White Supremacy in America - Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love my White Skin!

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
It takes but a moment on new networks like CNN and MSNBC to hear that America is a nation built upon the tenets and norms of White Supremacy. Even if we listen to the radio (NPR, Sirius XM) or read periodicals (Salon, Slate), we are bombarded with this idea that America is a White Supremacist nation and that white folks (folkx?) are shitty people who are way worse than Adolph Hitler in every respect. Moreover, there is absolutely nothing that can be done to reform us dumb honkies. The only proper way to deal with us (aside from throwing us into concentration camps and gassing us) is to make us a lower class, cuck caste to be lorded over by the superior classes, like negroes. White people are irredeemable chunks of dog shit and we need to recognize this and kill ourselves as a result. It is the only appropriate thing to do.

Now obviously, I do not buy into such horse shit. In reality, most blacks don't either. This is leftist tripe meant to divide and antagonize people into a state of acute social unrest in order to further the agenda of the neo-Marxist revolutionaries to destroy western nations. It is as clear as day. You can choose not to believe what is right in front of your eyes if you like. Who am I, after all? But I know communist horseshit when I see and hear it. All the negroes (and "white allies"...LOL!) who buy this garbage are the useful idiots; i.e., little leftist zombies who lack critical thinking ability (i.e., garbage humans). These fools lie just below whale shit on the scale of low-down, dirt scum.

But today I was thinking. If whitey is going to be condemned for being a White Supremacist ANYWAY, without doing anything that everyone expects a white supremacist to be doing, then that is not fair. You are punishing him for something he did not even do himself. Thus, if the little Marxists slithering around out there want to legitimize their claim that America is built on White Supremacy, and all of its white sons and daughters are benefactors of this ugly White Supremacy, then before they can attempt tp punish us for White Supremacy, we ought to be able to actually commit acts of White Supremacy. That would be fair.

I am not racist. But I may drop an ironic "N-word" from time to time. Why not? It's just a word, and words cannot hurt anybody (feelings do not count). Further, I am NOT saying that I would consider literally lynching another human being, nor do I advocate such. But some of us out there would like to, just ask old man Biden. So, maybe we should let them? That way the claims about White Supremacy would be on much more solid footing.

It seems to me that in order to have the outrage, you must first have something to be legitimately outraged over. What happened back in the slaving days is too long ago for valid contemporary outrage. Opposition to the civil rights movement in the 1960s is also too remote in time. Reasonable people have sucked it up and moved on. How dare blacks come along NOW and complain about those things they were not even involved with!! It is analogous to stolen valor. Except, it is actually stolen victimhood (which we all know is used for empowerment in a perverse way). These negroes today crying over slavery and reparations, they are the worst of the worst. They are parasites, feeding off the corpses of so many murdered slaves and lynched brothers. It is SHAMEFUL!

Therefore, to establish that I, a white male, am not racist, I propose to help solidify the left's narrative on White Supremacy. By doing this I shall become the white MLK JR., the white Malcomb X, and the white Rev. Al Sharpton. Jesse Jackson and Ben Crump will seethe in searing hatred over a white man being held in higher regard than they concerning black rights. I will so ascend by concocting the basis for White Supremacy Legitimacy. By giving this gift to the world, I will deliver American negroes from bondage!!! I will set them FREE!!!! HALLE-FUCKING-LUIAH!!!!!

Here's the deal. We need to have a Year of Hate in which whitey can do whatever White Supremacist thing he or she can think of without reprisal. I will leave the particulars to your imagination (I will be sitting at home drinking beer and waiting for my neighbor, Ron, to go out to do the grocery shopping so I can run over and fuck his wife). This will become the genesis for all the new black rage directed at whitey. This will actually legitimize black pain and anger. YOU ARE WELCOME!

In closing, I note the irony that it took a white guy to show blacks how to correctly and effectively play the race card. You black folks really ought to be ashamed of yourselves!
It takes but a moment on new networks like CNN and MSNBC to hear that America is a nation built upon the tenets and norms of White Supremacy. Even if we listen to the radio (NPR, Sirius XM) or read periodicals (Salon, Slate), we are bombarded with this idea that America is a White Supremacist nation and that white folks (folkx?) are shitty people who are way worse than Adolph Hitler in every respect. Moreover, there is absolutely nothing that can be done to reform us dumb honkies. The only proper way to deal with us (aside from throwing us into concentration camps and gassing us) is to make us a lower class, cuck caste to be lorded over by the superior classes, like negroes. White people are irredeemable chunks of dog shit and we need to recognize this and kill ourselves as a result. It is the only appropriate thing to do.

