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Whites neglected & disrespected.

You have done absolutely nothing to demonstrate the greatness of Polish contributions to world culture. What are you into: music, dance, drama and theater arts, food? Get out there and demonstrate the achievements of the Polish people, regardless of religion. When was the last time that you listened to works by Chopin? Have you shared these works with non-Poles? Non-whites? If Poles have created beauty, it should be shared.

I would say the same about Italian culture. I am not Italian. But I love Puccini, not to mention some great foods originating from Italian culture'

99 percent of Polish cultural promotions here on the forum are by me.

You sound like a Jew with low Intelligence.
No. I am not Jewish, as if this difference in religion would matter in the least. You have done nothing but soil the name and culture of the Polish People. You are an insult to Poles.Go get some education. What your words do is try to make Polish people the laughingstock of other humans worldwide.
Never fear. I know the clown OP is just a virtual stereotype. I've met some pretty cool Polish people in my life and this clown is nothing like them.
The Nazi’s could have done at least one positive for us all by wiping his line off the planet. Alas.

That's really sadistic & prejudiced, you wouldn't dare say such a thing about Jews, Blacks, and other special protected groups, however.

Being politically correct, is probably the ultimate form of lower intelligence, and higher brainwashing, at least in the modern era, absolutely.

That's you to the T, you just follow the special protected groups, but then think bashing Poles, and other Whites is fine, does it get more dumb than that????
^ uh oh, snowflake alert. Go suck a potato, pollack
Orange Riots - Wikipedia
ctually, Irish did go against one of their oppressors in the same era.... AKA Irish Protestants... In the Orange Riots.

Yes, Irish Protestants were perhaps even worse oppressors of Irish Catholics than even the English.

We hear the song Bloody Sunday of an anti-Irish massacre by the Irish band U2?
That was by Ulster Protestant Irish terrorists!

To be Irish American is to be a member of one of the largest white ethnic groups in the USA nation

Actually, Irish Catholics only number about 13 million in the U.S.A, or about 4% of the U.S.A, the others calling themselves "Irish" are mostly Ulster Protestant Irish, who are hardly Irish, in fact they were traditionally anti-Irish Catholic, some still are, actually.

Why do you persist in this? You have already insulted my Russian/Polish side. Now you are going for my Irish side. Don't you have any concept of shame? Weren't you taught anything as a child? On behalf of my Irish ancestors at rest in Hudson County, NJ, (RIP) and my Russian and Polish ancestors at rest in Nassau County, NY, (RIP), I ask you to stop trying to disgrace my ancestors on both sides. You are NOT entitled to use their sacred legacy for your evil purposes.

Get a life, get a job, get a religion. You are a disgrace. I wish that my grandmothers could rise from their graves and kick your disgusting ass.

Nana Anna Helena, Nana Sarah. RIP with the angels and the knowledge that your granddaughter has your back.

Haha, defending the Irish & Polish historical facts, struggles & greatness isn't a mockery of them, doof.

You think so because of your limited intelligence & extreme desperation.

On the other hand, you've mocked the Irish Catholic church & even mocked Poles & Russians as lazy & dumb.

You even blamed Poles for the Holocaust.

As always you side with Jews beyond all others.

You make an honorary Jew & a terrible Pole.
This all-male-run outfit was responsible for everything from witch hunts, inquisitions, Magdelene laundries to hiding Nazi war criminals and more. The Roman Catholic Church has been run by an exclusive bunch of male humans for centuries, and boy, has it fucked up, over and over.

I thank you for the "honorary Jew" part, as I find the Jewish people to be honest and upright and decent, but I don't think that anything that I have said makes me a "terrible Pole." As written in the paragraph above, I can take no pride in these doings.

Hmm, yet Witch-Hunts still go on in the African, and Arab world, particularly Tanzania, where 10's of thousands of Witches have been burned, massacred, and hunted down to death.

How come Liberal clowns like you don't ever touch that one?????

Nazi Germany was way more Protestant, than Catholic, in just about every aspect.

