Whites Died to Free Blacks They Tell Us.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
But, that's not how it went. During slavery, there was constant fighting and various methods used by blacks to revolt. In Africa there was a fight between blacks and whites that lasted 400 years. Quite a number of whites died trying to get slaves. You won't learn this at stormfront.

In America slaves would organize work stoppages and slowdowns as well as direct confrontation. Nat Turner was not the only black person to euthanize a slaveowner.

This video is the story of the great John Horse, a Black Seminole who was left out of the history books for a very good reason.

"The story of John Horse and the Black Seminoles has been largely untold, but they deserve to be remembered for a number of reasons: - They created the largest haven in the U.S. South for runaway slaves.- They led the largest slave revolt in U.S. history.- They secured the only emancipation of rebellious slaves prior to the U.S. Civil War.- The formed the largest mass exodus of slaves across the United States and, ultimately, to Mexico."
But, that's not how it went. During slavery, there was constant fighting and various methods used by blacks to revolt. In Africa there was a fight between blacks and whites that lasted 400 years. Quite a number of whites died trying to get slaves. You won't learn this at stormfront.

In America slaves would organize work stoppages and slowdowns as well as direct confrontation. Nat Turner was not the only black person to euthanize a slaveowner.

This video is the story of the great John Horse, a Black Seminole who was left out of the history books for a very good reason.

"The story of John Horse and the Black Seminoles has been largely untold, but they deserve to be remembered for a number of reasons: - They created the largest haven in the U.S. South for runaway slaves.- They led the largest slave revolt in U.S. history.- They secured the only emancipation of rebellious slaves prior to the U.S. Civil War.- The formed the largest mass exodus of slaves across the United States and, ultimately, to Mexico."

Ya no white man died during the Civil war or during reconstruction or Jim Crow. You are a fool and a LIAR.
This video is the story of the great John Horse, a Black Seminole who was left out of the history books for a very good reason.

It's in the riggers' history books - isn't it?

Give it a couple of more years and it will make riggers better people. That's how we got to be superior. Those stories about how George Washington never told a lie. You know that's a lie, don't you?
But, that's not how it went. During slavery, there was constant fighting and various methods used by blacks to revolt. In Africa there was a fight between blacks and whites that lasted 400 years. Quite a number of whites died trying to get slaves. You won't learn this at stormfront.

In America slaves would organize work stoppages and slowdowns as well as direct confrontation. Nat Turner was not the only black person to euthanize a slaveowner.

This video is the story of the great John Horse, a Black Seminole who was left out of the history books for a very good reason.

"The story of John Horse and the Black Seminoles has been largely untold, but they deserve to be remembered for a number of reasons: - They created the largest haven in the U.S. South for runaway slaves.- They led the largest slave revolt in U.S. history.- They secured the only emancipation of rebellious slaves prior to the U.S. Civil War.- The formed the largest mass exodus of slaves across the United States and, ultimately, to Mexico."

Abe Lincoln woke up from a three day drunk, read the headlines and said, "I freed who?"
But, that's not how it went. During slavery, there was constant fighting and various methods used by blacks to revolt. In Africa there was a fight between blacks and whites that lasted 400 years. Quite a number of whites died trying to get slaves. You won't learn this at stormfront.

In America slaves would organize work stoppages and slowdowns as well as direct confrontation. Nat Turner was not the only black person to euthanize a slaveowner.

This video is the story of the great John Horse, a Black Seminole who was left out of the history books for a very good reason.

"The story of John Horse and the Black Seminoles has been largely untold, but they deserve to be remembered for a number of reasons: - They created the largest haven in the U.S. South for runaway slaves.- They led the largest slave revolt in U.S. history.- They secured the only emancipation of rebellious slaves prior to the U.S. Civil War.- The formed the largest mass exodus of slaves across the United States and, ultimately, to Mexico."

The damn hypocrisy going on in this realm is smothering. Taking down of statues, renaming of buildings and military bases. Scratching people from history because they owned slaves. Meanwhile, North Carolina has made the Thomas Day house a historical site, the first new historical site they have approved in years. He was a well known black cabinet maker in the early 19th century. He was born free, in Virginia, to a wealthy black family, in Virginia, and attended a prestigious Quaker school. Even his grandparents were wealthy, one grandfather a doctor. They had money, they had prestige, and they could vote. And, oh yeah, Thomas Day and the two generations preceding him, OWNED SLAVES.
But, that's not how it went. During slavery, there was constant fighting and various methods used by blacks to revolt. In Africa there was a fight between blacks and whites that lasted 400 years. Quite a number of whites died trying to get slaves. You won't learn this at stormfront.

