White supremacists acting as agents provocateurs (again)

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.
Tommy this guy is trouble, he goes all the way back to the Kennedy assassination! look at the zapruder tape and you will see "the umbrella man" there as well, in fact that is where he got his name, because he was on the curb with view of the car and persons in it and was opening and closing the umbrella [wasn't raining] obviously to signal the white aryan cowboys on the knoll...
...you need to take this one seriously tommy, don't just play it off as some internet fluff like this.
Here's the thing about "umbrella man". How did he know to bring an umbrella to the riot if he was a "white supremacist?
There were hundreds of antifa rioters there with umbrellas. So why did a "white supremacist" bring an umbrella?
The short answer is that "he belongs with antifa" not with "white supremacists". The fact that his ex-con "aryan cowboy" ass was nailed by facial recognition software doesn't change the fact that he was part of the antifa riot.
White nazis trying to delegitimize protest from folk with a legitimate beef.
When did the US come to this ?

It hasn't.

You're just mindlessly accepting and spreading the lies that you read, about a nation to which you've never been, and about which you know nothing.

You would do much better to worry about the very real troubles happening all around you in the degenerate shithole of a nation in which you live, than to fuss over the lies that you read and believe about a far superior nation on the other side of the world from you.

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?
Since when does the left care about protesters damaging property? It’s “peaceful protesting” according to Democrats.

Police in Minneapolis say a man known as "Umbrella Man", seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has links to white supremacy groups.

People took to the city's streets following the death there in May of George Floyd, an unarmed black man.

No doubt his many friends in the Aryan Cowboys will be disgusted by his behaviour and will throw him out of the "prison biker" gang.
I know that my many conservative friends on here will join me in condemning his loutish behaviour. It does tend to undermine the trumpish narrative about these troubles doesnt it ?

your comment, tainted, and the title of YOUR thread----not only TENDS TO but INDICATES that you know nothing about the USA and its populations. Here in the USA we have "white supremacists" and we have
"black racists" BOTH----neither REQUIRE provocation and neither are mediated by President Trump. We had them here before he was born and they will ---unfortunately---be here AFTER HIM
This thread is about Umbrella Man. You said nothing about Umbrella Man.
There is nothing to say. They don’t know his identity.

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