Nazi Germany was 3/4th's Protestant, the biggest voters of Hitler were in Germany's most Protestant regions in the North - East, and Nazi Germany most heavily admired Germanic Protestants in countries like Norway, and Sweden as the superior Ubermensch master race.

Also note many Catholics were butchered by Nazi Germany, this includes Catholic clergy, Max Kolbe comes to mind, as does Leon Stepniak who was a Polish Catholic priest, and once the oldest survivor at the Dachau concentration camp.
In totals?

If of all those to benefit from Affirmative Action are 34 percent White women & 18 percent Black women, then White women also vastly outnumber
Black women too.
You're still not understanding what the percentages represent.

Let's say there are 100 employees in your company and that their racial makeup accurately portrays their representation in society. In society, 80% are white and 20% are black. Half of the white representation are women so white women make up 40% of your workforce. Half of the black 20% representation are also women so black women make up 10% of your workforce.

So you have 40 white women (40% of 100) and 10 black women (10% of 100). You have employeed 30 more white women than black women but because there are more white women in society, your numbers are not disppropriately skewd in favor of any particular race although this is a made up scenario.

Now if you promote 8 white women (20% of your white female workforce) and 2 black women (20% of your black female workforce), you have promoted significantly more white women than black women but your percentages are still the same - you promoted 20% of each of the female racial groups.

If you promote 8 white women (20%) and only 1 black woman (10%) then not only are you promoting more white women than black women, percentage wise you're promoting white women are a higher rate than you're promoting black women.

If you promote 10 white women, that's 25% vs 20% (2 black women) or 10% (1 black woman) that still means white women are being promoted at a higher rate than black women, whether negligently, intentionally, maliciously, etc.

I'm suspecting that a Black woman is more likely to benefit from Affirmative Action on a disproportionate level, just there's a lot more White women, and therefor more benefit just because there's more of them.
Thats primarily because youre an idiot. The studies show white women benefit from AA more than any other demographic.

I've never met a Black who understood proportions very well.
Thats because your understanding of proportions is infantile at best.

Uh, even 4th graders all should understand proportions, Blacks clearly aren't the best of learners.
You're still not understanding what the percentages represent.

Let's say there are 100 employees in your company and that their racial makeup accurately portrays their representation in society. In society, 80% are white and 20% are black. Half of the white representation are women so white women make up 40% of your workforce. Half of the black 20% representation are also women so black women make up 10% of your workforce.

So you have 40 white women (40% of 100) and 10 black women (10% of 100). You have employeed 30 more white women than black women but because there are more white women in society, your numbers are not disppropriately skewd in favor of any particular race although this is a made up scenario.

Now if you promote 8 white women (20% of your white female workforce) and 2 black women (20% of your black female workforce), you have promoted significantly more white women than black women but your percentages are still the same - you promoted 20% of each of the female racial groups.

If you promote 8 white women (20%) and only 1 black woman (10%) then not only are you promoting more white women than black women, percentage wise you're promoting white women are a higher rate than you're promoting black women.

If you promote 10 white women, that's 25% vs 20% (2 black women) or 10% (1 black woman) that still means white women are being promoted at a higher rate than black women, whether negligently, intentionally, maliciously, etc.

I'm suspecting that a Black woman is more likely to benefit from Affirmative Action on a disproportionate level, just there's a lot more White women, and therefor more benefit just because there's more of them.
Thats primarily because youre an idiot. The studies show white women benefit from AA more than any other demographic.

I've never met a Black who understood proportions very well.
Thats because your understanding of proportions is infantile at best.

Uh, even 4th graders all should understand proportions, Blacks clearly aren't the best of learners.
You may be correct. We tried to educate whites on two different occasions and its clear looking at you we didnt learn how futile it is for some of you.
99 percent of Polish cultural promotions here on the forum are by me.

