Whitney's Daughter Wakes Up! Praise God!

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Hmmmm. Atheists want to be able to say who is a Christian and who isn't? Very atheist of you.

It was some time ago I read the testimony of a man who was in a coma and the LORD came to him and ministered to him. The man eagerly received the LORD and was told by the LORD to go and by a bible. He then touched the man and he woke up out of his coma. The nurse came in and was startled to see him awake. He then got out of his bed, got dressed and left the hospital completely healed. God willing I may find that testimony and post it here for you, RW. Nothing is too difficult for Jesus.
Tell me, RW. If this be the case and she has received Christ - then even if she were to remain in her bed to the end of her days while you have all your faculties about you - yet deny Christ - who shall be better off on judgment day?

The one who received Christ and never walked or spoke again - or the one with all his faculties who rejected Christ and heads off into eternity without Him?

I tell you the truth. If you continue to neglect so great a salvation offered to you? You will spend the rest of eternity wishing you had not. Whereas this girl will be grateful for anything lost in this life - that led to her gaining eternal life.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Bobby Kristina is waiting

What is taking him so long?

Bobbie Kristina is alive. And Salvation is a greater miracle than physical healing, RW. The greatest miracle is Salvation. If she encountered Christ and received Him? She has been healed. When will you call upon Christ that you might be healed?

If Christina awakens from a coma fully recovered its.....Praise God
If she is seriously brain damaged its...Gods will

God can't lose can he?
Against the backdrop of eternity, suffering is brief, the joy of heaven forever. The people of God can't lose.

It was some time ago I read the testimony of a man who was in a coma and the LORD came to him and ministered to him. The man eagerly received the LORD and was told by the LORD to go and by a bible. He then touched the man and he woke up out of his coma. The nurse came in and was startled to see him awake. He then got out of his bed, got dressed and left the hospital completely healed. God willing I may find that testimony and post it here for you, RW. Nothing is too difficult for Jesus.
Tell me, RW. If this be the case and she has received Christ - then even if she were to remain in her bed to the end of her days while you have all your faculties about you - yet deny Christ - who shall be better off on judgment day?

The one who received Christ and never walked or spoke again - or the one with all his faculties who rejected Christ and heads off into eternity without Him?

I tell you the truth. If you continue to neglect so great a salvation offered to you? You will spend the rest of eternity wishing you had not. Whereas this girl will be grateful for anything lost in this life - that led to her gaining eternal life.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Bobby Kristina is waiting

What is taking him so long?

Bobbie Kristina is alive. And Salvation is a greater miracle than physical healing, RW. The greatest miracle is Salvation. If she encountered Christ and received Him? She has been healed. When will you call upon Christ that you might be healed?

If Christina awakens from a coma fully recovered its.....Praise God
If she is seriously brain damaged its...Gods will

God can't lose can he?
Against the backdrop of eternity, suffering is brief, the joy of heaven forever. The people of God can't lose.
The people of God have already lost. They are living a lie and dead will still be dead. Lucky for them however, they will neither no nor care upon death.
It was some time ago I read the testimony of a man who was in a coma and the LORD came to him and ministered to him. The man eagerly received the LORD and was told by the LORD to go and by a bible. He then touched the man and he woke up out of his coma. The nurse came in and was startled to see him awake. He then got out of his bed, got dressed and left the hospital completely healed. God willing I may find that testimony and post it here for you, RW. Nothing is too difficult for Jesus.
Tell me, RW. If this be the case and she has received Christ - then even if she were to remain in her bed to the end of her days while you have all your faculties about you - yet deny Christ - who shall be better off on judgment day?

The one who received Christ and never walked or spoke again - or the one with all his faculties who rejected Christ and heads off into eternity without Him?

I tell you the truth. If you continue to neglect so great a salvation offered to you? You will spend the rest of eternity wishing you had not. Whereas this girl will be grateful for anything lost in this life - that led to her gaining eternal life.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Bobby Kristina is waiting

What is taking him so long?

