Whitney's Daughter Wakes Up! Praise God!

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If Christina awakens from a coma fully recovered its.....Praise God
If she is seriously brain damaged its...Gods will

God can't lose can he?
Against the backdrop of eternity, suffering is brief, the joy of heaven forever. The people of God can't lose.
The people of God have already lost. They are living a lie and dead will still be dead. Lucky for them however, they will neither no nor care upon death.

  • Ecclesiastes 9:5,6 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.

The dead seem to be just that...DEAD!

There are over 400 Scriptures in the Torah / Tanach that reference hell, Guno. I will put some scriptures up from the Old Testament that reference hell - repeatedly - when I return - God willing. ( I have to go find that testimony you asked me for) In the meantime? Listen to this man's testimony and realize that hell is a real place. A very, very real place.

Not any sort of Proof

Yes, it is. Why would he lie? How could he be free of Meth, drinking and drugs and cigarettes for years now if not for the touch of Jesus Christ? He encountered Christ and his life is changed. He's a new man. Why deny it? Listen. I am still looking for the testimony I told you about but am find other testimonies of people the LORD healed who were in a coma. I am talking "complete healing" and "return to normal"... here's another one who was healed completely after months in a coma and a severe brain injury. Listen to it for yourself. I am going to continue looking for the one I told about - see you later - God willing.

Here is another one they thought would not make it -believed to have brain damage - brain injury after accident on motorcycle with no helmet.

Anyone who knows someone in a coma - visit them and pray for them and speak to them about the LORD. There is much evidence - including testimonies of coma patients coming out of it - saying they heard every word spoken during their time in coma. God answers prayer!
This Polish man was in a coma for 19 years. He was hit by a train and the doctors told his family he would not live more than 3 years. That was in 1988. 19 years later he woke up and is now speaking and regaining motor skills - he gives the interview in his native tongue - Polish. His wife said there were many tears and prayers for 19 years. So his wife prayed for 19 years and her husband is now able to communicate with her - speak to her and is alive to testify of the goodness of God and the blessing of a praying wife. Amen? Amen!

Satan is a sadistic task master. The yoke of Jesus Christ is light. Not heavy. If you do not repent you shall one day find out hell is real and there are no exits, Joe.

Again, i ask the question. If God is good, why did he create Satan to start with?

The problem is, I read the bible, I don't see a Good God. I see one who is petty, jealous, capricious and cruel.
Satan is a sadistic task master. The yoke of Jesus Christ is light. Not heavy. If you do not repent you shall one day find out hell is real and there are no exits, Joe.

Again, i ask the question. If God is good, why did he create Satan to start with?

The problem is, I read the bible, I don't see a Good God. I see one who is petty, jealous, capricious and cruel.
And those are his better qualities.
There are some mystical schools of thought in Judaism that believe resurrection is not a one-time event, but is an ongoing process. The souls of the righteous are reborn in to continue the ongoing process of tikkun olam, mending of the world. Some sources indicate that reincarnation is a routine process, while others indicate that it only occurs in unusual circumstances, where the soul left unfinished business behind. Belief in reincarnation is also one way to explain the traditional Jewish belief that every Jewish soul in history was present at Sinai and agreed to the covenant with God. (Another explanation: that the soul exists before the body, and these unborn souls were present in some form at Sinai). Belief in reincarnation is commonly held by many Chasidic sects, as well as some other mystically-inclined Jews.

Their beliefs are based on fables written by the sages - it isn't supported by the Torah or the Tanach, Guno. The truth is found in the Torah, Tanach (Old Testament to the Christians) and the New Testament only. You cannot follow fables and expect to find truth.

There is no such thing as reincarnation. It's a lie. According to some Hindu's (perhaps even those who came out of it and received Christ) reincarnation is a curse because one becomes an animal in their next life - whereas those in the West have romanticized reincarnation and sought demons / divination to find out what they were in past lives - it always seems to be that they were a king or a queen or some important person in a past life.....ever notice that? No one was ever a cow in a former life! ha! ha! Amazing... Satan's lies are subtle and designed to entice the listener. The truth is you are to have no part with divination, the occult, fortunetelling, astrology and the like ......or you will find yourself under the curse of God.