Now obviously, I do not buy into such horse shit. In reality, most blacks don't either. This is leftist tripe meant to divide and antagonize people into a state of acute social unrest in order to further the agenda of the neo-Marxist revolutionaries to destroy western nations. It is as clear as day. You can choose not to believe what is right in front of your eyes if you like. Who am I, after all? But I know communist horseshit when I see and hear it. All the negroes (and "white allies"...LOL!) who buy this garbage are the useful idiots; i.e., little leftist zombies who lack critical thinking ability (i.e., garbage humans). These fools lie just below whale shit on the scale of low-down, dirt scum.

But today I was thinking. If whitey is going to be condemned for being a White Supremacist ANYWAY, without doing anything that everyone expects a white supremacist to be doing, then that is not fair. You are punishing him for something he did not even do himself. Thus, if the little Marxists slithering around out there want to legitimize their claim that America is built on White Supremacy, and all of its white sons and daughters are benefactors of this ugly White Supremacy, then before they can attempt tp punish us for White Supremacy, we ought to be able to actually commit acts of White Supremacy. That would be fair.

I am not racist. But I may drop an ironic "N-word" from time to time. Why not? It's just a word, and words cannot hurt anybody (feelings do not count). Further, I am NOT saying that I would consider literally lynching another human being, nor do I advocate such. But some of us out there would like to, just ask old man Biden. So, maybe we should let them? That way the claims about White Supremacy would be on much more solid footing.

It seems to me that in order to have the outrage, you must first have something to be legitimately outraged over. What happened back in the slaving days is too long ago for valid contemporary outrage. Opposition to the civil rights movement in the 1960s is also too remote in time. Reasonable people have sucked it up and moved on. How dare blacks come along NOW and complain about those things they were not even involved with!! It is analogous to stolen valor. Except, it is actually stolen victimhood (which we all know is used for empowerment in a perverse way). These negroes today crying over slavery and reparations, they are the worst of the worst. They are parasites, feeding off the corpses of so many murdered slaves and lynched brothers. It is SHAMEFUL!

Therefore, to establish that I, a white male, am not racist, I propose to help solidify the left's narrative on White Supremacy. By doing this I shall become the white MLK JR., the white Malcomb X, and the white Rev. Al Sharpton. Jesse Jackson and Ben Crump will seethe in searing hatred over a white man being held in higher regard than they concerning black rights. I will so ascend by concocting the basis for White Supremacy Legitimacy. By giving this gift to the world, I will deliver American negroes from bondage!!! I will set them FREE!!!! HALLE-FUCKING-LUIAH!!!!!

Here's the deal. We need to have a Year of Hate in which whitey can do whatever White Supremacist thing he or she can think of without reprisal. I will leave the particulars to your imagination (I will be sitting at home drinking beer and waiting for my neighbor, Ron, to go out to do the grocery shopping so I can run over and fuck his wife). This will become the genesis for all the new black rage directed at whitey. This will actually legitimize black pain and anger. YOU ARE WELCOME!

In closing, I note the irony that it took a white guy to show blacks how to correctly and effectively play the race card. You black folks really ought to be ashamed of yourselves!
This should be the most active thread on this website, the fact that it’s not tells us how scared shitless people are of this topic.
Open a fucking book about the history of the US immigration laws, Long Rod, open a fucking book about the role played by ethnic lobbies and their impact on immigration laws and you will see there was never any "neo-Marxist revolutionaries" trying to destroy the US white majority.

You will find out that these are the guys who spent 100 years fighting tooth and nail to destroy America's white majority:

You have my little baby BrokeLooser blaming Mexico for the browning of America for years on end and now you have my little baby Long Rod blaming the "neo-marxists revolutionaries".

Everybody is guilty except the ethnic group who really embarked in a 100 year long political crusade to change the demography of the USA.

This is what you get when you are the kind of individual who goes into a shaking frenzy at the thought of reading a book.
Open a fucking book about the history of the US immigration laws, Long Rod, open a fucking book about the role played by ethnic lobbies and their impact on immigration laws and you will see there was never any "neo-Marxist revolutionaries" trying to destroy the US white majority.

You will find out that these are the guys who spent 100 years fighting tooth and nail to destroy America's white majority:

That's fine, Jose, fine. I don't expect you to understand, esse.

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