Bobbie Kristina is alive. And Salvation is a greater miracle than physical healing, RW. The greatest miracle is Salvation. If she encountered Christ and received Him? She has been healed. When will you call upon Christ that you might be healed?

If Christina awakens from a coma fully recovered its.....Praise God
If she is seriously brain damaged its...Gods will

God can't lose can he?
Against the backdrop of eternity, suffering is brief, the joy of heaven forever. The people of God can't lose.
The people of God have already lost. They are living a lie and dead will still be dead. Lucky for them however, they will neither no nor care upon death.

They may very well know.

You pretend to speak with astounding assurance considering that you don't "know" either.
It was some time ago I read the testimony of a man who was in a coma and the LORD came to him and ministered to him. The man eagerly received the LORD and was told by the LORD to go and by a bible. He then touched the man and he woke up out of his coma. The nurse came in and was startled to see him awake. He then got out of his bed, got dressed and left the hospital completely healed. God willing I may find that testimony and post it here for you, RW. Nothing is too difficult for Jesus.
Tell me, RW. If this be the case and she has received Christ - then even if she were to remain in her bed to the end of her days while you have all your faculties about you - yet deny Christ - who shall be better off on judgment day?

The one who received Christ and never walked or spoke again - or the one with all his faculties who rejected Christ and heads off into eternity without Him?

I tell you the truth. If you continue to neglect so great a salvation offered to you? You will spend the rest of eternity wishing you had not. Whereas this girl will be grateful for anything lost in this life - that led to her gaining eternal life.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Bobby Kristina is waiting

What is taking him so long?

Bobbie Kristina is alive. And Salvation is a greater miracle than physical healing, RW. The greatest miracle is Salvation. If she encountered Christ and received Him? She has been healed. When will you call upon Christ that you might be healed?

If Christina awakens from a coma fully recovered its.....Praise God
If she is seriously brain damaged its...Gods will

God can't lose can he?
Against the backdrop of eternity, suffering is brief, the joy of heaven forever. The people of God can't lose.
The people of God have already lost. They are living a lie and dead will still be dead. Lucky for them however, they will neither no nor care upon death.
You're wrong. When you approach the precipice of death and look over and see the yawning void of darkness into which you will forever exist, you will know true dread.

It was some time ago I read the testimony of a man who was in a coma and the LORD came to him and ministered to him. The man eagerly received the LORD and was told by the LORD to go and by a bible. He then touched the man and he woke up out of his coma. The nurse came in and was startled to see him awake. He then got out of his bed, got dressed and left the hospital completely healed. God willing I may find that testimony and post it here for you, RW. Nothing is too difficult for Jesus.
Tell me, RW. If this be the case and she has received Christ - then even if she were to remain in her bed to the end of her days while you have all your faculties about you - yet deny Christ - who shall be better off on judgment day?

The one who received Christ and never walked or spoke again - or the one with all his faculties who rejected Christ and heads off into eternity without Him?

I tell you the truth. If you continue to neglect so great a salvation offered to you? You will spend the rest of eternity wishing you had not. Whereas this girl will be grateful for anything lost in this life - that led to her gaining eternal life.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Bobby Kristina is waiting

What is taking him so long?

Bobbie Kristina is alive. And Salvation is a greater miracle than physical healing, RW. The greatest miracle is Salvation. If she encountered Christ and received Him? She has been healed. When will you call upon Christ that you might be healed?

If Christina awakens from a coma fully recovered its.....Praise God
If she is seriously brain damaged its...Gods will

God can't lose can he?

God's ways are higher than your ways and His thoughts are higher than your thoughts, RW. Why would you expect to know and understand (with a finite mind) the infinite wisdom and power of God?

Without being saved? It is impossible to even know God, RW. You must know that God is, first. You must realize that apart from Jesus Christ you are doomed. You must realize that it is only through Christ's redemption that you shall be received by God. Apart from Christ? There is no hope for you.