About the testimony I was searching for - I believe I read it in a book - not online.(I searched online yesterday and found numerous testimonies like his - of being completely healed after coming out of a coma - but not his story) If I think of the title of the book I'll give it to you.

Here is a video on one man who saw hell:

As you can see by his story.... hell is a real place.
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Jeremiah, I have a simple question for you. Why does your God listen to some prayers and ignore others?

My first wife did not remember her childhood until she was in her 30s. Knowing the situation at home, we assumed her mind had blocked some for her own good. When she remembered it turned her world upside down. One of the things she remembered was being raped and sodomized against a stone wall in the basement. That wall collapsed and was replaced when she was 4 or 5 years old. Another thing she remembers was going to church and praying constantly that her father (and later her uncle) would stop touching her, beating her and beating her mother. She prayed fervently and believed with all her might that God would listen. The abuse stopped when she left home at 17.

So why does your God bring back a kid who wouldn't even take the time or make the effort to wear a helmet, but ignore the prayers of a little girl who only asks not to be beaten and raped??

Any person or deity who has the power to stop that and doesn't is not worth my time, much less my worship.
Jeremiah, I have a simple question for you. Why does your God listen to some prayers and ignore others?

My first wife did not remember her childhood until she was in her 30s. Knowing the situation at home, we assumed her mind had blocked some for her own good. When she remembered it turned her world upside down. One of the things she remembered was being raped and sodomized against a stone wall in the basement. That wall collapsed and was replaced when she was 4 or 5 years old. Another thing she remembers was going to church and praying constantly that her father (and later her uncle) would stop touching her, beating her and beating her mother. She prayed fervently and believed with all her might that God would listen. The abuse stopped when she left home at 17.

So why does your God bring back a kid who wouldn't even take the time or make the effort to wear a helmet, but ignore the prayers of a little girl who only asks not to be beaten and raped??

Any person or deity who has the power to stop that and doesn't is not worth my time, much less my worship.

Winterborn, I am truly sorry to hear about what happened to your first wife. The truth is Satan is the author of rape, sodomizing children - it's actually part of what happens in Satanic rituals because he offers his followers more power from demons for participating in such acts - also drinking blood / eating human flesh sacrificed to him - Satan is a cruel taskmaster and his works on this earth have devastated mankind from the beginning in the garden with Adam and Eve. I recall one story online of a Satanist - called confessions of a Satanist in which he admitted being present at a Satanic meeting where they kicked an infant around the room like a football. What he was trying to ask himself - I believe - was - why didn't he have any conscience left - what should have horrified him - no longer did horrify him. His conscience was seared. If that gives you any idea of what Satan is capable of - that should do it.

As for these men - you have not yet seen the end, Winterborn. Neither has your first wife. You see, there is a judgment coming in which these two men are going to stand before God and every act they have done is going to be seen by the entire world - all will be present at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every single person will be present, Winterborn. From Adam and Eve to the last person born on earth. Imagine it. Billions and Billions of people present at the judgment Seat of Christ.
Not a single person will be able to call in sick and say - can't make it - go ahead without me. No. All will be present in that day. ALL will be there. It will be the final judgment. There will be no court of appeals in Heaven. This will be the final judgment.

These men will have their lives played out before them and the whole world will see what they have done. We are all going to see what they did and they are not going to have any excuse in that hour. If your first wife is a born again Christian - the bible says she will be one that will judge the world along with all the other Overcoming Believers. (Believers who do not overcome will not rule with Christ)

For the evidence that it is the Believers in Christ who shall judge the World I will give you 1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3 for a source. (we shall also judge angels)

The Apostle Paul writes:

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3

I'm not sure why some Believers do not realize this or speak of it. Perhaps because the world might accuse them of being mad? Or they don't know their bibles? Nevertheless, it is the truth. It is the Born again Believers that shall judge the world - because we are destined to rule and reign with Christ. What your 1st wife suffered is horrific. I agree with you it was terrible - but the end of that story has not yet to be seen.