You sound like a Jew with low Intelligence.
No. I am not Jewish, as if this difference in religion would matter in the least. You have done nothing but soil the name and culture of the Polish People. You are an insult to Poles.Go get some education. What your words do is try to make Polish people the laughingstock of other humans worldwide.
Never fear. I know the clown OP is just a virtual stereotype. I've met some pretty cool Polish people in my life and this clown is nothing like them.
The Nazi’s could have done at least one positive for us all by wiping his line off the planet. Alas.

That's really sadistic & prejudiced, you wouldn't dare say such a thing about Jews, Blacks, and other special protected groups, however.

Being politically correct, is probably the ultimate form of lower intelligence, and higher brainwashing, at least in the modern era, absolutely.

That's you to the T, you just follow the special protected groups, but then think bashing Poles, and other Whites is fine, does it get more dumb than that????
^ uh oh, snowflake alert. Go suck a potato, pollack

Hmm, yet you winge all the time when a special protected group is attacked.

Note your extreme biases, Asceplias is free to bash Whites left & right, but God forbid if Whites like Poles (Me) start bashing anybody.

You're a heap of trash.
Apart from Affirmative Action neglecting & disrespecting Whites, and disparing anti-White terms completely acceptable in the mainstream like Redneck, Cracker, Honkey, Dumb Blonde, Greasy Italian WAP, Dumb Polak, Drunken Mick, French Frog, and others doing the sme kind of neglecting & disrespecting.

I often see Liberals promoting how Blacks worked so hard & were so important for building this country as Slaves, or how the Chinese worked so hard & were so importing building this country's railways.

These same Liberals don't dare speak of how hard a lot of "White groups" worked, particularly Irish & Poles.

Irish also built railways, Irish built the Erie Canal, Irish built the Empire state building, Irish mined in Appalachia, Irish were indentured servants picking cotton Down South.

Poles also built railways, Poles farmed Onions in Florida, NY, Poles farmed tobacco in the Connecticut River Valley, Poles worked at the Quarries of West Rutland Vermont, and the Mines of Scranton, PA, the Steel Mills of Pittsburg, the Car factories of Detroit, then there's the 1,000,000 Poles who fought in WW2 for the U.S armed forces.

So, what cha talking about Liberals, like it's just Blacks, and Chinese, or maybe Mexicans who've busted their butts helping to build this country????????????????

Then they flat out neglect that Irish Catholics were targeted in a Pogrom style attack, the Philadelphia Nativist Riots.


That Italians were targets of lynching's, in the largest singular lynching in the New Orleans area.


They neglect that Millions of Poles, Russians, Ukrainians & Serbian Christians died in WW2.

Speaking from a Polish heritage, we get particularly maligned, as "Dumb Polaks"
no efforts are made to push smart Poles in a mainstream Polish history month, they could easily do what they do for Blacks & Hispanics, pushing their historical figures, brains etc. etc.

I'd love to have people learn about Polish greats, like Kosciuszko, Pulaski, Gabby Gabreski, Frank Piasecki, Steve Wozniak, Marie Curie, Chopin, Copernicus, and a wide array of other Poles.

But, of course Poles are Whites, therefor to be neglected & disrespected.
Republicans disrespect a lot of white people.

White gays
white Hispanics
white college professors
white poor
white atheist
white liberals
white Muslims

It's not just minorities they hate. But also people unlike them.

It's white nationalists and alt white they love.
Never fear. I know the clown OP is just a virtual stereotype. I've met some pretty cool Polish people in my life and this clown is nothing like them.
The Nazi’s could have done at least one positive for us all by wiping his line off the planet. Alas.

That's really sadistic & prejudiced, you wouldn't dare say such a thing about Jews, Blacks, and other special protected groups, however.

Being politically correct, is probably the ultimate form of lower intelligence, and higher brainwashing, at least in the modern era, absolutely.

That's you to the T, you just follow the special protected groups, but then think bashing Poles, and other Whites is fine, does it get more dumb than that????
Has nothing to do with being prejudiced. Your line only concerns your line not the entire race.

So, calling Whites cave beasts, Tiger like predators, and violent beasts, among other things you & your Black ilk here have, is some how not prejudiced against Whites??