Do you know what redemption means, RW? What does it mean to redeem a piece of property? It means that you had at one time owned the property but lost it. In order to redeem it you must purchase it back at a cost.

Your ancestors, Adam and Eve lost their relationship with God through sin. Through sin, they also lost the authority given them by God to rule over the earth, the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, and every creeping thing - see Genesis 1:26. Jesus Christ who is referred to in the Bible as "the second Adam" did what the first one did not. He walked before God perfectly and sinned not - he went to the cross and shed his own blood for you - he rose on the 3rd day from the grave and appeared to many. Later he ascended up to heaven where he is seated at the right hand of the Father. All who come to Jesus Christ for pardon of their sins and Salvation shall be received - whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved - read Romans 10:9,10. The reason Jesus Christ went to the cross was for your redemption. He wanted to purchase back what was lost in the garden through sin. You will either accept his offer or reject it. If you reject it? There is no hope for you. Salvation is a free gift offered to all men and women and children - it is not obtained by works lest any man should boast. It's a free gift.
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Bobby Kristina is waiting

What is taking him so long?

Bobbie Kristina is alive. And Salvation is a greater miracle than physical healing, RW. The greatest miracle is Salvation. If she encountered Christ and received Him? She has been healed. When will you call upon Christ that you might be healed?

If Christina awakens from a coma fully recovered its.....Praise God
If she is seriously brain damaged its...Gods will

God can't lose can he?
Against the backdrop of eternity, suffering is brief, the joy of heaven forever. The people of God can't lose.
The people of God have already lost. They are living a lie and dead will still be dead. Lucky for them however, they will neither no nor care upon death.
You're wrong. When you approach the precipice of death and look over and see the yawning void of darkness into which you will forever exist, you will know true dread.

True but there is more than eternal darkness awaiting the lost. There are some excellent testimonials / works that have been done which recount the final words of atheists on their death beds and the sheer terror they were in just before their deaths. Some even feeling the flames and the torment of the demons waiting to drag them to hell. It would be wisdom for people on this board to carefully study such works and consider that it is far more important to prepare one's self for eternity than to be concerned for the temporal things of this world. In the scope of eternity we should be asking ourselves how much will these things matter in eternity? If it matters? Carry on! If it does not matter? Do not waste your time! We must redeem the time because it is running out faster than we can know.

One testimony which just came to me - the death of Anton Lavey - founder of the Church of Satan. He died in a Catholic hospital and he was reportedly penniless at his death. The story was told that his close friend, a fellow satanist was at his bedside as he was dying. He began to scream in terror - something is wrong! Something is wrong! The demons were already turning on him and putting him in sheer terror - whereas he thought he would be in control of those demons as he was on earth - through his satanic rituals - he suddenly realized this would not be the case in hell - it was as if he were already there - his words and state of agony - so impressed his friend who was at his bedside that it is reported the person left Satanism and became a born again Christian. Anton Lavey's own son also became a born again Christian and had to flee for his life as he was hunted by the Satanists for converting to Christ. To this day they deny this young man fled his father's coven but I've heard his testimony on audio interview and have no doubt he was at one time Lavey's son. He is today a son of God however and that is proof that God's arm is not too short to save any individual no matter how deeply their entrenchment in the vileness of sin and darkness.
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Its a miracle! Rejoice!

Westboro Baptist "Christians" are to Christianity as

the KKK is to Equal Rights, Justice, Fairness and Rationality.

Westboro is not a Christian church. I find no evidence of it. What I find instead is a group that is given national attention because they are defaming the name of Jesus Christ and Protestant Christians. It is a wicked agenda they work at and they shall answer to God directly at the Judgment Seat of Christ, for it.

Perhaps if people realized that there will be a day called the Judgment Seat of Christ they would act differently. If they knew for certain that they would give an account for every lie they told, every action they made, every thought they entertained they would behave differently.