You see, to my knowledge neither you nor your 1st wife have ever had a vision of hell or a visitation there by Christ to know what these men shall suffer in the future judgment. If the world saw the reality of hell they would behave very, very differently, Winterborn.

They have been deceived by Satan into believing there will not be a day of judgment. But there will be. Hell is a real place. I must also tell you that even if these men sought Salvation on their death beds in order to avoid hell - there is no guarantee they would be granted salvation at that time.

There are many stories of atheists who sought to be saved on their death beds but having rejected the offer of salvation at an earlier time in their lives - the door was no longer open. The Bible is very clear that the Spirit of the LORD shall not always strive with man. One must come when they are called to come. Otherwise there is no guarantee for a latter reconciliation to God through Christ.

I'm going to add your wife's name to my prayer list under - Winterborn's first wife. You are already on my prayer list as you write on this board. I prayed for you last night along with others here.

This is a video of one man's vision of hell to give you an idea of what hell is like:
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Jeremiah, I have a simple question for you. Why does your God listen to some prayers and ignore others?

My first wife did not remember her childhood until she was in her 30s. Knowing the situation at home, we assumed her mind had blocked some for her own good. When she remembered it turned her world upside down. One of the things she remembered was being raped and sodomized against a stone wall in the basement. That wall collapsed and was replaced when she was 4 or 5 years old. Another thing she remembers was going to church and praying constantly that her father (and later her uncle) would stop touching her, beating her and beating her mother. She prayed fervently and believed with all her might that God would listen. The abuse stopped when she left home at 17.

So why does your God bring back a kid who wouldn't even take the time or make the effort to wear a helmet, but ignore the prayers of a little girl who only asks not to be beaten and raped??

Any person or deity who has the power to stop that and doesn't is not worth my time, much less my worship.

I asked this same question earlier in this thread and was flamed for it by JakeStarkey

First, Whitney's daughter is not "awake". She's in a vegetative state.

But, my question is, if one believes "god" woke her, doesn't it follow that god injured her?

Your last line - I could not agree more. Why would I worship a being who, in a fit of temper, drowned every child on the planet? And who, in modern times, gives children horrible diseases? Or, as you described, causes them to harmed. Why does god allow people to harm children?
Jeremiah, I have a simple question for you. Why does your God listen to some prayers and ignore others?

My first wife did not remember her childhood until she was in her 30s. Knowing the situation at home, we assumed her mind had blocked some for her own good. When she remembered it turned her world upside down. One of the things she remembered was being raped and sodomized against a stone wall in the basement. That wall collapsed and was replaced when she was 4 or 5 years old. Another thing she remembers was going to church and praying constantly that her father (and later her uncle) would stop touching her, beating her and beating her mother. She prayed fervently and believed with all her might that God would listen. The abuse stopped when she left home at 17.

So why does your God bring back a kid who wouldn't even take the time or make the effort to wear a helmet, but ignore the prayers of a little girl who only asks not to be beaten and raped??

Any person or deity who has the power to stop that and doesn't is not worth my time, much less my worship.

Winterborn, I am truly sorry to hear about what happened to your first wife. The truth is Satan is the author of rape, sodomizing children - it's actually part of what happens in Satanic rituals because he offers his followers more power from demons for participating in such acts - also drinking blood / eating human flesh sacrificed to him - Satan is a cruel taskmaster and his works on this earth have devastated mankind from the beginning in the garden with Adam and Eve. I recall one story online of a Satanist - called confessions of a Satanist in which he admitted being present at a Satanic meeting where they kicked an infant around the room like a football. What he was trying to ask himself - I believe - was - why didn't he have any conscience left - what should have horrified him - no longer did horrify him. His conscience was seared. If that gives you any idea of what Satan is capable of - that should do it.

