Whitney's Daughter Wakes Up! Praise God!

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It was some time ago I read the testimony of a man who was in a coma and the LORD came to him and ministered to him. The man eagerly received the LORD and was told by the LORD to go and by a bible. He then touched the man and he woke up out of his coma. The nurse came in and was startled to see him awake. He then got out of his bed, got dressed and left the hospital completely healed. God willing I may find that testimony and post it here for you, RW. Nothing is too difficult for Jesus.
Tell me, RW. If this be the case and she has received Christ - then even if she were to remain in her bed to the end of her days while you have all your faculties about you - yet deny Christ - who shall be better off on judgment day?

The one who received Christ and never walked or spoke again - or the one with all his faculties who rejected Christ and heads off into eternity without Him?

I tell you the truth. If you continue to neglect so great a salvation offered to you? You will spend the rest of eternity wishing you had not. Whereas this girl will be grateful for anything lost in this life - that led to her gaining eternal life.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

and again it is written:

And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
Matthew 5:29

In Matthew 5:29 we see Jesus Christ saying that it would be better off for a person to enter heaven maimed than to perish in hell with their whole body intact.

Christ was emphasizing the reality of hell and that anything that would impede you getting there must be dealt with - repented of - turned from - because the road to heaven is a narrow path. Not a wide road, RW. Which is why those who preach the Gospel will follow Christ's example of warning about hell (Christ warned about hell - preached about hell - more than any other subject,) they will preach against sin, admonish the Believers to continue in prayer, repentance, holiness, separation from the world, not seeking after filthy lucre, worldly ambitions.

The true Gospel of Jesus Christ does preach against false teachers / false prophets
( Mohammad, Joseph Smith, Russell (founder of Jehovah Witness cult) Mary Baker Eddy & more ) and uses the Word as it was intended - to teach, to exhort, to edify, to reprove, to bring correction, to expose error and those who teach error.............yes. The carnally minded man is at enmity with God and does not want to receive the truth. But those who love God desire to know the truth because it is a light unto their path! They draw nearer to the LORD and desire Him more and more.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Matthew 5:6,7,8
It was some time ago I read the testimony of a man who was in a coma

Who was it? when? and where?
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It was some time ago I read the testimony of a man who was in a coma and the LORD came to him and ministered to him. The man eagerly received the LORD and was told by the LORD to go and by a bible. He then touched the man and he woke up out of his coma. The nurse came in and was startled to see him awake. He then got out of his bed, got dressed and left the hospital completely healed. God willing I may find that testimony and post it here for you, RW. Nothing is too difficult for Jesus.
Tell me, RW. If this be the case and she has received Christ - then even if she were to remain in her bed to the end of her days while you have all your faculties about you - yet deny Christ - who shall be better off on judgment day?

The one who received Christ and never walked or spoke again - or the one with all his faculties who rejected Christ and heads off into eternity without Him?

I tell you the truth. If you continue to neglect so great a salvation offered to you? You will spend the rest of eternity wishing you had not. Whereas this girl will be grateful for anything lost in this life - that led to her gaining eternal life.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Bobby Kristina is waiting

What is taking him so long?
yeah Jerry is your sky pixie can't multi-task?

Why can't/won't god undo what he did to her?
I was there the day Whitney Houston died. I saw her. Why didn't anyone step in? It was obvious that this woman was dying right before our eyes. Her boyfriend Ray got her more marijuana. That's how he helped. The hotel respected her rights. That's how they helped. Her daughter used drugs with her. That's how she helped.

It was one of those days you don't forget.


Were you there as her doctor? lawyer? dog washer?
Sadly I was watching her go completely out of her mind on drugs and booze. When my company was opening its Los Angeles office my boss was staying at the Beverly Hilton. The hotel let us use their business center and conference room.

You might find it particularly funny but no one that saw Whitney Houston that day was amused. It was obvious that this was going to be her last day alive and we were all watching someone die.

You might find that hilarious. Most people don't
I was there the day Whitney Houston died. I saw her. Why didn't anyone step in? It was obvious that this woman was dying right before our eyes. Her boyfriend Ray got her more marijuana. That's how he helped. The hotel respected her rights. That's how they helped. Her daughter used drugs with her. That's how she helped.

It was one of those days you don't forget.


Were you there as her doctor? lawyer? dog washer?
Sadly I was watching her go completely out of her mind on drugs and booze. When my company was opening its Los Angeles office my boss was staying at the Beverly Hilton. The hotel let us use their business center and conference room.

You might find it particularly funny but no one that saw Whitney Houston that day was amused. It was obvious that this was going to be her last day alive and we were all watching someone die.