If they realized the scope of eternity - the length - the breadth, the width, the depth of eternity - perhaps they would consider that it is utter madness to enjoy sin for five minutes (Or the equivalent there of...compared to eternity.) for an eternity of separation from God and unspeakable torments in the fires of hell - a hell which has no exits.

Indeed there are a million ways into hell as Ravenhill once said - but there are no exits.

If only they could see hell with their own eyes - the cries of the damned, the unspeakable horrors of hell - the heat - there is not one drop of water down there - the stench of rotting flesh - sulphur - demons - the darkness - the incredible wickedness and hatred of the demons who torment those who are there - the mind simply cannot fathom such horrors although perhaps Hollywood has given some depiction of accuracy in the demonic because much of it serves Satan and certainly knows what these demons look like - yet they do not realize they will in hell be the entertainment for all eternity. To be ripped apart again and again - only to feel such torments all over!

While in heaven one receives a glorified body - in hell one receives an indestructible one - that will continue to suffer the torments throughout all time and beyond. That is what eternity is. It is forever.

It was some time ago I read the testimony of a man who was in a coma and the LORD came to him and ministered to him. The man eagerly received the LORD and was told by the LORD to go and by a bible. He then touched the man and he woke up out of his coma. The nurse came in and was startled to see him awake. He then got out of his bed, got dressed and left the hospital completely healed. God willing I may find that testimony and post it here for you, RW. Nothing is too difficult for Jesus.
Tell me, RW. If this be the case and she has received Christ - then even if she were to remain in her bed to the end of her days while you have all your faculties about you - yet deny Christ - who shall be better off on judgment day?

The one who received Christ and never walked or spoke again - or the one with all his faculties who rejected Christ and heads off into eternity without Him?

I tell you the truth. If you continue to neglect so great a salvation offered to you? You will spend the rest of eternity wishing you had not. Whereas this girl will be grateful for anything lost in this life - that led to her gaining eternal life.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

and again it is written:

And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
Matthew 5:29

In Matthew 5:29 we see Jesus Christ saying that it would be better off for a person to enter heaven maimed than to perish in hell with their whole body intact.

Christ was emphasizing the reality of hell and that anything that would impede you getting there must be dealt with - repented of - turned from - because the road to heaven is a narrow path. Not a wide road, RW. Which is why those who preach the Gospel will follow Christ's example of warning about hell (Christ warned about hell - preached about hell - more than any other subject,) they will preach against sin, admonish the Believers to continue in prayer, repentance, holiness, separation from the world, not seeking after filthy lucre, worldly ambitions.

The true Gospel of Jesus Christ does preach against false teachers / false prophets
( Mohammad, Joseph Smith, Russell (founder of Jehovah Witness cult) Mary Baker Eddy & more ) and uses the Word as it was intended - to teach, to exhort, to edify, to reprove, to bring correction, to expose error and those who teach error.............yes. The carnally minded man is at enmity with God and does not want to receive the truth. But those who love God desire to know the truth because it is a light unto their path! They draw nearer to the LORD and desire Him more and more.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Matthew 5:6,7,8
It was some time ago I read the testimony of a man who was in a coma

Who was it? when? and where?

I read his testimony and I will try to recall where it was that I read it and post it here for you, Guno.

It was some time ago I read the testimony of a man who was in a coma and the LORD came to him and ministered to him. The man eagerly received the LORD and was told by the LORD to go and by a bible. He then touched the man and he woke up out of his coma. The nurse came in and was startled to see him awake. He then got out of his bed, got dressed and left the hospital completely healed. God willing I may find that testimony and post it here for you, RW. Nothing is too difficult for Jesus.
Tell me, RW. If this be the case and she has received Christ - then even if she were to remain in her bed to the end of her days while you have all your faculties about you - yet deny Christ - who shall be better off on judgment day?

The one who received Christ and never walked or spoke again - or the one with all his faculties who rejected Christ and heads off into eternity without Him?

I tell you the truth. If you continue to neglect so great a salvation offered to you? You will spend the rest of eternity wishing you had not. Whereas this girl will be grateful for anything lost in this life - that led to her gaining eternal life.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Bobby Kristina is waiting

What is taking him so long?