As for these men - you have not yet seen the end, Winterborn. Neither has your first wife. You see, there is a judgment coming in which these two men are going to stand before God and every act they have done is going to be seen by the entire world - all will be present at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every single person will be present, Winterborn. From Adam and Eve to the last person born on earth. Imagine it. Billions and Billions of people present at the judgment Seat of Christ.
Not a single person will be able to call in sick and say - can't make it - go ahead without me. No. All will be present in that day. ALL will be there. It will be the final judgment. There will be no court of appeals in Heaven. This will be the final judgment.

These men will have their lives played out before them and the whole world will see what they have done. We are all going to see what they did and they are not going to have any excuse in that hour. If your first wife is a born again Christian - the bible says she will be one that will judge the world along with all the other Overcoming Believers. (Believers who do not overcome will not rule with Christ)

For the evidence that it is the Believers in Christ who shall judge the World I will give you 1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3 for a source. (we shall also judge angels)

The Apostle Paul writes:

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3

I'm not sure why some Believers do not realize this or speak of it. Perhaps because the world might accuse them of being mad? Or they don't know their bibles? Nevertheless, it is the truth. It is the Born again Believers that shall judge the world - because we are destined to rule and reign with Christ. What your 1st wife suffered is horrific. I agree with you it was terrible - but the end of that story has not yet to be seen.

You see, to my knowledge neither you nor your 1st wife have ever had a vision of hell or a visitation there by Christ to know what these men shall suffer in the future judgment. If the world saw the reality of hell they would behave very, very differently, Winterborn.

They have been deceived by Satan into believing there will not be a day of judgment. But there will be. Hell is a real place. I must also tell you that even if these men sought Salvation on their death beds in order to avoid hell - there is no guarantee they would be granted salvation at that time.

There are many stories of atheists who sought to be saved on their death beds but having rejected the offer of salvation at an earlier time in their lives - the door was no longer open. The Bible is very clear that the Spirit of the LORD shall not always strive with man. One must come when they are called to come. Otherwise there is no guarantee for a latter reconciliation to God through Christ.

I'm going to add your wife's name to my prayer list under - Winterborn's first wife. You are already on my prayer list as you write on this board. I prayed for you last night along with others here.

This is a video of one man's vision of hell to give you an idea of what hell is like:

Oh, so your answer is that the rapists will suffer? Well isn't that great. That makes the rape of a 5 year old just peachy, huh?

God could have done any one of a million things to spare her, if he is as all-powerful as you say. And, if he knows everything, he was aware and chose to ignore her prayers.
She is alive and may be able to comprehend her world.

If she gets a second chance, I hope she uses it well.

Absolutely! If she encounters Christ in her heart and receives his pardon for her sins - believing on Him as Her Savior - or if she returns to Him having been a prodigal - that is the true miracle!

If her heart is turned towards Christ? She is richer than Donald Trump and 10,000 times better off than the godless atheist who is dead though he live. What shall it profit a man (or woman) to gain the whole world only to lose his (or her) own soul?
When are you going to encounter Christ in your heart?
Luddly above lies: "I asked this same question earlier in this thread and was flamed for it by@JakeStarkey." I told Lud what I thought and I would not give him "just once more" to discuss it. That is not flaming in any sense of the word So I was flamed by Lud for not giving him "just once more." Lud, not "just once more," ever. You have every right to be a Westboro-style militant atheist.
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Jeremiah, I have a simple question for you. Why does your God listen to some prayers and ignore others?

My first wife did not remember her childhood until she was in her 30s. Knowing the situation at home, we assumed her mind had blocked some for her own good. When she remembered it turned her world upside down. One of the things she remembered was being raped and sodomized against a stone wall in the basement. That wall collapsed and was replaced when she was 4 or 5 years old. Another thing she remembers was going to church and praying constantly that her father (and later her uncle) would stop touching her, beating her and beating her mother. She prayed fervently and believed with all her might that God would listen. The abuse stopped when she left home at 17.

So why does your God bring back a kid who wouldn't even take the time or make the effort to wear a helmet, but ignore the prayers of a little girl who only asks not to be beaten and raped??

Any person or deity who has the power to stop that and doesn't is not worth my time, much less my worship.