Oh, really???
Really now??????????
Stop whining and focus on the point. Your line being wiped out only concerns you not your race.

Why not say that the Slave-master should've wiped out your Black Supremacist Racist, Butt?

Is that offensive, you stupid jack@$$?????

I actually wouldn't even go that far, but BlackFlag is a racial scum, even worse than you are, sorta.
The Nazi’s could have done at least one positive for us all by wiping his line off the planet. Alas.

That's really sadistic & prejudiced, you wouldn't dare say such a thing about Jews, Blacks, and other special protected groups, however.

Being politically correct, is probably the ultimate form of lower intelligence, and higher brainwashing, at least in the modern era, absolutely.

That's you to the T, you just follow the special protected groups, but then think bashing Poles, and other Whites is fine, does it get more dumb than that????
Has nothing to do with being prejudiced. Your line only concerns your line not the entire race.

So, calling Whites cave beasts, Tiger like predators, and violent beasts, among other things you & your Black ilk here have, is some how not prejudiced against Whites??

Oh, really???
Really now??????????
Stop whining and focus on the point. Your line being wiped out only concerns you not your race.

Why not say that the Slave-master should've wiped out your Black Supremacist Racist, Butt?

Is that offensive, you stupid jack@$$?????

I actually wouldn't even go that far, but BlackFlag is a racial scum, even worse than you are, sorta.
No one is stopping you from saying that.

No its not offensive me.
No. I am not Jewish, as if this difference in religion would matter in the least. You have done nothing but soil the name and culture of the Polish People. You are an insult to Poles.Go get some education. What your words do is try to make Polish people the laughingstock of other humans worldwide.
Never fear. I know the clown OP is just a virtual stereotype. I've met some pretty cool Polish people in my life and this clown is nothing like them.
The Nazi’s could have done at least one positive for us all by wiping his line off the planet. Alas.

That's really sadistic & prejudiced, you wouldn't dare say such a thing about Jews, Blacks, and other special protected groups, however.

Being politically correct, is probably the ultimate form of lower intelligence, and higher brainwashing, at least in the modern era, absolutely.

That's you to the T, you just follow the special protected groups, but then think bashing Poles, and other Whites is fine, does it get more dumb than that????
^ uh oh, snowflake alert. Go suck a potato, pollack

Hmm, yet you winge all the time when a special protected group is attacked.

Note your extreme biases, Asceplias is free to bash Whites left & right, but God forbid if Whites like Poles (Me) start bashing anybody.

You're a heap of trash.
Poles are the butthole of the white race. Like cockroaches, surviving off pickled roots and boiled onions. :puke:
I'm suspecting that a Black woman is more likely to benefit from Affirmative Action on a disproportionate level, just there's a lot more White women, and therefor more benefit just because there's more of them.
Thats primarily because youre an idiot. The studies show white women benefit from AA more than any other demographic.

I've never met a Black who understood proportions very well.
Thats because your understanding of proportions is infantile at best.

Uh, even 4th graders all should understand proportions, Blacks clearly aren't the best of learners.
You may be correct. We tried to educate whites on two different occasions and its clear looking at you we didnt learn how futile it is for some of you.

A.) Moors were mixed, not Black.

B.) Egyptians were mixed, not Black.

