need to be replaced. That's what I understand. Forbes understands that too.
Maybe you need to buy some stock and have some board of idiots donate your investment, so its more clear to you?
Catch the freaking guy and find out. Meanwhile democrat mayors are acting as agents for looters and arsonists. The strategy is to keep the pressure on for another hundred days (and damn the Country) so that they might get a mentally defective old man elected.
Why do (foreign) lefties think everything is fine if they can pin a political label on one of the criminals? What if the "umbrella man" turns out to be a gay rights activist or a defrocked priest or freaking Mother Tersea? Does it mean that everything is fine and dandy while cities are burning and Police Officers are assaulted and blinded?

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