Winterborn, I am truly sorry to hear about what happened to your first wife. The truth is Satan is the author of rape, sodomizing children - it's actually part of what happens in Satanic rituals because he offers his followers more power from demons for participating in such acts - also drinking blood / eating human flesh sacrificed to him - Satan is a cruel taskmaster and his works on this earth have devastated mankind from the beginning in the garden with Adam and Eve. I recall one story online of a Satanist - called confessions of a Satanist in which he admitted being present at a Satanic meeting where they kicked an infant around the room like a football. What he was trying to ask himself - I believe - was - why didn't he have any conscience left - what should have horrified him - no longer did horrify him. His conscience was seared. If that gives you any idea of what Satan is capable of - that should do it.

As for these men - you have not yet seen the end, Winterborn. Neither has your first wife. You see, there is a judgment coming in which these two men are going to stand before God and every act they have done is going to be seen by the entire world - all will be present at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every single person will be present, Winterborn. From Adam and Eve to the last person born on earth. Imagine it. Billions and Billions of people present at the judgment Seat of Christ.
Not a single person will be able to call in sick and say - can't make it - go ahead without me. No. All will be present in that day. ALL will be there. It will be the final judgment. There will be no court of appeals in Heaven. This will be the final judgment.

These men will have their lives played out before them and the whole world will see what they have done. We are all going to see what they did and they are not going to have any excuse in that hour. If your first wife is a born again Christian - the bible says she will be one that will judge the world along with all the other Overcoming Believers. (Believers who do not overcome will not rule with Christ)

For the evidence that it is the Believers in Christ who shall judge the World I will give you 1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3 for a source. (we shall also judge angels)

The Apostle Paul writes:

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3

I'm not sure why some Believers do not realize this or speak of it. Perhaps because the world might accuse them of being mad? Or they don't know their bibles? Nevertheless, it is the truth. It is the Born again Believers that shall judge the world - because we are destined to rule and reign with Christ. What your 1st wife suffered is horrific. I agree with you it was terrible - but the end of that story has not yet to be seen.

You see, to my knowledge neither you nor your 1st wife have ever had a vision of hell or a visitation there by Christ to know what these men shall suffer in the future judgment. If the world saw the reality of hell they would behave very, very differently, Winterborn.

They have been deceived by Satan into believing there will not be a day of judgment. But there will be. Hell is a real place. I must also tell you that even if these men sought Salvation on their death beds in order to avoid hell - there is no guarantee they would be granted salvation at that time.

There are many stories of atheists who sought to be saved on their death beds but having rejected the offer of salvation at an earlier time in their lives - the door was no longer open. The Bible is very clear that the Spirit of the LORD shall not always strive with man. One must come when they are called to come. Otherwise there is no guarantee for a latter reconciliation to God through Christ.

I'm going to add your wife's name to my prayer list under - Winterborn's first wife. You are already on my prayer list as you write on this board. I prayed for you last night along with others here.

This is a video of one man's vision of hell to give you an idea of what hell is like:

Oh, so your answer is that the rapists will suffer? Well isn't that great. That makes the rape of a 5 year old just peachy, huh?

God could have done any one of a million things to spare her, if he is as all-powerful as you say. And, if he knows everything, he was aware and chose to ignore her prayers.

I prayed to God about many things when I was a young child in the Roman Catholic church and got no answers because it isn't a church - it's a cult - so unfortunately I was praying to the wrong God. My entire family was Roman Catholic and completely void of God and conscience from all I can recall about it.

When I gave my life to Christ many years ago, Winterborn, I remember the shock of finding out how different God was from what I perceived Him to be from my Roman Catholic upbringing. I am reminded of something which I should tell you - it was the duty of her mother to take her out of harms way - fear of man is a snare of Satan and God calls it sin. We are to fear God - not man.

I also feel compelled to tell you that I believe the LORD did speak to her mother on more than one occasion even using other people to tell her to leave yet she did not. We are accountable to protect our children even if we refuse to protect ourselves, Winterborn. Fear is not an excuse. The Bible tells us that Children are a gift from God. A gift from God should be cherished and protected. Not left unprotected and in the presence of those who would harm or destroy it.