Bobbie Kristina is alive. And Salvation is a greater miracle than physical healing, RW. The greatest miracle is Salvation. If she encountered Christ and received Him? She has been healed. When will you call upon Christ that you might be healed?

If Christina awakens from a coma fully recovered its.....Praise God
If she is seriously brain damaged its...Gods will

God can't lose can he?
Against the backdrop of eternity, suffering is brief, the joy of heaven forever. The people of God can't lose.

What are you waiting for then
While in heaven one receives a glorified body - in hell one receives an indestructible one - that will continue to suffer the torments throughout all time and beyond. That is what eternity is. It is forever.

Again, I have to ask, why do you worship an imaginary sadist.

Satan is a sadistic task master. The yoke of Jesus Christ is light. Not heavy. If you do not repent you shall one day find out hell is real and there are no exits, Joe.
It was some time ago I read the testimony of a man who was in a coma and the LORD came to him and ministered to him. The man eagerly received the LORD and was told by the LORD to go and by a bible. He then touched the man and he woke up out of his coma. The nurse came in and was startled to see him awake. He then got out of his bed, got dressed and left the hospital completely healed. God willing I may find that testimony and post it here for you, RW. Nothing is too difficult for Jesus.
Tell me, RW. If this be the case and she has received Christ - then even if she were to remain in her bed to the end of her days while you have all your faculties about you - yet deny Christ - who shall be better off on judgment day?

The one who received Christ and never walked or spoke again - or the one with all his faculties who rejected Christ and heads off into eternity without Him?

I tell you the truth. If you continue to neglect so great a salvation offered to you? You will spend the rest of eternity wishing you had not. Whereas this girl will be grateful for anything lost in this life - that led to her gaining eternal life.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Bobby Kristina is waiting

What is taking him so long?

Bobbie Kristina is alive. And Salvation is a greater miracle than physical healing, RW. The greatest miracle is Salvation. If she encountered Christ and received Him? She has been healed. When will you call upon Christ that you might be healed?

If Christina awakens from a coma fully recovered its.....Praise God
If she is seriously brain damaged its...Gods will

God can't lose can he?
Against the backdrop of eternity, suffering is brief, the joy of heaven forever. The people of God can't lose.
The people of God have already lost. They are living a lie and dead will still be dead. Lucky for them however, they will neither no nor care upon death.

  • Ecclesiastes 9:5,6 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.

The dead seem to be just that...DEAD!
Bobby Kristina is waiting

What is taking him so long?

Bobbie Kristina is alive. And Salvation is a greater miracle than physical healing, RW. The greatest miracle is Salvation. If she encountered Christ and received Him? She has been healed. When will you call upon Christ that you might be healed?

If Christina awakens from a coma fully recovered its.....Praise God
If she is seriously brain damaged its...Gods will

God can't lose can he?
Against the backdrop of eternity, suffering is brief, the joy of heaven forever. The people of God can't lose.
The people of God have already lost. They are living a lie and dead will still be dead. Lucky for them however, they will neither no nor care upon death.

  • Ecclesiastes 9:5,6 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.

The dead seem to be just that...DEAD!

There are over 400 Scriptures in the Torah / Tanach that reference hell, Guno. I will put some scriptures up from the Old Testament that reference hell - repeatedly - when I return - God willing. ( I have to go find that testimony you asked me for) In the meantime? Listen to this man's testimony and realize that hell is a real place. A very, very real place.

One of the most important tools for promulgating religion is fear, and one of the biggest sources of fear is the inescapable fact of personal mortality: we’re all going to die someday, and we all know people we’ve loved who have died. Religion steps up to the challenge of death in its usual glib and dishonest way, and promises a mysterious “afterlife,” in which you’ll get to go on being you despite the inconvenience of your flesh rotting away. None of the proponents of this belief have the slightest scrap of evidence for their claims, other than an appeal to emotion and desire, and sometimes some really bad experiments and sloppy observations of phenomena that vanish when a little rigor is applied.