In America slaves would organize work stoppages and slowdowns as well as direct confrontation. Nat Turner was not the only black person to euthanize a slaveowner.

This video is the story of the great John Horse, a Black Seminole who was left out of the history books for a very good reason.

"The story of John Horse and the Black Seminoles has been largely untold, but they deserve to be remembered for a number of reasons: - They created the largest haven in the U.S. South for runaway slaves.- They led the largest slave revolt in U.S. history.- They secured the only emancipation of rebellious slaves prior to the U.S. Civil War.- The formed the largest mass exodus of slaves across the United States and, ultimately, to Mexico."

Yes, great true information. and believe it or not... it's not unknown information. But once again you... feel you have to disparage one to hold up another. Guarantee you there were whites who were willing to fight the war against slavery for ideological reasons, and many of them did die.
The fact that there were also white men who saw blacks as nothing more than animals, doesn't take away from that. Besides U.S. born soldiers fighting for the Union, the government also recruited hundreds of thousands of white soldiers from Europe to come join the fight... most of whom were from Germany.

The big draw to enlist idealistic young men was the very fact that they were going to fight for slaves freedoms. While I know you will point out, that the government fought the war for many reasons besides slavery itself, it doesnt take away from the motivation, of a good number of men who fought and died.
More than one thing can be true in history at the same time. Yes, black people valiantly fought and resisted ,and died for their own freedom.. but it doesnt take away from others who volunteered to take up their fight as well. To bad..You cant honor that even a little bit.

t isn’t a war where two powers fight to win a piece of land. Instead it’s about freedom or slavery, and you can well imagine, dear mother, I support the cause of freedom with all my might. — German enlistee, in a private letter to his family.[12]

lastly,.... I realize most liberal posters like yourself here must some whacked out idea that we are all STORM FRONT followers here... no doubt there might be one or two... or may have been more in the past.. but I doubt its anything like you imagine.
More than a half million whites in uniform died in the Civil War, along with 33,000 black Americans, most of them from disease.

"According to Bing AI, According to a source I found, almost all the men who died in either army were white. Numbers in the Civil War defy exactness, but the best figures show that a total of 620,000 men died; 360,000 Yankees and 260,000 Rebels. Somewhere over 100,000 black men served in the northern armies, and according to the official figures of the US Army, 1800 of them died. That’s about one-half of one per cent of the total Union dead1.

Newer casualty estimates are between 650,000 to 700,000 casualties for the US Civil War. Since Black soldiers entered the war later and in smaller numbers than whites, it can be logically assumed that over 90% of the casualties were white soldiers."
The Civil War was not fought to end slavery.

But, that's not how it went. During slavery, there was constant fighting and various methods used by blacks to revolt. In Africa there was a fight between blacks and whites that lasted 400 years. Quite a number of whites died trying to get slaves. You won't learn this at stormfront.

In America slaves would organize work stoppages and slowdowns as well as direct confrontation. Nat Turner was not the only black person to euthanize a slaveowner.

This video is the story of the great John Horse, a Black Seminole who was left out of the history books for a very good reason.

"The story of John Horse and the Black Seminoles has been largely untold, but they deserve to be remembered for a number of reasons: - They created the largest haven in the U.S. South for runaway slaves.- They led the largest slave revolt in U.S. history.- They secured the only emancipation of rebellious slaves prior to the U.S. Civil War.- The formed the largest mass exodus of slaves across the United States and, ultimately, to Mexico."

Lol. No. No white men died to help end slavery.

IM.2 is on to the scam. He’s here to spread the shit errr the truth.
Lol. No. No white men died to help end slavery.

IM.2 is on to the scam. He’s here to spread the shit errr the truth.
Well yeah, some white men died to end slavery, but not that many. Most of the Yankees fought to keep the nation undivided. Read the newspaper editorials in the North, prior to the war. They didn't give two shits about slavery, they just wanted the profits from that slavery to continue to flow north. It was the threat to open duty free ports in the South, mainly Charleston, that initiated the war. I mean what was the purpose of Fort Sumter.