C.) Europe also has had a ton of innovative cultures & civilization early on.
1.)Vinca Culture of Serbia the first Copper Age, Metal smeling & Writing script (Proto-Writing)
2.) Cucenti-Trypillian Culture of Ukraine with settlements larger & older than Sumeria, and intricate villages & houses & the earliest Salt-Mines.
3.) Barnenez of France the first building in the World.
4.) Yamnaya of Ukraine the first Domesticated Horses, and Indo-European languages.
5.) Andronovo Culture horizon of Russia the first Chariots, and the first composite bows.
6.) Dolni Vestonice of Czech Republic the first ceramics, and first whole textiles.
7.) Celts of Romania founded chain mail armour.
8.) Macedonia founded cement / concrete.
9) Ancient Greece's Democracy, Aristotle a founder of modern science method, Plato, Socrates a founder of modern medicine, etc. etc.
10.) Romes modern government practices, and Greco-Roman scientists like Galen & Archimides.
11.) Megaliths like Stonehenge of England, Gosseck Circle of Germany, Carnac of France,, Newhenge of Ireland, or Skara Brae in Orkney, Scotland etc. etc.
12.) Kamyana Mohyla in Ukraine, evidence of early build up of early writing & mathematics & religious worship.
13.) Ceide fields in Ireland, the World's oldest fields system.
14.) Varna Necropolis Bulgaria, World's oldest Gold Mining.
15.) The earliest painting at the Archeology site at Caceres Spain.
16.) The earliest flute in Slovenia AKA the Divje Babe flute.
17.) The earliest ovens for cooking food in Ukraine's Mezhyrich archeology site.
Thats primarily because youre an idiot. The studies show white women benefit from AA more than any other demographic.

I've never met a Black who understood proportions very well.
Thats because your understanding of proportions is infantile at best.

Uh, even 4th graders all should understand proportions, Blacks clearly aren't the best of learners.
You may be correct. We tried to educate whites on two different occasions and its clear looking at you we didnt learn how futile it is for some of you.

A.) Moors were mixed, not Black.

B.) Egyptians were mixed, not Black.

C.) Europe also has had a ton of innovative cultures & civilization early on.
1.)Vinca Culture of Serbia the first Copper Age, Metal smeling & Writing script (Proto-Writing)
2.) Cucenti-Trypillian Culture of Ukraine with settlements larger & older than Sumeria, and intricate villages & houses & the earliest Salt-Mines.
3.) Barnenez of France the first building in the World.
4.) Yamnaya of Ukraine the first Domesticated Horses, and Indo-European languages.
5.) Andronovo Culture horizon of Russia the first Chariots, and the first composite bows.
6.) Dolni Vestonice of Czech Republic the first ceramics, and first whole textiles.
7.) Celts of Romania founded chain mail armour.
8.) Macedonia founded cement / concrete.
9) Ancient Greece's Democracy, Aristotle a founder of modern science method, Plato, Socrates a founder of modern medicine, etc. etc.
10.) Romes modern government practices, and Greco-Roman scientists like Galen & Archimides.
11.) Megaliths like Stonehenge of England, Gosseck Circle of Germany, Carnac of France,, Newhenge of Ireland, or Skara Brae in Orkney, Scotland etc. etc.
12.) Kamyana Mohyla in Ukraine, evidence of early build up of early writing & mathematics & religious worship.
13.) Ceide fields in Ireland, the World's oldest fields system.
14.) Varna Necropolis Bulgaria, World's oldest Gold Mining.
15.) The earliest painting at the Archeology site at Caceres Spain.
16.) The earliest flute in Slovenia AKA the Divje Babe flute.
17.) The earliest ovens for cooking food in Ukraine's Mezhyrich archeology site.
Theres a lot of Black people that are mixed dummy. Shit I have 3 different races in me. This is why I just cant with you. :rolleyes:
Never fear. I know the clown OP is just a virtual stereotype. I've met some pretty cool Polish people in my life and this clown is nothing like them.
The Nazi’s could have done at least one positive for us all by wiping his line off the planet. Alas.

That's really sadistic & prejudiced, you wouldn't dare say such a thing about Jews, Blacks, and other special protected groups, however.

Being politically correct, is probably the ultimate form of lower intelligence, and higher brainwashing, at least in the modern era, absolutely.

That's you to the T, you just follow the special protected groups, but then think bashing Poles, and other Whites is fine, does it get more dumb than that????
^ uh oh, snowflake alert. Go suck a potato, pollack

Hmm, yet you winge all the time when a special protected group is attacked.

Note your extreme biases, Asceplias is free to bash Whites left & right, but God forbid if Whites like Poles (Me) start bashing anybody.