As you have mentioned before your involvment in the occult I believe you should ask yourself why you choose to give attention and time to the author of all of your wife's misery? Satan is the author of such evil. Not God. Put the blame where it belongs. Satan.
Cissy Houston says Bobbi Kristina still has irreversible brain damage - The Washington Post

If she did open her eyes I am sure she is like Terri Shivo was and you guys on the left cheered when her husband got the right to take her off the feeding tube.

I find that Shivo story to be very sad. Her parents were willing to care for her and they said that she knew who they were! I do not believe they will ever be able to prove otherwise. If a parent does not know their own child, what they are experiencing? Who else would? They were there with her constantly. Of course they knew!
Jeremiah, I have a simple question for you. Why does your God listen to some prayers and ignore others?

My first wife did not remember her childhood until she was in her 30s. Knowing the situation at home, we assumed her mind had blocked some for her own good. When she remembered it turned her world upside down. One of the things she remembered was being raped and sodomized against a stone wall in the basement. That wall collapsed and was replaced when she was 4 or 5 years old. Another thing she remembers was going to church and praying constantly that her father (and later her uncle) would stop touching her, beating her and beating her mother. She prayed fervently and believed with all her might that God would listen. The abuse stopped when she left home at 17.

So why does your God bring back a kid who wouldn't even take the time or make the effort to wear a helmet, but ignore the prayers of a little girl who only asks not to be beaten and raped??

Any person or deity who has the power to stop that and doesn't is not worth my time, much less my worship.

Winterborn, I am truly sorry to hear about what happened to your first wife. The truth is Satan is the author of rape, sodomizing children - it's actually part of what happens in Satanic rituals because he offers his followers more power from demons for participating in such acts - also drinking blood / eating human flesh sacrificed to him - Satan is a cruel taskmaster and his works on this earth have devastated mankind from the beginning in the garden with Adam and Eve. I recall one story online of a Satanist - called confessions of a Satanist in which he admitted being present at a Satanic meeting where they kicked an infant around the room like a football. What he was trying to ask himself - I believe - was - why didn't he have any conscience left - what should have horrified him - no longer did horrify him. His conscience was seared. If that gives you any idea of what Satan is capable of - that should do it.

As for these men - you have not yet seen the end, Winterborn. Neither has your first wife. You see, there is a judgment coming in which these two men are going to stand before God and every act they have done is going to be seen by the entire world - all will be present at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every single person will be present, Winterborn. From Adam and Eve to the last person born on earth. Imagine it. Billions and Billions of people present at the judgment Seat of Christ.
Not a single person will be able to call in sick and say - can't make it - go ahead without me. No. All will be present in that day. ALL will be there. It will be the final judgment. There will be no court of appeals in Heaven. This will be the final judgment.

These men will have their lives played out before them and the whole world will see what they have done. We are all going to see what they did and they are not going to have any excuse in that hour. If your first wife is a born again Christian - the bible says she will be one that will judge the world along with all the other Overcoming Believers. (Believers who do not overcome will not rule with Christ)

For the evidence that it is the Believers in Christ who shall judge the World I will give you 1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3 for a source. (we shall also judge angels)

The Apostle Paul writes:

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3

I'm not sure why some Believers do not realize this or speak of it. Perhaps because the world might accuse them of being mad? Or they don't know their bibles? Nevertheless, it is the truth. It is the Born again Believers that shall judge the world - because we are destined to rule and reign with Christ. What your 1st wife suffered is horrific. I agree with you it was terrible - but the end of that story has not yet to be seen.

You see, to my knowledge neither you nor your 1st wife have ever had a vision of hell or a visitation there by Christ to know what these men shall suffer in the future judgment. If the world saw the reality of hell they would behave very, very differently, Winterborn.

They have been deceived by Satan into believing there will not be a day of judgment. But there will be. Hell is a real place. I must also tell you that even if these men sought Salvation on their death beds in order to avoid hell - there is no guarantee they would be granted salvation at that time.