Usually, the defense of belief in an afterlife falls along a couple of lines. One is the absence of a defense; you really want to live forever, so go ahead, simply believe this claim of immortality. It’s easy! Most religions simply do that, assert with no evidence but a hefty demand that you take the story on faith…which the believers have no difficulty providing.

The other strategy is to claim evidence while not having any. Without exception, this approach is appallingly stupid; I have never read anyone claiming to have solid evidence of life after death who fails to provide a train of fallacies and distortions. And if you want appallingly stupid fallacies, there is one man you can always turn to to provide: Dinesh D’Souza. He recently took part in an interview in which he defended the notion of a Christian afterlife.

Kengor: If there is life after death, how do we know that the Christian view of the afterlife is the correct one?

D’Souza: One way is to test a uniquely Christian claim: Remember that while all the religions of the world say there is life after death, only one religion says that it has actually happened. Jews and Muslims, for example, believe that there is a resurrection at the end of the world. But Christianity asserts that its founder, Jesus Christ, died and came back to life. No other religion claims that its founder–say Moses or Muhammad–physically returned from the dead. In one of the later chapters of my book, I examine the resurrection as a historical event. I take the facts that the vast majority of historians would accept–the fact that Christ lived and preached, that he made enemies, that his enemies killed him, that he was buried in a tomb, that his disciples claim to have found the tomb empty, that they said Jesus appeared before them several times after his crucifixion, and that this event filled them with conviction and propelled a movement of conversion that was sustained even in the face of Roman persecution and resistance. So these are the facts, and how do we account for them? If the resurrection stands up to historical scrutiny, if it is an historical event by the standards of historical verification, then the Christian view of the afterlife rises above the pack. It is the one to take seriously.

Wow. He’s making a historical argument while clearly utterly ignorant of the history. Resurrections and visits to the afterlife are practically staples of just about every religion. Osiris was killed, chopped into pieces, and resurrected, yet this is not evidence that the Egyptian pantheon existed. Gilgamesh made a visit to the underworld and returned to report on its existence and conditions, but we aren’t worshipping a mob of Mesopotamian deities now. How can anyone claim that Christianity is unique in having a dead god returning to life when it’s a standard feature of many old pagan religions?

The dead are dead Pharyngula
Bobbie Kristina is alive. And Salvation is a greater miracle than physical healing, RW. The greatest miracle is Salvation. If she encountered Christ and received Him? She has been healed. When will you call upon Christ that you might be healed?

If Christina awakens from a coma fully recovered its.....Praise God
If she is seriously brain damaged its...Gods will

God can't lose can he?
Against the backdrop of eternity, suffering is brief, the joy of heaven forever. The people of God can't lose.
The people of God have already lost. They are living a lie and dead will still be dead. Lucky for them however, they will neither no nor care upon death.

  • Ecclesiastes 9:5,6 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.

The dead seem to be just that...DEAD!

There are over 400 Scriptures in the Torah / Tanach that reference hell, Guno. I will put some scriptures up from the Old Testament that reference hell - repeatedly - when I return - God willing. ( I have to go find that testimony you asked me for) In the meantime? Listen to this man's testimony and realize that hell is a real place. A very, very real place.

Not any sort of Proof
There are some mystical schools of thought in Judaism that believe resurrection is not a one-time event, but is an ongoing process. The souls of the righteous are reborn in to continue the ongoing process of tikkun olam, mending of the world. Some sources indicate that reincarnation is a routine process, while others indicate that it only occurs in unusual circumstances, where the soul left unfinished business behind. Belief in reincarnation is also one way to explain the traditional Jewish belief that every Jewish soul in history was present at Sinai and agreed to the covenant with God. (Another explanation: that the soul exists before the body, and these unborn souls were present in some form at Sinai). Belief in reincarnation is commonly held by many Chasidic sects, as well as some other mystically-inclined Jews.
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