You're a heap of trash.
Poles are the butthole of the white race. Like cockroaches, surviving off pickled roots and boiled onions. :puke:

Total BS, Polish food is pretty good, a lot better than British Isle foods.

Poles are far from being the least intelligent of Europe, look at Albanians, look at Romanians, the Irish, Basque, Portuguese, Lithuanians, Latvians, Ukrainians, and some others, who didn't produce a Copernicus, Marie Curie - Sklodowska, Chopin, or Adam Mickiewicz.

Poles have been very generous & heroic by European standards, look at people like
1.) Witold Pilecki who volunteered to be captured at Auschwitz, to gather information about the Holocaust to document it in Witold's report.
2.) Jan Karski warned the World about the Holocaust.
3.) Stefan Korbonski warned Britain that Jews were being liquidated by Nazi Germany.
4.) Irena Sendler - Krzyżanowska smuggled 2,500 Jewish children out of the Nazi German Warsaw Ghetto.
5.) Eugene Lazowski a Polish doctor who faked a Typhus epidemic to play on Nazi German fears, leading 8,000 Jews to escape.
6.) Henryk Slawik who forged passports to 30,000 Holocaust victims, saving 30,000, he was hanged to death by Nazi Germany for his good deeds.
7.)Ryszard Kuklinski leaked Soviet military secrets to the USA CIA, widely considered to stop the Cold War from being an all out war.
8.) Lech Walesa founder of Polish Solidarity, which sent shock-waves in the Soviet Union, leading to the beginning of the end of the repressive Soviet regime.
9.) Count Strzelecki an explorer in charge of Irish Famine relief, during the Irish potato famine.
10.) General Kosciuszko a general of the USA founding, a founder of American military engineering, and a founder of the concept of Black rights in America, having been the first to use his money to free & educate Black slaves.
11.) General Pulaski a general of the USA founding, the founder of American cavalry, and saved George Washington's life.
12.) Wladyslaw Bartoszewski founder of the only major pro-Jewish sheltering organization during WW2, of Zegota, he also took care of 4,000 Jews.
13.) Gabby Gabreski the #1 European campaign pilot of the USA during the WW2 war effort.
14.) The Kosciuszko 303 Squadron the best anti-Nazi squadron at the Battle of Britain.
15.) Poles rescued about 500,000 - 1,000,000 Jewish refugees, and granted them the best rights, of the Statute of Kalisz.
16.) Poles took in 30,000 Scottish Calvinist refugees, being persecuted by the British empire.
17.) Poles also took in other persecuted groups, like Armenians, French Hugenots, Shaman Tatars, etc. etc.
18.) Poles saved the European Bison from extinction.
19.) Poles saved the only remaining European original forest, - Białowieża Forest.
20.) Henryk Iwanski smuggled arms to the Jewish Ghetto resistence of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto.
Last edited:
I've never met a Black who understood proportions very well.
Thats because your understanding of proportions is infantile at best.

Uh, even 4th graders all should understand proportions, Blacks clearly aren't the best of learners.
You may be correct. We tried to educate whites on two different occasions and its clear looking at you we didnt learn how futile it is for some of you.

A.) Moors were mixed, not Black.

B.) Egyptians were mixed, not Black.

