Whitey Bulger whacked at West Virginia penitentiary

Personally..I think it was a hit from a long standing order from the Mob. So..no surprise.
And here is how that works. They move cons around from unit to unit. Where I worked they did it every two years because after two years the cons were very familiar with the whole place, all the staff, and how things ran, when things got done.

When a con is to be moved he isn't told where and the staff involved in the transfer are not supposed to tell anyone because telling the cons is a sure fire way for one of them to have someone waiting along the way to either kill the con, or break him out. This pos was killed right when he got to the unit he was moved to or placed in. What does that tell you? Someone told someone where he was going and when. Staff.

That's the main reason I quit. The staff will get you hurt. The one time I was assaulted was because this pos CO let this trouble maker go where he was unauthorized and I stopped him.
This is what goes on in our prisons these days. It is appalling.
All those federal agency goons come and go at will, and they grab inmates all the time and move them around and injure and kill them.
Many are ran by libstains and there is the problem. Plus little training. When I had gate duty the cops that came to pick up a con or leave one were appalled at what went on.
When the Bundys were held, for years, waiting for a trial in which all the charges were dismissed with prejudice, they would do internal searches of Ryan every single time someone came to see him or he received anything. It was sick.
Strange, Whitey Bulger who worked closely with Creepy Mueller as an FBI informant even though the FBI knew he murdered a bunch of competing organized crime individuals back in the day is murdered in prison the day Creepy Mueller is accused of sexual assaults. Was Creepy Mueller afraid he would flip?

"He's the guy who kept four innocent people in prison for many years in order to protect the cover of Whitey Bulger as an FBI informer. Those of us in Boston don't have such a high regard for Mueller because we remember this story. The government had to pay out tens of millions of dollars because Whitey Bulger, a notorious mass murderer, became a government informer against the mafia . . .

Read Newsmax: Alan Dershowitz: Boston Remembers Mueller Protected Whitey Bulger | Newsmax.com
Creepy Mueller was friends with Crime Boss Whitey and corrupt Judge Sterns!

Whitey wanted the UFC dude to pay like everyone else in South Boston!

NHL player, mainly a pugilist, Chris Nilan had no issues with Whitey!

Let me get this straight. Creepy Mueller's former informant Whitey Bulger is moved for unknown reasons to a different prison containing competing mob inmates, and they are surprised they killed him?

Oct. 30, 2018

James (Whitey) Bulger, the South Boston mobster who was captured after years on the run, was killed in a West Virginia federal prison by at least two inmates, according to two Federal Bureau of Prisons employees who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the information was not yet public.

Mr. Bulger, 89, had been transferred to the U.S. Penitentiary, Hazelton in Bruceton Mills, W. Va., on Monday and was beaten to death shortly after his arrival, according to the two prison workers. One of workers said that the inmates were thought to be “affiliated with the mob,” but did not know the specifics of the association.

A senior law enforcement official who oversees organized crime cases but was not involved in the investigation into Mr. Bulger’s death, said he was told by a federal law enforcement official that an organized crime figure was believed to be responsible for the killing.

Whitey Bulger Said to Have Been Killed by Inmates in Prison Attack
Ahh..the FBI, aren't they special: "...the longtime South Boston gang leader had been an FBI informant and that Bulger's FBI handler had not only tipped him off to the charges but also gave up another informant, who was later killed."

Can we please just get rid of the fbi???

James 'Whitey' Bulger, Boston gangster, killed in prison - CNN
For many years, the Boston FBI field office, under John "Zip" Connoly and H. Paul Rico, was run as an extension of the Winter Hill Gang.
Mr. Bulger is rumoured to have deep ties with Special Persecutor James Mueller.

Fox news correspondent Sean Hannity has discussed the link betwixt the two several times, and there was concern that Mr. Bulger- serving a life sentence- would drop the dime on Mueller and other associates of his in the Deep State.

Well, Bulger got whacked today, and finding the reason why and who is the key. I don't know if Mr. Mueller is involved, but he'd certainly have motive.
How convenient
Trump worked with people in the mafia when he was in real estate. Bulger was going to spill the beans about Trump to Mueller so Trump had him whacked.

See how easy it is to make up conspiracy theories?

Trump’s rube worshippers believe pretty much any conspiracy theory if it’s about Hillary, Soros, liberals or the Derp State.
whitey had dirt on Hillary
Trump worked with people in the mafia when he was in real estate. Bulger was going to spill the beans about Trump to Mueller so Trump had him whacked.