There are many stories of atheists who sought to be saved on their death beds but having rejected the offer of salvation at an earlier time in their lives - the door was no longer open. The Bible is very clear that the Spirit of the LORD shall not always strive with man. One must come when they are called to come. Otherwise there is no guarantee for a latter reconciliation to God through Christ.

I'm going to add your wife's name to my prayer list under - Winterborn's first wife. You are already on my prayer list as you write on this board. I prayed for you last night along with others here.

This is a video of one man's vision of hell to give you an idea of what hell is like:

Oh, so your answer is that the rapists will suffer? Well isn't that great. That makes the rape of a 5 year old just peachy, huh?

God could have done any one of a million things to spare her, if he is as all-powerful as you say. And, if he knows everything, he was aware and chose to ignore her prayers.


If god causes the rapist to suffer, why did god cause the child to suffer in the first place?
Jeremiah, I have a simple question for you. Why does your God listen to some prayers and ignore others?

My first wife did not remember her childhood until she was in her 30s. Knowing the situation at home, we assumed her mind had blocked some for her own good. When she remembered it turned her world upside down. One of the things she remembered was being raped and sodomized against a stone wall in the basement. That wall collapsed and was replaced when she was 4 or 5 years old. Another thing she remembers was going to church and praying constantly that her father (and later her uncle) would stop touching her, beating her and beating her mother. She prayed fervently and believed with all her might that God would listen. The abuse stopped when she left home at 17.

So why does your God bring back a kid who wouldn't even take the time or make the effort to wear a helmet, but ignore the prayers of a little girl who only asks not to be beaten and raped??

Any person or deity who has the power to stop that and doesn't is not worth my time, much less my worship.

Winterborn, I am truly sorry to hear about what happened to your first wife. The truth is Satan is the author of rape, sodomizing children - it's actually part of what happens in Satanic rituals because he offers his followers more power from demons for participating in such acts - also drinking blood / eating human flesh sacrificed to him - Satan is a cruel taskmaster and his works on this earth have devastated mankind from the beginning in the garden with Adam and Eve. I recall one story online of a Satanist - called confessions of a Satanist in which he admitted being present at a Satanic meeting where they kicked an infant around the room like a football. What he was trying to ask himself - I believe - was - why didn't he have any conscience left - what should have horrified him - no longer did horrify him. His conscience was seared. If that gives you any idea of what Satan is capable of - that should do it.

As for these men - you have not yet seen the end, Winterborn. Neither has your first wife. You see, there is a judgment coming in which these two men are going to stand before God and every act they have done is going to be seen by the entire world - all will be present at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every single person will be present, Winterborn. From Adam and Eve to the last person born on earth. Imagine it. Billions and Billions of people present at the judgment Seat of Christ.
Not a single person will be able to call in sick and say - can't make it - go ahead without me. No. All will be present in that day. ALL will be there. It will be the final judgment. There will be no court of appeals in Heaven. This will be the final judgment.

These men will have their lives played out before them and the whole world will see what they have done. We are all going to see what they did and they are not going to have any excuse in that hour. If your first wife is a born again Christian - the bible says she will be one that will judge the world along with all the other Overcoming Believers. (Believers who do not overcome will not rule with Christ)

For the evidence that it is the Believers in Christ who shall judge the World I will give you 1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3 for a source. (we shall also judge angels)

The Apostle Paul writes:

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
1 Corinthians 6:1,2,3

I'm not sure why some Believers do not realize this or speak of it. Perhaps because the world might accuse them of being mad? Or they don't know their bibles? Nevertheless, it is the truth. It is the Born again Believers that shall judge the world - because we are destined to rule and reign with Christ. What your 1st wife suffered is horrific. I agree with you it was terrible - but the end of that story has not yet to be seen.

You see, to my knowledge neither you nor your 1st wife have ever had a vision of hell or a visitation there by Christ to know what these men shall suffer in the future judgment. If the world saw the reality of hell they would behave very, very differently, Winterborn.

They have been deceived by Satan into believing there will not be a day of judgment. But there will be. Hell is a real place. I must also tell you that even if these men sought Salvation on their death beds in order to avoid hell - there is no guarantee they would be granted salvation at that time.