C.) Europe also has had a ton of innovative cultures & civilization early on.
1.)Vinca Culture of Serbia the first Copper Age, Metal smeling & Writing script (Proto-Writing)
2.) Cucenti-Trypillian Culture of Ukraine with settlements larger & older than Sumeria, and intricate villages & houses & the earliest Salt-Mines.
3.) Barnenez of France the first building in the World.
4.) Yamnaya of Ukraine the first Domesticated Horses, and Indo-European languages.
5.) Andronovo Culture horizon of Russia the first Chariots, and the first composite bows.
6.) Dolni Vestonice of Czech Republic the first ceramics, and first whole textiles.
7.) Celts of Romania founded chain mail armour.
8.) Macedonia founded cement / concrete.
9) Ancient Greece's Democracy, Aristotle a founder of modern science method, Plato, Socrates a founder of modern medicine, etc. etc.
10.) Romes modern government practices, and Greco-Roman scientists like Galen & Archimides.
11.) Megaliths like Stonehenge of England, Gosseck Circle of Germany, Carnac of France,, Newhenge of Ireland, or Skara Brae in Orkney, Scotland etc. etc.
12.) Kamyana Mohyla in Ukraine, evidence of early build up of early writing & mathematics & religious worship.
13.) Ceide fields in Ireland, the World's oldest fields system.
14.) Varna Necropolis Bulgaria, World's oldest Gold Mining.
15.) The earliest painting at the Archeology site at Caceres Spain.
16.) The earliest flute in Slovenia AKA the Divje Babe flute.
17.) The earliest ovens for cooking food in Ukraine's Mezhyrich archeology site.
Theres a lot of Black people that are mixed dummy. Shit I have 3 different races in me. This is why I just cant with you. :rolleyes:

Moors by DNA cluster closest to Middle-Easterners rather than to Black Africans, or White Northern Europeans, but they actually are a bit closer to White Northern Europeans, overall.

Only perhaps Ethiopians, Somalians, Taureg, Fulani etc. etc. are closer, but not by much.
But, Moors are more like Southern Italians, and Greeks, than them.

But, most of West, Central & Southern African regions are quite far away from North-Africans genetically.
Apart from Affirmative Action
Name me a college or university where black people get in with lower scores than whites ?
But after a very short time in the states, the Irish were rioting against blacks (as with the New York draft riots during the Civil War), joining in the barring of blacks from labor unions, and seeking to “become white” by assimilating to the white WASP system that was firmly in place.

Actually, Irish did go against one of their oppressors in the same era.... AKA Irish Protestants... In the Orange Riots.

Orange Riots - Wikipedia

Yes, Irish Protestants were perhaps even worse oppressors of Irish Catholics than even the English.

We hear the song Bloody Sunday of an anti-Irish massacre by the Irish band U2?
That was by Ulster Protestant Irish terrorists!

Irish Protestants are not much of "Irish people" at all.

They're English & Scottish who came to oppress & steal land from the true Irish Catholics.

They massacred a ton of Irish in the Portadown Massacre way back when.

The Irish Protestants long were the ONLY landowners in Ireland, leaving Irish Catholics to extreme serfdom & squalor.

When the Potato blight hit, Irish Protestant farmers increased their trade to England, and let the Irish Catholics starve by a million.

What do you think Swagger?
Apart from Affirmative Action
Name me a college or university where black people get in with lower scores than whites ?
But after a very short time in the states, the Irish were rioting against blacks (as with the New York draft riots during the Civil War), joining in the barring of blacks from labor unions, and seeking to “become white” by assimilating to the white WASP system that was firmly in place.

Actually, Irish did go against one of their oppressors in the same era.... AKA Irish Protestants... In the Orange Riots.

Orange Riots - Wikipedia

Yes, Irish Protestants were perhaps even worse oppressors of Irish Catholics than even the English.

We hear the song Bloody Sunday of an anti-Irish massacre by the Irish band U2?
That was by Ulster Protestant Irish terrorists!

Irish Protestants are not much of "Irish people" at all.

They're English & Scottish who came to oppress & steal land from the true Irish Catholics.

They massacred a ton of Irish in the Portadown Massacre way back when.

The Irish Protestants long were the ONLY landowners in Ireland, leaving Irish Catholics to extreme serfdom & squalor.

When the Potato blight hit, Irish Protestant farmers increased their trade to England, and let the Irish Catholics starve by a million.

What do you think Swagger?

Not only are a lot of British Isle foods not so good, a lot of them have funny names.

The sausages are "Bangers" they eat "Spotted dick" they eat HAGgis, and they call Mashed Potatos "Mashit Tatties".
You just know that if this was 1944, SobrietySavedEurope would have been right there, pulling the lever at Auschwitz to gas the Jews.

I don't think anybody should be gased, doofus.