See how easy it is to make up conspiracy theories?

Trump’s rube worshippers believe pretty much any conspiracy theory if it’s about Hillary, Soros, liberals or the Derp State.
whitey had dirt on Hillary

and her connection to pizzagate
Posters here keep wasting time on the Mueller sexual assault rumors. This thread is more important! It show history repeats itself! Well, maybe that is an exaggeration. But it shows Mueller was ALWAYS a corrupt POS, Swamp Rat!

One lingering question for FBI director Robert Mueller - The Boston Globe

Again, my wild guess is the 89 year old Whitey Bulger year was going to make a full confession as to the corrupt FBI agents (who actually did a lot of murdering for his "Winter Hill" gang according to witnesses) , corrupt district attorneys, corrupt state police, etc., such as Robert Mueller, so they Seth Rich'd him by transferring him a hostile prison.

Who else is the question! Mueller needs to testify and answer the damn question!

But it seems that to distract attention from the facts proving Mueller's corruption and how Mueller has been a danger to our democracy for decades, they hire someone to float the sexual assault rumor.
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Sleeps with the fishes.

Yeah I’m wondering about that. He was an 80 something, but all his years in the game, and what with being a snitch, I wonder if he was prompted to hurry up and die?
No problem, it frees up prison space and resources. I'm not bothered if a felon prison thug is no longer blessing us with his glorious existence.
"REVEALED: Murdered wheelchair-bound mob boss Whitey Bulger, 89, was 'wheeled away from security cameras by three inmates with mafia ties before they beat him to death with a lock in a sock and tried to gouge his eyes out.'"

One lingering question for FBI director Robert Mueller - The Boston Globe

Boston gangster Whitey Bulger is killed behind bars | Daily Mail Online

Whitey Bulger And The FBI: What Did Robert Mueller Know And When Did He Know It?

He was given virtual immunity by the FBI... until they withdrew it. A perfect hit man.

The troubling issue is that Whitey took with him to the grave important details about his criminal life during the time which he was basically supervised by then DOJ attorney, Robert Mueller, who of course was later rewarded with the FBI director position! It also brings up the issue of informants and of the Witness Protection Program which, both were used for financial and or political gain by corrupt law enforcement officials then and now as we noticed with the fake, Russia Hoax supervised by Mueller! We need to see Mueller's tax returns and bank records (although most were probable cash transactions) to see how much he profited from his association with Whitey.

Incredibly, the ongoing Mueller-directed farce popularly referred to as the “Trump-Russia collusion” investigation is being directed by a man who should be officially considered a top “Russia collusion” suspect. It was FBI Director Mueller, after all, who, along with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, failed to take any action to stop the sale of Uranium One to Russia. Giving Putin 20 percent of our uranium production capacity seems to be a bit more serious than anything Donald Trump or anyone in his retinue have been accused of.

And what was Director Mueller doing while President Obama and Secretary Clinton were helping Putin build Skolkovo, Russia’s hi-tech version of Silicon Valley? Then there is the matter of Director Mueller himself flying to Moscow, per instructions of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to deliver a sample of highly enriched uranium to Russia, as Steve Byas reported here last August. Mueller’s press corps (CNN, Vox, Snopes, the New York Times, Huffington Post, et al) have all closed ranks to assure the public that “there’s nothing to see here, move along.”

Mueller is the establishment’s golden boy who must be protected; his halo must remain untarnished if he is to carry out his Deep State assignment to unseat President Trump.

Who are the behind-the-scenes manipulators who are guiding, propping up, and protecting Mueller? Some idea of the Deep State forces that are propelling his “investigation” can be seen in the strategic promotion he has received from quarters such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the premier brain trust pushing for world government. Not only has Mueller been an honored speaker at the CFR and many of its affiliated and allied institutions, but he is the recipient of constant accolades by the CFR-dominated, anti-Trump media combine.

Probing Mueller: What Were His Roles in Boston Mafia Murders, Uranium One, and Other FBI Scandals?

Through the amazing You Tube search technology, I am not getting all kinds of suggested vids in regards to the FBI/Organized Crime connections. It is funny so many Hollywood movies are derived from the actual history of this kind of thing, where someone grew up with another, and one joined the FBI while the other joined Organized Crime and they end up working together and then have a falling out.
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I can think of a few clods whose washing out to sea wouldn't bother me in the least.

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