Did the Civil War end slavery in Kentucky? Nope, so if the purpose of the war was to end slavery why did it not end in Kentucky at the conclusion of the war? Lincoln told Texas, keep your slaves, just don't join the Confederacy? So again, how was it a war to end slavery? The Emancipation Proclamation, did it free the slaves in Union held New Orleans, nope, just freed the slaves in Confederate held territories, which actually means it didn't do jack shit. Biden should issue an emancipation proclamation, freeing all the sex slaves in Russia, same damn thing.

I am sick and damn tired of flippin ass Yankees trying to play the holeyer than thou card, and yeah, the sick ass Republican party, "We freed the slaves". Assholes ran the damn slave trade for more than 100 years. Providence, Rhode Island dominated the slave trade in the 18th century, Brown University financed and established from the trade. When do we shut the doors to that Ivy League university?

Yankee land don't get a free pass on slavery simply because of the Civil War. Tocqueville even observed it, racism was far more rampant in the North than the South. My entrance in this thread, Thomas Day, any wealthy successful black businessmen in the North in the early 19th century, I am open for examples. The draft riots in New York City, I mean hello. I mean come on, the entire Missouri Compromise was not about keeping slavery out of the Western states, it was about keeping black people out, free or enslaved. To this flippin day, Illinois is the center of the white supremacist movement.
But, that's not how it went. During slavery, there was constant fighting and various methods used by blacks to revolt. In Africa there was a fight between blacks and whites that lasted 400 years. Quite a number of whites died trying to get slaves. You won't learn this at stormfront.

In America slaves would organize work stoppages and slowdowns as well as direct confrontation. Nat Turner was not the only black person to euthanize a slaveowner.

This video is the story of the great John Horse, a Black Seminole who was left out of the history books for a very good reason.

"The story of John Horse and the Black Seminoles has been largely untold, but they deserve to be remembered for a number of reasons: - They created the largest haven in the U.S. South for runaway slaves.- They led the largest slave revolt in U.S. history.- They secured the only emancipation of rebellious slaves prior to the U.S. Civil War.- The formed the largest mass exodus of slaves across the United States and, ultimately, to Mexico."

When someone coined the phrase "fake news" they had to have been thinking about you.

I've heard of fights lasting 15 rounds but 400 years?

Bottom line: The Civil War was a deadly war. Around 620,000 people died (mostly white males). You're a complete idiot if you don't believe whites died freeing ungrateful, blacks.
Well yeah, some white men died to end slavery, but not that many. Most of the Yankees fought to keep the nation undivided. Read the newspaper editorials in the North, prior to the war. They didn't give two shits about slavery, they just wanted the profits from that slavery to continue to flow north. It was the threat to open duty free ports in the South, mainly Charleston, that initiated the war. I mean what was the purpose of Fort Sumter.

Did the Civil War end slavery in Kentucky? Nope, so if the purpose of the war was to end slavery why did it not end in Kentucky at the conclusion of the war? Lincoln told Texas, keep your slaves, just don't join the Confederacy? So again, how was it a war to end slavery? The Emancipation Proclamation, did it free the slaves in Union held New Orleans, nope, just freed the slaves in Confederate held territories, which actually means it didn't do jack shit. Biden should issue an emancipation proclamation, freeing all the sex slaves in Russia, same damn thing.

I am sick and damn tired of flippin ass Yankees trying to play the holeyer than thou card, and yeah, the sick ass Republican party, "We freed the slaves". Assholes ran the damn slave trade for more than 100 years. Providence, Rhode Island dominated the slave trade in the 18th century, Brown University financed and established from the trade. When do we shut the doors to that Ivy League university?

Yankee land don't get a free pass on slavery simply because of the Civil War. Tocqueville even observed it, racism was far more rampant in the North than the South. My entrance in this thread, Thomas Day, any wealthy successful black businessmen in the North in the early 19th century, I am open for examples. The draft riots in New York City, I mean hello. I mean come on, the entire Missouri Compromise was not about keeping slavery out of the Western states, it was about keeping black people out, free or enslaved. To this flippin day, Illinois is the center of the white supremacist movement.
You’re a lying goober.
The saddest thing about all this is that people like IM2, 500 years from now, will still be holding the white man responsible for their problems.

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