You might find that hilarious. Most people don't

What I find funny, in a sad way, a very very sad way, is your delusions of grandeur and your imaginary life of a doctor/lawyer/dog washer.

Nothing at all funny about a truly great talent dying in such a pointless and needless way.

When this first made the news, you RWs were saying she deserved it because she used drugs. Now, suddenly, you were there?


What I find funny, in a sad way, a very very sad way, is your delusions of grandeur and your imaginary life of a doctor/lawyer/dog washer.

Nothing at all funny about a truly great talent dying in such a pointless and needless way.

When this first made the news, you RWs were saying she deserved it because she used drugs. Now, suddenly, you were there?


^ that Tipsycatlover chick who can't even remember her login password :rofl:
Nope, I said I probably trained you at jump school, which was not at Nha Trang. You were unaware of the various training sites in-country and who was doing what. I have no doubt you served, I just don't think you were Lurp.

"jump school"? :badgrin: I'm 1st Cav AC/AM and there was no "jump school" at Nha Trang you piece of shit. Then you claimed you served in Korea not Vietnam. You were easily trapped when you didn't know we were trained by MACV 5th SFG. I suggest you drop this line of attack now since you're forgetting what lies you've told in the past.
That is what I am telling you, bull. Caught you in a lie again. I always said I was in Korea not in South Vietnam. You are always so easy to trip up. You knew nothing about the training bases in-country. You clearly were not Lurp, not 5th SF, not special anything.

Keep lying, and I keep making you look stupid.
That is what I am telling you, bull. Caught you in a lie again. I always said I was in Korea not in South Vietnam. You are always so easy to trip up. You knew nothing about the training bases in-country. You clearly were not Lurp, not 5th SF, not special anything.

Keep lying, and I keep making you look stupid.

Meanwhile you readily admit you were never in-country yet once claimed you trained me at Nha Trang. I was not only LRRP (17 insertions/extractions) but was sent to Langley, after returning to a short stint at Benning, as an advisor on LRRP enemy-contact requirements. You were a clerk-typist if you served at all which is doubtful.
I claimed I trained you in airborne school, not Lurp training, which I don't think you never attended. (I see you have done some internet research on Lurp in country training). So easy to trip you up. Trained airborne, 11BP. That was nothing compared to ROK Ranger School. I was infantry, but if I were a clerk typist, you would have meant nothing to me. Don't claim to be what you weren't.
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I claimed I trained you in airborne school, not Lurp school, which you never attended. So easy to trip you up. Trained airborne, 11BP. I was infantry, but if I were a clerk typist, you would have meant nothing to me. Don't claim to be what you weren't.

You're mentally ill shakey jakey...you know it, I know it, the whole board knows it. Each and every time you try your little ambushes I slap the snot out of your claims.
I was there the day Whitney Houston died. I saw her. Why didn't anyone step in? It was obvious that this woman was dying right before our eyes. Her boyfriend Ray got her more marijuana. That's how he helped. The hotel respected her rights. That's how they helped. Her daughter used drugs with her. That's how she helped.

It was one of those days you don't forget.


Were you there as her doctor? lawyer? dog washer?
Sadly I was watching her go completely out of her mind on drugs and booze. When my company was opening its Los Angeles office my boss was staying at the Beverly Hilton. The hotel let us use their business center and conference room.

You might find it particularly funny but no one that saw Whitney Houston that day was amused. It was obvious that this was going to be her last day alive and we were all watching someone die.

You might find that hilarious. Most people don't

What I find funny, in a sad way, a very very sad way, is your delusions of grandeur and your imaginary life of a doctor/lawyer/dog washer.

Nothing at all funny about a truly great talent dying in such a pointless and needless way.

When this first made the news, you RWs were saying she deserved it because she used drugs. Now, suddenly, you were there?


Who deserved it? Whitney, her daughter or both? Sure they deserved it. They were druggies. There's nothing particularly sudden about my being at the Beverly Hilton on that date. The only thing sudden is that you heard about it. Lay off the meth it's distorting your perception of time.
I was there the day Whitney Houston died. I saw her. Why didn't anyone step in? It was obvious that this woman was dying right before our eyes. Her boyfriend Ray got her more marijuana. That's how he helped. The hotel respected her rights. That's how they helped. Her daughter used drugs with her. That's how she helped.

It was one of those days you don't forget.


Were you there as her doctor? lawyer? dog washer?
Sadly I was watching her go completely out of her mind on drugs and booze. When my company was opening its Los Angeles office my boss was staying at the Beverly Hilton. The hotel let us use their business center and conference room.