Where were Jews when Auschwitz was being built to house Polish Catholic POW's??????
Oh yeah, they layed the foundations for Auschwitz in servitude of Nazi Germany.

Who were the Sonderkomandos who helped dispose of Jewish corpses in servitude Nazi Germany?
Oh yeah, the Jewish Sonderkomandos.

Who were a big force in rounding up Jews for the extermination camps in servitude of Nazi Germany?
Oh yeah, the Jewish Ghetto Police.
I'm suspecting that a Black woman is more likely to benefit from Affirmative Action on a disproportionate level, just there's a lot more White women, and therefor more benefit just because there's more of them.
Thats primarily because youre an idiot. The studies show white women benefit from AA more than any other demographic.

I've never met a Black who understood proportions very well.
Thats because your understanding of proportions is infantile at best.

Uh, even 4th graders all should understand proportions, Blacks clearly aren't the best of learners.
You may be correct. We tried to educate whites on two different occasions and its clear looking at you we didnt learn how futile it is for some of you.

I'm clearly much more educated & logical than you.
Thats primarily because youre an idiot. The studies show white women benefit from AA more than any other demographic.

I've never met a Black who understood proportions very well.
Thats because your understanding of proportions is infantile at best.

Uh, even 4th graders all should understand proportions, Blacks clearly aren't the best of learners.
You may be correct. We tried to educate whites on two different occasions and its clear looking at you we didnt learn how futile it is for some of you.

I'm clearly much more educated & logical than you.
Maybe on opposite day. :rolleyes:
I've never met a Black who understood proportions very well.
Thats because your understanding of proportions is infantile at best.

Uh, even 4th graders all should understand proportions, Blacks clearly aren't the best of learners.
You may be correct. We tried to educate whites on two different occasions and its clear looking at you we didnt learn how futile it is for some of you.

A.) Moors were mixed, not Black.

B.) Egyptians were mixed, not Black.

C.) Europe also has had a ton of innovative cultures & civilization early on.
1.)Vinca Culture of Serbia the first Copper Age, Metal smeling & Writing script (Proto-Writing)
2.) Cucenti-Trypillian Culture of Ukraine with settlements larger & older than Sumeria, and intricate villages & houses & the earliest Salt-Mines.
3.) Barnenez of France the first building in the World.
4.) Yamnaya of Ukraine the first Domesticated Horses, and Indo-European languages.
5.) Andronovo Culture horizon of Russia the first Chariots, and the first composite bows.
6.) Dolni Vestonice of Czech Republic the first ceramics, and first whole textiles.
7.) Celts of Romania founded chain mail armour.
8.) Macedonia founded cement / concrete.
9) Ancient Greece's Democracy, Aristotle a founder of modern science method, Plato, Socrates a founder of modern medicine, etc. etc.
10.) Romes modern government practices, and Greco-Roman scientists like Galen & Archimides.
11.) Megaliths like Stonehenge of England, Gosseck Circle of Germany, Carnac of France,, Newhenge of Ireland, or Skara Brae in Orkney, Scotland etc. etc.
12.) Kamyana Mohyla in Ukraine, evidence of early build up of early writing & mathematics & religious worship.
13.) Ceide fields in Ireland, the World's oldest fields system.
14.) Varna Necropolis Bulgaria, World's oldest Gold Mining.
15.) The earliest painting at the Archeology site at Caceres Spain.
16.) The earliest flute in Slovenia AKA the Divje Babe flute.
17.) The earliest ovens for cooking food in Ukraine's Mezhyrich archeology site.
Theres a lot of Black people that are mixed dummy. Shit I have 3 different races in me. This is why I just cant with you. :rolleyes:

Moors are more hook nosed, shorter, hairier & skinnier vs both Blacks, or Whites.

How could they be White, or Black?

BTW. Blondes tend to be superior.

Blondes tend to be taller, smarter, harder working, stronger, more athletic & more well endowed than other Whites, Arabs, & Native Americans.

Only Asians & Jews compare in intelligence.

Only Blacks compare in endowment & athletics.

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