There are many stories of atheists who sought to be saved on their death beds but having rejected the offer of salvation at an earlier time in their lives - the door was no longer open. The Bible is very clear that the Spirit of the LORD shall not always strive with man. One must come when they are called to come. Otherwise there is no guarantee for a latter reconciliation to God through Christ.

I'm going to add your wife's name to my prayer list under - Winterborn's first wife. You are already on my prayer list as you write on this board. I prayed for you last night along with others here.

This is a video of one man's vision of hell to give you an idea of what hell is like:

Oh, so your answer is that the rapists will suffer? Well isn't that great. That makes the rape of a 5 year old just peachy, huh?

God could have done any one of a million things to spare her, if he is as all-powerful as you say. And, if he knows everything, he was aware and chose to ignore her prayers.

I prayed to God about many things when I was a young child in the Roman Catholic church and got no answers because it isn't a church - it's a cult - so unfortunately I was praying to the wrong God. My entire family was Roman Catholic and completely void of God and conscience from all I can recall about it.

When I gave my life to Christ many years ago, Winterborn, I remember the shock of finding out how different God was from what I perceived Him to be from my Roman Catholic upbringing. I am reminded of something which I should tell you - it was the duty of her mother to take her out of harms way - fear of man is a snare of Satan and God calls it sin. We are to fear God - not man.

I also feel compelled to tell you that I believe the LORD did speak to her mother on more than one occasion even using other people to tell her to leave yet she did not. We are accountable to protect our children even if we refuse to protect ourselves, Winterborn. Fear is not an excuse. The Bible tells us that Children are a gift from God. A gift from God should be cherished and protected. Not left unprotected and in the presence of those who would harm or destroy it.

As you have mentioned before your involvment in the occult I believe you should ask yourself why you choose to give attention and time to the author of all of your wife's misery? Satan is the author of such evil. Not God. Put the blame where it belongs. Satan.

You are still dodging the simple fact that my ex-wife prayed fervently and honestly for protection from the evil being perpetrated on her, and got only more abuse.

The fact that her mother was (or felt) trapped is not relevant. This all powerful God you speak of can defeat evil (as you have claimed numerous times) and yet allowed these men to continue to torture this poor, innocent child who relied on him for protection and health.

What I did 25 years later has no relevance.
Cissy Houston says Bobbi Kristina still has irreversible brain damage - The Washington Post

If she did open her eyes I am sure she is like Terri Shivo was and you guys on the left cheered when her husband got the right to take her off the feeding tube.

I find that Shivo story to be very sad. Her parents were willing to care for her and they said that she knew who they were! I do not believe they will ever be able to prove otherwise. If a parent does not know their own child, what they are experiencing? Who else would? They were there with her constantly. Of course they knew!

Terri Schiavo's entire upper brain was gone. There was nothing there but liquid (according to the autopsy). Whatever movement there was happened because of some stimulation to the lower brain that caused the autonomic nervous system to twitch. The parents simply did not want to acknowledge that their daughter was gone. Her husband was following her wishes that she be allowed to die. But Terri Schiavo had no higher brain at all.
What "all powerful" God are you talking about? The adjective is yours, not mine, and I won't answer for Jeri. Jeri, there is only one God, and he hears and answers prayers of Catholics, too. Why yours or WB's mom's were not answered, I don't know.
Luddly above lies: "I asked this same question earlier in this thread and was flamed for it by@JakeStarkey." I told Lud what I thought and I would not give him "just once more" to discuss it. That is not flaming in any sense of the word So I was flamed by Lud for not giving him "just once more." Lud, not "just once more," ever. You have every right to be a Westboro-style militant atheist.

What I, and others have done in this thread is question the nature of god's actions. You said I "attacked the OP, which is not true. I have "attacked" no one and have consistently been courteous to you. Instead of continuing to flame me, why not discuss the question?

If one believes that god does good and should get the credit when good things happen, doesn't it follow that he does "bad" and should get the blame for that as well?
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