You might find it particularly funny but no one that saw Whitney Houston that day was amused. It was obvious that this was going to be her last day alive and we were all watching someone die.

You might find that hilarious. Most people don't

What I find funny, in a sad way, a very very sad way, is your delusions of grandeur and your imaginary life of a doctor/lawyer/dog washer.

Nothing at all funny about a truly great talent dying in such a pointless and needless way.

When this first made the news, you RWs were saying she deserved it because she used drugs. Now, suddenly, you were there?


Who deserved it? Whitney, her daughter or both? Sure they deserved it. They were druggies. There's nothing particularly sudden about my being at the Beverly Hilton on that date. The only thing sudden is that you heard about it. Lay off the meth it's distorting your perception of time.
Sure they deserved it.

That's very chiststained of you
"I can say today Bobbi is awake. She's watching me,"

Sounds like god left her brain injured and possibly in a vegetative condition.

Darn that god anyway.
You are a militant atheist, so your comment is apropos of nothing.

Your type of atheism is the equivalent of being a Westboro Baptist.

Wow. Mark this day on my calendar I must. I not only agreed with JS, but I deemed his post informative.
I was there the day Whitney Houston died. I saw her. Why didn't anyone step in? It was obvious that this woman was dying right before our eyes. Her boyfriend Ray got her more marijuana. That's how he helped. The hotel respected her rights. That's how they helped. Her daughter used drugs with her. That's how she helped.

It was one of those days you don't forget.


Were you there as her doctor? lawyer? dog washer?
Sadly I was watching her go completely out of her mind on drugs and booze. When my company was opening its Los Angeles office my boss was staying at the Beverly Hilton. The hotel let us use their business center and conference room.

You might find it particularly funny but no one that saw Whitney Houston that day was amused. It was obvious that this was going to be her last day alive and we were all watching someone die.

You might find that hilarious. Most people don't

What I find funny, in a sad way, a very very sad way, is your delusions of grandeur and your imaginary life of a doctor/lawyer/dog washer.

Nothing at all funny about a truly great talent dying in such a pointless and needless way.

When this first made the news, you RWs were saying she deserved it because she used drugs. Now, suddenly, you were there?


Who deserved it? Whitney, her daughter or both? Sure they deserved it. They were druggies. There's nothing particularly sudden about my being at the Beverly Hilton on that date. The only thing sudden is that you heard about it. Lay off the meth it's distorting your perception of time.
Sure they deserved it.

That's very chiststained of you
It is indeed very Christian. And very American. It's called freedom. You don't like it do you?

Whitney Houston was a mother who encouraged and taught her daughter to be a drug user. Since there is another topic on this very board about a woman who was teaching her son the same thing you supported her. Why? Is it Christian to support a woman training her child to use drugs? I don't think so.
I claimed I trained you in airborne school, not Lurp training, which I don't think you never attended. (I see you have done some internet research on Lurp in country training). So easy to trip you up. Trained airborne, 11BP. That was nothing compared to ROK Ranger School. I was infantry, but if I were a clerk typist, you would have meant nothing to me. Don't claim to be what you weren't..

You're mentally ill shakey jakey...you know it, I know it, the whole board knows it. Each and every time you try your little ambushes I slap the snot out of your claims.
You are describing yourself, little kurtz. We made you take down the USMC. You were never a Lurp. You are as flakey as they come. I will slap you down every time you rise up.
Tipsy, when you become a Christian, instead of a Baptist from Westboro, let us know, please. We will have a party, slay the fatted calf, and welcome the prodigal son or daughter home. Until then, stay away.

You are describing yourself, little kurtz. We made you take down the USMC. You were never a Lurp. You are as flakey as they come. I will slap you down every time you rise up.

LRRP not "lurp" shithead. I took the USMC off my handle because the caricature was confusing to you leftist morons and I had tired of it over a year ago. You don't know shit about Vietnam, our LRRP teams, combat, manhood, or anything of the sort....you're a bad smell posing as a "middle of the road republican" getting sand kicked in your face.

You are describing yourself, little kurtz. We made you take down the USMC. You were never a Lurp. You are as flakey as they come. I will slap you down every time you rise up.

LRRP not "lurp" shithead. I took the USMC off my handle because the caricature was confusing to you leftist morons and I had tired of it over a year ago. You don't know shit about Vietnam, our LRRP teams, combat, manhood, or anything of the sort....you're a bad smell posing as a "middle of the road republican" getting sand kicked in your face.
You are unhappy again. Tough to be a fake lurp like you. You must have been a REMF at MACV. Every time you act up, you get slapped down by your betters, trainee. Damn right you were forced to take down the USMC. You are a disgrace.
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